The neantheanderthal mental midget sociopathic BOORS who do it never get embarrassed about anything at anytime for any reason. Nor do their adoring supporters. They don't mind emba... moreThe neantheanderthal mental midget sociopathic BOORS who do it never get embarrassed about anything at anytime for any reason. Nor do their adoring supporters. They don't mind embarrassing others or mind being disgusting wretches either. A way of life they embrace.So I believe President Biden is barking up the wrong trees.National Pride? No one gives a rat's a** about that. Well except the nonguns. They/we don't count.
The anti-aborts who shout loud and proud that ALL LIFE IS SPECIAL AND BEGINS AT CONCEPTIONThey are the very same ones who own guns and fear being without them because guns can "pro... moreThe anti-aborts who shout loud and proud that ALL LIFE IS SPECIAL AND BEGINS AT CONCEPTIONThey are the very same ones who own guns and fear being without them because guns can "protect" them. Got a loaded gun kill someone. The more ya gots the more you can kill..or murder as the case may be.Some gun folks are LEGALLY allowed to murder others.They point to the Constitution as their golden ticket to fantasyland. Try to put any restriction on their right to gun owns and own guns and you will have HE** to pay.They are always and ever so self-righteous!PROTECT ALL LIFE IN THE WOMB INCLUDING DUE TO INCEST OR RAPE. It is not the baby's fault. RIGHT?But GOD help you if you get in the way of them using their guns at any moment in any way for any reason.This makes sense because? C'mon y'all anti abort gun owners! LIFE IS PRECIOUS? WHY DON'T YOU LIVE IT THEN INSTEAD OF JUST TALK IT? TALK IS CHEAP.Meanwhile the ANTI ABORTS keep buying more guns. What could it hurt? less
In times of sad and times of glad family gathers together.For Harry which family will he put first?The one he was born into and will never be able to change or the one he has creat... moreIn times of sad and times of glad family gathers together.For Harry which family will he put first?The one he was born into and will never be able to change or the one he has created apart from his roots?I think any wedge that comes between members of a family is never a great good.How it is resolved remains to be seen.
The Lecithin promotes oil in water emulsionThe Cholesterol promotes water in oil emulsionSo all we need a "good egg" to emulsify homo saps? That's a YOLK folks.
Imagine being born with the hardware of a guy and the software of a girl? Or the reverse? Stuck in a body with which you simply cannot relate. How would YOU deal with that?I don't ... moreImagine being born with the hardware of a guy and the software of a girl? Or the reverse? Stuck in a body with which you simply cannot relate. How would YOU deal with that?I don't know how often that happens or why but we are born to be whom we are. If you must lay blame then blame it on the sperm and the egg. The result had no say in it at all whatsoever.Yet it is and always will be an issue. Why? Because some folks have no way of feeling special on their own so they must attack "others" as being less than. So because they are so desperate to be "better than" they will grab on to anything. Skin color. Religion. Politics. Lifestyle. Pathetic aren't they? less
Love thy neighbor as thyself PROVIDING that you approve of whom they love and have sex with.Do unto others as ye would have others do unto you providing that whom they love and hav... moreLove thy neighbor as thyself PROVIDING that you approve of whom they love and have sex with.Do unto others as ye would have others do unto you providing that whom they love and have sex with meets with your approval.Where is that written? Anyone?Ridiculously absurd the way we judge love and sex. And totally ignore and even attack integrity honesty honor respect patriotism.Don't worry about any of that as long as you are "straight". Be corrupt conniving treasonous and traitorous. Screw around on your mate as long as it is with your opposite sex.That's how it is with millions of "good" people. And that's the problem. Priorities are so screwed up homo saps will never become more than they are. This is as good as it gets. How depressing is THAT? less
Whose business is it if they eat broccoli or bacon? Do we get our shorts in a knot over that?Ridiculous the extend to which some homo saps are the curators of "right" and "wrong". ... moreWhose business is it if they eat broccoli or bacon? Do we get our shorts in a knot over that?Ridiculous the extend to which some homo saps are the curators of "right" and "wrong". Who made them arbiters of anything?What kinds of lives do they lead? Evangelicals betray/cheat on their mates. But as long as they are hetero what's the bi deal right?Holier than thou. Righteously self-righteous! Steel rod up their a**es their entire lives. Patting themselves on their whatevers at being the "good" guys. Looking down their noses at everyone else. They cling to their ilk as if their lives depended on it and judge and attack and insult those whose lives they don't approve of!What arrogance drives them? I have no idea. less
Knock down smack down drag down pull down. What people do who can't do anything else to be elevaed based on their own merits. They have none.Instead of working hard to become someo... moreKnock down smack down drag down pull down. What people do who can't do anything else to be elevaed based on their own merits. They have none.Instead of working hard to become someone something of value they devalue "the other".
White Supremacists REVILE people of color they don't even know.Republicans revile Democrats they don't even knowYou don't have to "know" to hate revile despise. Some are born to it... moreWhite Supremacists REVILE people of color they don't even know.Republicans revile Democrats they don't even knowYou don't have to "know" to hate revile despise. Some are born to it. Others are educated in it.Why do people hate despise revile attack insult people they don't even know? Why indeed.
Do you remember a song that had happened with and would you post it if you do? Here's mine. Also, I may have asked this question before. I've got that deja vu feeling going on.
Commit SUICIDE? Be my guest. OFF yourself. You have that right at all times.That's not the issue. You are not the center of the universe. It isn't all about YOU. It's about respect... moreCommit SUICIDE? Be my guest. OFF yourself. You have that right at all times.That's not the issue. You are not the center of the universe. It isn't all about YOU. It's about respecting the lives of others and protecting them by protecting yourself.For those who don't know that there are no words. You are beyond stupid dumb. No point in even talking to you. And so it goes. Sigh.
They stick with their own ilk...their mirror images. With the same brains the same aims the same goals the same views. The smaller they shrink the closer they get to the brink of e... moreThey stick with their own ilk...their mirror images. With the same brains the same aims the same goals the same views. The smaller they shrink the closer they get to the brink of extinction. They do not know their only hope for survival to reach out stretch expand. So they hasten their demise by giving in to their fears and once gone there will be no one to mourn them. Those who cared will die with them. And so it goes. Extinction of a subspecies by its own hand!
I did go back to a place I left and everything was fine. They were happy to have me return and I was happy to be back there. But I think perhaps that is rare.
It is what they rely upon to ply their disreputable trade.How important is being "likeable"?Would you rather be likable or trustworthy? Can you like someone you don't trust? Can yo... moreIt is what they rely upon to ply their disreputable trade.How important is being "likeable"?Would you rather be likable or trustworthy? Can you like someone you don't trust? Can you trust someone you don't like?I wonder if Will Rogers had ever met ADOLF HITLER might he have adjusted those words. I wonder if Will and FOOTOO would have hit it off and become best buds and hung out?Of course that is an unknown and can only ever be conjectured.
RED with hate/vengeance/revenge/retaliation/vendettaGREEN with envy jealousy money-hungry greedyYELLOW for cowardice. Not one FOOTOO GOP has a spine or integrity or honor. NOT ONE.... moreRED with hate/vengeance/revenge/retaliation/vendettaGREEN with envy jealousy money-hungry greedyYELLOW for cowardice. Not one FOOTOO GOP has a spine or integrity or honor. NOT ONE.FOOTOO GOP.That wasn't what the GOP usta be. It is now.Now all red state FOOTOO pols are busily passing voter restriction laws. Cheating betraying traitoring treasoning as fast as they can in unisom uniformly doing saying thinking the exact same thing.How to defeat democracy.How to defend despotic dictatoring treasoningHow to kill off all who defy themNo act is too vile too venal too evil for them. They are all enthralled with the FOOTOO VOODOOStay tuned. It gets "better". less
Are you embarrassed by it or proud of it? A secret pleasure you dare not share with anyone or something you talk about all the time because you want to know others think about it?D... moreAre you embarrassed by it or proud of it? A secret pleasure you dare not share with anyone or something you talk about all the time because you want to know others think about it?Different strokes.You can pollute the mind with junk very easily. More easily than you pollute your body with junk food. Junk thinking is everywhere all the time. Plug in and you're set. No thinking required. Just go with the flow. Sheesh.
Those ahead of the crowd we call VISIONARIES. The see more clearly and more quickly what lies ahead.The average homo sap is always smack dab in the middle. Goes along with the crow... moreThose ahead of the crowd we call VISIONARIES. The see more clearly and more quickly what lies ahead.The average homo sap is always smack dab in the middle. Goes along with the crowd wherever the crowd takes because he/she fears doing otherwise. The last ones straggling behind are the ones who want to go back to yesterday all the way. They continue to try to pull the crowd back with whatever weapons they can grab.VisionaryAverage sapTraitor
EXCLUSIVEShutting out all others from a part or shareOmitting from considerationDisposed to resist the admission of outsiders to association, intimacyAdmitting only members of a so... moreEXCLUSIVEShutting out all others from a part or shareOmitting from considerationDisposed to resist the admission of outsiders to association, intimacyAdmitting only members of a socially restricted or very carefully selectedA piece of news used firstCharging comparatively high prices; expensiveSynonymsSelect narrow clannish snobbish restrictive cliquish illiberalAntonymINCLUSIVEAre YOU an IN or an EX?
Most dumb movie clichés have some kind of entertainment-based justification - the hero being shot at by multiple bad guys and the bullets all missing, the exploding car, the... moreMost dumb movie clichés have some kind of entertainment-based justification - the hero being shot at by multiple bad guys and the bullets all missing, the exploding car, the killer who delivers a long unnecessary monologue instead of just doing the deed - but this?
Do movie producers all have a sock phobia or something?
The FOOTOO GOP operates under the delusive belief they are the patriots. They have zero knowledge of history. Even less interest in it. They make their own reality out of the ranti... moreThe FOOTOO GOP operates under the delusive belief they are the patriots. They have zero knowledge of history. Even less interest in it. They make their own reality out of the rantings and ramblings of a crazy man.Go figger!
The white supremacist fascist confederates are alive and well and on the march to traitor and treason the country once again. Everywhere you look you see red and confederate and fa... moreThe white supremacist fascist confederates are alive and well and on the march to traitor and treason the country once again. Everywhere you look you see red and confederate and fascist and traitor working to gether to destroy America.They just went back under their rocks and down into the scum deep and plotted and schemed and colluded and conspired. Hate groups, wackadoodlenoodle conspiracy theory black arts voodoo hoodoo. The bright whites adore voodoo and they don't see the irony.Voodoo s not a WHITE man's religion. VOODOOA polytheistic religion practiced chiefly by West Indians deriving principally from African CULT WORSHIP and containing elements borrowed from the Catholic ReligionThe FOOTOO GOP is the epitome of VOODOO POLITICSThe subject members WORSHIP the FOOTOO less
Listen, if they need help, I can be there in no time. I have a Canadian ex-wife who will let me sleep on her couch. The whole job should take me until Februar... more
Listen, if they need help, I can be there in no time. I have a Canadian ex-wife who will let me sleep on her couch. The whole job should take me until February of 2051 to complete.