I want a leader who can THINK ON HIS FEET without requiring a script or audience to rally and cheer him onI want a leader who reacts HONESTLY and HONORABLY to what is going on and ... moreI want a leader who can THINK ON HIS FEET without requiring a script or audience to rally and cheer him onI want a leader who reacts HONESTLY and HONORABLY to what is going on and serves we the people. NOT A LIAR who is consumed with self-adoration and who is delusional 24/7 and demands illusionary delusionary beliefs from others OR ELSEI want a leader who is PATRIOTIC and puts the good of the country over his petty pitiful pathetic wants for hisselfI want a leader who does not keep whinya**ing about the lies he insists on telling..all in his headI want a leader who does not keep repeating repeating repeating repeating repeating repeatingI want a leader who has not been double impeached and is facing a multitude of lawsuits for corruption/crimesI want a leader whose WORD YOU CAN TRUSTI want a leader who doesn't fancy himself a GOD or a KING or a MIGHTY supporter of evil fascist racist domestic terrorismI want a leader who lives up to his OATH OF OFFICEToo much to ask or not enough? Which of the above do yo... less
They couldn't care less.Not their problem.No skin off their noseThe ones who suffer ASKED FOR ITYadayadayadayada.Another day in paradise. I got mine. Get your own. I got no d... moreThey couldn't care less.Not their problem.No skin off their noseThe ones who suffer ASKED FOR ITYadayadayadayada.Another day in paradise. I got mine. Get your own. I got no dog in your fight so leave me alone.SIGH.
Where is the Fred and Ginger of today?Or for that matter George and GracieMartin and LewisFrank and Dean and Sammy Davis Jr.Happy DaysAll in the FamilyThe Lucille Ball ShowThe Caro... moreWhere is the Fred and Ginger of today?Or for that matter George and GracieMartin and LewisFrank and Dean and Sammy Davis Jr.Happy DaysAll in the FamilyThe Lucille Ball ShowThe Carol Burnett ShowThe Mary Taylor Moore ShowThe BeatlesSonny and CherElvisEtcetera etcetera etcetera etceteraThem wuz the days of fun and frolic and lighthearted joy and possibilities. Watching them didn't make you feel that you had to take a shower to remove the filth grime scum slime. Today? Well it's just different..It wouldn't fly today. Right? No one is interested in the mundane.So we've moved on then and our tastes are very different now? What worked before is now old hat extinct yesterday's news less
Didja donate it to a library even though it sucked so bigly badly completely? I can't throw books away. Some deserve to burned but I won't be the one who does it. There is an audie... moreDidja donate it to a library even though it sucked so bigly badly completely? I can't throw books away. Some deserve to burned but I won't be the one who does it. There is an audience for everything.I digress. Ya know how some TV shows have a STORY ARC that begins middles and ends and you never hear of it again on the show? Don't you wish the entire story arc of FOOTOO were over and done and we could move on and never hear of it again?Yep. Well me too. How do we make that happen? How do we "make it so"? less
Joe Biden's press secretary Jen Psaki says that Joe's answering IMPROMPTU questions is "something we do not recommend" WHAT? SAY WHAT? Whether she knows it or not she insulted Joe ... moreJoe Biden's press secretary Jen Psaki says that Joe's answering IMPROMPTU questions is "something we do not recommend" WHAT? SAY WHAT? Whether she knows it or not she insulted Joe very bigly. WHY? Is she a double agent for "the other side" in the guise of something else?
For what or as what?Proving the truth of the saying. They are indeed in fact insane.Blue lights, UV rays, watermarks, folds in the votes?Sanity this is not. Nutjob crackpot insane?... moreFor what or as what?Proving the truth of the saying. They are indeed in fact insane.Blue lights, UV rays, watermarks, folds in the votes?Sanity this is not. Nutjob crackpot insane? Indeedy do.
The FOOTOO sycophant is a CALIFORNIAN! How embarrassing and shocking that is! The fly in our ointment we need to get rid of. Why don't he move to Arizona or Texas or Florida or any... moreThe FOOTOO sycophant is a CALIFORNIAN! How embarrassing and shocking that is! The fly in our ointment we need to get rid of. Why don't he move to Arizona or Texas or Florida or any red sate (I know Arizona is blue but well ya got the dingbat nutjobs still recounting Maricopa County ballots don'tcha?) We must needs rid ourselves of him. He doesn't belong here. He belongs with others of his ilk. GAWDAWFUL that he is a Californian. SHAMEFUL. How does he live with himself living in such a BLUE STATE? How does he justify it? Sheesh. .Yep. He is the Representative of the 23rd California Congressional District covering Kern and Tulare Counties with about 700,000 homo saps who live there. AND VOTED FOR HIM. MY GAWD! A nest of FOOTOOHEADS here in the Golden State? OH MY GAWD!He is so DESPERATE to become Speaker of the House, 3rd in line for the presidency, he will pretzelize himself and bast**dize himself 24/7 to get there from where he is.Anyone want him? We'd love to sell him on the cheap to get rid of him. No takers h... less
Even so do you live on the edges because the middle tends to be so boring and dull and homogenized and 'safe"?The average typical standard ordinary middle-of-the roaders. Passionle... moreEven so do you live on the edges because the middle tends to be so boring and dull and homogenized and 'safe"?The average typical standard ordinary middle-of-the roaders. Passionless aloof untouched. Who wants to live there?
If you lived in Germany during the reign of Adolf Hitler and did not support adore worship him you would not survive for very long.Here we are today after the reign of FOOTOO. What... moreIf you lived in Germany during the reign of Adolf Hitler and did not support adore worship him you would not survive for very long.Here we are today after the reign of FOOTOO. What did we do? Where did it get us?Sameoldsameoldsameold. Exactly. No ovens where millions were murdered. True. But FOOTOO is still working on that.So we pay no attention and shi**y stuff keeps happening. Whose fault is that? Bottom line too many homo saps are stupid dumbs and get exactly what they ask for. The welcome pandemic. Typhoid Mary is a Maury but elsewise no different.Hopeless. less
FOOL'S ERRANDCompletely absurd, pointless or useless errandWhile we're at it what other FOOL'S are there?FOOL'S GOLDIron or copper pyrites sometimes mistaken for goldFOOL'S PARADIS... moreFOOL'S ERRANDCompletely absurd, pointless or useless errandWhile we're at it what other FOOL'S are there?FOOL'S GOLDIron or copper pyrites sometimes mistaken for goldFOOL'S PARADISEA state of enjoyment based upon false beliefs or hopes; a state of illusory happinessFOOL'S PARSLEYAn Old World fetid poisonous plantFOOL'S CAPA traditional jester's cap or hood often multicolored and usually having several drooping peaks from which bells are hung. See also DUNCE CAPOf course the current FOOL'S CAP is the MAGA hat. You didn't know? Uh-oh. Forget I told you. less
Whose life are we talking about? Oneself or all humankind?Once examined what's the next step? In the examining what are you looking for and why?Once the examining has ended does an... moreWhose life are we talking about? Oneself or all humankind?Once examined what's the next step? In the examining what are you looking for and why?Once the examining has ended does any action follow or is having examined enough?Are you supposed to grade yourself on how swell you are? Who is going to give him or herself an "F" or FAILURE? No one. I mean those folks usually commit suicide anyway don't they?I wonder is there some" HOW TO" guide that covers it? You know if you have these symptoms/irregularities/defects this is how to fix them or make them laudable and wondrous and splendid and proper?So too "TO THINE OWN SELF BE TRUE AND THOU CANST BE FALSE TO ANY MAN"? Seriously? They're just words that sound so swell but put into operation without blinders and corrective lenses? Silly empty meaningless. less
No skin off your nose if a HItler exterminate 6 million Jews. What's it to you what he does? He is the leader of a country and as such has every right to do it HIS WAY. Butt out.
Who is going to target you if you have no opinion and simply don't care?Well I expect the rabid nutjob crackpots will since that is a voice that is silent. But otherwise you can ju... moreWho is going to target you if you have no opinion and simply don't care?Well I expect the rabid nutjob crackpots will since that is a voice that is silent. But otherwise you can just sail through life untargeted.I guess that's one way to do it. What? Live.
Obviously either sons or daughters.But the vote of the DEAD is very important to FOOTOOHEADS. They KNOW the dead voted in life for the mar a lardo clown so they honor the dead by c... moreObviously either sons or daughters.But the vote of the DEAD is very important to FOOTOOHEADS. They KNOW the dead voted in life for the mar a lardo clown so they honor the dead by continuing on the family tradition Isn't that awesome?
Are there more nutjob crackpot crazies who dwell in the land of FOOTOO or flat out LIARS?One has no control over anything since the "brain" lives in lalaland. The other knows full ... moreAre there more nutjob crackpot crazies who dwell in the land of FOOTOO or flat out LIARS?One has no control over anything since the "brain" lives in lalaland. The other knows full well of what the truth us and despises it so denies it.Of course the ones who know better are the very worst. The crackpot crazies will never understand what they have done. Like 3 years olds who babble on and cry and whine and hissy fit and tantrum. They don't know any better. Sigh.
Literally not figuratively. What's there to stop a FOOTOOHEAD true believer from taking her out literally? Nothing Unless she has 24/7 protection and even then a FOOTOOHEAD can inf... moreLiterally not figuratively. What's there to stop a FOOTOOHEAD true believer from taking her out literally? Nothing Unless she has 24/7 protection and even then a FOOTOOHEAD can infiltrate the Secret Service and get rid of her.Also Republican Adam Kinzinger has spoken up about THE BIG LIE delusion. He'll be targeted for sure. Anyone who doesn't talk up THE BIG LIE. Most of them allegedly don't believe it. But they will to a person go down to their graves saying it. "I WUZ robbed" says the old mar a lardo clown. They say HE WUZ ROBBED. Lies but then that is the medium of exchange in FOOTOOLAND for FOOTOO and the FOOTOOHEADS. They are either crackpot crazies or liars. Neither one is desirable. Which is the lesser of two evils? less
Honestly I don't know. Those two-shot thingies are very scary. Maybe we would have simply kept waiting and hoping. Settling for what we do not want does not appeal to me. You?
To stave off constant pandemics must the sane logical honorable ones among us become pincushions? What's the point since the rest of the homo sap ilk REFUSE REFUSE REFUSE REFUSE RE... moreTo stave off constant pandemics must the sane logical honorable ones among us become pincushions? What's the point since the rest of the homo sap ilk REFUSE REFUSE REFUSE REFUSE REFUSE?Sounds kinda cockamamie to me personally. Well do your best. Hang in. Think positive. Be of good cheer. And all that jazz. Hope the dull-witted become enlightened and do the right thing.Where's there's life there's hope.Supposedly.
Why the ABYSS?.Why the dregs?Why the stumblebumdumbdumb scum?Cleaving unto evil is now the ideal. Lying continuously KNOWING YOU ARE is DE RIGEUR. Stylish. In fashion.You on board ... moreWhy the ABYSS?.Why the dregs?Why the stumblebumdumbdumb scum?Cleaving unto evil is now the ideal. Lying continuously KNOWING YOU ARE is DE RIGEUR. Stylish. In fashion.You on board with it? Wassamatta you if you aren't?
This time Russia may be behind the suspected "directed energy" attacks. I think this time the affected Americans are in America. I don't know what kind of "directed energy" it coul... moreThis time Russia may be behind the suspected "directed energy" attacks. I think this time the affected Americans are in America. I don't know what kind of "directed energy" it could be but if it were microwaves what would that do to a human being?Is whatever damage that could occur only temporary or permanent?Strange weapon to use. Invisible which puts the targets at a disadvantage of course.
That there is no evidence the Russian government was involved or even knew about it.Oh c'mon. What nitwit stupid dumb believes THAT?Nothing big like this goes on inside Russia that... moreThat there is no evidence the Russian government was involved or even knew about it.Oh c'mon. What nitwit stupid dumb believes THAT?Nothing big like this goes on inside Russia that putrid putin doesn't know about and probably ordered done.Who is conning whom here? Who is dumb enough to believe it and even maybe FOOTOO asked his darling Putin to favor him with an attack on America and he did.Far fetched?Oh really?No O'Riley.If I can think of it you think "they" didn't already think about it?
Good OLD moscow will block whatever comes down the pike so that it is never taken up for discussion or vote. It will never show up on the floor of the senate. Never never ever ever... moreGood OLD moscow will block whatever comes down the pike so that it is never taken up for discussion or vote. It will never show up on the floor of the senate. Never never ever ever while that son of an itch is minority boogeyman.So why wait? Just get it done. Ignore the bottlenecks and work around him/it/they/them. SIGH. Or not. Whatever.
Ledell Lee was executed in Arkansas for the murder of a woman in 1993. He insisted he was innocent to no avail. Well he sure showed them how wrong they were. Another man's DNA... moreLedell Lee was executed in Arkansas for the murder of a woman in 1993. He insisted he was innocent to no avail. Well he sure showed them how wrong they were. Another man's DNA was found on the murder weapon and elsewhere. Tests were done 4 years too late.Bad luck. Right?
California has a $75-$76 BILLION SURPLUS some of which will be returned to Californias as addition Covid payouts. Those earning under $75K/year and filed tax returns are eligible.A... moreCalifornia has a $75-$76 BILLION SURPLUS some of which will be returned to Californias as addition Covid payouts. Those earning under $75K/year and filed tax returns are eligible.As I said it is so very grand to so very wrong.That's a swing of $129-$130 BILLION buckaroos!
I missed this completely.In 2019 the relationship between convicted pedophile Jeff Epstein and Bill Gates was revealed. That was when Melinda Gates started "looking into" getting a... moreI missed this completely.In 2019 the relationship between convicted pedophile Jeff Epstein and Bill Gates was revealed. That was when Melinda Gates started "looking into" getting a divorce.I would have too only I would not have hung in for two more years.I know untangling the money of billionaires takes time. That is I don't KNOW personally but I can guess.So there ya go. Bill Gates is just another guy like any other guy. No different. Nothing special. And after all if boys will be boys guys will be guys.What if anything nasty happened is unknown. GUILT BY ASSOCIATION is why "they" say "you are known by the company you keep".Even billionaires screw up real bad. less
You can't eat with a mask onHow far away are you placed from strangers who may be carriers?Do you ever pass by them closer than 6 feet away?I think it's suicide to do that.For thos... moreYou can't eat with a mask onHow far away are you placed from strangers who may be carriers?Do you ever pass by them closer than 6 feet away?I think it's suicide to do that.For those who don't good luck.
"Fauci has killed MILLIONS of Americans."Do the math.If 582,000 have died from COVID so far how can Fauci be responsible for having killed MILLIONS OF AMERICANS?Wel ya see the FOOT... more"Fauci has killed MILLIONS of Americans."Do the math.If 582,000 have died from COVID so far how can Fauci be responsible for having killed MILLIONS OF AMERICANS?Wel ya see the FOOTOOHEADS are so dumb they don't know how dumb they are so they talk a lot.SIGH. Which math stupid dumb FOOTOOHEAD will attack next?
Here is a list of all the Prime Ministers Israel has had. Some of them served more than one time. Including Netanyahu.David Ben-GurionMoshe SharettLevi EshkolGolda MeirYitzha... moreHere is a list of all the Prime Ministers Israel has had. Some of them served more than one time. Including Netanyahu.David Ben-GurionMoshe SharettLevi EshkolGolda MeirYitzhak RabinMenachem BeginYitzhak ShamirShimon PeresBenjamin NetanyahuEhud BarakAriel SharonEhud OlmertWhich among them was the most just, most fair, most kind, most HONEST, most HONORABLE, most wise, most peaceloving least corrupt less crooked? In your opinion.Were any of them besides NETANYAHU charged with bribery, fraud and breach of trust? Or does that honor fall to only Netanyahu? less