When will the trump GOP die? Go away? Extinctify? How much longer must we suffer the arrogance impertinance and consequences of this evil?Seriously.EVERYTHING ENDS EVENTUALLY. Even... moreWhen will the trump GOP die? Go away? Extinctify? How much longer must we suffer the arrogance impertinance and consequences of this evil?Seriously.EVERYTHING ENDS EVENTUALLY. Even donald john trump? Or does he go on forever?
All those fought so hard their entire lives to GET and PROTECT our voting rights..our civil rights. Some of them almost died doing it. Some did or were murdered specificially.Know ... moreAll those fought so hard their entire lives to GET and PROTECT our voting rights..our civil rights. Some of them almost died doing it. Some did or were murdered specificially.Know who else is weeping? GOD. If there is a LOVING GOD HE could NOT NOT be weeping at this travesty of ugly evil incivility and hate.Do I KNOW? Of course not. Do I BELIEVE? You bet your a** I do. Wherever you are out there doing whatever the he** you are doing just know that you will pay one day for what you do here. I believe that. If there is a universal justice at work that balances things out I BELIEVE THAT. Elsewise our entire lives have been a massive joke and worthless. less
The signs said "Jews will never.......us". I didn't get that missing word. They were the folks that donald john trump said of "there are good people on both sides". Yep. Well the t... moreThe signs said "Jews will never.......us". I didn't get that missing word. They were the folks that donald john trump said of "there are good people on both sides". Yep. Well the trump boys who with anti-semitic signs are the ones who sent those 17,000 tweets. You can bet your a** on it.Y'all do remember the glory of CHARLOTTESVILLE don'tcha? A shining glory moment for donald john trump and the trump boys.I wonder if tail lure remembers that? Because her conparison is ill founded. It is the similarity of NAZIS and those NAZI americans marching at Charlottesville carrying those anti-semitic signs...the trump boys of whom trump said "there are good people on both sides".The tail lure is like all GOP. Historically ignorant. less
39million two hundred and twenty thousand39,220,000!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I know! GO FIGGER!
Young people are running away in DROVES from the OLD WHITES genderwise and otherwise.Creaky with arthritis and brains filled with gummy stuff that causes Alzheimers/senility/insani... moreYoung people are running away in DROVES from the OLD WHITES genderwise and otherwise.Creaky with arthritis and brains filled with gummy stuff that causes Alzheimers/senility/insanity.Nothing there to attract life. Death stench is the perfume it wears. Death is what their members who murder seek. Death to "the other"? They do not realize they ARE the other and they are dying. We hear the death rattle. They are all deaf.
Do you think it possible that rather than battle between those who worship Satan and those who worship GOD the final battle will betweenThose who worship GODandThose who worship do... moreDo you think it possible that rather than battle between those who worship Satan and those who worship GOD the final battle will betweenThose who worship GODandThose who worship donald john trump?They cannot serve both MASTERS. They foolishly believe they can and believe they do but we KNOW they can'tSo which way do you think they will go? All those adoring worshippers who kiss the ground donald john walks upon and thank GOD for bringing their donald john to them but otherwise believe GOD the HE is of no use to themversusThose of us who believe that is BLASPHEMY that GOD would bring such EVIL to help the people find salvation.I mean just typing those words make my fingers giggle!Tossup? Everybody dies? No one wins? less
I have an HP 2710 all-in-one printer. So far I haven't ordered any spare ink cartridges because I haven't used it a lot. Instant Ink is a service by which HP will automatically del... moreI have an HP 2710 all-in-one printer. So far I haven't ordered any spare ink cartridges because I haven't used it a lot. Instant Ink is a service by which HP will automatically deliver new cartridges when you are running low. The message said:"A Network Configuration page will print. You will need the code on this printed page in the next step."
Is there a way to get past this stage or will I just have to order my new cartridge another way?
Every time I have watched it, they never mention Pepsi, Sprite, Dr. Pepper etc. All they talk about are these people I never heard of, doing things I don't care about. What's up with that?
Why don't other creative folks create other dam* good ideas to BENEFIT and HELP we the people?I know you're out there. What's the holdup?Oh y'all do know that Ohio's governor is a ... moreWhy don't other creative folks create other dam* good ideas to BENEFIT and HELP we the people?I know you're out there. What's the holdup?Oh y'all do know that Ohio's governor is a REPUBLICAN right? See? There are some among them who are intelligent and sane doing the job they took an oath to do. IMAGINE THAT?45% INCREASE in vaccinations for adults94% INCREASE in vaccinations for teens
All the murders/kills so far and those that are yet to come!Memorializing their present their now and their tomorrow. All involve bloodshed and destruction of "the other".Well what... moreAll the murders/kills so far and those that are yet to come!Memorializing their present their now and their tomorrow. All involve bloodshed and destruction of "the other".Well what the he** do you expect them to memorialize? American WAR HEROES who fought and died to keep America safe from people like THEM? Sheesh. Get a grip. Smell the skunk..
All the red states are restricting voting BIGLY. Texas is doing it in spades.To "preserve the integrity of the election!" What bullsh**. There is NO INTEGRITY when a red gets his/h... moreAll the red states are restricting voting BIGLY. Texas is doing it in spades.To "preserve the integrity of the election!" What bullsh**. There is NO INTEGRITY when a red gets his/her hands on democracy. All downhill from there. Our future. Getting grimmer and grimmer. YA LIKEE BIGGEE?Yer gonna like even biglier this.Texas is currently working on a measure to MAKE IT EASIER TO OVERTURN ELECTIONS!Music to your ears ain't it? No more worries about who wins or loses. You don't like the result OVERTURN it.Is everybody happy?Yep. Those reds sure know how to run a country. State by state by state by state by state etcetera and so forth. AIN'T IT GREAT? AIN'T THEY GREAT? AIN'T LIFE GREAT? Hip hip hooray for all the reds in all the states.
Long may they wave or dangle as the case may be. less
Who is due? Whose turn is it?This time 2 dead 20 wounded so far...more to come of either one? How should I know? It's breaking news RIGHT NOW.Anyway money is the carrot of most hom... moreWho is due? Whose turn is it?This time 2 dead 20 wounded so far...more to come of either one? How should I know? It's breaking news RIGHT NOW.Anyway money is the carrot of most homo saps. They will bet on anything at anytime.How about one for LOCATION of the MASSACRE and one for HOW MANY ARE DEAD? The more dead the more you win.Absurd? Not at all. What is absurd is that mass shooting massacres are standard everyday fare in America.Why not bet on it? Make a buck wherever you can? What could it hurt? Everyone says so. less
Diamond is among the HARDEST things so a diamond if real should scratch glass. But there are some fakes that can scratch glass too so there are other way to authentic a diamond.So ... moreDiamond is among the HARDEST things so a diamond if real should scratch glass. But there are some fakes that can scratch glass too so there are other way to authentic a diamond.So you must be rich if you have gold and diamonds.I mean what "poor" person is intimately familiar with either one? Must be fun.
Wouldn't she be a PERFECT HEAD of some 3rd rate country? Another despot dictator in a DAME'S BOD? How many of them have there ever been? She could be a FIRST OF ITS KIND!
Yep. She cannot afford to have anyone put any doubt in her mind or doubt her. So she will now wimp out of every press conference at Roland Garros (FRENCH OPEN)!I liked her a lot. N... moreYep. She cannot afford to have anyone put any doubt in her mind or doubt her. So she will now wimp out of every press conference at Roland Garros (FRENCH OPEN)!I liked her a lot. NOW? She doesn't have the right stuff to go the distance. She isn't tough enough to withstand being questioned about her plays.Good sportsmanship it is not. Oh well. There ya go. Folks aren't always what or whom they SEEM to be.Attending press conferences is part of being a PROFESSIONAL tennis player. Or golf or basketball or football or whatever. It is not anything a "delicate flower" should do for sure.YOUR thoughts on this? less
Ya gotchure HITLER and the genocides and all his clones and copycat vile headsYa gotchure THREE STOOGES and the stupid dumbs who blindly follow the leaderYour middle twixt the two would be?
Over time the scripts keep changing as do our roles. We have no control over the storyline but we do have control over how we play those roles.It's possible in one script we fight ... moreOver time the scripts keep changing as do our roles. We have no control over the storyline but we do have control over how we play those roles.It's possible in one script we fight right and in another we undermine it.A good actor must be believable and flexible. Are you?
Getting JUSTICE FOR ALL is the ideal. How often does it prevail?Everyone is "entitled" to a defense...especially the guilty SOB's allegedly apparently. But they are NOT entitled to... moreGetting JUSTICE FOR ALL is the ideal. How often does it prevail?Everyone is "entitled" to a defense...especially the guilty SOB's allegedly apparently. But they are NOT entitled to crushing their victims by whatever means necessary nor are they entitled to WINNING and they do that a lot. Corrupt "justice" is what does that. More and more and more and more and more.How often is JUSTICE corrupted?
Rare though it may be on occasion I have engaged with what seemed to be a ROBOT.Are they limited to replying to the spoken word or is there some enhanced thing that actually allow ... moreRare though it may be on occasion I have engaged with what seemed to be a ROBOT.Are they limited to replying to the spoken word or is there some enhanced thing that actually allow them to "read" and reply as if they were human?