The dynamics of a CROWD versus the individuals in them. Very different.Are crowds a problem? Do they harm more than they help? When the crowd gets strength from one another it beco... moreThe dynamics of a CROWD versus the individuals in them. Very different.Are crowds a problem? Do they harm more than they help? When the crowd gets strength from one another it becomes a monster doesn't it? Then if beer is served at the concessons stands some get drunk as skunks or maybe they bring their own. Maybe they are on drugs too.Do you enjoy crowds? Being part of them? Do they juice you up embolden you make you feel part of something STRONG? Or do you avoid them?
Aren't they what help to destroy a society? Knowing it's wrong but doing it anyway or thinking it's right and doing it proudly?Which is worse when the outcome is inevitable dastardly deadly?
When I was a kid and my mom was about 40 she told me that at times she still felt 16 inside. I thought that was OUTRAGEOUS! Well here I am at 83 and me? Sometimes I'm 6 or 13 or 16... moreWhen I was a kid and my mom was about 40 she told me that at times she still felt 16 inside. I thought that was OUTRAGEOUS! Well here I am at 83 and me? Sometimes I'm 6 or 13 or 16 too. How easy it is to shed the years at times when you're older. Personally I think it's a gift and a blessing.What childish thing or things have you held on to that you think is a blessing too?
An advertising campaign for HEINZ KETCHUP in the 1980'sA 1984 song by Nayobe A U.K. advertising campaign for GUINNESS STOUT in the 1990's and 2000's.So much for creativity imaginat... moreAn advertising campaign for HEINZ KETCHUP in the 1980'sA 1984 song by Nayobe A U.K. advertising campaign for GUINNESS STOUT in the 1990's and 2000's.So much for creativity imagination invention. Ride the coattails of others. What could it hurt?
Ever hear of Lady Montgomery Currie? Her pseudonym is Violet Fane. She wrote a poem in French titled "Tout Vient Aqui Sait Attendre" in 1892 the English translation of which is bel... moreEver hear of Lady Montgomery Currie? Her pseudonym is Violet Fane. She wrote a poem in French titled "Tout Vient Aqui Sait Attendre" in 1892 the English translation of which is below. What we never knew or heard was how it ends. We just were told "wait and whatever it is that you want will come to you." Well that was just one shoe.All hoped for things will come to youWho have the strength to watch and waitThe longings spur the steeds of fateThis has been said by one who knewAh, ALL THINGS COME TO THOSE WHO WAIT(I say these words to make me glad)But something answers soft and sadThey come but often come too late less
Know what happened to many of them? They ended up in the US House of Representatives and the Senate proudly "acting up" and causing trouble because what they are beholden to is the... moreKnow what happened to many of them? They ended up in the US House of Representatives and the Senate proudly "acting up" and causing trouble because what they are beholden to is the antithesis of good kind caring logical and common sensical.How queerly peculiarly that so many of them sought the same end isn't it? All republicans of course. All bent on blocking anything helpful to we the people. All taking off and going of and making noise to get attention.Perhaps it is our punishment for being conned by them and allowing them to gain power. I dunno. It's embarrassing as he**. Also horrifying and frightening. They're still the smart a** troublemakers only now they got the power! less
Further there are people who have underlying conditions causing their immune systems to be more compromised and therefore getting "the shot" does not protect them fully. If you are... moreFurther there are people who have underlying conditions causing their immune systems to be more compromised and therefore getting "the shot" does not protect them fully. If you are OBESE, have diabetes, are on CHEMO for instance. ALSO those of us CANCER SURVIVORS may always be at risk. We don't know what happened to our immune systems due to the chemo we endured.What we KNOW is this. WE DON'T KNOW a lot more than we do know. Which means caution and precaution and logical and common sense SHOULD be what we all are. Whatever. less
A single-edge sword is stronger because the dull side is thicker. But "the enemy" can grab the dull side and take it away. The double-edge sword is better at thrusting, piercing th... moreA single-edge sword is stronger because the dull side is thicker. But "the enemy" can grab the dull side and take it away. The double-edge sword is better at thrusting, piercing through armor, and no one is going to grab the blade. But the downside is that it is subject to breakage because both sides are thin.The double-edge sword requires more maintenance having to sharpen two sides rather than just oneIs it best to have both?
Or will US "special forces" go in and "exrract them"?One option for someone with lots of money facing multiple criminal charges is to get out of Didge...leave the country...split. ... moreOr will US "special forces" go in and "exrract them"?One option for someone with lots of money facing multiple criminal charges is to get out of Didge...leave the country...split. Just because the country to which the criminal flees has no extradition treaty with the US doesn't mean he is safe right? Or does it?There are dozens of countries that have no extradition treaties with the United States. Why I don't know.Or does the crook have to just disappear off the face of the earth figuratively and never be heard from again?Smart move isn't it? Run away? less
My wife lost her ex husband 2 years ago me and her got together not long after he died me and her were already good friends. She had a son with him he's almost 10. They were really... moreMy wife lost her ex husband 2 years ago me and her got together not long after he died me and her were already good friends. She had a son with him he's almost 10. They were really young when they had him he was only 15 she was 18 they were 18 and 21 when they got married they were married for 6 years they been best friends since they were kids they were together for a long time. Next month would have been their 8 year wedding anniversary last year was hard for her it was her first anniversary without him. He was only 24 when he died. Her brother's friend killed him in a car accident she said she'll never forgive him for it she still hasn't he died just a week after his 24th birthday their son was only 8 when he died it was really hard on him he was really close to him even 2 years later it's still hard especially when he sees his friends and other kids with their dads and they ask about him she put him up for adoption which she's not sure if it was the right thing to do he now lives with his uncle and his partn... less
If they want to gorge themselves to death or drink themselves to death or drug themselves to death.Do we have an obligation to engage in intervention or an obligation to let people... moreIf they want to gorge themselves to death or drink themselves to death or drug themselves to death.Do we have an obligation to engage in intervention or an obligation to let people alone to "do their thang" providing no one else gets hurt?Is there a societal conscience/collective conscience that should prevail or is a conscience limited to the individual?
There must be a reason WHY or reasons WHY mustn't there?Do you enjoy controlling others?I'm not talking about parents guiding teaching educating their children. I am talking about ... moreThere must be a reason WHY or reasons WHY mustn't there?Do you enjoy controlling others?I'm not talking about parents guiding teaching educating their children. I am talking about adults controlling other adults.I'm not talking about gun-crazy maniacs. Or political ideology partisan nutjob crackpot nincompoops. They need to be controlled. I am talking about those who want to control the normal regular adult sane logical person. What they think what they say what they do. Anyone got a clue?
Will there be a whole new section of study called "trumpism"? Will it be studied and investigated and taken apart and put back together repeatedly to figure it out? Will there be a... moreWill there be a whole new section of study called "trumpism"? Will it be studied and investigated and taken apart and put back together repeatedly to figure it out? Will there be an EXPERT on trumpism to whom all will listen to understand what it is and how it infiltrated a certain segment of humankind?It is not a worldwide passion. It is located in one narrow tiny portion of the world with a very small population. It is not contagious but once you get it you never get rid of it and you do pass it on down through genetics to your children.Something we feared but now? We see it for what it is. A madness. A plague. A black death. But localized.What good came from it? That will be explored. Did the horrendously egregious outweigh the good? Were there any survivors that healed and rid themselves of it or once gotten it stays got?All of that may well be documented. It will take a series of books to cover it. When will they be published and available to the public? AFTER all of the sh** hits all of the fans and the ma... less