This time at a Fedex facility in Indianapolis! 8 KILLED MURDERED SLAYED GUNNED DOWN!Hip hip hooray. Hip hip hooray. Hip hip hooray. Buy more guns. You need them. The next gun massa... moreThis time at a Fedex facility in Indianapolis! 8 KILLED MURDERED SLAYED GUNNED DOWN!Hip hip hooray. Hip hip hooray. Hip hip hooray. Buy more guns. You need them. The next gun massacre is coming to YOUR town. Be prepared.
Frankenstein's Monster?Alive on a throne worshipped by many.MAR A LARDO at MAR A LAGO?Oh. The MAR A LARDO is not my creation. It is the brainchild of our Canadian friend.
WEEKEND AT BERNIE'SWhile trying to cover up the death of their boss two saps discover he was planning theirs to cover up his embezzlement.It jumps right out at me who is whom in th... moreWEEKEND AT BERNIE'SWhile trying to cover up the death of their boss two saps discover he was planning theirs to cover up his embezzlement.It jumps right out at me who is whom in the current universe relative to the movie screen. Doth it to you too?Here's a hintFOOTOO IS BERNIEThe two saps are the FOOTOO adoring worshipper true believers who try to make us believe FOOTOO ain't deadThe embezzlement is the theft and near destruction of the countryFOOTOO tried to annihilate everyone and everything and is still from his "grave" attacking insulting lying tryingNow when was WEEKEND AT BERNIE's WRITTEN AND PERFORMED ON SCREEN less
No I don't. I don't need proof.I have observed that the extreme right-wing FOOTOO GOP adoring worships an insane cruel corrupt selfish man.Now that is not healthy. You are what you... moreNo I don't. I don't need proof.I have observed that the extreme right-wing FOOTOO GOP adoring worships an insane cruel corrupt selfish man.Now that is not healthy. You are what you eat. ERGO I conclude that the adoring worshippers of FOOTOO are fatter and less healthy than the rest of us.YOU ARE WHAT YOU EAT.YOU ARE WHAT YOU THINK.YOU ARE WHAT YOU A**KISSYOU ARE WHAT YOU DOYOU ARE WHAT YOU INSULTYOU ARE WHAT YOU ATTACK
That is very SUSPICIOUS to me.Almost as if there is a SCRIPT they must memorize and verbalize VERBATIM or else.Contrarian to contrarian the dialogue is identical.As I said does it ... moreThat is very SUSPICIOUS to me.Almost as if there is a SCRIPT they must memorize and verbalize VERBATIM or else.Contrarian to contrarian the dialogue is identical.As I said does it pay well because it sure as he** doesn't play well in Peoria.
Political correctness seems to be the problem according to some. What is an example of Political Correctness?When asked by someone "do I look fat"You think "boy you sure love to pi... morePolitical correctness seems to be the problem according to some. What is an example of Political Correctness?When asked by someone "do I look fat"You think "boy you sure love to pig out don't you?: but say "I think you look great!"?In other words is "political correctness just another way of saying someone is LYING?If so how come all of a sudden it's a problem?PEOPLE LIE. GET OVER IT.
SUSPICIOUS PEOPLEThe person posting this said to BEWARE OF SUSPICIOUS PEOPLE. Two men and a woman walking down the street all of whom had tattoos on their faces. Sez she "I SAW THE... moreSUSPICIOUS PEOPLEThe person posting this said to BEWARE OF SUSPICIOUS PEOPLE. Two men and a woman walking down the street all of whom had tattoos on their faces. Sez she "I SAW THEM".Here's my question. What causes you to be "suspicious" of strangers?TattoosMetal face piercings other than earlobesClothingActionsWould those three have frightened you though all they were doing was taking a walk? Could have been relatives of residents for all she knew. Residents can have people stay over no matter what they look like. There is a limit...30 days I believe.It just got me wondering about how we perceive one another. What it takes to scare folks. What is it exactly that makes "the other" look SUSPICIOUS? less
Here’s my partial list:Almost any of the early Laurel and Hardy movies.Numerous film noir classics.
“It’s A Wonderful Life”“The Bridge on the River Kw... moreHere’s my partial list:Almost any of the early Laurel and Hardy movies.Numerous film noir classics.
“It’s A Wonderful Life”“The Bridge on the River Kwai”“Blackboard Jungle””Spartacus”“Cool Hand Luke” does it for me every time. Almost any Clint Eastwood spaghetti western.“Von Ryan’s Express”“A Bridge Too Far”“The Longest Day”“The Sands of Iwo Jima”“Kelly’s Heroes”“Tora, Tora, Tora”“Stalag 17”“The Battle of the Bulge”“Buck and the Preacher”“Car Wash””The Boys in Company C”“Alien” (the original)”An Officer and a Gentleman”
“Platoon””Silverado””Terminator” (the original)”Full Metal Jacket”
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After further research, approximately 0.00008% of people in the US die from a blood clot each day. Logical conclusion...J&J VACCINES PREVENT BLOOD CLOTS.
I don't know when the first homo sap raised his hand to strike a blow or put out his hand to shake hands.Which do you think took place first? Aggression or greeting?
Remember THE GHOST BUSTERS movie and the A TEAM TV show?This would be the A TEAM HATE BUSTERS.Whatcha think? They'd travel from town to town pitching their message. Could it work?&... moreRemember THE GHOST BUSTERS movie and the A TEAM TV show?This would be the A TEAM HATE BUSTERS.Whatcha think? They'd travel from town to town pitching their message. Could it work? I know they're not all alive at this moment but WHAT IF they were? Traveling good will tour?
Will Mattress Pedophile "GO MISSING"? DISAPPEAR? Flee the coop? Fly away?Tune in. Pay attention. Stay plugged in. What could it hurt?The feds now already have all the dirt on him.
NEW LAW GOES INTO EFFECT IMMEDIATELYDemocrats can only ever appoint CONSERVATIVE judges and Supreme Court JusticesRepublicans can only ever appoint LIBERAL judges and Supreme Court... moreNEW LAW GOES INTO EFFECT IMMEDIATELYDemocrats can only ever appoint CONSERVATIVE judges and Supreme Court JusticesRepublicans can only ever appoint LIBERAL judges and Supreme Court JusticesSee how simple?Remember as a kid your mom let you divide things and then let your siblings CHOOSE FIRST? Kinda kept you honest.Well isn't this the only way to keep them honest?
FOOTOO and the missus got the vaccines in January. Sucker is attacking FOOTOO indirectly for having been vaccinated?No. I think Sucker isn't that ignorant. His stupid dumb glows in... moreFOOTOO and the missus got the vaccines in January. Sucker is attacking FOOTOO indirectly for having been vaccinated?No. I think Sucker isn't that ignorant. His stupid dumb glows in the dark though!. He wants SO MUCH to be paid attention to and the wayhe ever will ever get center stage and the sportlight are via his inane insane profane absurdities. AT his most ignoramus he gets lots of coverage.:Prepare for more. He can't help himself.
North Miami police shoot black man who said his hands were raised while he tried to help autistic group-home residentBy Francisco Alvarado, Michael E. Miller and Mark B... more
North Miami police shoot black man who said his hands were raised while he tried to help autistic group-home residentBy Francisco Alvarado, Michael E. Miller and Mark Berman.
July 21, 2016.
NORTH MIAMI, Fla. — Authorities said Thursday that they were investigating a shooting Monday in which a police officer shot a man who had said his hands were empty and raised at the time. While the shooting was not captured on camera, a recording showing moments before the gunshots depicted a man lying on his back on the ground, his hands in the air, while another man sits near him cross-legged.
“All he has is a toy truck in his hand,” Charles Kinsey, the man lying on his back, yells at two police officers standing behind telephone poles just a few dozen feet away on Northeast 14th Avenue. “That’s all it is. There is no need for guns.” Police said they only learned later that Kinsey worked at a care facility and that the man sitting near him wa... less
Remember Grace Kelly who became a Princess? Always gracious graceful ladylike. Can you imagine her having given an interview to Oprah Winfrey similar to the interview Meg and Harry... moreRemember Grace Kelly who became a Princess? Always gracious graceful ladylike. Can you imagine her having given an interview to Oprah Winfrey similar to the interview Meg and Harry gave? I can't.I don't know what they were thinking to achieve by doing it but I cannot think of one good thing that has come from it. Harry and Meg chose to break away from Royal life and duties. That's fine. Why didn't they just stop at that? What they had to say was no one's business but I guess they thought they'd get something beneficial out of it. Did they? less
WHAT IF everyone greeted everyone in that way?Are you capable of it? Could you tolerate it coming at you as well as dishing it out?Anything in those words that are threatening or d... moreWHAT IF everyone greeted everyone in that way?Are you capable of it? Could you tolerate it coming at you as well as dishing it out?Anything in those words that are threatening or dangerous or rude or harmful? Anything there you take exception to that goes against your religion your politics your character your integrity? Anything there to insult your intelligence or challenge you to a fight?Too docile too mild for you? WHY?To whom do you "look up to" and admire? No one? Seriously?
"I CAN'T QUIT YOU."Magnetized homo saps rule the world. Run the world. Ruin the world. Run-of-the-mill homo saps who are sucked in to that orbit never leave. They are helpless. The... more"I CAN'T QUIT YOU."Magnetized homo saps rule the world. Run the world. Ruin the world. Run-of-the-mill homo saps who are sucked in to that orbit never leave. They are helpless. They are hapless. They are hopeless.Are magnetized homo saps magnetized at conception, at birth or is there some benediction they go through to magnetize? Like say sell their souls to the devil?I dunno. That's why I ask. The magnetic monstrous malicious marauders keep on coming for us and at us.Do they ever demagnetize or must they needs die? Even in death they remain MAGNETIC for those who mourn them? Once magnetized and brainwashed will the magnetized continue on in that same fuzzy funk automatically robotically? We're finding out or will. less
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