BUILD THE WALLLOCK HER UPGOD IS DEADOh that last one isn't among the FOOTOO adoring worshipper chants. They never say it OUT LOUD. They just live it. Every day. OUT LOUD AND PROUD.... moreBUILD THE WALLLOCK HER UPGOD IS DEADOh that last one isn't among the FOOTOO adoring worshipper chants. They never say it OUT LOUD. They just live it. Every day. OUT LOUD AND PROUD. GOD IS DEAD. Not what I believe but I'm not stupid dumb FOOTOO adoring worshipper who pretends religiosity and blasphemes every second. That's them.Sneaky SOB's aren't they?
Bush...8 yearsObama...8 yearsFootoo...4 yearsthat's 20 years folks.ALL OF THEM SAID THEY WOULD AND DIDN'TBiden has a planned pullout date. Is he full of sh** too like his predecess... moreBush...8 yearsObama...8 yearsFootoo...4 yearsthat's 20 years folks.ALL OF THEM SAID THEY WOULD AND DIDN'TBiden has a planned pullout date. Is he full of sh** too like his predecessors? Or is he finally THE REAL DEAL. The guy who ACTUALLY DOES WHAT HE SAYS HE WILL?
Oh YES. ON STEROIDS BY THE MILLIONSThe evangelicals are the cause. FOOTOO is that hair shirt they proudly embrace causing pain and injustice and disgrace each moment of its existen... moreOh YES. ON STEROIDS BY THE MILLIONSThe evangelicals are the cause. FOOTOO is that hair shirt they proudly embrace causing pain and injustice and disgrace each moment of its existence.FOOTOO. The first homo sap HAIR SHIRT.Only in the amurrica.
That we would all work to HELP not HARM one another. A simple thing really. An easy thing compared to other things.Imagine a world where everyone was on the same page about that? H... moreThat we would all work to HELP not HARM one another. A simple thing really. An easy thing compared to other things.Imagine a world where everyone was on the same page about that? HELP one another. I wonder. Another impossible dream or actually achievable?
Haters eat their own. Turn on their own.Hate is the greatest weapon ever invented by homo saps.It drives full speed ahead consistently constantly indefinitely purposelessly or purp... moreHaters eat their own. Turn on their own.Hate is the greatest weapon ever invented by homo saps.It drives full speed ahead consistently constantly indefinitely purposelessly or purposefully.HATE IS GREATJump on board the HATE train. See where it will take you. To great and glorious and BLOODY adventures but you will be thrilled and delighted.Who can resist that?
Must be very well-paid and also extraordinarily arrogant to think they can convince us that we did not see what we see or hear what we heard.Some are so willingly convincible. The ... moreMust be very well-paid and also extraordinarily arrogant to think they can convince us that we did not see what we see or hear what we heard.Some are so willingly convincible. The ideal for all corrupt politicians everywhere. Sheeple constituents. They will be believe you tell them no question no questions.Meanwhile these "experts" are making dam* fools of themselves to think they can convince the living breathing observationist that what they tell is truth. They are clowns who get paid well for their testimony. They are very entertaining on the level of stupid. Like Punch and Judy. Stupid. Long may they wave. What a mockery of justice! Dupes and fools will believe what they are told to believe. The rest of us? less
Where would we be without FINKERS?Now FINKERS are low-class dregs that we call "WHISTLEBLOWERS" when the blowing isn't about thugs and mugs and lugs and slugs and crooks and crimin... moreWhere would we be without FINKERS?Now FINKERS are low-class dregs that we call "WHISTLEBLOWERS" when the blowing isn't about thugs and mugs and lugs and slugs and crooks and criminals and traitors and treasoners and the delusionary autocratic dictator despot whackos who think they are invincible and powerful and immutable when all they are really is a pack of jacka**es!.The arrogance of the breed astonishes me.FOOTOO treated Michael Cohen like sh** and got bit for it. BIGLY. BIGTIME. Only a stupid dumb like the FOOTOO wouldn't have seen it coming.His CFO Weisselburg is selling him out to save himself. Who wouldn't?It keeps on keeping on repeatedly incessantly over and over and over and over. Brought down by their own abject stupidity.Fortunately for us. less
I wonder if they had been successful and lynched both Mike Pence and Nancy Pelosi and photographed them swinging from rafters would they also photo themselves holding their Bibles ... moreI wonder if they had been successful and lynched both Mike Pence and Nancy Pelosi and photographed them swinging from rafters would they also photo themselves holding their Bibles up high and smiling?Remember in the long ago when FOOTOO cleared protesters by ordering them tear gassed so he could photo op holding a Bible in front of a church! GAWD WON is what he was trying to communicate?Well can you see mike and nancy swinging side by side surrounded by folks holding up bibles?Talk about being a natural campaign highlight that would have to be pretty darned awesome. Picture it.That would be the very best campaign base to his base base.There is always "the next time:". less
So once the kids are toilet trained and no longer need diapers they are also hate trained. Whatever daddy dearest and mummy hate they hate too. How many millions of racists parents... moreSo once the kids are toilet trained and no longer need diapers they are also hate trained. Whatever daddy dearest and mummy hate they hate too. How many millions of racists parents have racist progeny? A beautiful sigh. Little ones as vitriolic vicious and violent as their pappasans and mamasans.No longer Norman Rockwell families as depicted on the cover of LIFE magazine.No. These families wear military gear and carry weapons of destruction and confederate flags and storm the capitol or insurrect on the orders of their gawd. less
That a person of color, ESPECIALLY an African American, dies of natural causes at an advanced age at peace surrounded by loved ones.That is the miracle. Probably the exception.What... moreThat a person of color, ESPECIALLY an African American, dies of natural causes at an advanced age at peace surrounded by loved ones.That is the miracle. Probably the exception.What do they ENDURE throughout their lives to ENDURE? They must be made of the finest rarest most coveted material.If they were "less than" none of them would survive, The triumph is so many of them not only survive but thrive and make a mark for themselves in the world. Maybe luck has something to do with it. Or FATE.It is a marvel. less
WHAT IF every day every newspaper in every city headlined the murders of black men/women by white cops?Without exception?Would we be better off knowing about EACH ONE? Would anything change?
Not many miles away protesters are angrily marching on behalf of Daunte Wright...who be dat? Another black man gunned down by a white cop. FOR NO REASON! This time "accidentally" a... moreNot many miles away protesters are angrily marching on behalf of Daunte Wright...who be dat? Another black man gunned down by a white cop. FOR NO REASON! This time "accidentally" allegedly. Shall we go for a threesome? That's always a lot more fun. Will today be the day of another one? Odds?
The bible MOCKS. The gun is what really matters.Bibles and guns drive the country. On the road again.Domestic terrorism is alive and well in america. Every day in every way it is g... moreThe bible MOCKS. The gun is what really matters.Bibles and guns drive the country. On the road again.Domestic terrorism is alive and well in america. Every day in every way it is getting stronger and bigger and wider and deeper.Congrats to all..quite an accomplishment.Guns and bibles.Bibles and guns.Buttons and bowsHam and eggsPeanut butter and jamWho would put them asunder?
No skin off your nose. No dog in that fight. No apologies. No remorse. Not even PRETENDING. Today's FOOTOO dame cop. Don't apologize. No explain. Get the he** out!SIGH. Next?
The answer usta be A NEWSPAPERThe question today isWhat's black and white and RED all over?Black vic, white perp, vic's blood.This is progress folks. The evoluting of homo saps.
A rough estimate that it requires about 300 average guns to produce a ton of high quality steel so about 300 million guns to achieve 1 million tons. Gun owners may not have to give... moreA rough estimate that it requires about 300 average guns to produce a ton of high quality steel so about 300 million guns to achieve 1 million tons. Gun owners may not have to give up all their guns.Help defend America from the forces of evil!
At the end of life it's the number of demerits you have acquired that determines your direction. UP HIGH or DOWN WHERE TH E FIRES GLOW.Ya know it would be wise to limit the demerit... moreAt the end of life it's the number of demerits you have acquired that determines your direction. UP HIGH or DOWN WHERE TH E FIRES GLOW.Ya know it would be wise to limit the demerits. I don't know what the cut off point is for go high or go low. Do you? Any idea how many YOU have acquired so far? Russian Roulette. One bullet. Which chamber?
A cop dame allegedly shouts TASER as she shoots with a gun and the target dies.Is the shooter dame cop a very stupid dumb cop or is there no way to tell the difference between shoo... moreA cop dame allegedly shouts TASER as she shoots with a gun and the target dies.Is the shooter dame cop a very stupid dumb cop or is there no way to tell the difference between shooting dead with a gun or stopping temporarily with a taser?Anyone have any experience with both?
Whatever happened to the people they used to be? Are they dead and gone having been replaced by the shoddy lemmings they have become? No going back? How many escaped?