1. What and why is it good news? 2. Who is preaching this good news of the Kingdom earth wide? 3. What is it the end of? 4. Have you personally been given a witness either in perso... more1. What and why is it good news? 2. Who is preaching this good news of the Kingdom earth wide? 3. What is it the end of? 4. Have you personally been given a witness either in person, telephone, letter, etc?(Matthew 24:14) And this good news of the Kingdom will be preached in all the inhabited earth for a witness to all the nations, and then the end will come.Notify me of new answers
That's what is happening in THE BIG LIE Party. Captain disappeared months ago. What are they fighting one another for as they falsely attest to a UNITED party?I have no idea. They ... moreThat's what is happening in THE BIG LIE Party. Captain disappeared months ago. What are they fighting one another for as they falsely attest to a UNITED party?I have no idea. They just look really obtuse. He is gone. They stay. Glug glug glug glug.
Y'all support the a**kisser. She doesn't do that.Now y'all are in big trouble for not inviting FOOTOO to this shindig. It's all about him isn't it? How can you serve a meal without... moreY'all support the a**kisser. She doesn't do that.Now y'all are in big trouble for not inviting FOOTOO to this shindig. It's all about him isn't it? How can you serve a meal without the piece de resistance entree absent?
He swears Dems will steal all beef so y'all can't eat your beefburgers. Well what's wrong with PORKburgers CHICKENburgers TURKEYburgers Salmonburgers?Yup. Also Larry has a beef abo... moreHe swears Dems will steal all beef so y'all can't eat your beefburgers. Well what's wrong with PORKburgers CHICKENburgers TURKEYburgers Salmonburgers?Yup. Also Larry has a beef about his beer. The bad DEMS want to take away all non-plant beer.I don't know what y our favorite label beefbrew is but it's gonna be gone. I know. How lousy is that for you?Maybe Larry will share some of his stash of beefbrew with you.
I WUZ ROBBED!That's what the FOOTOO sez all the time already. His hats will read "WE WUZ ROBBED" and his extensive clothing line will be the same.Only he can wear the I WUZ ROBBED.... moreI WUZ ROBBED!That's what the FOOTOO sez all the time already. His hats will read "WE WUZ ROBBED" and his extensive clothing line will be the same.Only he can wear the I WUZ ROBBED. Others can wear the WE WUZ ROBBED or HE WUZ ROBBED. Everyone will buy all of them and alternate the wearing of them.The rallies will all be the "I WUZ ROBBED" rallies. Exciting isn't it?Out with the GOP. No longer useful.In with TBL. Every day in every way the basis of all is THE BIG LIE.You wuz robbedThey wuz robbedHe wuz robbedShe wuz robbedWe wuz robbedIt wuz robbedThem wuz robbedAll wuz robbedMany wuz robbedGOD wuz robbed (for the religious folk) less
What standards that all of us used to strive to meet are gone completely from TBL political party?HonorIntegrityTruthJusticePatriotismKindnessPatienceCaringConcern for "the other"A... moreWhat standards that all of us used to strive to meet are gone completely from TBL political party?HonorIntegrityTruthJusticePatriotismKindnessPatienceCaringConcern for "the other"All gone. Whew. What a smart idea. Anyone can achieve it. Just be an SOB 24/7. Simple..
GOP usta be what TBL is today.THE BIG LIE party rocks and rolls and rules among themselves.TBL anyone?How's your TBL doing?Any new TBL to add to the original TBL or is that origina... moreGOP usta be what TBL is today.THE BIG LIE party rocks and rolls and rules among themselves.TBL anyone?How's your TBL doing?Any new TBL to add to the original TBL or is that original TBL all there is?
The FOUNDATION of government is our Constitution.So how can anyone be for the foundation but working hard to overthrow/destroy it?Do they know how weird they are for believing two ... moreThe FOUNDATION of government is our Constitution.So how can anyone be for the foundation but working hard to overthrow/destroy it?Do they know how weird they are for believing two completely opposite things?I bet not. Weirdos don't know it. They think they are a cut above and special and all those who don't views things as they do? They are all "less than".Very confenient isn't it?.
Whether it is power or money or sex they have an INSATIABLE desire for having more more more more more more more.Odd or normal?Weird or standard?Peculiar or typical?Queer or square?
Protect the perpBlame the vicInnocentize the guiltyEvilize "the other"Based on what?Skin color for starters.EthnicityGenderPolitical dogmaGeneric HATE4 years during which that was ... moreProtect the perpBlame the vicInnocentize the guiltyEvilize "the other"Based on what?Skin color for starters.EthnicityGenderPolitical dogmaGeneric HATE4 years during which that was all there was on the menuStill shoving and pushing and demanding and pretending and lying and threatening and scaring. Fewer and fewer and fewer. Louder and louder and louder.What soup du jour do you prefer? Then or now?
Did they ever feel guilt that they let it happen? Did they ever feel responsible for the lack of care and attention? How many kids died because of that? How many kids will die in t... moreDid they ever feel guilt that they let it happen? Did they ever feel responsible for the lack of care and attention? How many kids died because of that? How many kids will die in the today times?Well ya see the today ANTI VAX folks are exactly the same. Unless they are hypocrites and allow the kids to get vaccinated but refuse it for themselves?What manner of monster are these parents? I don't know but we are finding out. Poor kids. They didn't ask to be born into a family of monstrous no heart braindead brainless homo saps. Just their BAD LUCK.. less
They should get some kind of award for that.Have sex have kids then let them be on their own.After all you have no obligation to protect them. Having them is all you care about.Goo... moreThey should get some kind of award for that.Have sex have kids then let them be on their own.After all you have no obligation to protect them. Having them is all you care about.Good job. Good show. Carry on
Politically Correct? So what are YOUR politics? Nutjob crackpot or sane? Delusional alternate reality or reality?Perfectly Corrupt? FOOTOO and the TBL folks dwell... morePolitically Correct? So what are YOUR politics? Nutjob crackpot or sane? Delusional alternate reality or reality?Perfectly Corrupt? FOOTOO and the TBL folks dwell in the world of treason corruption and overwhelming stupidity.As their words and deeds and reactions and actions keep proving repeatedly.Overwhelming stupidity never ends well. Oh well.
Someone to watch out for me and have my back and protect me and run interference.I've been lucky to have guy friends who have done that for me.Do we find what we seek very often?Wh... moreSomeone to watch out for me and have my back and protect me and run interference.I've been lucky to have guy friends who have done that for me.Do we find what we seek very often?What have you been searching for your entire life? Did you find it?
If you are the former member of any one of the many Q&A website* that suddenly and without warning shut down, what would you have liked to be able to do if you had had notice of it... moreIf you are the former member of any one of the many Q&A website* that suddenly and without warning shut down, what would you have liked to be able to do if you had had notice of it 30 days or more in advance?
I belonged to AnswerBag, which bottomed out one day in December of 2014 or 2015. I wish I could have saved dozens or hundreds of my questions from its pages. They were some of my best offerings, truly. Instead, I’ve had to bug all of you with new ones that I came up with since then, and they’re only one/tenth as good as my 2009-2014/5 works. Grrrrrrrr. *DISCLAIMER: The list of websites above, both real and imaginary, is not all-inclusive because I do not know the names of all of them that shut down nor the ways that they shut down.
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never get away with it. I find it amazing that there are so many tiny little ways that clues get left behind that first-time or even repeat criminals are never as clever as they th... morenever get away with it. I find it amazing that there are so many tiny little ways that clues get left behind that first-time or even repeat criminals are never as clever as they think.
What prompted this post is a show I’m watching now. The killer claims that the murder was an accident and that in panic, instead of calling the police, he threw the body into the trunk of his car, drove hours away from the scene and dumped the person on the side of the highway. He took pains to clean things up and went about his life’s business. He thought he was in the clear because weeks or months went by before he was even questioned, so he thought there was no link to the crime. Now in prison, the show recounted the litany of missteps he made that connected him to the assault, pointed to him being at the scene of the crime, those signs left behind in his car, and the evidence that the car had been at the drop site. I’m not accusing you of being of criminal mentality, so I ask this just for the sa... less
relying on you to save the day all the time?(This would not necessarily be one-time assistance that you provided, it’s more of ongoing support either several random occasions... morerelying on you to save the day all the time?(This would not necessarily be one-time assistance that you provided, it’s more of ongoing support either several random occasions or a set periodic arrangement.)~
because none of his qualifications were recognized in the US, so he had taken the first job he could find. He was in his late fifties when I met him, has poor health, and I don&rsq... morebecause none of his qualifications were recognized in the US, so he had taken the first job he could find. He was in his late fifties when I met him, has poor health, and I don’t know how long he has been in the US at that point. His US visa was not employment based nor education based, it was family based. He was not in a position to both take the necessary courses and then get certified to the same socio-economic status he had once enjoyed. He told me that many American citizens had entered his country seeking high-end jobs and their credentials were immediately accepted, often without question or scrutiny, and that while the cost of living and salaries didn’t compare to the US, they lived at an upperclass level there. Do you personally know any immigrants to your country whose lives almost instantly took a drastic negative direction due to those types of circumstances?~ less
entering countries that are more affluent than their own. (This is notwithstanding the manner of entry nor their immigration status upon becoming homeless.)Of course, depending on ... moreentering countries that are more affluent than their own. (This is notwithstanding the manner of entry nor their immigration status upon becoming homeless.)Of course, depending on the conditions of their home countries, being homeless in a more affluent country might not present the same challenges and difficulties to all that might be assumed.Do you know, or have you ever known, an immigrant to your country who is homeless or at any point became homeless?___
They will "find" that all 2 million maricopa county votes were fraudulent and that FOOTOO got every single one of them.In secret the findings. No reporters allowed. No independent ... moreThey will "find" that all 2 million maricopa county votes were fraudulent and that FOOTOO got every single one of them.In secret the findings. No reporters allowed. No independent observers.Multiply that by the number of counties in the states in America. Every red one will do a "recount audit" and every result will be that every vote was fraudulent because everyone everywhere voted for the FOOTOO.No brainer. SLAM DUNK. QANON oathkeeper proud boy KKK conspirary theory margery green militia military ex-cop insurrectionists et al in charge.In secret. No one to see or hear. Only the WORD of the reds. Take it to the bank. These folks are DEAD SERIOUS. No joke.All aboard. less
opposed to online grocery shopping and/or having them delivered, are there certain items or products you no longer buy because other people touch them, whether that is at the proce... moreopposed to online grocery shopping and/or having them delivered, are there certain items or products you no longer buy because other people touch them, whether that is at the processing stage, packaging stage, stocking stage, other customers, etc.?~
The murderer above all must needs receive DUE PROCESS.The murderer did not accord the murder victim due process.Yet society SCREAMS and DEMANDS due process for the murderer.Somehow... moreThe murderer above all must needs receive DUE PROCESS.The murderer did not accord the murder victim due process.Yet society SCREAMS and DEMANDS due process for the murderer.Somehow this does not seem fair but fair is only given to the living. The dead have no need of it at all ever. Dead is dead is dead is dead. The living are the ones OWED everything they can steal grab demand.
He sez President Joseph R. Biden will force us to drink "PLANT BASED BEER"!What meat-based beer do YOU prefer? Made of beef, pork chicken, fish, liver, sweetbreads?Only wimps drink... moreHe sez President Joseph R. Biden will force us to drink "PLANT BASED BEER"!What meat-based beer do YOU prefer? Made of beef, pork chicken, fish, liver, sweetbreads?Only wimps drink PLANT-BASED BEER.Larry Kudlow is a macho macho macho man.Typical of the intellect in the GOP. Non-existent!