Colorado is a breathtakingly beautiful State. Why it is the chosen site of so much carnage massacre nutjob crackpot wackadoodlenoodle murderers I have no idea. Do you?
Of course the unknown is frghtening. Not knowing what is out there or if you will survive it can't be comforting.Even so what would the world be without imagination? A better place... moreOf course the unknown is frghtening. Not knowing what is out there or if you will survive it can't be comforting.Even so what would the world be without imagination? A better place or dreary colorless predictable dull boring endlessly unbearable?
The first shot was fired January 6, 2021.Since the confederates went underground they created over 800 hate groups who are now all operational and waiting for the orders to proceed... moreThe first shot was fired January 6, 2021.Since the confederates went underground they created over 800 hate groups who are now all operational and waiting for the orders to proceed.Though they go by different names they are at core all the same. White Supremacists each and every one of them.The call to arms came and they all heard it loud and clear.What happens next and when is not known to me but it is known to them.Are you ready?
Pessimistic cynical negatives. A role they play to get attention or are they really and truly THAT WAY 24/7?If so how dull and boring and uninteresting are they as human beings.Who... morePessimistic cynical negatives. A role they play to get attention or are they really and truly THAT WAY 24/7?If so how dull and boring and uninteresting are they as human beings.Who wants to spend any time with the downerbird when time can be spent with those who talk about unicorns angels and rainbows and infinite possibilities?
*Your response must include the word “future” at least two times, with at least two different connotations or grammatical tenses or moods of the word, if possibl... more
*Your response must include the word “future” at least two times, with at least two different connotations or grammatical tenses or moods of the word, if possible. This is an AnswerMug Challenge.
Only a handful of House FOOTOOHEADS believe THE BIG LIE. Maybe 5 or less. The rest want to keep their jobs and the only way they can is to lie about believing THE BIG LIE.We suspec... moreOnly a handful of House FOOTOOHEADS believe THE BIG LIE. Maybe 5 or less. The rest want to keep their jobs and the only way they can is to lie about believing THE BIG LIE.We suspected that. We really didn't think all FOOTOO party House members believed that crap. We figgered they just went along with it for survival.Authenticated by an inside FOOTOO pol. But FOOTOO never reads anything so he won't know how much of an old fool he really is living in delusionland almost entirely alone on his own.And so it goes. less
SWILLLiquid or partly liquid food for animals esp. kitchen refuse given to swine. Hogwash.Kitchen refuse in general; garbageAny liquid mess, waste or refuse; slopContemptibly worth... moreSWILLLiquid or partly liquid food for animals esp. kitchen refuse given to swine. Hogwash.Kitchen refuse in general; garbageAny liquid mess, waste or refuse; slopContemptibly worthless or writing drivelSome fancy swill. Some fancy road kill.
Sometimes the harder you try the farther away you get. Sometimes when you stop trying and move on to other things what you sought comes to you.You can't count on it of course but i... moreSometimes the harder you try the farther away you get. Sometimes when you stop trying and move on to other things what you sought comes to you.You can't count on it of course but it does happen.So take everything with a grain of salt and if "it" doesn't work out move on and fuggeddaboutit.
Mine found me.Out of the blue one day I got a call from a "headhunter" who got my name and number from a gal with whom I used to work. She had moved on and was the HUMAN RESOURCES ... moreMine found me.Out of the blue one day I got a call from a "headhunter" who got my name and number from a gal with whom I used to work. She had moved on and was the HUMAN RESOURCES (personnel department) head at the company she was working for at the time.The job sounded interesting and I went to meet the person for whom I would work on a Saturday at a hotsy totsy spot in Westwood Village right next to UCLA! I know. High falutin'! That interview went well so I made an appointment at the company where I would be working and I went in for an interview with the person who would make the ultimate decision and we hit it off right off the bat!This was a long time ago. I was making $18K/year where I was and I was offered the job at $23K and within three months got a raise. Yep. I fell in the honeypot alright having made no effort at all. When I left the company I was earning $40K/year plus a bonus of around $16K/year. No college degree. Just an AA degree in LIBERAL ARTS and I was the one who did the in-house accounting.... less
I've lost count of the times I've received splendid answers to questions I thought were very ordinary and simple. Eye of the beholder is the key to it. In those cases everyone wins... moreI've lost count of the times I've received splendid answers to questions I thought were very ordinary and simple. Eye of the beholder is the key to it. In those cases everyone wins.Know what I mean?My favorite question? "WHAT IF GOD WERE GAY?"My favorite reply? "That would explain rainbows".Do you have a favorite question you've asked and a favorite response? If so wouldja share it?
Even though it's faded and shapeless you can still read the words..."CALIFORNIA BERKELEY". We had a deal.Each time he graduated from somewhere I'd get a sweatshirt commemorating it... moreEven though it's faded and shapeless you can still read the words..."CALIFORNIA BERKELEY". We had a deal.Each time he graduated from somewhere I'd get a sweatshirt commemorating it. So I have one for UCLA and one for the UNIVERSITY OF HAWAII. I wear them proudly even though the UH one is from 1999(Master's Degree) and the one from UCLA is from 2004 (Ph.d).I like them because of the giver and the memories attached thereto.Do you get attached to memories and to the mementos you treasure due to them?I'm very sentimental. Are you too? less
A HEAVYWEIGHT is never going to challenge a STRAWEIGHT. The straw would get crushed.But once in awhile a straweight thinks he can take down a heavyweight. Ever happen in real life?... moreA HEAVYWEIGHT is never going to challenge a STRAWEIGHT. The straw would get crushed.But once in awhile a straweight thinks he can take down a heavyweight. Ever happen in real life? Or only in fantasy with a David and a Goliath?
I always wonder if they lead just barren dull empty lives and that's why they are always looking at the plates of others.Could be.Why don't they learn to keep their eyes on their o... moreI always wonder if they lead just barren dull empty lives and that's why they are always looking at the plates of others.Could be.Why don't they learn to keep their eyes on their own plates and make sure they are in order first before venturing to tell people what's wrong with their plates?A question that probably can't be answered.
Are you a great nitpicker? Some seem to take GREAT PRIDE in the amount of nits they pick. Why that is I don't know. Do you?NITPICKTo be excessively concerned with or critical of in... moreAre you a great nitpicker? Some seem to take GREAT PRIDE in the amount of nits they pick. Why that is I don't know. Do you?NITPICKTo be excessively concerned with or critical of inconsequential detailsTo criticize by focusing on inconsequential detailsA carping petty criticismWhat the world needs now is more NITPICKERS! We don't have enough of them.
Well ya see it's like this.I was born in Highland Park, Michigan a suburb of DETROIT. I consider Michigan to be MY HOME STATE or where I was born.I lived in Massachusetts for 5 yea... moreWell ya see it's like this.I was born in Highland Park, Michigan a suburb of DETROIT. I consider Michigan to be MY HOME STATE or where I was born.I lived in Massachusetts for 5 years and during those 5 years Massachusetts was MY STATE.At 83 I have lived in California all but 5 of those years. Despite what the outsider says CAlifornia IS MY STATE.Why he has a problem with it I have no idea nor do I give a fig. Why he has such a problem with is queerly peculiar to me.I don't know where you live and I don't know if you consider it YOUR state. How do you refer to it? The state where I live? Different strokes for different folks. Imagine getting your shorts in a KNOT because someone says MY about his/her state? What is the world coming to? less
You know those folks who attack insult undermine sabotage and then put the burden on you for reacting by saying "I was just joking. Can't you take a joke?""Just joking". Your... moreYou know those folks who attack insult undermine sabotage and then put the burden on you for reacting by saying "I was just joking. Can't you take a joke?""Just joking". Your cuppa tea or castor oil?
The crapheads are growing in power and being elected to office. Soon there will be nothing be QANONS and they will start killing the cannabals and child torturers and rapists where... moreThe crapheads are growing in power and being elected to office. Soon there will be nothing be QANONS and they will start killing the cannabals and child torturers and rapists wherever they can find them. How happy are they and their supporters. QANONS own the world. Everyone else rents.