ive wondered about it cause back in nov this policeman called me up and said someone on ya was threatening me, and he wondered if i was okay, so i wondered if ... more ive wondered about it cause back in nov this policeman called me up and said someone on ya was threatening me, and he wondered if i was okay, so i wondered if others using ya were being threathened by someone too and if thats why they closed it down, anyone know?
Oh cripes and crap. Nothing lasts forever but now they contribute to the QANON FOOTOO wackadoodle crew same as before? They rolled the dice and came up with THAT?They weren't going... moreOh cripes and crap. Nothing lasts forever but now they contribute to the QANON FOOTOO wackadoodle crew same as before? They rolled the dice and came up with THAT?They weren't going to contribute to anyone who voted to OVERTURN the valid fair honorable honest election.WHA HOIPPENED? They reverted to what they are. Short-lived integrity. How sad is that?
FOOTOO Is old too fat and never exercises. What if he just flat out DROPS DEAD from whatever "natural causes" his obesity caused?WHO TAKES OVER TO FILL HIS SHOES? Will there be a k... moreFOOTOO Is old too fat and never exercises. What if he just flat out DROPS DEAD from whatever "natural causes" his obesity caused?WHO TAKES OVER TO FILL HIS SHOES? Will there be a knock down drag out war among the FOOTOO folks to see who lives to fill his shoes and who doesn't?So say that happens. Which FOOTOO devoted adoring worshipper do you bet on and why?
Hello,Seriously.. The Cyber Ninja.https://www.azcentral.com/story/opinion/op-ed/laurieroberts/2021/03/31/arizona-senate-hired-cyber-ninjas-conduct-its-election-audit/4828177001/excon
When I saw the calendar this morning, I now know that I wrote April 24th instead of April 23rd, so I was a day off yesterday. I wonder what it was, and now it bothers ... more When I saw the calendar this morning, I now know that I wrote April 24th instead of April 23rd, so I was a day off yesterday. I wonder what it was, and now it bothers me.
What do you think it could have been? ~
Yup. He was set to go in and steal more of Ukraine for himself as he did before. His troops were right there on the border. He said if anyone DARED CROSS HIS RED LINE (never said w... moreYup. He was set to go in and steal more of Ukraine for himself as he did before. His troops were right there on the border. He said if anyone DARED CROSS HIS RED LINE (never said what it was) it would be bad for them.So he pulls his troops back turns tail and leaves.Because he is a such a good-hearted guy?No. Because the blowback worldwide scrared the crap outta him. Just like any other phony despot dictator. Call the bluff and they retreat.Of course it is possible that Putin can still have Navalny executed or poisoned or whatever. The world is watching. The Russian people are watching. What will Putin do? What are the odds that Navalny survives and lives? Tune in tomorrow.Navakny leads the ANTI-CORRUPTION wing of the political machinations. Putin is as corrupt as they come. But he is terrified of completely alienating the Russian people. So he DARE NOT upset them any more than they are.The Russian People are devoted to the "good" guy.Sadly the FOOTOO folks are devoted to the bad guy. Go figger. less
Navalny thanked everyone who supported him. He said "I won't let you down".If Putin goes all out FOOTOO and arranges that Navalny be murdered guess what's gonna happen to him? He D... moreNavalny thanked everyone who supported him. He said "I won't let you down".If Putin goes all out FOOTOO and arranges that Navalny be murdered guess what's gonna happen to him? He DOESN'T DARE. Or does he? Is Putin a real live crackpot so filled with delusion he thinkgs he can get away with anything?Whatcha think? Will Navalny survive and if not will Putin survive?
We are protected now and have no plans o change anything.Still maskStill gloveStill social distanceWhy? Well because some of you refuse to get the vaccine and no one knows enough t... moreWe are protected now and have no plans o change anything.Still maskStill gloveStill social distanceWhy? Well because some of you refuse to get the vaccine and no one knows enough to know FOR SURE if our being protected will protect us from you if you are a carrier. So there ya have it.
So I just wonder what happens to SUMO wrestlers when they age? Do they shrink and slender down and eat more nutritious food? At what age does a SUMO wrestler lose his grip and reti... moreSo I just wonder what happens to SUMO wrestlers when they age? Do they shrink and slender down and eat more nutritious food? At what age does a SUMO wrestler lose his grip and retire? Anyone out there ever know one?
Further though no blue and black pens are allowed inside the "workers" have blue pens. Which means they can screw up any ballot not marked for FOOTOO.So if what you are doing is ap... moreFurther though no blue and black pens are allowed inside the "workers" have blue pens. Which means they can screw up any ballot not marked for FOOTOO.So if what you are doing is appropriate valid lawful WHY BARR REPORTERS FROM WITNESSING AND REPORTING?Got something real big and bad to hide? Of course you do. DUH. So much for the awesome "recount". Dipstick head cases are alive and well in red states valianting seeking anything that will "PROVE" Footoo is the president.Dipstick head cases is all that remain of the party. The others left long ago. What's left are the FOOTOO adoring worshippers. Dipstick head cases. Conspiracy theory QANON insurrectionist hate group proud members.They do get along with one another REEL GOOD. less
Well they brought in a company called "Cyber Ninja" to oversee the recount.Allegedly Cyber Ninja head is very conspiracy theory guided."They" say we will be astonished and shocked ... moreWell they brought in a company called "Cyber Ninja" to oversee the recount.Allegedly Cyber Ninja head is very conspiracy theory guided."They" say we will be astonished and shocked and stunned at the results...implying that FOOTOO will have won. 200,000 vote recount. Joe won by what is it...8 million votes. I guess the movers and shakers who run Maricopa County are not math whizzes. Ya think?
She used the word GENOCIDE and said that genocide has been committed against blacks in America for 400 years.Do you agree with her?Being of Armenian descent and having GENOCIDE in ... moreShe used the word GENOCIDE and said that genocide has been committed against blacks in America for 400 years.Do you agree with her?Being of Armenian descent and having GENOCIDE in our history at the hands of the TURKS I have to think about it. It never occurred to me to call it that. Would you?
We all know that ALL cops aren't bad. The encounters I've had with them have been good. Only once was a cop in a sour mood but he still was polite. The other times they've gone out... moreWe all know that ALL cops aren't bad. The encounters I've had with them have been good. Only once was a cop in a sour mood but he still was polite. The other times they've gone out of their way to help me.So WHAT IF every newspaper ran a story EVERY DAY about something heroic or kind or good that a cop did somewhere?I know it isn't as sexy or glamorous or exciting but would you like to read those stories? I sure would.
Do she think she be speshul enough that the Republican Party forgives her the HUGE sin of "crossing over the line" from male to female? Last I heard they think it is an abomination... moreDo she think she be speshul enough that the Republican Party forgives her the HUGE sin of "crossing over the line" from male to female? Last I heard they think it is an abomination so I just wonder what's going on with her?I dunno. Whatcha think? Republicans in California are very much in trouble of becoming extinct as it. This could push them down the rabbit hole for good.
What Shakespeare said...Macbeth"Life's but a walking shadow, a poor player,That struts and frets his hour upon the stageAnd then is heard no more. It is a taleTold by an idiot, ful... moreWhat Shakespeare said...Macbeth"Life's but a walking shadow, a poor player,That struts and frets his hour upon the stageAnd then is heard no more. It is a taleTold by an idiot, full of sound and furySignifying nothing."If true that life in fact is as Shakespeare described how do you describe YOU?
"They" say that "GOD MADE MAN IN HIS OWN IMAGE". If true that must needs mean that GOD is selfish money-hungry greedy cold cruel too.What other conclusion can one draw from that prithee?
I dunno but Hillary Clinton is apparently head of it. All dems are part of it. All NOT THEMS belong to it. It is their duty to save the world. The January 6 failed insurrection is ... moreI dunno but Hillary Clinton is apparently head of it. All dems are part of it. All NOT THEMS belong to it. It is their duty to save the world. The January 6 failed insurrection is just the beginning. They are in packs and go by different names but the basic foundation is all the same. ONLY THEY CAN SAVE THE COUNTRY AND THE WORLD. All NOT THEMS must be destroyed. FOOTOO is head good guy who was sent by GOD to save the world.Is that it or is there more?
Demographic percentages of Americans who support increasing the minimum wage92% of Democrats73% of Independents53% of republicans (I know how shocked you are that it is so high are... moreDemographic percentages of Americans who support increasing the minimum wage92% of Democrats73% of Independents53% of republicans (I know how shocked you are that it is so high aren't you?)80% of women72% of whites without college degrees
Whatever the he** makes sense to you.$100,000$1,000,000$10,000,000PER YEAR.No lousy minimum wage folks allowed to vote. Poor is the color the wealthy abhor. Anything to minimize th... moreWhatever the he** makes sense to you.$100,000$1,000,000$10,000,000PER YEAR.No lousy minimum wage folks allowed to vote. Poor is the color the wealthy abhor. Anything to minimize their presence in society in politics in life.Keep 'em barefoot pregnant and in the bedroom. Oh wait that's what "they" want for wives.And so it goes. Money talks. Love of money makes you a real live SOB and there ere so many of them. SIGH.RID the world of the SOB money-hungry greedy? How?
Because the obscenely wealthy SOBS control everything.The voter riestrictions are aimed at the poor who have no power or voice or control.Want to exercise your right to vote? You d... moreBecause the obscenely wealthy SOBS control everything.The voter riestrictions are aimed at the poor who have no power or voice or control.Want to exercise your right to vote? You dam* well better be very rich or you are in trouble.
I’ve gone from being an avid and loyal fan in the Alex Trebek years and the Ken Jennings guest host days, to a disappointed and disillusioned opponent of the gi... more
I’ve gone from being an avid and loyal fan in the Alex Trebek years and the Ken Jennings guest host days, to a disappointed and disillusioned opponent of the gimmick of rotating guest hosts every two weeks. I don’t get the same enjoyment and satisfaction out of watching it that I once did, and that’s not merely because the patriarch has passed away, it’s also because it’s become smarmy and jaded. The revolving hosts give the show a cheap veneer, a tawdriness. On one two-week period, I did not watch at all because I have little admiration for the person who held that stint. I gave it another chance after that, but I have once again bowed out. It’s a combination of the switcheroo and the people selected to populate it. I think the whole thing stinks of something that has changed the nature of the show in grossly negative ways. As much as it pains me to let it go, I can’t stick with something I loved and respected while corporate producers twist it into ugline... less