CONSECRATETo make or declare sacred, set apart or dedicated to the service of a deityTo make something an object of honor or venerationDESECRATETo divest of sacred or hallowed char... moreCONSECRATETo make or declare sacred, set apart or dedicated to the service of a deityTo make something an object of honor or venerationDESECRATETo divest of sacred or hallowed character or officeTo divert from a sacred to a profane use or purposeTo treat with sacrilegeSynonyms of DESECRATEDefileViolateDishonor'PolluteOutrage
Certainly being a journalist is dangerous. Or an activist. Or a protester.What if any other profession is imperviouis and unaffected by the evil bad of the politicians who take con... moreCertainly being a journalist is dangerous. Or an activist. Or a protester.What if any other profession is imperviouis and unaffected by the evil bad of the politicians who take control of a nation?
It will engulf everyone everywhere and everything.What better way to live a life than hate supported by fear?It is almost a fait accompli in the USA today. What day will it be over... moreIt will engulf everyone everywhere and everything.What better way to live a life than hate supported by fear?It is almost a fait accompli in the USA today. What day will it be over and done? When FOOTOO is elected president again. Our demise may well occur prior to that. Do you care? Will you be there to witness it? Mourning or celebrating?
Did we hate less or was it always in the underground?Do we hate more when it is out in the open and celebrated and worshipped?I dunno. What do you think?
I never bought one but I saw them. I think they cost around $10 and would be boxed up ever so cutely.A PET ROCK was advertised as never needing care or attention. An ideal pet.Stup... moreI never bought one but I saw them. I think they cost around $10 and would be boxed up ever so cutely.A PET ROCK was advertised as never needing care or attention. An ideal pet.Stupid comes in an infinite variety.
Are JERKS more apt to be obscenely wealthy or poor?Have enough money and all your problems go away. Right?Has any obscenely wealthy person ever wished he/she weren't?
Imagine never once having to worry about paying bills or sending your kids to college? Never once having to know "what it costs" in advance of doing something? Living a life of cal... moreImagine never once having to worry about paying bills or sending your kids to college? Never once having to know "what it costs" in advance of doing something? Living a life of calm content privilege. Always being able to afford anything you wanted?I have no idea whom I'd be. Quite possibly as much of a jerk as many obscenely wealthy people are. OR maybe I'd be one of the good ones who give back and share and try to make the world a better place. I wonder what the chances of that are?
Shocking isn't it?DDT was banned in 1972 due to its ADVERSE ENVIRONMENTAL EFFECTS as well as to wildlife and its potential human health risks.Well DDT(DOOFUS DINGLEBERRY TRUMP) run... moreShocking isn't it?DDT was banned in 1972 due to its ADVERSE ENVIRONMENTAL EFFECTS as well as to wildlife and its potential human health risks.Well DDT(DOOFUS DINGLEBERRY TRUMP) runs and wins and what did he do immediately? ROLL BACK ALL ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTIONS. Then COVID 19 shows up and he facilitates many deaths due to his mocking and ridiculing and ignoring the monumental health risk. Too stupid dumb cold cruel uncaring to share the truth he knew early on to admit truth which he knew which he told to Bob Woodward in FEBRUARY 2020 but pretended elsewise otherwise to everyone else. Bast**dman is responsible for hundreds of thousands of deaths.DDT was banned in 1972.DDT(Doofus Dingleberry Trump) snuck in and finagled a way to be in total control of the USA starting in January 2017.Could the USA get any unluckier than that? FIE on those who voted for DDT. A POX on their houses forever more for ever after. If it were not for them DDT would not have won. Any of them feel GUILTY? less
The QANON queen and the lecherous "old" man who pays for sex with girls young enough to get him sent to jail? Jailbait is what he lusts after and has to pay for. This is exactly wh... moreThe QANON queen and the lecherous "old" man who pays for sex with girls young enough to get him sent to jail? Jailbait is what he lusts after and has to pay for. This is exactly what FOOTOO wants to represent him for the male side of his entourage. From the female side he gets the QANON queen...cannabalitist sex trafficking of little kids. Wow. What an image that gives and how much honor that brings to the FOOTOO! Beyond belief!
Now he sez sez he that his goal with Joe Biden is to BLOCK EVERYTHING HE WANTS TO DO.Good luck with that you old white impotent inadequate sap. Your track record sucks bigly. Repea... moreNow he sez sez he that his goal with Joe Biden is to BLOCK EVERYTHING HE WANTS TO DO.Good luck with that you old white impotent inadequate sap. Your track record sucks bigly. Repeat performance. No brainer. DUH!
The earth is 70% water so there is a good chance that it will crash into a body of water. But I got my fingers crossed that it will crash into Mar-A-Logo but only... moreThe earth is 70% water so there is a good chance that it will crash into a body of water. But I got my fingers crossed that it will crash into Mar-A-Logo but only if before it hits Mar-A-logo gets avauated because of a bedbug infestation or black mold so no one gets hurt. Cheers and happy weekend!
AT THIS POINT IN TIMENOWMean the same thing.Are you a wasteful wastrel? Does more always mean "better" to you even if you don't need it can't use it don't even want it?Backstory. I... moreAT THIS POINT IN TIMENOWMean the same thing.Are you a wasteful wastrel? Does more always mean "better" to you even if you don't need it can't use it don't even want it?Backstory. I worked with a woman named Mary who never said "NOW" and always said "at this point in time." Annoyed the he** outta me but I never said a word.Just now on the tube I heard someone say "AT THIS POINT IN TIME" and I reverted back to being annoyed as he**! Do you get annoyed by stuff like that too?
1 — Arizona GOP Chair Dr. Kelli Ward tweeted out on Wednesday that devices that held data during the election in Maricopa County were sneaked offsite nightly. ... more1 — Arizona GOP Chair Dr. Kelli Ward tweeted out on Wednesday that devices that held data during the election in Maricopa County were sneaked offsite nightly. And it’s not clear who took them at this point!
This violated chain of custody regulations and is highly suspicious.2 — The Maricopa County Election team admitted this week that they do not have ‘Admin’ access to their county’s voting machines.Why did they cede this to the Dominion voting machine company? And how is this legal?3 — And Maricopa County officials are refusing to turn over routers or router images to the election auditors. They are defying a judge’s orders.What are they afraid of? And what are they hiding? less
The blockhead aka moscow mitch wants to block anything and everything Joe attempts to do. Why? Why not? There is nothing remotely creative or unique or individual about moscow mitc... moreThe blockhead aka moscow mitch wants to block anything and everything Joe attempts to do. Why? Why not? There is nothing remotely creative or unique or individual about moscow mitch. He is a cipher a nothing a zero a zed. No gumption or umption.Blockhead blocks. What else is he good for but that?
"The milk of HUMAN kINDNESS has curdled in its chest."I'm not so sure I agree with this pronouncement. No one has EVER connected INTELLIGENT THOUGHT to a republican. So since it ne... more"The milk of HUMAN kINDNESS has curdled in its chest."I'm not so sure I agree with this pronouncement. No one has EVER connected INTELLIGENT THOUGHT to a republican. So since it never existed herd immunity could not possibly matter and is moot academic and doesn't fit.Nevertheless appropos or not it's kinda niftyIntelligence and Republican? Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha. Seriously? The party of FOOTOO? Hahahahahahahahahaha.
Inspired by this question that was posted by another member: more
Inspired by this question that was posted by another member:
My grandmother used it all the time, and I heard it in the old movies that came out when she was young. My grandmother was born in the 1920s in a tiny town of 900 people in Oklahoma and due to migrant farming, grew up in various places all over the country.
I‘m not sure if she only used the word in jest, or if she used it as her legitimate and appropriate way to talk about food (she passed away in 1989). I do remember that she used a lot of words that I understood to be from her country upbringing or Southern upbringing, for instance, she never once used the word “faucet”, she always, always, always said “hydrant”. Lol, I remember being five years old and when we went to her house, she would offer us a drink of water, and she’d as... less
A Rigby Middle School 6th grade student in East Idaho shot 3 people...a custodian and two students. The motive is unknown at the moment.But it doesn't matter what it is. If it were... moreA Rigby Middle School 6th grade student in East Idaho shot 3 people...a custodian and two students. The motive is unknown at the moment.But it doesn't matter what it is. If it weren't for you gun parents promulgaing supporting obessessing about gun this would not have happened.As I saidALL CREDIT IS DUE TO YOU. More to come? You're dam* right. Wait. Watch. Pat yourselves on the back or butt. Your kids mimic YOU. Got a problem with someone? Shot 'em.