Who said dat terrible ting? Republicans. Honorable good REpublicans.The state that John McCain comes from has shamed embarrassed and disgusted everyone.Let them continue on shaming... moreWho said dat terrible ting? Republicans. Honorable good REpublicans.The state that John McCain comes from has shamed embarrassed and disgusted everyone.Let them continue on shaming themselves. They are way too stupid dumb to care. LET THE GAMES BEGIN.
He will be subpoenad to testify. He spoke to FOOTOO multiple times that day. He will be required to testify UNDER OATH. He will do/say anything to get out of it because he KNOWS a ... moreHe will be subpoenad to testify. He spoke to FOOTOO multiple times that day. He will be required to testify UNDER OATH. He will do/say anything to get out of it because he KNOWS a lot and if he tells the truth he will upset the delicate flower. Or he could commit suicide. He fears that less than the wrath of the FOOTOO. Sheesh. A bunch of spinless winya** cowards.
Been there done that. The way of the world. The goader gets away with MURDER. It is the retaliater who gets hung for murder.Why not? Whatever makes ya happy. Go for it. Just make s... moreBeen there done that. The way of the world. The goader gets away with MURDER. It is the retaliater who gets hung for murder.Why not? Whatever makes ya happy. Go for it. Just make sure you are the goader.
As a staunch supporter of Israel does the US send in the troops to help Israel continue its demolishment of Palestine?I mean what does Israel demand we do? And if we don't? It is t... moreAs a staunch supporter of Israel does the US send in the troops to help Israel continue its demolishment of Palestine?I mean what does Israel demand we do? And if we don't? It is tragic and deadly but also hilarious funny.The gnat is being extermianted. The elephant keeps crushing it and crushing it. In come the US troops to help with gnat being crushed by the elephant.See what I mean? Isn't that funny hahahahaha? Look at it in cartoon form. Elephant crushes gnat. In panel after panel after panel after panel. less
That is a question with no possible answer. Why does it occur to you? Where is that source that is neverending and always overflowing?Why do things occur to you? Do you analyze tha... moreThat is a question with no possible answer. Why does it occur to you? Where is that source that is neverending and always overflowing?Why do things occur to you? Do you analyze that WHY or just get on with it?How do know that what you think is the cause really is the cause?I mean it can get very hairy and I don't know what the point of it is anyway do you?If you know WHY something occurs to you do you really want to get in a debate about the reason for it having occurred to you? I mean seriously where is that destination leading? What difference does it make? less
Why do I want to know?. I'm just taking a survey. The question occurred to me so I'm asking it. Why do you ask why do I ask? What does it matter at all my why?
DAM* right. Children dead ,hospitals and clinics demolished from ISRAEL strikes. Say nary a word. They are ALWAYS withint their rights.Now what caused Palestinians to do anything?T... moreDAM* right. Children dead ,hospitals and clinics demolished from ISRAEL strikes. Say nary a word. They are ALWAYS withint their rights.Now what caused Palestinians to do anything?THe INHUMAN and CRUEL treament of Palestinians by Israels every day in every way year after year. We hear "Israle NEVER strikes first." BULLSH**! Israel may not send rockets in to blow things up but they do take away human rights and decency and are immoral to the core. After awhile the badly treated are going to retaliate.Israel never strikes first. But it the bully that irritates instigates and chips away day by day.That doesn't matter. "Israel never strikes first:". PUt it where the sun don't shine. Sheesh. Lame. less
We learn more and we know more but our ability to figure out understand comprehend? It's less.Well everything drops physically. Gravity. No escapeWhy not the IQ too?
Besides DEADBEAT dads there are DEADBEAT BILLIONAIRES who stiff those they owe. FOOTOO does it best.There are also DEADBEAT citizens. who stiff the rest of us all the time every da... moreBesides DEADBEAT dads there are DEADBEAT BILLIONAIRES who stiff those they owe. FOOTOO does it best.There are also DEADBEAT citizens. who stiff the rest of us all the time every day in every way.I wonder if there is a special place in HE** for all the deadbeats? Or will the con their way into heaven and run things?
Empty suitAll show no goLoud noises.WIZARD OF OZ comes to mind. A frightened little man inside a facade meant to keep people away.All bullies are wizards that way. Aren't they?
CHILDISHOf or befitting a childPuerile weak SILLYCHILDISH INFANTILE CHILDLIKELet us focus on the word SILLY. Are you? At 83 I am often very SILLY. Both Jim and I laugh about it. Im... moreCHILDISHOf or befitting a childPuerile weak SILLYCHILDISH INFANTILE CHILDLIKELet us focus on the word SILLY. Are you? At 83 I am often very SILLY. Both Jim and I laugh about it. Imagine an old lady who is 83 being SILLY?You know what? I ENJOY BEING SILLY. My default mode is VERY SERIOUS. I was born VERY SERIOUS. I am usually mostly always VERY SERIOUS. It is a hardship being VERY SERIOUS all the time.SILLY is a way to vent..let off steam... take a break. I can't not be 83. But I sure as he** can be SILLY.Anyone got a problem with that? Go suck an egg.What brought this on? Being lectured. I abhor it. less
I think survival of the fittest encompasses much much much much more than that.The most cruel monstrous murderous abominations survive. But so too do those who are terrified of the... moreI think survival of the fittest encompasses much much much much more than that.The most cruel monstrous murderous abominations survive. But so too do those who are terrified of them and do their bidding and obey and whimper and whine and beg and roll over and do anything they are told to do. No matter the evil involved. They dare not dare. So they don't. They just do/say/obey every day all day.The "fittest" need an audience. All audiences are terrified of them. They know what awaits if they are disobedient. So they never are that.Then there are "the others". Us. We the people. We expect RIGHT to triumph and justice and honesty and caring and fairness to prevail.We're on our own left to our own devices with our only hope that of sticking together no matter whatever and speaking up and out until they murder us/silence us/get rid of us OR we conquer them.That's it folks. That's all she wrote. Good luck. less
Stay plugged in. Keep informed. Pay attention to what is going on 24/7 around the world. Speak up to defend what you value. Speak to attack what is destructive detrimental deadly.N... moreStay plugged in. Keep informed. Pay attention to what is going on 24/7 around the world. Speak up to defend what you value. Speak to attack what is destructive detrimental deadly.Not much or a great deal? I don't know how people remain detached aloof uncaring. I guess it's the only way they can think to survive. I think it is the coward's way. Different strokes.A people are being attacked maligned killed. Say nothing. It's no skin off your nose. Don't anger/aliencate anyone. Best way to do that is stifle it shut up look away. Pretend you don't know.Good luck with that. Dehumanizing. less
"The mental health effects of hate""Toxic emotions can lead to serious health problems""The destructive power of hate"Strong emotions like hate can trigger the release of str... more"The mental health effects of hate""Toxic emotions can lead to serious health problems""The destructive power of hate"Strong emotions like hate can trigger the release of stress hormones which over time leads to increased inflammation and significant health consequences"Of course there is the other side of that coin. Isn't there always that?"Anger and hatred can make us feel happy". WHAT?"People over all want to experience more pleasant emotions but they have the greatest life satisfaction if the emotions they experience match those they desire."Take your pick. Cup half full or half empty. less
In other words what we suspected all along is true. The gubment has been LYING TO US FOR DECADES vis a vis UFOS..Covering up. Hiding. Denying. Typical lying bullsh** because we the... moreIn other words what we suspected all along is true. The gubment has been LYING TO US FOR DECADES vis a vis UFOS..Covering up. Hiding. Denying. Typical lying bullsh** because we the people "can't handle the truth". Yeah. Right.Area 51? Spooky. Alien beings' bodies somewhere being kept and examined? I dunno. Butwhat I wonder is WHY tell the truth as they know it NOW?Seriously. Congress is gonna have hearings on it? Who is gonna be THE BAD GUY? Congress has hearings to target bad guys right? Why else?
They claim I am trying to log in usng a browser device or location they I don't normally use.The fact that I am trying to log in from the same browser device and location that I ha... moreThey claim I am trying to log in usng a browser device or location they I don't normally use.The fact that I am trying to log in from the same browser device and location that I have logged in for over a year proves beyond a shadow of a don't that they are lying pieces of crap.
I don't. There are too many "conditions" that may compromise immune systems causing less effective protection for many.Added to that now based on the honor system those who are vac... moreI don't. There are too many "conditions" that may compromise immune systems causing less effective protection for many.Added to that now based on the honor system those who are vaccinated are told we can go maskless. Are any of you gonna trust complete strangers for being honorable? Exactly.So we have changed nothing and it is doubtful we will. So much for vaccination bringing peace of mind and safety and "back to normal".Am I alone in this? Are all of you vaccinated folks feeling just swell and fine and dandy maskless? SIGH. less