He sez there should be NO EXAMINATION of the January 6 attemped insurrection unless there are also investions into the Black Lives Matter social protests. No one tried to overthfow... moreHe sez there should be NO EXAMINATION of the January 6 attemped insurrection unless there are also investions into the Black Lives Matter social protests. No one tried to overthfow the government. No one carried nooses and sought pols to HANG! No one rifled through desks and offices and took selfies at desk of top Democrats.But McCarthy equates them and sno justification in seeking out the TRUTH of who what when where why of January 6. WHO WERE THE PLAYERS? WHO WERE THE INSTIGATORS? WHO WERE THE FACILITATORS? WHO WERE THE TRAITORS?This dumbbell wants to be Speaker of the House. Seriously. less
Something is lacking. They don't stop at one or two or three. There is a consistent MULTIPLICITY OVERKILL PANIC REACTION every time all the time no exceptions.I am not a gun person... moreSomething is lacking. They don't stop at one or two or three. There is a consistent MULTIPLICITY OVERKILL PANIC REACTION every time all the time no exceptions.I am not a gun person. Bet I wouldn't have to shoot 14 times. PUmp 14 bullets into a person running away. Why do they? Why do they? Why do they? Why? Why do they?In fact why shoot anyone who is running away? There is NO THREAT? Crazy ain't it?
The New York Attorney General has informed the trump organization that its investigation is now one that will carry CRIMINAL PENALTIES. What for? Whatever trump et al did that was ... moreThe New York Attorney General has informed the trump organization that its investigation is now one that will carry CRIMINAL PENALTIES. What for? Whatever trump et al did that was a crime of course. Probably multiple crimes on multiple levels by multiple people.I told ya it's getting gooder and gooder every day in every way. Hay hey hay!But de santis won't extradite right? WHose is bigger? Whose right is mightier? Which one is the gnat and which one is the elephant?
For starters he will never be House Speaker. If he can't get the members to protect him because he is terrified of having to testify then of what use is he futurely?So this vote is... moreFor starters he will never be House Speaker. If he can't get the members to protect him because he is terrified of having to testify then of what use is he futurely?So this vote is very significant. The bill was worked out BIPARTISANLY which means there is some Republican support for it. McConnell is playing his cards close to his vest and waiting before he makes a final determination.BUT if House Republicans vote pro going forward it's gonna make it a lot harder for Senate Republicans to refuse to back it.Stay tuned. It's getting good. Some possibilities are possible now. Will they won't they? Stay tuned. less
So why are some homo saps so dam* BOSSY? Why do they want to control what you say or do or think or feel?Who made them the boss of you?I don't get it.Insufferables.
If we all believed we were brothers and sisters might we also believe in that?Of course you can't believe what you're taught not to can you?Every man for himself.Keep your eyes on ... moreIf we all believed we were brothers and sisters might we also believe in that?Of course you can't believe what you're taught not to can you?Every man for himself.Keep your eyes on your own plateMy way or the highwayButt outI have mine get your ownYou know the drill. Sigh. So hopeless then isn't it? Or is it?
Is that why Netanyahu is the monstrous coldhearted man he is? NEVER AGAIN? So any perceived threat to anything in which Jews are involved must be CRUSHED?Does Netanyahu believe in ... moreIs that why Netanyahu is the monstrous coldhearted man he is? NEVER AGAIN? So any perceived threat to anything in which Jews are involved must be CRUSHED?Does Netanyahu believe in GOD? Does he go to synagogue and pray to anyone for anything besides VICTORY?Or is he a pretender?I don't believe the Jewish people are warriors or murderers nor do they adore what is going on today.I do believe the Israelia heads and decision makers are monstrous evil and seem to have a free reign.How did that happen? How did such a one as he come to power? He has been charged with corruption and criminal activity and yet there he is ordering airstrikes and counting quite joyfully the number of dead each day.Cold driven focused. I don't get it. Blocking off access to their holy places where they would gather is what he has done to the Palestinians. Tip of the iceberg. Drop in the bucket. He is vicious vengeful relentless and filled by rage and hate. "Blessed are the peacemakers". He does not want peace. He will never fight for peace. ... less
"The shedding of blood (SHEFIKHUT DAMIM) is the primevil sin (GEN. 4.8) and throughout the centuries ranks in Jewish Law as the GREATEST MOST REPREHENSIBLE OF ALL OFFENSES."Also th... more"The shedding of blood (SHEFIKHUT DAMIM) is the primevil sin (GEN. 4.8) and throughout the centuries ranks in Jewish Law as the GREATEST MOST REPREHENSIBLE OF ALL OFFENSES."Also though Jews are allowed to embark on a military operation to kill terrorists who reside among civilians when they KNOW civilians will be killed in the process.Take your pick. Choose one.
Net says he will continue the carnage until "everything is quiet".Or everyone he hates is dead. Whichever comes frist.It is true the dead don't make any noise. I get that.
Anything you thought was RIGHT that you rethought was WRONG?Anything you thought was GOOD that you rethought was BAD?Were those rethinks due to the influence of others or did they ... moreAnything you thought was RIGHT that you rethought was WRONG?Anything you thought was GOOD that you rethought was BAD?Were those rethinks due to the influence of others or did they come entirely from within you? Realizations triggered by something?
There are no yardsticks or scales. Either/or with their wants at the core.So ethics morality integrity is never in play with them. Which means they have no brakes.That could ... moreThere are no yardsticks or scales. Either/or with their wants at the core.So ethics morality integrity is never in play with them. Which means they have no brakes.That could explain the how and why of rampant misery inflicted on "the other"If you never once question that what you do/say is bad wrong evil you just sail through life happily ever after with like-minded ilk around you. SIGH.
Coming to your county next with charges of MASSIVE PROVABLE FRAUD in your 2020 prez election?One by one they strike. So far no dice but that's only two counties in America. How man... moreComing to your county next with charges of MASSIVE PROVABLE FRAUD in your 2020 prez election?One by one they strike. So far no dice but that's only two counties in America. How many counties are there? Wlll they set up their "operations" eventually in every single one? Who is gonna stop 'em?
What are some foods or beverages that you personally only consume on a holiday?
Bonus points, please name both the consumable AND its corresponding holiday.
“Stub” is a verb that in the English language only appears to apply to one very particular and very precise part of the human body. I cannot think of any other ... more
“Stub” is a verb that in the English language only appears to apply to one very particular and very precise part of the human body. I cannot think of any other references in English where it comes into play as a verb. We don’t say, “I stubbed my elbow, or chin, or finger, or knee”. More than that, the concept of stubbing one’s toe, and/or the phrase, “I stubbed my toe” is so deeply ingrained into our shared vernacular that even though we sometimes express it in other ways, such as, “I banged my toe” or “I smashed my toe”, the stub is more common. Two questions:1. What other verb is used expressly for talking about only one particular human body part the way this one is for a toe?2. Prove me wrong. Can you think of other commonly-known uses of the verb “stub” in relation to human body parts?~ less
(I mean, come ON! It’s not as if the basement accommodations aren’t conducive to nonstop sandwich-making, cut off of relationships with her family and friends, ... more
(I mean, come ON! It’s not as if the basement accommodations aren’t conducive to nonstop sandwich-making, cut off of relationships with her family and friends, complete departure from her previous life, an emptying of her life savings, and absolute self-denial! I’ve thought of everything!)~