The issueThe Constitution gives the right to own a gun and protect yourself INSIDE YOUR HOMEBut extending it to carrying a loaded gun outside your home? That is what the Supremes w... moreThe issueThe Constitution gives the right to own a gun and protect yourself INSIDE YOUR HOMEBut extending it to carrying a loaded gun outside your home? That is what the Supremes will finally confront.If they set strict limits to open carry outside your home are you going to have HUGE problem with that since you NEVER LEAVE HOME WITHOUT A LOADED GUN ON YOUR PERSON?
If you get the second shot at a different location that may account for it.Why care? Because the second shot COMPLETES the protection. Without it you might not be protected from so... moreIf you get the second shot at a different location that may account for it.Why care? Because the second shot COMPLETES the protection. Without it you might not be protected from some of the mutant/variant strains.Are you one who won't get the second shot?
Glad you asked.Once upon a time in a book store long ago ( do you remember them or are you too young) I thumbed through a book of symptoms of disease possibilities. I was consideri... moreGlad you asked.Once upon a time in a book store long ago ( do you remember them or are you too young) I thumbed through a book of symptoms of disease possibilities. I was considering buying it but then common sense prevailed and I didn't. Why?Because I'd be dying of this or that or the other thing. I saw no point in that. I know me too well. So I passed.Can you be trusted to own a book like that and not go to your special crazy place and worry unnecessarily?I know I can't.
My mom was the first born and then had two younger brothers. They were prized. She was tolerated. Her parents were from the OLD COUNTRY and I expect that view was standard normal t... moreMy mom was the first born and then had two younger brothers. They were prized. She was tolerated. Her parents were from the OLD COUNTRY and I expect that view was standard normal typical. Methinks it may still be.The bias against women is legendary.The bias against people of color we see daily.The bias against independent thinkers is obvious. They get poisoned imprisoned slaughtered.When and where are those with that bias going to be BIASED AGAINST? Where is fair? Where is balance? Where is reciprocity?
Are you yours? In this context "brother" refers to blood relative. But on a larger scale of humanity aren't we ALL brothers and sisters? Or is that just bleeding heart liberal bullsh**?
Some folks whine away their lives complaining about what they don't have.How stupid is that? They ignore what they do have as if it's chopped liver and are allergic to it!. They ar... moreSome folks whine away their lives complaining about what they don't have.How stupid is that? They ignore what they do have as if it's chopped liver and are allergic to it!. They are the LOSERS in life bigly bigtime..
Do you spend your life watching the clock? Allowing just so much time and no more all the time?D'ya think that's wise? Doing that may prevent you from realizing something great and... moreDo you spend your life watching the clock? Allowing just so much time and no more all the time?D'ya think that's wise? Doing that may prevent you from realizing something great and grand that could have come later had you only given it time?Thus far and no farther.So much and no more.Rigid
I got my first shot 5 days ago and I already think I am feeling better physically and I know I am feeling better mentally. Before I got my shot I always worried that I was goi... moreI got my first shot 5 days ago and I already think I am feeling better physically and I know I am feeling better mentally. Before I got my shot I always worried that I was going to get the virus or that I had the virus. A few times I had a bad hair day and I thought maybe it was because I had the coronavirus. I know that I won't be fully protected until I get my second shot but it is a comfort knowing that after a year I can finally see a end to the coronavirus worries. Cheers!
About five years ago, I called brother had called me and said he was going to kill himself and that he had a gun. I gave them his address at the other side of town. Someho... moreAbout five years ago, I called brother had called me and said he was going to kill himself and that he had a gun. I gave them his address at the other side of town. Somehow they didn't understand and showed up at my door. We insisted nothing was going on here and I explained what was going on. They went and picked him up.
"Republicans aren't anything the majority of Americans are for"They don't know it?They keep hammering on what isn't working already? Insanity right? Keep doing the same thing expec... more"Republicans aren't anything the majority of Americans are for"They don't know it?They keep hammering on what isn't working already? Insanity right? Keep doing the same thing expecting a different outcome.The 2024 GOP candidates will believe the 2020 election was fraudulent. What is the IQ of these disaffected folks? I guess you can be fairly intelligent when living in an alternate reality where lies are daily fair and truth never gets in.And so it goes. Stay tuned. Watch. Listen. See how massively destructive the FOOTOO GOP can be. They eat their own you see. less
Let's see GOP Kennedy said President Biden is a walkerite and "left of Lenin".Everything the FOOTOO GOP throws at JOE doesn't stick. They are so desperate to take him down as his p... moreLet's see GOP Kennedy said President Biden is a walkerite and "left of Lenin".Everything the FOOTOO GOP throws at JOE doesn't stick. They are so desperate to take him down as his poll numbers keep rising. They are mocking themselves and ridiculing themselves because they have finally gone all the way around that bend. No coming back from that.Instead of wasting time recounting November 2020 ballots or siding with the white supremacist fascist racists why aren't they working on something POSITIVE that helps the American People?They continue to stew in their brine and whine and whine.Stuck in a rut?Digging the hole deeper?Running furiously around the track going nowhere?Day in and day out everyday in every way?Hamsters they are now and hamsters they will forever be. less
Clearly if you don't adapt and go with the flow when the flow goes wherever it goes you are left behind. Pretty soon you're out there on your own all alone. That's not so good.
Liz Cheney, dick's daughter.Yep. She isn't quiet and she isn't obedient and she doesn't support FOOTOO AND SHE SAYS SO!In all my borne days I never thought I'd support any Cheney f... moreLiz Cheney, dick's daughter.Yep. She isn't quiet and she isn't obedient and she doesn't support FOOTOO AND SHE SAYS SO!In all my borne days I never thought I'd support any Cheney for anything. I do support Liz.YOU GO GIRL!
How am I supposed to learn what I don't understand?I struggle with that one all the time. The latest example is jury nullification. AARRGGHH.So do you have answer?
Jury Nullification according to my friend is that the JURY HAS THE RIGHT TO DECIDE IF A LAW IS JUST.So not only do they decide if someone BROKE THE LAW but also they can decide if ... moreJury Nullification according to my friend is that the JURY HAS THE RIGHT TO DECIDE IF A LAW IS JUST.So not only do they decide if someone BROKE THE LAW but also they can decide if the law they broke was unjust.WHAT? 12 disparate jurors with varying degrees of education experience intellect integrity can decide a law is unjust? How can that be possible?So all 12 are WHITE SUPREMACISTSor PEDOPHILESor MURDERERSor TRAITORSWhat kind of vetting can the jurors possibly endure to INSURE they have the capacity capability and intelligence as well as the integrity to DECIDE that?Are you way cool with it? Seriously? GOOD GAWD. less
FACEBOOK knows it facilitated all the wackadoodlenoodle conspiracy theory hate filled white supremacists QANON oathkeeper proudboy KKK american nazis to spread the BIG LIE which ha... moreFACEBOOK knows it facilitated all the wackadoodlenoodle conspiracy theory hate filled white supremacists QANON oathkeeper proudboy KKK american nazis to spread the BIG LIE which has caused an attempted insurrection and destabilized the nation?They KNOW.What responsibility does FACEBOOK have for allowing the treasonous lying traitors to climb aboard collude conspire plan connive to destroy the democracy?They made a bunch of money I suppose. Money rocks rules. What else is there but making boodles and oodles of money from crackpot nutjobs lying destroying crushing exterminating?It feels so good. less
Because you have to listen to testimoney that could be very upsetting and look at pictures that could be very disturbing. After all they are human beings having to "judge" the acti... moreBecause you have to listen to testimoney that could be very upsetting and look at pictures that could be very disturbing. After all they are human beings having to "judge" the actions of other human beings who caused harm to someone or something. Things that stay with you decades later.Has that ever happened to you too? Any cases that haunt you?I don't know if I could do it. I don't know if I have the "right stuff" to take it, analyze it, think about it and conclude anything.
He would have been the first to abandon ship and knowing him as I do he would have cut adrift all lifeboats so no one else could survive.Why?He's just that kinda guy.ME FIRST ME LA... moreHe would have been the first to abandon ship and knowing him as I do he would have cut adrift all lifeboats so no one else could survive.Why?He's just that kinda guy.ME FIRST ME LAST ME ALWAYS FOREVER MORE. ME DESERVES ME WANTS ME TAKES ME ME ME ME ME
Don't Republicans put themselves and making money first foremost and the onliest thing they value?How many Republicans take jobs so they can HELP and MAKE THINGS BETTER FOR OTHERS?... moreDon't Republicans put themselves and making money first foremost and the onliest thing they value?How many Republicans take jobs so they can HELP and MAKE THINGS BETTER FOR OTHERS?Anyone know the answers?