Ya got ure tail lure and ya got ure step on the neck and ya got all of them supporting full speed ahead onthe Cannibals who create the child sex trafficking/murdering cabal that tr... moreYa got ure tail lure and ya got ure step on the neck and ya got all of them supporting full speed ahead onthe Cannibals who create the child sex trafficking/murdering cabal that trump was sent by GOD himself to stop.You betchure bippy. All of them without exception are on board with THAT. Deep state dark gubment created just to destroy a trump!The infamous "THEY" are working diligently everywhere in everyway to insure a return of the trump to the head of the gubment and to destroy whatever and whomever tries to get in his way.A very GODLY mission on which all of them agreed to engage in together whatever they weather or whether they survive.Yes they are willing to die to achieve it and murder most honorably every minute of every hour of every day of every week of every month of every year. GOD is on their side. GOD approves of what they do. GOD will protect them and keep them safe as they vanquish "the other". Which is everyone not of their ILK.Geez what a cool thing to be part of. Y'all are proud as he** of you... less
ExampleThose who show up on a thread to say "I don't care."SAY WHAT?Or those who show up to ask why you asked what you asked?.SAY WHAT?Both responses are insults of course so they ... moreExampleThose who show up on a thread to say "I don't care."SAY WHAT?Or those who show up to ask why you asked what you asked?.SAY WHAT?Both responses are insults of course so they go out of their way to put others down and then they feel real good? Weirdly peculiar and queer. Have they nothing better to do with their time than waste it like that?
The first time he disagreed with me and we talked about it at length. He was three years old.He presented his side and gave me the whys. I presented mine and gave him my whys. I ho... moreThe first time he disagreed with me and we talked about it at length. He was three years old.He presented his side and gave me the whys. I presented mine and gave him my whys. I honestly do not remember what the disagreement was about but I do remember how PROUD I was that he was holding his own and remained very calm and serious about it. I just couldn't believe he had grown that much into an independent little guy with a logical mind and the ability to share verbally what was going on within.That set the template for future disagreements and the inevitable discussions that followed.What are/were your proudest moments? less
Realizes that wanting to be another gender did not do anything to make his/her life better.So he/she transitions back to the original gender.I wonder how often that happens?
We are told that cuddling babies and holding them is CRUCIAL to their development. Otherwise they may become sociopaths.AND YETThere are some people who not only DESPISE being hugg... moreWe are told that cuddling babies and holding them is CRUCIAL to their development. Otherwise they may become sociopaths.AND YETThere are some people who not only DESPISE being hugged but also being touched.So how can that be?
Bertram Trail High School in St. John's County Florida ALTERED the photos of girls' chests in the yearbook to modest them upThe swim team of guys however wearing SPEEDOS was not al... moreBertram Trail High School in St. John's County Florida ALTERED the photos of girls' chests in the yearbook to modest them upThe swim team of guys however wearing SPEEDOS was not altered at all.I mean isn't that awesome?Now do I know this for a fact? No. I just read on the internet. Is it all lies or trues? I don't know that either. I just thought it was so dam* hot I had to share it. I mean who do those trampy girls thing they are anyway? As for the guys in Speedos well that is proof they are guys right? Who is gonna argue with that? less
It ain't my idea but I think it is swell as he**! 5 ultra con counties in Oregon want to secede from that state and join Idaho and become part of it.Why stop there?Why not have eve... moreIt ain't my idea but I think it is swell as he**! 5 ultra con counties in Oregon want to secede from that state and join Idaho and become part of it.Why stop there?Why not have every red state county break away and make a new state biggerer and betterer than everer calling TRUMP?You trump fans won't object and won't you non-fans rejoice in getting rid of those folks who whine all the time?Think about it. The 51st state of TRUMP. What other former prez can boast of that distinction?
Ultra extreme right win trumpy counties are sick and tired of libs ruining their state so easily solved. They secede from the horrid Oregon and join Idaho. I think it's a GREAT IDEA!
I masked gloved social distanced but where I went and what I did? Very little changed. I was lucky. Not being a traveler or a fan of being in large crowds or eating out my life was... moreI masked gloved social distanced but where I went and what I did? Very little changed. I was lucky. Not being a traveler or a fan of being in large crowds or eating out my life was fairly "normal" for me all the way throught. Main thing? Visiting. Going there or having them come here.
It turned over custody of VOTING MACHINES AND COMPLETED BALLOTS to the ninja turtles in cyberspace. FOR WEEKS.What good are they now? What good are the ballots now? They have all b... moreIt turned over custody of VOTING MACHINES AND COMPLETED BALLOTS to the ninja turtles in cyberspace. FOR WEEKS.What good are they now? What good are the ballots now? They have all been CONTAMINATED BY NUTJOB CRACKPOT IGNORAMUS republicans and sympathizer trump lovers..Good show guys. What's your next pet trick to screw up elections in every state for good?
Those who wore "gold stars" during the HOLOCAUST!I just watched and heard her! That clip is so awesome popular it will be run and rerun and rerun and quoted and she will never live... moreThose who wore "gold stars" during the HOLOCAUST!I just watched and heard her! That clip is so awesome popular it will be run and rerun and rerun and quoted and she will never live it down and always be remembered for it!Wearing masks is like wearing a gold star during the holocaust where people were identified and put on trains a and sent to gas chambers. Not her EXACT words but them's what she was saying.I don't know how many of you lost relatives during the holocaust. Are you offended by tail lure or proud of her for thinking of you?I'm sure she will honor us and bless us with more of her brilliant observations. Lucky republicans. She is all theirs.I believe that is her way of sucking up to Jewish people so they know she is on their side. I mean why else would she reach that far out and stretch that far afield to bring them in to her world? So they will know they have a friend in her and can count on her to back them and support them and be there for them if they ever need her. Very clever strategy. Think it ... less
She said the election was NOT FRAUDLENT. That Joe Biden won fairly. She is anti THE BIG LIEI thought that was VERY BRAVE THING she said and I thought that was great.Now?She "refuse... moreShe said the election was NOT FRAUDLENT. That Joe Biden won fairly. She is anti THE BIG LIEI thought that was VERY BRAVE THING she said and I thought that was great.Now?She "refuses to connect the false election loss claims with the new Republican PUSH TO TIGHTEN VOTING REGULATIONS.Say what? Yep. That's what she done did alright. So as I said her logic is disassembled somewhere "up there".OF COURSE the push to take over the control of election outcomes has been exacerbated by the fair election win of Joe Biden and the constant whining of the I WUZ ROBBED guy is getting more than a little tiresome. But that is all anyone will hear between now and when he "wins" in 2024 at all his planned I WUZ ROBBED rallies. He can't lose. All his peeps will be in charge in control and do the rolling over "yes massa" he expected they'd do in 2020. Think it's a an exaggeration?The goal is to get trump back in as presidentThe means are by whatever means is necessary and do whatever it takesI rest my case less
An "activist" PROTESTS CRITICIZES the power that bees or the powers that be.That is not allowed.That is dangerous.All activists critics dissidents anti-heads MUST BE DESTROYED BY A... moreAn "activist" PROTESTS CRITICIZES the power that bees or the powers that be.That is not allowed.That is dangerous.All activists critics dissidents anti-heads MUST BE DESTROYED BY ANY MEANS NECESSARY!Sheesh. Pantywaist weaklings. All ya gotta do is shut your mouth...go silent dumb...stifle it. Lie. Pretend.Everyone does it. Stop avoiding being everyone and just join in and disappear into the crowd. Everyone always knows best. Silence is golden. Do you know which side YOUR bread is buttered on?
As long as you get them why do you care who gives them to you or allows you to have them?Right?Political views...all are welcome. All extremes are welcome. Anything goes. Is long a... moreAs long as you get them why do you care who gives them to you or allows you to have them?Right?Political views...all are welcome. All extremes are welcome. Anything goes. Is long as YOU survive what the he** right?As long as the head provides for you and doesn't attack you what do you care if he worship the devil murders people in every city (except yours) tortures rapes cheats crushes destroys lies? What's it to you what kind of 'character' or lack thereof the big shot is or has or does. As long as it is done to "others" not you. Makes sense. Why make waves?. Just go along to get along. Everyone does it. Everyone says so. How can everyone be wrong about anything? Everyone agrees they are always right about everything all the time. less
There have been DOZENS of "presidents" in America. What we need is a brand new designation.All ideas welcome. What would you like your next trump to be called?It must not be any wo... moreThere have been DOZENS of "presidents" in America. What we need is a brand new designation.All ideas welcome. What would you like your next trump to be called?It must not be any word having been used before like King. Too ordinary.Something SPECTACULAR UNIQUE ONE OF A KIND.There's time to think up something wondrous. Get crackin'.
It makes perfect sense. They know in advance the result they want so all they have to do to insure it is to control the election, the voting, the counting, the legalizing, the auth... moreIt makes perfect sense. They know in advance the result they want so all they have to do to insure it is to control the election, the voting, the counting, the legalizing, the authorizing, verifying. No sweat. It's set. Sure thing. Amazing.One wonders WHY they didn't think of it hundreds of years ago?
You would dial the weight you wanted to be and your METABOLISM would activate and get you there.So that's the wishful thinking part.Anyone know how to effect that?
TruthBeing disagreed with/criticized damages their fragile egos and heightens their sense of inadequacy lack of intellect and lack of purpose other than to CONTROL RULE POWER and O... moreTruthBeing disagreed with/criticized damages their fragile egos and heightens their sense of inadequacy lack of intellect and lack of purpose other than to CONTROL RULE POWER and OVERPOWERBig tubs of hot air.Whatever the size the innards are identical. Yellow belly cowardsTerrified frightened little babies who scream and cry and hissy fit and tantrum to keep people from learning how small and insipid and impotent they really are. You know that though right? No surprise to you.
152 lb.Allegedly trump is 6' 3"Putin is 5' 6""Brother from a different mother. Didja know?Trump is the supersized extra large gargantuan humongous huge and weighs more than twice w... more152 lb.Allegedly trump is 6' 3"Putin is 5' 6""Brother from a different mother. Didja know?Trump is the supersized extra large gargantuan humongous huge and weighs more than twice what his little brother weighsPutin is the pipsqueak sizeRemember the movie with Danny de Vito and Arnold Schwarzenegger where they were brothers too?
Put him in a very large tomb on which is inscribed every single tweet he ever tweeted.Every word of every single rally speech he ever utteredEvery word of every TV appearanceI know... morePut him in a very large tomb on which is inscribed every single tweet he ever tweeted.Every word of every single rally speech he ever utteredEvery word of every TV appearanceI know. The tomb will have to be very huge but he is worth it.That way the adoring worshippers can pilgrimmage there and read and reread and reread his every word. IMMORTALITYWhat perfecter way to honor his existence and what he did for this country than that?
Do they attack, insult, malign, lie all the time to compensate for their lacks of which there are very very very many?The more frightened they are and weak the louder the speak and... moreDo they attack, insult, malign, lie all the time to compensate for their lacks of which there are very very very many?The more frightened they are and weak the louder the speak and squeak and pique?
DESPOTA king or other ruler with absolute unlimited power; autocratAny tyrant or oppressorDICTATORA person exercising absolute power especially a ruler who has absolute unrestricte... moreDESPOTA king or other ruler with absolute unlimited power; autocratAny tyrant or oppressorDICTATORA person exercising absolute power especially a ruler who has absolute unrestricted control in a government without hereditary succession
What makes someone a SORE LOSER?Havin Role models who were sore losersGrandiose sense of self as a smokescreen for lack of self-esteemSo sensitive that a wound gets triggered every... moreWhat makes someone a SORE LOSER?Havin Role models who were sore losersGrandiose sense of self as a smokescreen for lack of self-esteemSo sensitive that a wound gets triggered every time they loseNarcissistic with a sense of superiorityThink their worth is determined by outcomesThey cheat their way to victory which is always a loss and an admission they are losers