FOOTOO and the INSURRECTIONISTS and all the Republican pols who colluded with them and all the adoring worshippers who support the destruction of democracy are all crackpots and sh... moreFOOTOO and the INSURRECTIONISTS and all the Republican pols who colluded with them and all the adoring worshippers who support the destruction of democracy are all crackpots and should spend the rest of their lives in INSANE ASYLUMS. They are not fit to live in society. They are mentally defective and as such are not responsible for the action and pro action they continue to consort with conspire with plan and dream of 24/7.. A diseased brain runs through the lot of them. It is the common thread that binds them all together forever in infamy in history and in homes for the cuckoo!How many millions?I don't know but we need to get them the he** out of our lives. Somewhere where they can play with one another and collude and conspire and lie and prate and grandstand and brag and no one will be upset. Everyone will GET OFF ON IT. Until they die from "natural" causes.What's wrong with that?Otherwise what they done tried they will keep trying as well as changing laws to give them backup to cheat and restrict and small... less
How many of you have lost loved ones due to gun-related murder/mass massacre/"accident"? Any of you? OR all you just talkin through your hat and FULL OF IT?
4 were listed so if you have ground turkey just GOOGLE "public alert 4/10/21 ground turkey contamination".You are advised to either take it back to the store for a refund or just t... more4 were listed so if you have ground turkey just GOOGLE "public alert 4/10/21 ground turkey contamination".You are advised to either take it back to the store for a refund or just throw it away. DO NOT CONSUME IT.211,406 pounds are involved in the recall.
Allegedly FOOTOO is having a $100,000 dinner at Mar a Lago to plot out his strategy to insurrect and make Republicans viable again. Too late. He has already destroyed them.But in t... moreAllegedly FOOTOO is having a $100,000 dinner at Mar a Lago to plot out his strategy to insurrect and make Republicans viable again. Too late. He has already destroyed them.But in the meantime he gets them to come to a rally for him and PAY HIM. How stupid dumb are they to fall for it? Sheesh. Like is attracted to like. Stupid dumb worshipfully adores stupid dumb. And so it goes in FOOTOOLand forever more. Quoth the Raven.
FOOTOO and missus FOOTOO got the COVID 19 vaccine in January..secretly..out of sight. But they GOT IT.The so-called adoring worshippers who supported or engaged in the FOOTOO incit... moreFOOTOO and missus FOOTOO got the COVID 19 vaccine in January..secretly..out of sight. But they GOT IT.The so-called adoring worshippers who supported or engaged in the FOOTOO incited attempt at insurrection who say they will never get the vaccine are LYING about something. They are willing to promote THE BIG lie till they die because FOOTOO DOTOO. But they say they will not get the vaccine FOOTOO got? They are disloyaling him in that way? Humiliating him in that very public way? DEFYING him in that very public way?. They bellycrawl and grovel in mud and slime and scum to service him and please him and they are DEFYING him?See what I mean? Something stinks bigly with them. Are they LIARS and really do not adore worship FOOTOO at all but are just pretending todo? Something stinks bigly. They are willing to MURDER other human beings for him and they won't get a vaccine like he did? Something stinks bigly. less
Have those who transgendered from male to female compete with other males?When people transgender their strength and stamina and musculature doesn't go away does it?If not then wha... moreHave those who transgendered from male to female compete with other males?When people transgender their strength and stamina and musculature doesn't go away does it?If not then what's the problem having women and men compete against one another in any atheletic competition? Where is the rule/law/politic that prevents it?
I mean Republicans are notoriously ANTI LGBTQ and Caitlyn, formerly Bruce, is a member of that group and always will be.So how seriously will the Republicans in California back her... moreI mean Republicans are notoriously ANTI LGBTQ and Caitlyn, formerly Bruce, is a member of that group and always will be.So how seriously will the Republicans in California back her for Governor? I mean c'mon. The LGBTQ community isn't exactly accepted with open arms by the GOP.Anyway I just thought it was kinda interesting. Do you?
Or would you use different words because you did not want to be unkind or insult the mother?What is political correctness anyway?Whose definition determines it?If being kind and no... moreOr would you use different words because you did not want to be unkind or insult the mother?What is political correctness anyway?Whose definition determines it?If being kind and not wishing to hurt people's feelings why would you?You see someone who looks like crap. Do you say "helo, hello you look like crap?"You are invited to dinner and the hostess is a lousy cook. Do you tell her so? "Boy that's the lousiest meal I've ever eaten." Or do you try not to hurt her feelings?Even more disgusting now we are informed that being "polite" is ruining the country. What bullsh**! Is that politically correct enough for you? Sheesh. Honestly there is lot of stupid dumb but that is among the stupidest and dumbest.Blame words for the state of the world? Don't blame the homo saps just blame the words we are told to use because being POLITICALLY CORRECT is what we are all forced to be.BULLSH**! less
What's with the multiple notifications for the same comments? I got seven "like" notifications for the same comment - all supposedly posted at the same time and when I went t... moreWhat's with the multiple notifications for the same comments? I got seven "like" notifications for the same comment - all supposedly posted at the same time and when I went to that comment, there were two likes!
This is with respect to transgender athletes.Hormones are different in women and men. Isn't that part of what give guys an edge in athletics? They're stronger have more endurance t... moreThis is with respect to transgender athletes.Hormones are different in women and men. Isn't that part of what give guys an edge in athletics? They're stronger have more endurance than women.So a male becomes a transgender female. Nothing wrong with that EXCEPT does that give her an edge because she has different hormones?I am totally ignorant about this. So when the transition is complete does the gal now have the hormones of a woman and all of the male hormones are gone? Anyone?
Eternal he** in an afterlife?Immediate he** on earth every day of their lives?Failure at everything they try?Death due to not being vaccinatedDeath of their loved ones for not bein... moreEternal he** in an afterlife?Immediate he** on earth every day of their lives?Failure at everything they try?Death due to not being vaccinatedDeath of their loved ones for not being vaccinatedAn eye for an eyeA death for a deathOr should they enjoy all the treasures of the world and never pay a price for it? Surely you don't wish them that do you?
Americans own the most guns of any countryAmerica has BY FAR the most gun-related mass massacres of any countryThe apologist defenders explainers ratiionalizers justifiers refuse t... moreAmericans own the most guns of any countryAmerica has BY FAR the most gun-related mass massacres of any countryThe apologist defenders explainers ratiionalizers justifiers refuse to connect the two. What you get you get is vapid irrational gibberish. Standard script. By rote.So. Are they liars or just plain stupid dumbs? I expect some are both. Double headers!
A world where RIGHT and WRONG are ABSOLUTES for everyone and the same not different according to "judgment preference"?Too strict? Too rigid? Too unappealing? Everyone would have t... moreA world where RIGHT and WRONG are ABSOLUTES for everyone and the same not different according to "judgment preference"?Too strict? Too rigid? Too unappealing? Everyone would have to abide by THE EXACT SAME RULES ALL THE TIME. NO EXCEPTIONS.Where's the downside?
I take it to mean you SHOULD call African Americans "the N word". And all the other derogatory labels homo saps invent to refer to one another.Doing that would solve all our proble... moreI take it to mean you SHOULD call African Americans "the N word". And all the other derogatory labels homo saps invent to refer to one another.Doing that would solve all our problems. Call a spade a spade. Don't flinch. Go for it. What could it hurt?Of course I think that is absurdly ridiculously simplistic and wrong. What do YOU think?
I ignore the call from an unknown phone number and it goes to the answering machine*, and I can hear you as I screen. Keeping in mind that if you want me to pick up, you would prob... moreI ignore the call from an unknown phone number and it goes to the answering machine*, and I can hear you as I screen. Keeping in mind that if you want me to pick up, you would probably have to capture my attention within the first five seconds of speaking. What product or service might you be selling, and what might you say to pull me in?*Just for the purposes of this question, only a landline phone gives me the opportunity to screen as opposed to the call going to voicemail.~
I just heard on Fox news that there is 5 wild monkeys on the loose in Ohio and since Element hasn't been here in a day or so I am getting a little worried that the monkeys got him.... moreI just heard on Fox news that there is 5 wild monkeys on the loose in Ohio and since Element hasn't been here in a day or so I am getting a little worried that the monkeys got him. Cheers and happy weekend!
The BRIGHT WHITES who pride themselves on hating everyone not them are colorless and superficial and lacking any intellectual MUSCLE. One cannot be smart and also be racist. PERIOD... moreThe BRIGHT WHITES who pride themselves on hating everyone not them are colorless and superficial and lacking any intellectual MUSCLE. One cannot be smart and also be racist. PERIOD. It's only all the stupid dumbs whose legacy has more white supremacy in their dna that "feels" that way. They are in the MINORITY but they are so deranged they seem as if they are taking over the world.Stupid dumb is a wonderful quality to have. See what it did for FOOTOO? MATTRESS PEDOPHILE?
JRight you are ducks. Exactly right.A dirty old man in the body of a young 'un. He musta sold his soul to the devil to pull that one off. he is probally as grotesque and disg... moreJRight you are ducks. Exactly right.A dirty old man in the body of a young 'un. He musta sold his soul to the devil to pull that one off. he is probally as grotesque and disgusting as all the queerly PECULIAR dirty old men who rape the young are. STAR WARS BAR SCENE. Know what I mean?.
The loyal braindead devoted staff tried to BLUNT findings unfavorable to their FOOTOO! WHONOO? DIDJOO?FALSIFYING"ADJUSTING"CHANGINGLEAVING OUTREARRANGINGAll on the altar of the FOO... moreThe loyal braindead devoted staff tried to BLUNT findings unfavorable to their FOOTOO! WHONOO? DIDJOO?FALSIFYING"ADJUSTING"CHANGINGLEAVING OUTREARRANGINGAll on the altar of the FOOTOO voodoo whodoo hoodoo.Who can blame them?