"Jewish Americans gathered in New York Friday night to protest Israel's actions in the wake of the bruising 11-day war leaving more than 250 dead...the vast majority being Palestin... more"Jewish Americans gathered in New York Friday night to protest Israel's actions in the wake of the bruising 11-day war leaving more than 250 dead...the vast majority being Palestinians."GOD BLESS THEM!
"Guards on duty the night that pedophile child sex trafficker Jeff Epstein "died" by "suicide" admit they falsified records and struck a deal with prosecutors to avoid jail time."WHO CARES?
Two womenStep on your neckTail lureOne manMatt GaetzThey can be copycatted in multiplicities and will win ever contest in which they show up.Finally. Pols worthy of the GOP.
The return and REVENGE of white supremacists.How could you not know that? It's so obvious. I know it's shockingly terrifying to know how many racists there living in America but it... moreThe return and REVENGE of white supremacists.How could you not know that? It's so obvious. I know it's shockingly terrifying to know how many racists there living in America but it is what it is. 74 milion of them voted for him again and he LOST because 81 million voted for Joe.74 Millions is a lot of white supremacists racist haters. Prloblem is they aren't tattooed so we can identify them.What to do what to do what to do?
They all be PATRIOTS TO A GUY that's why!They do GOD'S work.No way no how. More coming in red states. More audits for the same reason by the same people. To forge a bond with the I... moreThey all be PATRIOTS TO A GUY that's why!They do GOD'S work.No way no how. More coming in red states. More audits for the same reason by the same people. To forge a bond with the I WUZ ROBBED icon.STOP THE STEALFor goodness sakes folks...get on board the I WUZ ROBBED train and don't get off. Why wood ya?
Mara Casale, 27 years oldJacob Erdeljac, 40 years oldNow what on earth would Vic have done with a gun? See what a blessing it is to be always having available a loaded weapon to ta... moreMara Casale, 27 years oldJacob Erdeljac, 40 years oldNow what on earth would Vic have done with a gun? See what a blessing it is to be always having available a loaded weapon to take anyone out for any reason or no reason?Sure ya do.
"6-year-old fatally shot during apparent road rage attack on 55 Freeway in Orange" (california). He was on his way to school riding in his mom's car and the bullet that hit went ri... more"6-year-old fatally shot during apparent road rage attack on 55 Freeway in Orange" (california). He was on his way to school riding in his mom's car and the bullet that hit went right through his back. DOA at the age of 6.See what a blessing guns can be?
"Louisiana releases footage of Ronald Green's arrest (MURDER) that ex-officers say further erodes trust in police."No kidding? Imagine that? What is the world coming to?Sigh. More ... more"Louisiana releases footage of Ronald Green's arrest (MURDER) that ex-officers say further erodes trust in police."No kidding? Imagine that? What is the world coming to?Sigh. More stupid dumb on stage. Clueless murderers. Is there any other kind?
PalestiniansDEAD 2,251 of which 1462 were civilians of which 551 were children and 299 were womenINJURED 17,125IsraelisDEAD 85INJURED 2,639So this most recent "skirmish" wasn... morePalestiniansDEAD 2,251 of which 1462 were civilians of which 551 were children and 299 were womenINJURED 17,125IsraelisDEAD 85INJURED 2,639So this most recent "skirmish" wasn't as deadly. It also didn't last as long.But rest assured in every future "skirmish" Israelis will always die less and get injured less. Sigh.
The tail lure said "The people who breached the capitol on Januar 6 are being abused."Ron Johnson said "it was a peaceful protest"Another republican said "it looked like any touris... moreThe tail lure said "The people who breached the capitol on Januar 6 are being abused."Ron Johnson said "it was a peaceful protest"Another republican said "it looked like any tourist visit"Which of three is closest to the truth? How would you describe what we saw and heard on January 6?As I said we all observe perceive comprehend differently. We cannot not.
Would you be sympathetic and try to comfort such an individual?Or are you like me and think he is a whinya** weakling?Written in one sitting on October 25, 1819 by Percy Bysshe Shelley
Embryos are replicated by the thousands and are born in test tubes.There are 5 castes. Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Delta and EpsilonVaccinations into the embryos determine what type ... moreEmbryos are replicated by the thousands and are born in test tubes.There are 5 castes. Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Delta and EpsilonVaccinations into the embryos determine what type of embryo it will become. Of course the ALPHAS are the leaders and the EPSILONS are those who do menial labor. The others are injected too and form the basic bones of the society. There is no war. Everyone lives happily.So which world of fiction might you have found more to your liking? 1984 or Brave New World.Some things written many decades ago hit close home here. Very uncomfy to find that the creative minds of those of the long ago could foresee such a future. Isn't it? less
If not here's a synopsis"It's about the consequences of Totalitarianism, mass surveillance by the government and rep4ressive regimentation of persons and behaviors within a society... moreIf not here's a synopsis"It's about the consequences of Totalitarianism, mass surveillance by the government and rep4ressive regimentation of persons and behaviors within a society."It's modeled after Stalinist Russia."The novel examines the role of TRUTH and FACTS within politics and the WAYS IN WHICH THEY ARE MANIPULATED."Life consists of "perpetual war, omnipresent government surveillance, historical NEGATIONISM, propaganda.""The ruling party employs the thought police to persecute individuals and independent thinking.""Big Brother is the head and represents the cult of personality though he may not even exist."George Orwell was inspired by Aldous Huxley who wrote BRAVE NEW WORLD but that's another story entirely. less
Attaining perfection for everyone sounds groovy. But just stop and think.No one to criticize badger hammer attack insult destroy? What fun would that be for thee or anyone?Is... moreAttaining perfection for everyone sounds groovy. But just stop and think.No one to criticize badger hammer attack insult destroy? What fun would that be for thee or anyone?Isn't the badger hammer attack insult destroy the basis of joy enlightenment and entertainment fer cryin' out loud? Take that away and what's left? Peace tranquility civility? Terrible thought isn't it?
If they could have PASSED AS WHITE, straightened their hair, adopted the hoity toity language of whites and made very certain they did nothing untoward to call attention to themsel... moreIf they could have PASSED AS WHITE, straightened their hair, adopted the hoity toity language of whites and made very certain they did nothing untoward to call attention to themselves would they have done so?I mean it cost them their lives. Being true to whom they are. How and why hundreds of thousands or millions died?Some who are black have passed as white.They generally have a WHITE parent. Saved their lives undoubtedly.So what is a life worth? A life of lying pretending avoiding?Is there anything more important than STAYING ALIVE? less
Skin colorReligionPoliticsEducationFinancial situationWho they love or sleep withHow they dressWhat they admireWhat they don't admireWhat they believeWhat they don't believeWho the... moreSkin colorReligionPoliticsEducationFinancial situationWho they love or sleep withHow they dressWhat they admireWhat they don't admireWhat they believeWhat they don't believeWho they believeWho they don't believeAnd many other things too numerous to go into. We know what they are and they just are not worthy. Like we are. They just can't perform the way we can. They don't think the way we do. They don't worshipfully adore what we worshipfully adore. They don't see things our way. They're simply not good enough. less
Government-owned and operated. The goal is homogeneity of information. No complication. The partyline is what is distributed and nothing else.Now of course there is always the unde... moreGovernment-owned and operated. The goal is homogeneity of information. No complication. The partyline is what is distributed and nothing else.Now of course there is always the underground that fights against oppression. The government has a plan for that. Spies that will infiltrate to annihilate.Imagine a country aligned from top to bottom with no pointy edges or inclines or rises? A flatland of intellectuality spirituality emotionality psychologically morally physically and internally. All calm.Something you've hoped for and wished for and dreamed of is yours. Aren't you lucky? less
It will be eliminated for the vast majority. All public schools will be closed. The only good citizen is a stupid citizen. The more ignorant the better. Ignorance is a basic founda... moreIt will be eliminated for the vast majority. All public schools will be closed. The only good citizen is a stupid citizen. The more ignorant the better. Ignorance is a basic foundation for the new nation.A dumb electorate who doesn't know any better. See how ideal it is for pols who don't like to be thwarted or blocked or criticized or challenged?Now the very wealthy will have their private schools. All educators will be politically approved. The curriculum will be rigid wherever the "learning" occurs. No deviation means no arguing. No one gets any lip because questions are no longer allowed. Questioning implies only bad bad things. Acceptance without objection is the only thing that will be allowed. Otherwise? Use your imagination. Once you get to otherwise you will never been seen again.See how simply life is going to be for thee?. Bring it on. Simplify. Live the good life. SIGH. less
The military gets to kill and even murder on our behalf without our consent.Cops have authority to kill/murder us. This is on our behalf? Is that not a twist of logic without fair ... moreThe military gets to kill and even murder on our behalf without our consent.Cops have authority to kill/murder us. This is on our behalf? Is that not a twist of logic without fair anywhere there?I dunno.Ostensibly previously priorly we used to elect those whom we wanted to represent us in government. That was a given and no one ever questioned it. In fact we the people took GREAT PRIDE once upon a time.Then trump along and blew that all up. Now the republicans are seeing to it that elections that we used to rely on will be eliminated. NEW AND IMPROVED.All on our behalf and for our own good of course. No one ever does anything that isn't the behalf of whom they do it for. If it seems that in fact they don't do it for us they do to us that is an illusion and out delusion.All pols are sacrosanct and holy and as such are perfect and can do no wrong. Voting futurely will be by appointment only. The voting will already be done for you. All you have to do is just sign it. Isn't that awesome good? Even great? Progress. less
Never any doubts about anything at any time for any reason.If there were a better way to do we would be doing it. If there were a better way to be we would already be it.CASE CLOSED.