That means he has been a Russian citizen for 5 years and gave up being American.Whatever nationality you are could you give up your birthland and cleave unto another?
It was formed specifically to attack and destroy the 10 Republicans who voted to impeach him!So Octopus trump has multiple ways to CRUSH DESTROY KILL. AND HE WILL.He has only just begun.
Sophie Hartman (white) adopted two girls (black)One of which Sophie forced to undergo 473 medical procedures including wearing leg braces and being in a wheelchair.She read that th... moreSophie Hartman (white) adopted two girls (black)One of which Sophie forced to undergo 473 medical procedures including wearing leg braces and being in a wheelchair.She read that those caring for the handicapped get more money. Clearly she is bonkers but how did the medical community perpetuate her madness? 473 medical procedures on a little girl.Something is fishy here. Someone somewhere a long time ago should have blown the whistle if the medical personnel wasn't swift enough to do so.Unnecessary surgeries, tests, feeding tubes shoved down her throat. The list of what was done is unbelievable.So. How could this have happened? How many people had to drop the ball on this one? less
"Ex-trump lawyer Sydney Powell showed up at a QANON conference in a leather biker vest covered with pro-trump and religious patches.". Know what inspiring message she delivered to ... more"Ex-trump lawyer Sydney Powell showed up at a QANON conference in a leather biker vest covered with pro-trump and religious patches.". Know what inspiring message she delivered to the people there?"Trump can be inaugurated and reinstated as President."Now who could ask for anything more signficant than that from someone so highly thought of by those who matter?Bet trump awards her the medal of valor or honor once he is reinstated. Make her Ambassador to Harley Davidson. Think what she could do there?
The Chinese government now says they can have THREE children. WhY?The population is AGING.Family planning by government permission.Where else does that exist? Oh yes right. I know ... moreThe Chinese government now says they can have THREE children. WhY?The population is AGING.Family planning by government permission.Where else does that exist? Oh yes right. I know of a someplace else that butts its nose in family planning and legislates away autonomy sovereingty and individual CHOICE. Do you too?
Anyone can label anything anything. Doesn't make it true.So does Netanyahu disunite and the opposition leader unite?Words are only as useful as they are true.
When they discovered what they had to do and whom they had to become to STAY in office they fled.They wanted NO PART of it.Many who would also be excellent will never run for polit... moreWhen they discovered what they had to do and whom they had to become to STAY in office they fled.They wanted NO PART of it.Many who would also be excellent will never run for political office since they are unwilling to drop down that low...the bellycrawlers who have to live in the mud and scum to carry on.EVERYONE? No. Of course not. But enough to dissuade them to avoid the snakepit of politics since for the most part to stay you have to become a snake.
Are some people who may be very talented not meant to compete?If you have a strong EGO and self-confidence you probably never worry about anything. But if you don't?Should you put ... moreAre some people who may be very talented not meant to compete?If you have a strong EGO and self-confidence you probably never worry about anything. But if you don't?Should you put yourself "out there" anyway? I guess you don't know until you try. She has had huge bouts of depression all the while she has won tournaments.No one should have to go through that and I'm sorry she has waited this long to say anything or do anything.Maybe she'll work it out and figure it out. Maybe we will never see her compete again. Maybe she just wasn't meant for the spotlight and being grilled. Too fragile. Too delicate. Not tough enough. I don't know. less
Deprive them of all FEDERAL anything. Money especially but also FEMA and all other means of federal assistance and subsistence. Set them adrift. Let them be/do whatever they want t... moreDeprive them of all FEDERAL anything. Money especially but also FEMA and all other means of federal assistance and subsistence. Set them adrift. Let them be/do whatever they want to alone on their own. All citizens of such states are on their own and disenfranchised disengaged deprived. The former citizens of the United States will be without a country. To be considered a citizen they will have to MOVE out of the rogue state to one that is a proud member of the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. Ignore them completely. Totally. Foreverly. They no longer exist. EXTINCT.All those band together and make something work.Why not? Good riddance. They are already committing treason and traitoring and doing things AGAINST the Constitution. They already are outlaws bad guys depraved perverted malcontents.We don't need them nor do we want them. They contribute nothing but pain and trouble and tragedy. They are full of themselves so let them rely on themselves for everythingWhy not? What could it hurt? Ever... less
Or is america the rogue the renegade the throwback? Savage never evolutes . It lies in wait and bides its time and then it STRIKES!The success of such as that is what exactly? A tr... moreOr is america the rogue the renegade the throwback? Savage never evolutes . It lies in wait and bides its time and then it STRIKES!The success of such as that is what exactly? A tragedy a comedy a farce?Involute. Convolute. Resolute. Astute. Absolute. Acute. Impute.
Well if the "winner" is president they get big fat federal contracts (NO BID) for their companies AND/OR they get fat cushy Ambassadorships. Historically and typically.Appare... moreWell if the "winner" is president they get big fat federal contracts (NO BID) for their companies AND/OR they get fat cushy Ambassadorships. Historically and typically.Apparently Joe ain't doing that. Ambassadorships will go to those who have ties to the countries in some way so they can work ON BEHALF OF THE UNITED STATES to facilitate good working relationships.Imagine that? I know. Joe is cut from a different cloth I guess. Better or less good? We don't know YET. We will.
Trying their bestest to look like those who are BORN that way? Sometimes they even get butt operations to round out flat butts.I dunno. Strange weird bizarre odd queer peculi... moreTrying their bestest to look like those who are BORN that way? Sometimes they even get butt operations to round out flat butts.I dunno. Strange weird bizarre odd queer peculiar. They go to all that trouble to change their looks and then attack insult even murder those who are born that way.Makes sense to you? How so? The guys like their women with curly hair puffed up lips rounded butts and "tan" skin. WHITE RACISTS are weird aren't they?At the very least they are CONFLICTED OBTUSE CLUELESS.
It was the LARGEST crowd that ever attended an inauguration.The trump. MASTER OF HYPERBOLE he sucks people in and THEY BELIEVE HIM. THEY BELIEVE HIM? THEY BELIEVE HIM.Hyperbolic hy... moreIt was the LARGEST crowd that ever attended an inauguration.The trump. MASTER OF HYPERBOLE he sucks people in and THEY BELIEVE HIM. THEY BELIEVE HIM? THEY BELIEVE HIM.Hyperbolic hyperbolistic hyperbolismThe trump trinity.BiggestGreatestWorstestLyingestAnd every other est that occurs to him.
Why do so many homo saps BELIEVE OBVIOUS LIES? Why do they adore the corrupt the criminal the traitor the evil?I don't get it. GOD could have given all of us the same ability to fi... moreWhy do so many homo saps BELIEVE OBVIOUS LIES? Why do they adore the corrupt the criminal the traitor the evil?I don't get it. GOD could have given all of us the same ability to figure things out. HE didn't. What reason could HE have had for doing that? If we all could think logically maybe there'd be no hate or wars. It is the first question I'd ask HIM if I were ever able to do so.It is the most puzzling and frustrating thing about homo saps. So many of them are saps and don't know it.I'm not the smartest person in the world but I can recognize bullsh** when I hear it. Why can't everyone at least do that? less
Well GOD gave them those brains and they do the best they can to use them.There are brains that are very limited and brains that are very expansive. The limited are rigid in their ... moreWell GOD gave them those brains and they do the best they can to use them.There are brains that are very limited and brains that are very expansive. The limited are rigid in their views. They cannot ever entertain anything but what they have been told to think. No stretch. No imagination. Does rigid belief that they are right.You've got the best of the best which is always more expensive. There are gradations down to ROTGUT.All they can afford with their limited "means" is the rotgut. To them it is the best champagne. They can't help believing that. They have been programmed on that track and cannot adjust. less
Spread the control. Put some in the a** some in the toes some in the eyes and nose. Share the power.Wouldn't that be better? Divest the brain of its vastly enormous influence. Brea... moreSpread the control. Put some in the a** some in the toes some in the eyes and nose. Share the power.Wouldn't that be better? Divest the brain of its vastly enormous influence. Break up the monopoly.What could it hurt? Try it and see. How hard could that be? The a** the nose the toes and eyes share equally with the brain.
Ever hear of "40 acres and a mule"? That is what was PROMISED to freed slaves and a special FIELD ORDER was written and actual distribution of the land had begun. No mules. Then gu... moreEver hear of "40 acres and a mule"? That is what was PROMISED to freed slaves and a special FIELD ORDER was written and actual distribution of the land had begun. No mules. Then guess what? Good old Andy Johnson overturned that order and returned the land to the former slave owners. Initially it was 400,000 acres which allegedly would be worth $640 BILLION today.Further slave owners were paid $300 for each freed slave to "compensate them for lost PROPERTY." Lincoln signed a bill in 1862 covering that and I expect they in fact did get their money. The freed slaves got diddly. The more things change the more they stay the same. And so it goes.As was true with the treatment of Native Americans...PROMISE MADE PROMISE BROKEN. You see consistency is essential to american "democracy".Once again treasonous traitors were treated as "victims" that DESERVED compensation. The nature of the beast cannot be changed. Anyone who thinks it can is NUTS. less
Inspired by this question that was posted by another member: more
Inspired by this question that was posted by another member:
We will never be able to repay that debt. Thank you just doesn't seem enough, but I can't think of any words that would be.
Thanks to the youngster who drew this for a class project.
People sometimes refer to female employees in a retail store as "the lady behind the store counter" or people sometimes randomly use the term "lady" to refer to women. Example: "Th... morePeople sometimes refer to female employees in a retail store as "the lady behind the store counter" or people sometimes randomly use the term "lady" to refer to women. Example: "The lady ahead of me in the check-out line."I've not heard male employees at a retail store referenced as gentleman as in "the gentleman behind the store counter." Instead, it is usually "the man behind the store counter."
Did tail lure and trump already "get it on" behind closed doors? Could be.She is really HOT STUFF you see and well trump is always drawn to HOT STUFF.Time will tell.