In addition to being racist, it's offensive to women named Karen and those who love and/or are friends with them. Why is it any more OK to offend these people than to offend those ... moreIn addition to being racist, it's offensive to women named Karen and those who love and/or are friends with them. Why is it any more OK to offend these people than to offend those who the stereotypical Karen offends?
Do you want to prevent yourself and your bird from a bad experience? You have already gone through a wrong choice of bird? If the answer to both questions is in positivity, then lu... moreDo you want to prevent yourself and your bird from a bad experience? You have already gone through a wrong choice of bird? If the answer to both questions is in positivity, then luckily you are on the right blog. Just carefully read out the article, “What Parrot Is Right for Me?” Hope your puzzle will be resolved. So, let us begin.
Birds, especially parrots, have been kept as pets for a long time. However, it is very important to choose the right parrot, from the collection of about 350 species. The first thing you should consider is your living style, taste, temperament, resources, liking, and disliking. So, let us start to grab out or prevent you from disorientation. READ MORE less
The men are at it again. They want a mousey obedient handmaiden. Either that or they will replace Liz with a crackpot nutjob Gaetz clone. Either way how can they lose?An independen... moreThe men are at it again. They want a mousey obedient handmaiden. Either that or they will replace Liz with a crackpot nutjob Gaetz clone. Either way how can they lose?An independent HONEST woman is never gonna make it in the FOOTOOHEAD party. Never. No way. No how.All they gotta is look real purrty and sexy and smile and repeat what they are told to repeat. Arm candy. That's all a woman si good for right? Preggers kitchen bedroom and SILENT.That's what's going on right now. It ain't only anti blacks. It is absolutely anti HONORABLE WOMEN. Go for it. less
Dems would never in a bazillion years float him to be their prez candidate. Only the then-Republican party was that porous and leaky. So FOOTOO snuck in and worked on destroying th... moreDems would never in a bazillion years float him to be their prez candidate. Only the then-Republican party was that porous and leaky. So FOOTOO snuck in and worked on destroying the Republican Party which he did. All but two members of it which he cannot stand. Liz Cheney and Mitt Romney are all that's left of The Grand Old Party.Now that FOOTOO owns the FOOTOOHEAD party he won't rest till he sees Liz and Mitt in their graves...politically and figuratively. Also literally if he could get away with it. Heartless cold souless SOB be he.Wonder when FOOTOO will consume all the FOOTOOHEADS? Before 2022 or before 2024? Your guess? less
They will continue working together with their charitable foundation.Another woman? Another man? Disenchantment finally set it? They ran out of things to talk about? They stopped l... moreThey will continue working together with their charitable foundation.Another woman? Another man? Disenchantment finally set it? They ran out of things to talk about? They stopped liking each other?I think divorce is always sad. No one gets married anticipating a divorce. At least I can't imagine why anyone would.When Jeff Bezos divorced his wife she walked away with $35 billion making her one of the world's wealthiest women.Money isn't everything. Can't put a pricetag on happiness.
Heaven would surely not be so cruel.Gone are imagination creativity inventiveness. Gone are trips to what may yet be in your fantasy. Only now only here forever till death parts yo... moreHeaven would surely not be so cruel.Gone are imagination creativity inventiveness. Gone are trips to what may yet be in your fantasy. Only now only here forever till death parts you from life? How sad is THAT?
Who are "THEY"? Liz Cheney and Mitt Romney...who were raised in Republican Party families. Remember Papa Cheney and Papa Romney back in the day when the Republican Party was in ful... moreWho are "THEY"? Liz Cheney and Mitt Romney...who were raised in Republican Party families. Remember Papa Cheney and Papa Romney back in the day when the Republican Party was in full swing and something? The only thing available to Liz and Mitt today is the FOOTOOHEAD party.They reject it.How long before they are ejected?
In private he is not a FOOTOO fan by any means.In knows if he doesn't play the game and lie his a** there is no chance in he** he will ever get elected to anything again. He is jus... moreIn private he is not a FOOTOO fan by any means.In knows if he doesn't play the game and lie his a** there is no chance in he** he will ever get elected to anything again. He is just another greedy HOOR who hungers after POWER. He will do "tricks" for any johns and gigolo for any janes how ever many times it takes. He has no pride or shame or core beliefs. Just like FOOTOO don't too.Will he pull it off and fool the FOOTOO and the FOOTOOHEADS? I dunno.
Or are there other countries so wired...miswired. Wired backwards helter skelter screwy looie?USA exceptional gun ownershipUSA exceptional death by gun every yearUSA exceptional di... moreOr are there other countries so wired...miswired. Wired backwards helter skelter screwy looie?USA exceptional gun ownershipUSA exceptional death by gun every yearUSA exceptional disdain for truth logic caring kindness safetyTriple threat! USA USA USA USA USAUnderSatanicAegis
FOOTOO is very long-distanced from all his FOOTOOHEADS.Plus he has no power over anyone or anything at all. He is out there alone on his own twisting in the wind waiting for all th... moreFOOTOO is very long-distanced from all his FOOTOOHEADS.Plus he has no power over anyone or anything at all. He is out there alone on his own twisting in the wind waiting for all the lawsuits against him to hit. Meanwhile he amused himself obsessing about getting back the glory seat and eats drinks sweats Arizona and the "SECRET" recount led by the cyper ninja turtles.He promised rallies in May. Where are they? Whare are he? How long will that long-distance relationship last? One-sided or double-edged how long can it lasts d'ya think? less
Well Mitch McConnell told them to butt out of politics and just keep contributing.How well did that go over with the Corporations? How well do you think?So now Corporations seek ne... moreWell Mitch McConnell told them to butt out of politics and just keep contributing.How well did that go over with the Corporations? How well do you think?So now Corporations seek new bed partners. There is no Republican party any longer. It is the FOOTOOHEAD party and FOOTOO is anti everyone all the time. He eats his own you know.Strange times in D.C. for FOOTOOHEAD adoring worshippers.
As a child I remember having nightmares about that. At one point they were so regular I didn't want to go to sleep at night. Eventually I outgrew it but I think that is a real fear... moreAs a child I remember having nightmares about that. At one point they were so regular I didn't want to go to sleep at night. Eventually I outgrew it but I think that is a real fear of children everywhere.What about you?
And maybe if you were lucky reunited with them after THREE YEARS?Allegedly 5500 families were separated from their children initially.Allegedly there are 1000 children who are stil... moreAnd maybe if you were lucky reunited with them after THREE YEARS?Allegedly 5500 families were separated from their children initially.Allegedly there are 1000 children who are still separated from their parents.Allegedly 700 of them will eventually be reunited since the location of their families is knownWhich leaves 300 allegedly whose parents' locations are not known. What will become of them? Will they be foster familied in the US or sent back to some unknown destination in Mexico or left to rot where they are now day after day after day? less
Me?In 2004 Jim and I were in a rollover accident that totaled the car and should have totaled us. Every subsequent rollover accident I read about someone dies. No exceptions. In De... moreMe?In 2004 Jim and I were in a rollover accident that totaled the car and should have totaled us. Every subsequent rollover accident I read about someone dies. No exceptions. In December 2007 at age 70 I was diagnosed with Stage 3 Uterine cancer. Who needs a uterus at the age of 70? So I was deprived of something that had outlived its usefulness which I didn't ever need again.It could have been something I could have used but wasn't.Your turn.
People they like are always VERY SMARTPeople they don't like aren't.Period.That is the natural proclivity of the simpleminded. Or is it inherently a good thing to think well of tho... morePeople they like are always VERY SMARTPeople they don't like aren't.Period.That is the natural proclivity of the simpleminded. Or is it inherently a good thing to think well of those you like and ill of those you don't?Who is going to admit they like stupid dumb much better than intelligent? No one that's who.
He has told THE BIG LIE so often that he believes it. He has convinced all his FOOTOOHEADS that they were gypped. He is obsessing 24/7 about it and believes his ticket back to bein... moreHe has told THE BIG LIE so often that he believes it. He has convinced all his FOOTOOHEADS that they were gypped. He is obsessing 24/7 about it and believes his ticket back to being President is based on recounts in every state that will MIRACULOUSLY show he won! EVERY RECOUNT WILL BE IN SECRET of course. No observers will be allowed. And of course we will be forced to take the word of the cyber ninja turtles that they "found" millions of FOOTOO votes that were hidden. When we request proof they will simply go mute.What happens then only GOD knows.How fun. Watching a madman go through his paces. Hamster in his cage running faster and faster going nowhere. Wait a minute. Isn't this where we came in? less
It didn't end well for him but for a time HITLER was a huge success among a limited fan baseIt didn't end well for him but for a time FOOTOO was a huge success among a limited fan ... moreIt didn't end well for him but for a time HITLER was a huge success among a limited fan baseIt didn't end well for him but for a time FOOTOO was a huge success among a limited fan baseWhat does it take to sustain LONG-TERM SUCCESS in an unlimited base?
ENTITLED. Not my word but that of an Answermug friend.FOOTOO and his FOOTOOHEADS are all entitled in attitude demeanor and every other which way.But being an "ENTITLED" brat? Insuf... moreENTITLED. Not my word but that of an Answermug friend.FOOTOO and his FOOTOOHEADS are all entitled in attitude demeanor and every other which way.But being an "ENTITLED" brat? Insufferable in adults but nauseating in kids.Is "ENTITLED" peculiar to rich people, crackpot nutjobs or is it a category on its own all alone?"I WANT IT AND I WANT IT NOW!" There was an entitled brat in the movie "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory" little girl but she got what she deserved.Do entitled adults and entitled kids usually end up getting what they "deserve"? What do they deserve? less