"It is a far far better place I go to than I have ever been."A Tale of Two Cities. London and Paris during the French Revolution.Can you imagine your saying those words? What far f... more"It is a far far better place I go to than I have ever been."A Tale of Two Cities. London and Paris during the French Revolution.Can you imagine your saying those words? What far far better thing will you ever do than you have ever done?What was it in the novel?He(Sydney Carton) took the place of someone who was sentenced to death by guillotine. Why? Because the woman he loved loved the man whose place he took.It is said that the highest most noble thing one can do is give his/her life for others.Do you agree and do you think you have "the right stuff" to do it?Long ago Michael Cohen said he would take a bullet for the guy he worked for. Empty words.If you said it would you follow through and do it? less
We know north Korea is rattling chains. The BIG LIE FOOTOO party is planning to block anything Joe wants to get done. The BIG LIE PARTY white supremacist fascist racist hate grops ... moreWe know north Korea is rattling chains. The BIG LIE FOOTOO party is planning to block anything Joe wants to get done. The BIG LIE PARTY white supremacist fascist racist hate grops are working together to pull off the next big thing. The FOOTOO a**kissers are on the verge of getting their "just desserts" like senile RUDYG. How many folks will he alone pull down with him? China is not our friend. Russia is doing its sameoldsameold strongarm thing. India is suffering hugely from the pandemic. Red states are going over to the dark side voting wise and the top gun FOOTOO BIG LIE PARTY thugs are working 24/7 to eliminate the rights of all voters they don't like. Bubbling roiling teetering tottering. The nutjob wackadoodle crackpot QANONS are coming out of the woodwork in huge numbers and getting elected by a mushbrained automaton robotic puppetpublic. A Matt Gaetz is being lauded for being a pedophile who pays for sex and share his sexmates with a his "wing" man and still is invited to speak to a REPUBLICAN WOMEN's gr... less
https://variety.com/2021/tv/news/jeopardy-kelly-donohue-white-power-hand-sign-apology-1234963169/The former contestants who signed the petition owe Kelly Donohue an apology because... morehttps://variety.com/2021/tv/news/jeopardy-kelly-donohue-white-power-hand-sign-apology-1234963169/The former contestants who signed the petition owe Kelly Donohue an apology because the misunderstanding was theirs.
Again - - another of my preferences ("rhubarb-alone" pie) is very difficult to find - - but strawberry rhubarb? It's everywhere. :)
Rhubarb Pie (in case you've ne... moreAgain - - another of my preferences ("rhubarb-alone" pie) is very difficult to find - - but strawberry rhubarb? It's everywhere. :)
Rhubarb Pie (in case you've never seen it before, ha)
It's so unnecessary. Everyone knows about it. EVERYONE!! I'm sure primary-aged school children still make a special gift for their moms, so even if they don't have another adult in... moreIt's so unnecessary. Everyone knows about it. EVERYONE!! I'm sure primary-aged school children still make a special gift for their moms, so even if they don't have another adult in their lives to tell them, they're covered. No one doesn't know about mother's day!Think about how many people are pained by the constant reminders; mothers who have lost children, women who have miscarried, women who longed to be mothers but never were, children (of all ages) who loved and have lost their mothers, people who were neglected or abused by their mothers, people who have emotional pain due to being estranged from their mothers, mothers of children who are imprisoned, missing or in the throws of addiction. I think the mothers really worth celebrating don't care about getting material gifts from their children anyway. less
*This concerns personal debts only, not rent, mortgage, dues, auto loans, bank loans, student loans, interest, late fees, court costs, official judgments, layaway fees, recurring p... more*This concerns personal debts only, not rent, mortgage, dues, auto loans, bank loans, student loans, interest, late fees, court costs, official judgments, layaway fees, recurring payments as part of a budget, etc.**For instance, the person forgave you the debt, or you lost contact with each other, or you intentionally withheld the payback, or your country’s currency became devalued, or . . .~
Every state has pockets of refusers. 50 of them. Will it all be 30-50 year old unvaxxed or will it be all over the age range of refusers?So now we know we will NEVER be rid of it. ... moreEvery state has pockets of refusers. 50 of them. Will it all be 30-50 year old unvaxxed or will it be all over the age range of refusers?So now we know we will NEVER be rid of it. Relax. Take it easy. Nothing to worry about.Just drink some bleach or inject it into your lungs. Problem solved. You'll be dead.
At Fort Hood, Texas 21 Commissioned and non-commissioned officers were "disciplined" for their part in the sexual harrassment and DEATH of Vanessa Guillen. Her murderer killed hims... moreAt Fort Hood, Texas 21 Commissioned and non-commissioned officers were "disciplined" for their part in the sexual harrassment and DEATH of Vanessa Guillen. Her murderer killed himself.This goes on everywhere there are women and men in close quarters.You would think THE MILITARY would be different. You would think there would be HONOR and DISCIPLINE and RESPECT for everyone. You would be wrong.Shame on all predators. Men are sexually hit on too. No one escapes apparently.
BackstoryShe wants a July 4 FIREWORKS display celebration at Mt. Rushmore! Let the public in and jam them together why don't she?Because there is TRIBAL OPPOSITION to it as well as... moreBackstoryShe wants a July 4 FIREWORKS display celebration at Mt. Rushmore! Let the public in and jam them together why don't she?Because there is TRIBAL OPPOSITION to it as well as that we are still in a PANDEMIC The Biden administration refused to issue a permit.The She dipstick is suing the Biden Administration. ALONE. ONLY.WHY DOESN'T SHE SUE THE TRIBES WHO ISSUED THE COMPLAINT AS WELL?Dumb broad dipstick simply doesn't think. What a joke. No one is laughing.
Letting dozens of extreme FAR-RIGHT PROTESTERS breach the Capitol in Oregon.Too bad he isn't a "completeman" or "adultman" or "honorableman". Close but no cigar. Near but not nearl... moreLetting dozens of extreme FAR-RIGHT PROTESTERS breach the Capitol in Oregon.Too bad he isn't a "completeman" or "adultman" or "honorableman". Close but no cigar. Near but not nearly adequate or honorable enough.These maggot cretins exist by the millions and are working to undermine our country. They did their evil January 6 as they conducted tours for the insurrectionists. They hover around and on FOOTOOHEAD to impress him and do his bidding 24/7.This land is your land this land is my land.Woody Guthrie long ago wrote that song. What song would Woody write today? less
Liz Cheney is in trouble because she is a person who thinks INDEPENDENTLY based on conscience. Similarly Mitt Romney was almost censured for the FOOTOO impeachment votes.The FOOTOO... moreLiz Cheney is in trouble because she is a person who thinks INDEPENDENTLY based on conscience. Similarly Mitt Romney was almost censured for the FOOTOO impeachment votes.The FOOTOOHEAD BIG LIE PARTY demands complete compliance and obedience. OR ELSE.Isn't that inspiring? Millions of people all in a row. Tickytack is all you see. Tickytack is all you hear. All there is? Tickytack. Future is? Tickytack. Historians will write of the masses of Tickytack bound to and run by FOOTOOHEAD.Millions of people all in a row. All look alike sound alike speak alike think alike do alike. Tickeytack FOOTOOHEADS as far as the eye can see. Are you a tickytack too? less
I think that's bad. If you get a REALLY GREAT president why must you give him/her up?What caused that? Jealousy obviously. Why else cut off a good thing?
Because is certain that Cyber Ninja UV light watermark and fold QANON my pillow guy margie green conspiracy queen will come up with the number he needs to win Arizona.Then state by... moreBecause is certain that Cyber Ninja UV light watermark and fold QANON my pillow guy margie green conspiracy queen will come up with the number he needs to win Arizona.Then state by state there will be repeating with the same cast of characters.At the end with a population of 332 million the FOOTOO will have received 1 BILLION legal votes to ensure that he reclaims his presidency.Where there's life there's hope. Even dopes can hope.Stay tuned.