It's simply their turn.The TARGETS of white supremacist fascist racists has already been through the wringer.MuslimsImmigrantsWomenPeople of colorLGBTQDemocratsPatriotsAsiansYou ca... moreIt's simply their turn.The TARGETS of white supremacist fascist racists has already been through the wringer.MuslimsImmigrantsWomenPeople of colorLGBTQDemocratsPatriotsAsiansYou can clearly see what's missing. Fair is fair. Reciprocity is key. What we had done to us we shall done did to thee. Or so it should go.Balance it out. Shoe on other foot. Cast thy bread upon the waters and see what you get for doing it.It is only FAIR and JUST that the gargantuan gargoyle grunge group that targeted the other groups should be provided with a taste of itself. Isn't that what life is all about? Finding balance? Reciprocity. You do for me and I will do for thee? Maybe even DOUBLE DOWN?Get ready! Get set! LET'S ROLL! less
Wherever he speaks whenever he speaks it is always about I WUZ ROBBED. A broken record with the needle stuck in one groove.I WUZ ROBBED I WUZ ROBBED I WUZ ROBBED I WUZ ROBBEDNothin... moreWherever he speaks whenever he speaks it is always about I WUZ ROBBED. A broken record with the needle stuck in one groove.I WUZ ROBBED I WUZ ROBBED I WUZ ROBBED I WUZ ROBBEDNothing new.I WUZ ROBBED I WUZ ROBBED I WUZ ROBBEDHow long do those words carry meaning or value?I WUZ ROBBED I WUZ ROBBED I WUZ ROBBEDThree little words.I WUZ ROBBED I WUZ ROBBED I WUZ ROBBEDBored yet? Board yet? Boored yet? Bord yet? Bohrd yet? Borred yet?Variations on a theme.
I betcha FOOTOO considers all of that money his. Of course he could always share but well his track records shows he is pretty bad at doing that.So FOOTOO fans do you want him to s... moreI betcha FOOTOO considers all of that money his. Of course he could always share but well his track records shows he is pretty bad at doing that.So FOOTOO fans do you want him to share any of that money to bail RudyG out of a legal jam?Wasn't everything RudyG done done all for the benefit of FOOTOO? Or was some of it on the side all for him?
The replacement they pick is defintely ick and makes ya sick if you know her history.Don't make no never mind it seems that the REAL PRO-FOOTOO CONSERVATIVE was LIZ CHENEY and the ... moreThe replacement they pick is defintely ick and makes ya sick if you know her history.Don't make no never mind it seems that the REAL PRO-FOOTOO CONSERVATIVE was LIZ CHENEY and the hick schtick who wasn't a fan is replacing her.See what I mean? WIRED WEIRD. FOOTOOHEADS are all wired weird.
"Liz Cheney confronts a HOUSE OF COWARDS. House Republicans are all about to demonstrate they can't handle the truth about 2020 and January 6."A HOUSE OF COWARDS.
"Texas 'Constitutional Carry' bill allows handguns to be carried without a permit and passes the Senate.""Texas anti-abortion legislation paves the way for every right-to-lifer to ... more"Texas 'Constitutional Carry' bill allows handguns to be carried without a permit and passes the Senate.""Texas anti-abortion legislation paves the way for every right-to-lifer to sue abortion doctors"Texas be a busy liddle bee bein't it? Rest assured all the other ilk states like Texas are doing the same or more or better. Rest assured they are working day and night to be at te top of the "good guys" list in the eyes of the FOOTOO.All roads lead to FOOTOO for all FOOTOOHEADS.Individuals.Locals.Cities.StatesRed as red can be they gather and do their best to be the best they can be so FOOTOO will love them.Sweet as he** ain't it? less
What if this land were still inhabited by NATIVE AMERICANS only?Would the world have been better off if the United States of America were never born?It seems to be heading to he** ... moreWhat if this land were still inhabited by NATIVE AMERICANS only?Would the world have been better off if the United States of America were never born?It seems to be heading to he** and taking others with it.I see no happy ending here. Only more disaster.What do you see and why?So please think about it and think seriously. What has the United States of America contributed to the world? That country is gone...seriously damaged like a lion that is shot and in pain. Becomes VERY DANGEROUS.The United States of America now is VERY DANGEROUS. The underbelly is taking over everything. The dark side is putting out all the lights. There seems to be no stopping the progression. less
"A discredited American far-right conspiracy theory alleging that a cabal of satan-worshipping cannabalistic pedophiles run a global child sex-trafficking ring and plotted against ... more"A discredited American far-right conspiracy theory alleging that a cabal of satan-worshipping cannabalistic pedophiles run a global child sex-trafficking ring and plotted against FOOTOO while he was in office. QANON is commonly called a CULT."It was INVENTED by a couple of crackpot dipsticks who knew the FOOTOOHEADS would buy any crap they dished out so they dished out a doozy of a doozy. They were right. Margie tail lure Green is a QANON supporter as are ALL FOOTOOHEADS.Yes indeedy do. Millions of mushbrained idiots BELIEVE it is true. I don't know what IQ they carry but surely they all belong in looney bins.Whether the HATE GROUPS that have spawned to a** kiss FOOTOO are all QANONS too I do not know. But you couple the Q's with a bazillion HATE GROUP members and whatcha got? Trouble. That's what. Trouble. Begins with T and ends with e in River City.Apologies to all the other countries that are now infected with QANON. The absurd ridiculous INSANE belief is firmly held and gravely meaningful to these crackpots... less
FOOTOO is a well-known cheapskate deadbeat who stiffs those he owes.But RudyG has the goods on him and will turn and flip in a heartbeat to save his own A**.So what should the chea... moreFOOTOO is a well-known cheapskate deadbeat who stiffs those he owes.But RudyG has the goods on him and will turn and flip in a heartbeat to save his own A**.So what should the cheapskate deadbeat do? Fork over millions of dollars to keep RudyG quiet or stiff him ignore him and take what comes next?This should be awesome fun. Don'tcha think?
Inspired by this question that was posted by another member:
Liz Cheney would not roll over and shut up and do as she was ORDERED TO DO by the old white men who control everything.She is still talking. The old WHITE MEN will replace her with... moreLiz Cheney would not roll over and shut up and do as she was ORDERED TO DO by the old white men who control everything.She is still talking. The old WHITE MEN will replace her with an obedient dame who will say exactly what they ORDER her to say. These FOOTOO dames are used to it. Independence is not their cuppa tea. Being loved and wanted is. Sheesh.YOU GO LIZ!
They are conscienceless and intent on raping pillaging and destroying DEMOCRACY. Don't you see that FOOTOOHEADS are their direct descendants and intent on what they get off on and ... moreThey are conscienceless and intent on raping pillaging and destroying DEMOCRACY. Don't you see that FOOTOOHEADS are their direct descendants and intent on what they get off on and live for.And so it goes.
Those who lie believing it is the truth are their own separate ilk and should be isolated on an island as lepers are for the well-being of everyone else.Those who lie KNOWING they ... moreThose who lie believing it is the truth are their own separate ilk and should be isolated on an island as lepers are for the well-being of everyone else.Those who lie KNOWING they lie also must live with the ones who lie believing they don't. They belong together like PP&J and no one ought put them asunder from one another or each other till death them doth part.Happy life without strife. Liars and LIAR BELIEVERS live each day being free of those who annoyingly insist on telling the truth. What could it hurt? Who would be harmed? Everybody WINS. Who has a problem with THAT? less
If they condescend and make you feel as if you are stupid they are not worth my time. They do enjoy one another as they try hard to impress one another with their brilliance perhap... moreIf they condescend and make you feel as if you are stupid they are not worth my time. They do enjoy one another as they try hard to impress one another with their brilliance perhaps. I wonder what a MENSA meeting is like? Do they all try to outdo one another or do they recognize the similarities and bond just like the "regular" folks do? Is their IQ worn on a jacket so that the 190 doesn't have to waste time on a 150?I dunno. I do wonder.
SNOB"A person who imitates cultivates or slavishly admires social superiors and is condescending or overbearing to others""A person who believes himself or herself an expert or con... moreSNOB"A person who imitates cultivates or slavishly admires social superiors and is condescending or overbearing to others""A person who believes himself or herself an expert or connoisseur in a given field and is condescending toward or disdainful of those who hold other opinions or have different tastes"... regarding a subject object noun pronoun preposition or derivatives thereof. To whit forsooth.The part outside the quotes is all me not the dictionary. As if you couldn't guess."First used as a nickname for a cobbler or cobbler's apprentice, hence a townsman, someone of low class or lacking good breeding; a commoner. Hence someone who imitates persons of higher rank."In other words a phony. less
They have NO interest or passion for anything else at any time else. Always proselytizing lying badgering lying attacking lying insulting lying. The arts? Literature? Philosophy? P... moreThey have NO interest or passion for anything else at any time else. Always proselytizing lying badgering lying attacking lying insulting lying. The arts? Literature? Philosophy? Psychology? Creativity? Inventiveness?. Imagination? All elude them completely. Predictable. Meet one and you know them all. Homogenized. Alike Dominoes. It works for them apparently or they wouldn't be so focused and OBSESSED with it 24/7. Engulfed by it. Absorbed into it. Nothing individual is allowed. Groupthink grouptalk groupact. Day after day after day after day. Et tu Brute? This is the way the world ends. This is the way the world ends. This is the way the world ends. Not with a bang but a whimper. Never send to know FOR WHOM THE BELL TOLLS. It tolls for thee. Tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow and is a tale told by an idiot full of sound and fury signifying nothing. How do I love thee? Let me count the ways. It was the best of times it was the worst of time. Call me ISMAEL. I wonder if any of THEM hav... less