The 4 options Truman had vis a vis the warContinue conventional bombing of Japanese citiesInvade JapanDemonstrate the bomb on an unpopulated areaUse the bomb on a populated areaHe ... moreThe 4 options Truman had vis a vis the warContinue conventional bombing of Japanese citiesInvade JapanDemonstrate the bomb on an unpopulated areaUse the bomb on a populated areaHe chose the latter option and the rest is historyDoing that took a lot of lives. Did it save more than it took?
They dare not think for themselves. They dare not rely on what they see and hear. They have no faith in themselves at all. It has been brainwashed out of them. So they wait and the... moreThey dare not think for themselves. They dare not rely on what they see and hear. They have no faith in themselves at all. It has been brainwashed out of them. So they wait and then they are instructed as to how to interpret what they saw and heard. They never question the interpretation. They just memorize it and spit it out by rote.How many of them like that are there? SIGH. I don't know.
Encountering others who are just like you. You "get" them and they "get" you. It's comforting to know you are not alone.Homo saps are mixtures of opposing things.Is that a blessing... moreEncountering others who are just like you. You "get" them and they "get" you. It's comforting to know you are not alone.Homo saps are mixtures of opposing things.Is that a blessing or a curse?A strength or a weakness?A plus or a minus?
Where the he** are his insurrectionist thugs? He NEEDS THEM to insurrect against the GOP and obliterate it totally. Where are they in his hour of need? Are they all show and no go?
She sez for interfering with an arrest. AN ARREST? She steps over the fact that what you are interfering with is a MURDER IN PROGRESS not an "arrest".Who is going to arrest you? Th... moreShe sez for interfering with an arrest. AN ARREST? She steps over the fact that what you are interfering with is a MURDER IN PROGRESS not an "arrest".Who is going to arrest you? The cop who is MURDERING someone or the three cops who just stand by and watch him commit the murder?Really isn't that the pits? Who believes that would happen? How many arrests end in death by murder by cop with lots of bystanders watching and filming and telling the cop to STOP?We will never know the answer to that. Thank GOD for cell phones and people who are tracking the actions of cops and FILMING THEM.That would be one for the books. You interfere with a MURDER and YOU are arrested for interfering with an "ARREST"? Isn't it a murder you are trying to STOP? SERIOUSLY?. less
I got my new XPS 8940 SE desktop in March. It is making a LOUD clickity-click, clickity-click, clickity-click noise NONSTOP and it's driving me/us nuts. The n... moreI got my new XPS 8940 SE desktop in March. It is making a LOUD clickity-click, clickity-click, clickity-click noise NONSTOP and it's driving me/us nuts. The noise runs continuously even when the computer is not in use. It is loud enough that you can hear it across the room, large room.
Dell sent out someone to replace the fans, thinking that was the problem and it wasn't . Then they sent someone out to replace my Seagate Baraccuda 2TB SATA HDD, with another Seagate Baraccuda... and the noise persists. One of the Technicians that came to my home said that noise is not normal nor good and the second tech said it is normal, plus I've received conflicting info from Dell Techs at Dell. I am now waiting on a 3rd, new and different maker HDD to see if that eliminates the unusual, loud noise. If the noise persists after this HDD switch I'm going to have to send the computer in to be looked at. I don't know what they will do differently then what has al... less
”Ya best keep yo’ place, boy, don’t step outta line, don’t get uppity.”
... moreorganization is the Republican Party?
”Ya best keep yo’ place, boy, don’t step outta line, don’t get uppity.”
For over a century in the US, Black people were constantly told the hundreds of things they could not do, among them was the ability or intelligence to make decisions. Society held Black people back from many parts of everyday life by creating narrow categories from which they could not stray. Housing, education, political office, employment with or advancement within a job or profession or company, military service, sports, entertainment venues, hospitals, hotels, restaurants, swimming pools, public transportation, country clubs, dating, marriage, adoption, etc., all were lines that Black people couldn’t cross. The message was quite clear: if you’re Black, you’d better not show your face anywhere it’s been decided that you don’t belong. The Ku Klux Klan worked very hard to enforce those lines.
So now in 2021, ce... less
I honestly didn't believe there could be 12 people on a jury without one of them AT LEAST being a racist. Mea Culpa. Very glad about that. I'd like to very wrong again futurely in ... moreI honestly didn't believe there could be 12 people on a jury without one of them AT LEAST being a racist. Mea Culpa. Very glad about that. I'd like to very wrong again futurely in the same way. I hope. SIGH.So how are you about this? Didja call it in advance or are you surprised too?
Investigate all COP DEPARTMENTS in every city in every state from stem to stern and top to bottom and then go back through and do it SIDEWAYS!"Pattern and Practice" Investigation C... moreInvestigate all COP DEPARTMENTS in every city in every state from stem to stern and top to bottom and then go back through and do it SIDEWAYS!"Pattern and Practice" Investigation Civil Rights Division.These investigations have been going on for years but during the FOOTOO years they STOPPED COMPLETELY. We know why don't we?So now that dam* fool FOOTOO is gone back we go doing what we would have kept had not the FOOTOO destructed it.
What he said resonated with me more than I can explain. It shook me.He said he was very happy that the right verdict occurred. THIS TIME. But during all of this goings on he realiz... moreWhat he said resonated with me more than I can explain. It shook me.He said he was very happy that the right verdict occurred. THIS TIME. But during all of this goings on he realized he had a lot of work to do on himself. He had not realized nor was he particularly interested in the plight of blacks. He was just detached from it because it wasn't his problem.He said it is his problem. It is everyone's problem. Then he said he was going to find out what he could do to HELP the people that have been targeted and harmed for so long. He was so sincere and sad at the same time that he was glad about the verdict. Talk about mixed feelings!Me too. I never thought much about how I go through life. Have I always done my best by others? No I haven't. Why? I guess I just couldn't be bothered. Had too much on my plate. Of course I remembered the days of reading about the KKK and lynchings and Billie Holiday singing about "STRANGE FRUIT". But of late the past few years it has come to my attention that not that much has chang... less
One size fits all.One source encompasses allBible or ScienceYet some kid themselves to this day believing they are the superiors and other ilk are inferiors.All ilk is alike at its... moreOne size fits all.One source encompasses allBible or ScienceYet some kid themselves to this day believing they are the superiors and other ilk are inferiors.All ilk is alike at its core.That is true for all whatever/despite the VARIETY..Apples are appliesMangoes are mangoesNothing can change that.
All 74 Million will be weaponized cauterized sanitized lobotomized and march on D.C. to take over and reinstall their one true gawd...FOOTOO.When?Very soon.
*The three ossifers who just stood there and watched with the vile rat MURDERED in man in front them. Took him a bit over NINE MINUTES. Did any of the three try to STOP HIM FROM CO... more*The three ossifers who just stood there and watched with the vile rat MURDERED in man in front them. Took him a bit over NINE MINUTES. Did any of the three try to STOP HIM FROM COMMITTING MURDER or try to intervene? Nope. Deaf dumb and blind. Three blind mice. See how they run.
The murderer's bail was revoked and he was taken away in handcuffs. In two months we will know what the sentence is and if imposed bigly he will never see the light of day again. H... moreThe murderer's bail was revoked and he was taken away in handcuffs. In two months we will know what the sentence is and if imposed bigly he will never see the light of day again. He will live the rest of his sorry a** life in jail. His family can visit him. George Floyd's family was robbed of that by the murderer.Live by the sword DIE BY THE SWORD? Justice this one time? We'll see.His lawyers will probably engage in years of appeals. To save a murdurer from death in prison.Worth it?Maxine Waters said we should be CONFRONTATIONAL. Judge sez Chauvin can appeal based on that alone.Judge CLEARLY is ignorant of the meaning of CONFRONTATIONAL.There is no violence implied or breaking of laws or harming of anyone. You just CONFRONT instead of turning away or avoiding.I wish US homo saps were more knowledgeable than they are.. They get off on and go off on tangents of ignorance and prejudice and hate.CONFRONTTo face in HOSTILITY OR DEFIANCE; OPPOSETo present for ACKNOWLEDGEMENT, CONTRADICTION ETC. SET FACE TO FACETo brin... less
YIN AND YANGIn Chinese philosophy and religionTwo principles. On negative dark and feminine (YIN)One positive bright and masculline (YANG)Whose interactions influences the destinie... moreYIN AND YANGIn Chinese philosophy and religionTwo principles. On negative dark and feminine (YIN)One positive bright and masculline (YANG)Whose interactions influences the destinies of creature and thingsHere the gal is the "bad guy"The guy is the "good girl"WHY?Well ya see it's like this. Women from when time began were second best. The troublemakers. Nothing has changed.The STEREOTYPE of "there is no fury like a woman scorned". Really? Not even the fury of a FOOTOO?
I think in June on the FOOTOO birthday the armies of death will strike as a special birthday gift to FOOTOO.What could possibly please him more than that? Blood running in the stre... moreI think in June on the FOOTOO birthday the armies of death will strike as a special birthday gift to FOOTOO.What could possibly please him more than that? Blood running in the streets. Rioting death destruction.Yes I can see that happening. You too?
The Conservative heart disappeared completely when FOOTOO took over and they embraced him and supported him and defended they still do.Once the heart is gone how long befo... moreThe Conservative heart disappeared completely when FOOTOO took over and they embraced him and supported him and defended they still do.Once the heart is gone how long before the body that used to house it withers away?
REACTIONARYOf, pertaining to, marked by or favoring reaction esp.EXTREME CONSERVATISM OR RIGHTISM IN POLITICS OPPOSING SOCIAL CHANGEULTRACONSERVATIVEREACTIONA reverse action or ten... moreREACTIONARYOf, pertaining to, marked by or favoring reaction esp.EXTREME CONSERVATISM OR RIGHTISM IN POLITICS OPPOSING SOCIAL CHANGEULTRACONSERVATIVEREACTIONA reverse action or tendency. An action in reverse direction or manner.They pray for the days of yesterday when slaves were standard issue property and women were not allowed to vote or own property and were entirely dependent upon white men to guide them brainwash them control them. The women of the that day where slaves too only they were of the "right" color. WHITE.Ah yes those were the days. All white racists are reactionaries. All hate group members are reactionaries. All voting rights destroyers are reactionaries. There was a time when there was no such thing as a "black" vote. I believe slaves were considered to be 2/3 of a person and were simply property whites owned.Yes the REACTIONARIES get up every day with one thing in mind. Stop the progress. Go back to the way it was. They pray to GOD for that. They gather together in cabals to plan how t... less