Report is that the officer in the most recent killing of Daunte Wright, 20, in Minnesota thought she pulled her taser, but it was her gun. TasersPistols: Sig Sauer... moreReport is that the officer in the most recent killing of Daunte Wright, 20, in Minnesota thought she pulled her taser, but it was her gun. TasersPistols: Sig Sauer, Glock 19 and Glock Gen 4
The "WHITE LIVES MATTER" cabal.Over and out. Over and done. Driven underground by the scrutiny of we they flopped they tanked they stunk they sunk!Extinct. What a lot of nois... moreThe "WHITE LIVES MATTER" cabal.Over and out. Over and done. Driven underground by the scrutiny of we they flopped they tanked they stunk they sunk!Extinct. What a lot of noise for nothing.
I'd like to be able to but I can't seem to get there.If you keep changing the definitions of things simply to accommodate doing what you want to do how is that now cheating?I don't... moreI'd like to be able to but I can't seem to get there.If you keep changing the definitions of things simply to accommodate doing what you want to do how is that now cheating?I don't who does it. Doesn't seem right to me. Does it to thee?
They are forbidden to date/marry outside their religionThey are forbidden to date/marry outside their skin colorThey are forbidden to date/marry outside their politicsThey are forb... moreThey are forbidden to date/marry outside their religionThey are forbidden to date/marry outside their skin colorThey are forbidden to date/marry outside their politicsThey are forbidden to date/marry outside their financial stationThey are forbidden to date/marry outside their philosophy which always is dictated by papa and mama as is all of it all the timeWho are these wimps who cave in and fold without a fight and sacrifice whom they could be on the altar of pleasing daddy dearest and mummy?They will be the same kind of parent to their children. Restrictive adamant demanding unyielding cold heartless sameoldsameolsameold.And so it goes generation after generation. Restrictive instrusive exclusive shrinking dying crying for WHAT? Pleasing mummy and daddy dearest from birth to death? REALLY? less
Some are not emotionally stable enough to legally have the power to carry a loaded gun and use it to kill/shoot/murder someone.There should be a test for that too. So far all the c... moreSome are not emotionally stable enough to legally have the power to carry a loaded gun and use it to kill/shoot/murder someone.There should be a test for that too. So far all the cops in the news who hipshoot black men to death are terrified. Now that should be a nobrainer indication that the requirements for being a cop are either not known and enforced or known and ignored. How does that work for you? It sure doesn't work for me.
See if they are congenital cowards who terrify easily and can't figure out what real jeopardy is so they will shoot first always at anything anyone any time.Clear thinking, calm, l... moreSee if they are congenital cowards who terrify easily and can't figure out what real jeopardy is so they will shoot first always at anything anyone any time.Clear thinking, calm, logical, reasonable STABLE.Too many cops hipshoot to death out of fear of "the other".I prefer sane people who are mentally STABLE and emotionally healthy don't you?Give them license to kill/murder and not know for sure they are worthy of that kind of power? Boy. That in itself is a very crackpot thing to do. So why do we keep doing it? less
This is the crapper cop name of Joe GUTIERREZ. Not a BRIGHT WHITE AT ALL but a PERSON OF COLOR TOO. Where the he** does he get off doing what he done done? I know. He yearns ... moreThis is the crapper cop name of Joe GUTIERREZ. Not a BRIGHT WHITE AT ALL but a PERSON OF COLOR TOO. Where the he** does he get off doing what he done done? I know. He yearns to be a brite white so he is acting as if he were one of them. Stupid dumb.Jacka** was fired for doing that to BLACK/LATINO Army Lt. Caron Nazario.Nazario is suing the cops the city and I don't who/what for that OUTRAGEOUS stop caught on video with full audio. The cops were terrified and they were the ones holding the loaded gunsGUTIERREZ was the mouth who got hysterical and was shouting as if his life were in jeopardy. A TERRIFIED COWARD HOLDING THE LOADED GUN ON A MAN BLINDED BY PEPPER SPRAY? Seriously? Give me a break.Why are there so many cowards that are legally allowed to carry loaded guns and shoot to kill? Anyone?. less
Get over it. Suck it up. Shut the f--- up. It is what it is.Jean Paul Sarte wrote a play titled NO EXIT. I think it was Jean Paul..what the he** I'll Google it later.Well no exit h... moreGet over it. Suck it up. Shut the f--- up. It is what it is.Jean Paul Sarte wrote a play titled NO EXIT. I think it was Jean Paul..what the he** I'll Google it later.Well no exit here either.
How many BRIGHT WHITES have been lynched by blacks?How many UNARMED BRIGHT WHITES have been shot dead in the back by black cops?How many BRIGHT WHITE young men are always targets a... moreHow many BRIGHT WHITES have been lynched by blacks?How many UNARMED BRIGHT WHITES have been shot dead in the back by black cops?How many BRIGHT WHITE young men are always targets always pulled over often at gun point for driving while white by BLACK COPS? The ridiculousness of the group goes beyond the absurd into the crackpot realm of alternate reality. They think THEY are the victims? Boy they are not only stupid dumb but also ignorant. A winning combination if ever there were one. WHITE LIVES MATTER. Sigh. Here we go. Down that dam* rabbit hole again! Where is Alice when we need her?White Lives Matter Bright Whites have no clue do they? No wonder they're known far and wide as the stupid dumbs among Americans. Case in point.By the by my use of BRIGHT or BRITE does not refer to the intellect or to intelligence. It refers to that kind of white that is so white it looks like it has a blue tinge to it. Superficial. Packaging. Not content.If they were bright intellectually there would be no need for this ques... less
Eliminate all cop job thus eliminating all future cop murders of black men. Simple solution. Why didn't someone think of it before? Geez do I have to do everything?Arm everyone wit... moreEliminate all cop job thus eliminating all future cop murders of black men. Simple solution. Why didn't someone think of it before? Geez do I have to do everything?Arm everyone with military grade weapons that are used in the most deadly wars. They're on their about learning how to use them. up to them what they do, don't do.Ignore any and all consequences. Eyes ahead keep moving. Don't stop for anything or anyone.See how simple it is? Stop talking about it. JUST DO IT! Try it. What could it hurt?
Who ARE these mess cleaneruppers..piece pickeruppers who hang around just to do that their entire lives?Don't know what the pay is for such a groveling way to earn a living but it ... moreWho ARE these mess cleaneruppers..piece pickeruppers who hang around just to do that their entire lives?Don't know what the pay is for such a groveling way to earn a living but it must be good because there are so many who do it.A name for those in that profession?Hoors/prostitutes, gigolos?They don't sell their bodies...they sell their minds/souls. Need a cleanup on Aisle 5? No problemo.
I think we all know the inventor.What also does not exist is "alternative reality".I LIKE IKENIX ON NIXONDUMP TRUMPPolitical slogans that are meaningless on their own alone other t... moreI think we all know the inventor.What also does not exist is "alternative reality".I LIKE IKENIX ON NIXONDUMP TRUMPPolitical slogans that are meaningless on their own alone other than that they describe intention/position/belief of the sayer thereof.Yet we heard FAKE NEWS millions of time in the before. It has rather quite died down of late but we were being inundated with it from all predictable sources. Here on this very social site every day a FAKE NEWS here and there would be stated and echo chambered all the time by rote actually. Automatons salivating at the bell as it were. You do know to what I allude don't you? FAKE NEWS FAKE NEWS FAKE NEWS when a truth was forbidden to be believed. FAKE NEWS FAKE NEWS FAKE NEWS. Bullsh** said by many who had no clue that what they were promulgating was simply MORE LIES. Chess pieces that have no life or mind or destination. They just sit there lifeless until moved by "the other". Willing to be used however whenever they still exist in droves. OY VEY! AARRGGHH! GOOD GRI... less
He told THE BIG LIE and got millions of saps to believe it!A grand and great and amazing thing was whot he done did.THE BIG LIE lives in infamy forever in history books. People wil... moreHe told THE BIG LIE and got millions of saps to believe it!A grand and great and amazing thing was whot he done did.THE BIG LIE lives in infamy forever in history books. People will look back on us and not believe what we did to promote support shore up and perpetuate THE BIG LIE.SIGH.
He was drafted into the army but was underweight for his height so he was rejected.He worked to put on weight and then he applied to the Air Force and was accepted.He had a civilia... moreHe was drafted into the army but was underweight for his height so he was rejected.He worked to put on weight and then he applied to the Air Force and was accepted.He had a civilian Pilot's license so he ended up believe it or not, flying combat missions during World War 2.He was a MAJOR GENERAL and was promotd to BRIGADIER GENERAL July 23, 1959 because he was in the ReserveHe retired from that May 31, 1968He died in 1997.No scandal was ever attached to him.A good man was what he played on screen and a good man was what he actually was in real life. How about that? less
Here's my point.WileyWile EWilyWiley Post. The first aviator to fly solo around the world. Died August 15, 1935 in a plane with Will Rogers.Wile E...roadrunner cartoon character ne... moreHere's my point.WileyWile EWilyWiley Post. The first aviator to fly solo around the world. Died August 15, 1935 in a plane with Will Rogers.Wile E...roadrunner cartoon character nemesis of bugs bunny...always good for a laughWily...skilled at gaining and advantage, especially deceitfullyWill Rogers died two years before I was born. We sure could use him NOW HERE couldn't we? Any other fans out there?
The hordes of subjects who saw him as magnificently clothed as he did? Clearly all were insane. Nutty. Crackpots. Wackadoodlenoodles. Seeing things that weren't there. Millions of ... moreThe hordes of subjects who saw him as magnificently clothed as he did? Clearly all were insane. Nutty. Crackpots. Wackadoodlenoodles. Seeing things that weren't there. Millions of them.Now how does that occur? Mind control. Hypnotism. Mental defect. Lack of alacrity acuity intelligence.There he was strutting his "stuff". His tiny "member" flapping in the breeze for all to see. Amazing what mental illness can do isn't it?An object of derision and hilarity to some. An object of worshipful adoration to others.And so it goes. Why? How? less
What defect exists in homo saps that they so controllable by others? A hole at the top of the head that never closes? I dunno.You tell a BIG LIE and keep repeating it repeating rep... moreWhat defect exists in homo saps that they so controllable by others? A hole at the top of the head that never closes? I dunno.You tell a BIG LIE and keep repeating it repeating repeating it repeating. Millions will believe THE BIG LIE and hail the liar who tells it. Why is that?Fortunately not all buy into any particular lie. Espeically those that are absurd ridiculous and obvious. But enough do believe without question to make the liar win many battles.What is wrong with those millions being born to be conned scammed tricked and made fools of repeatedly? Are they unaware? Are they really that obtuse or just crave abuse? They keep going back for more.T'is a puzzlement. less
I finally figured out what was going on. I'd see it coming sure as can be. I never knew the why of it but I think some folks thrive on it. They are happiest when they are in the th... moreI finally figured out what was going on. I'd see it coming sure as can be. I never knew the why of it but I think some folks thrive on it. They are happiest when they are in the throes of battle..figurative or literal. Their juices start flowing and they feel "alive". I don't get it. Once I finally got it I left. That's no life.Well I see the pattern in politicians. They go out of their way to be obstreperous outrageous antagonists. Never happier than when they are in the midst of battle where their ilk PILE ON AND BANDWAGON.Predictable. Puerile. Pathetic. Politic. ICK! less
They must use all the ingredients in the basket but they can also add things to it.Kinda like human beings. We are the basket of ingreidnets. We had no choice at all in our basic c... moreThey must use all the ingredients in the basket but they can also add things to it.Kinda like human beings. We are the basket of ingreidnets. We had no choice at all in our basic components. But we can add to it by our choice of "enhancements". Seasonings. Vision.Have your choices so far been winners? Are you a delectable superb dish on any level?
Is your life track rigid from which there is no escape? Out of your control entirely whether or not you become a Nelson Mandela or a vigilante/lyncher? Are you hapless helpless and... moreIs your life track rigid from which there is no escape? Out of your control entirely whether or not you become a Nelson Mandela or a vigilante/lyncher? Are you hapless helpless and just a result of something else and someone else? Are you doomed/fated to live a life already programmed for you at conception? HOW DO YOU KNOW?
Vaccination passports is just that. Everyone who gets the vaccine GETS A CARD AS PROOF OF IT. EVERYONE.Vaccination passports are now the rage twisting people's shorts in a knot arg... moreVaccination passports is just that. Everyone who gets the vaccine GETS A CARD AS PROOF OF IT. EVERYONE.Vaccination passports are now the rage twisting people's shorts in a knot arguing about them! A NON-EXISTENT PROBLEM folks. Stop the battles. It's fake phony baloney B.S. For cryin out loud isn't life tough enough as it is? Ya gotta go out of your way to make it tougher? Dumb.
Driving while black of course what else? The fact that he was IN UNIFORM mattered not. Their terror knows no logic or bounds. BLACK MAN bad. That's all they know.Guess what?The MIL... moreDriving while black of course what else? The fact that he was IN UNIFORM mattered not. Their terror knows no logic or bounds. BLACK MAN bad. That's all they know.Guess what?The MILITARY MAN is suing their a**es off for having done that. Fat old white terrified cops see a black man and go APE SH** about it. Shesh. What a bunch of sissyboy scairdycat whinya** peculiar queers.Well worry not. There will be more of them. There are always MORE of them. Sissyboyscairdycatwhinya**es with guns. AUTHORIZED TO SHOOT TO KILL THAT VERY SCARY BLACK MAN! What's the problem? less
Though I am ignorant of the particulars and the specifics Meg did imply or maybe state some of the royals were/are racists.Here's what I think about that.When you divorce do you "f... moreThough I am ignorant of the particulars and the specifics Meg did imply or maybe state some of the royals were/are racists.Here's what I think about that.When you divorce do you "fink" on your mate and divulge everything he/she ever did/said that was hurtful or unkind ir deceitful or cheap or do you just shut up and say nothing unkind? What is the point of airing dirty laundry even if everything you say is true? It is revengeful and retaliatory IN PUBLIC and I wonder why anyone feels that offended he/she would do that?Why bring race into it? I understand that as an American living within the restrictions imposed by all the duties the royals have would be difficult to deal with. She wanted to raise their child in America as an American and her husband supported her in doing that. She KNEW who Harry was going in. No one tricked her into anything. Once she got in she found she was not suited for that life. That is fine. It happens. But to lay out what supposedly triggered it in detail if in fact it is all true? How... less