Maybe literally but certainly figuratively.It's good to reach for the stars but very bad to leave your moorings when you do.What do you hold onto when you do?
Figuratively of course. But some wimpy shrimps take on "foes" way outside their weight class or intellect and have no clue they are going to show us what fools they are.I wonder wh... moreFiguratively of course. But some wimpy shrimps take on "foes" way outside their weight class or intellect and have no clue they are going to show us what fools they are.I wonder why they are so unaware?. A gnat versus a bodybuilder? An imbecile versus a genius? That's entertainment these days. At least no one dies from words slung at press conferences. Right? The fool makes a spectacle of him/herself as usual but no blood is drawn.
5 people in Ohio will have a chance to win a million dollars each - all they have to do to enter is get the vaccine. I think it will encourage a lot o... more5 people in Ohio will have a chance to win a million dollars each - all they have to do to enter is get the vaccine. I think it will encourage a lot of people to get the vaccine and Ohio will be the first State to reach heard inmuinity. Cheers and happy weekend!
You betcha. The poor are deadbeat cheapskate lazy bums. They won't work if they can get a handout from the gubment. So make sure you never pay them unemployment or a living wage or... moreYou betcha. The poor are deadbeat cheapskate lazy bums. They won't work if they can get a handout from the gubment. So make sure you never pay them unemployment or a living wage or they just take advantage of it and stay at home eating bonbons and living the good life. RIGHT?
The $4 MILLION he received as "COVID" aid.What a schmuck. Whatta putz.He does have good taste though. I'm a LAMBO gal since forever. Are you too? Attended an auto show once that fe... moreThe $4 MILLION he received as "COVID" aid.What a schmuck. Whatta putz.He does have good taste though. I'm a LAMBO gal since forever. Are you too? Attended an auto show once that featured a lot of Lambos over the years. EAch was gorgeouser than the other. The Lambo is and will always be my cuppa tea. The guy who stole $4 million? Not so much but ya gotta give the devil his due. At least he didn't buy an Edsel.
She has nothing to do having been stripped of all committees. All she does besides vote is harrass and hassale and make an a** of herself. Her current tartet is AOC. Running after ... moreShe has nothing to do having been stripped of all committees. All she does besides vote is harrass and hassale and make an a** of herself. Her current tartet is AOC. Running after her taunting her attacking her insulting her. What else does tail lure have to occupy her time?
THE BIG LIE has legs. That means it keeps on keeping on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on. It has life of its ownand keeping ticking and ticking and ticking and tick... moreTHE BIG LIE has legs. That means it keeps on keeping on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on. It has life of its ownand keeping ticking and ticking and ticking and ticking.So are you overjoyed that THE BIG LIE is still running everything in FOOTOOLAND? It has LEGS.
He used "campaign money" to pay the hoor and wrote it off as "campaign expense". Which means he used YOUR contributions to screw an underage hooker, snort cocaine with her and pay ... moreHe used "campaign money" to pay the hoor and wrote it off as "campaign expense". Which means he used YOUR contributions to screw an underage hooker, snort cocaine with her and pay for all of it.What a nifty thing to know isn't it? What your contributions pay for? Well multiply that by everyone you ever contributed to in FOOTOOLAND republican and figger it out. Lots of dough paid to folks who itto screw, cocaine and frolic. Perfect.
Barry Lee Morphew from Colorado. used his murdered (by him) dead wife's name which is Suzanne Morphew, on a mail-in vote.When caught he said "I wanted FOOTOO to win. I just thought... moreBarry Lee Morphew from Colorado. used his murdered (by him) dead wife's name which is Suzanne Morphew, on a mail-in vote.When caught he said "I wanted FOOTOO to win. I just thought...give him another vote!" There ya go FRAUD did happen in the election by Barry Lee Morphew on behalf of FOOTOO.See? I told ya you'd LOVE it!
William Cohen. Ex Defense Secretary for Bill Clinton. Former REPUBLICAN Senator from Main.Agree with he? Being lobotomized is the state of being of the FOOTOOHEADS. In my opinion. ... moreWilliam Cohen. Ex Defense Secretary for Bill Clinton. Former REPUBLICAN Senator from Main.Agree with he? Being lobotomized is the state of being of the FOOTOOHEADS. In my opinion. They in turn are trying to "pay it forward".
Joe was not elected legitimately and not only that they question his "fitness" for the office. They call themselves the FLAG OFFICERS FOR AMERICA. FOFA.This is what I gather ... moreJoe was not elected legitimately and not only that they question his "fitness" for the office. They call themselves the FLAG OFFICERS FOR AMERICA. FOFA.This is what I gather from what they wrote and agreed to and signed. They are all FOOTOO adoring worshippers making them all WHITE SUPREMACISTS who support VIOLENT DOMESTIC TERRORIST RACIST INSURRECTIONING. What else is there to believe about them than that?As I said I expect this of the normal run-of-the-mill nutjob crackpot FOOTOOHEAD. That 120 of THEM could have risen in the ranks and become generals and admirals is SHOCKING DISGUSTING REVOLTING TERRIFYING.How many more like them are still there?As I sad. It saddens me greatly to report this. Did you know? Are you shocked? Are you celebrating? less
Palestinians "live Aparteid lives in their own country". Whatever they try to do the Israeli solders are right there to undo. When they put solar panels on their homes the Israeli ... morePalestinians "live Aparteid lives in their own country". Whatever they try to do the Israeli solders are right there to undo. When they put solar panels on their homes the Israeli soldiers remove them. Constant attacking the lives in ways large and small the hatred of Israelis for the Palestinians is a 24/7 thing. Depriving them of water sources. Or food. Or utilities. A little bit here a little bit there endless relentless greedy. What are ya gonna do?How will it end? MIGHT MAKES RIGHT.Israel will crush Palestine. Or die trying. less
That's just one sign of the decline in the intelligence level of LIARS. Others? Sucking up to nutjob wackadoodlenoodle crackpots who push cannabalism and child sex trafficking for ... moreThat's just one sign of the decline in the intelligence level of LIARS. Others? Sucking up to nutjob wackadoodlenoodle crackpots who push cannabalism and child sex trafficking for fun and repeat THE BIG LIE.I'll tell ya they're something else alright. WHAT? Well not wanting to get banned for life that's for me to think and you to ponder upon. Whatever. Whenever. However. Whyever. Whomever. Whichever. And so forth.
You're gonna find out chapter and verse whether you want to or not. How's about it? Maybe matt can be voted pedophile of the year? Stay tuned. Paid sex with a 17 year old. I know. ... moreYou're gonna find out chapter and verse whether you want to or not. How's about it? Maybe matt can be voted pedophile of the year? Stay tuned. Paid sex with a 17 year old. I know. Lots of you will say how VERY WOMANLY a girl can be at that age. Sheesh. Good luck with that.
I guess Israel is just on a roll and going with it. What else will they do while on this "roll"?Allegedly there was a 1 hour warning to evacuate. I don't know if anyone died. But i... moreI guess Israel is just on a roll and going with it. What else will they do while on this "roll"?Allegedly there was a 1 hour warning to evacuate. I don't know if anyone died. But if they didn't Israel will be ticked off bigly. After all number of dead must always remain high for them. 119 Palestininas dead the other day when only 7 Israelis died. See how proud they are at that? Biglier and betterer are their numbers going to be. Where will end? I have no idea. Well I do. It will never end until everyone is dead. They get off on fights and killing and won't give that up no matter what. less
Jews believe that Jesus did not fulfill the prophecies that established the criteria for the coming of the Messiah.Jews do not believe Jesus is a God o the Son of God. I think they... moreJews believe that Jesus did not fulfill the prophecies that established the criteria for the coming of the Messiah.Jews do not believe Jesus is a God o the Son of God. I think they think Jesus was a prophet but nothing more.So since Jews don't acknowledge the Jesus of Christians why are Christians so supportive of all they do in Israel? It makes no sense if it is religious belief based because something does not compute here.Christians believe CHRIST is THE SON OF GODJews do not believe any such thingDo Christians know that?It should be embarrassing to them but maybe mostly the evangelicals never get embarrassed.Now I brought this up because it makes no sense to me. But it must make a great of sense to the evangelicals/CHRISTIAN ZIONISTS or how could possibly believe what they believe and support what they support?HELP! less
So what's the holdup? Why the delay?CHRISTIAN ZIONISM is based on this belief.Now in fine print Jews are supposed to convert to being Christians when that happens. But that i... moreSo what's the holdup? Why the delay?CHRISTIAN ZIONISM is based on this belief.Now in fine print Jews are supposed to convert to being Christians when that happens. But that isn't what the focus is on is it?OH how we await the SECOND COMING. Only it seems like a con. So far no show. What is JESUS waiting for? The complete annihilation of Palestine? Anyone out there have reasonable logical sensible answer to WHAT IS JESUS WAITING FOR?Seriously. This goes on on on ?