It isn't working that way for me personally. I know less now that I ever did and I expect will keep knowing less and less and less until I'm dead. After that who knows? Will all be revealed?
I have none of them. I am using an old-fashion desktop, Windows 10, and firefox as a browser. If anyone here is not having issues, please let us know what you are using. I don't th... moreI have none of them. I am using an old-fashion desktop, Windows 10, and firefox as a browser. If anyone here is not having issues, please let us know what you are using. I don't think it is AM.
"Unites States Senate"...not UNITED! That's whatcha get when you scrape the bottom of the barrel. The scum is what the bumb deserves. Go to it y'all. Spell anyway old witch way ya ... more"Unites States Senate"...not UNITED! That's whatcha get when you scrape the bottom of the barrel. The scum is what the bumb deserves. Go to it y'all. Spell anyway old witch way ya wanna. It don't matter no how.
Having to go out every day and MINGLE with others. Chat about whatever this or that. That would be he** for sure for me.So I lucked out on the edges of this but I'd have far rather... moreHaving to go out every day and MINGLE with others. Chat about whatever this or that. That would be he** for sure for me.So I lucked out on the edges of this but I'd have far rather it never happened. America is verging toward half a million dead and what is 27 million casees and counting? We are assured THE WORST IS YET TO COME.Too bad that isn't all we had to deal with. Too bad January 6 happened. Lucky more bad didn't happen on that day. A bullet was doged through what...divine providence...dumb luck?
Why not wait till all the "bugs" are worked out and there a basis/pattern of success?I wait. Let others be first and let them debug glitches. I'll wait. No hurry. Eventually when t... moreWhy not wait till all the "bugs" are worked out and there a basis/pattern of success?I wait. Let others be first and let them debug glitches. I'll wait. No hurry. Eventually when the newest electronic thingy comes out prices will drop and that's when I try what I try when I do.No interest? Honestly I don't know what it is. Jim has a cell phone smart phone. I never touch it. Don't like them.There are apps to buy to download every day. They can be money pits I expect having to buy this app and that and then horror of horrors a NEW and IMPROVED one comes out and yours is now obsolete so out you go to buy the new and try it and debug.A merry-go-round that always ends where it begins. I don't see the point but then I'm not them. There are more of "them" than there are of me or my ilk. I'm pretty sure of that.There ya go. True confessions of an ANTI-ELECTRONIC THINGY old lady. I miss dial phones so shoot me! :) less
It's like turning the machine on. Question comes first then cogitation calculation pondering wondering and with luck? Well I wonder what the process was for every invention? Was it... moreIt's like turning the machine on. Question comes first then cogitation calculation pondering wondering and with luck? Well I wonder what the process was for every invention? Was it always the same? Question cogitation exerimentation evaluation solution?
All you need is you to ASK a question. But you need at least another or others to provide you with answers.It's a crapshoot. Hit or miss you never know in advance of the ASK.
Me? I'd pay way more attention to the reconfiguration of the BRAIN and much less attention to the way the mouth works. THINK MORE, speak less. For starters!
It is UNCONSTITUTIONAL to IMPEACH now that FOOTOO is no longer president.SO TOOWhen a cop stops a motorist for speeding HE IS NO LONGER SPEEDING AND THEREFORE IT IS UNCONSTITUTIONA... moreIt is UNCONSTITUTIONAL to IMPEACH now that FOOTOO is no longer president.SO TOOWhen a cop stops a motorist for speeding HE IS NO LONGER SPEEDING AND THEREFORE IT IS UNCONSTITUTIONAL TO TICKET HIM!Don'tcha love the BRILLIANCE OF IT? SIMPLICITY PERSONIFIED! TRUTH IN ACTION.It ain't what ya done that matters at all. So off the hook all ye murderers. All ye rapists. All ye pedophiles. All ye vile evil corrupt traitorous treasonous maggots.It is UNCONSTITUTIONAL to punish you for what you DID DO since you are no longer doing it!Well then! less
Long ago and far away it was in a Tiffany's store at South Coast Plaza mall. We were just LOOKING. I saw a wedding band very slender made of pave diamonds. I tried it on and WHOA. ... moreLong ago and far away it was in a Tiffany's store at South Coast Plaza mall. We were just LOOKING. I saw a wedding band very slender made of pave diamonds. I tried it on and WHOA. At the time (maybe 20 years ago) the cost was $6000. I expect it would be more than that today if they still make them.Funny how you remember things like that. Also the most BEAUTIFUL item of clothing I ever saw? My first visit to a Nieman-Marcus store with my son and then daughter-in-law. We were in Honolulu visiting them. A bejeweled jacket. I love sparkle and it knocked my socks off. They wanted me to try it on and I did and guess what? I looked RAVISHING in it. SMASHING. Who wouldn't? It wasn't me it was THE JACKET. It cost thousands of dollars and even if I could have afforded I'd have no place to wear it. I think it would be out of place at Walmart.I still see me in my mind's eye looking into the mirror with that jacket on me. I don't know who designed it but I bet it was a famous designer. less
AMERICAN FLAGS orCONFEDERATE FLAGSImagine being at the mercy of a maddening crowd of crazy loons weaponized with loaded guns and even more so with hate? A VERY GREAT HATE?Imagine b... moreAMERICAN FLAGS orCONFEDERATE FLAGSImagine being at the mercy of a maddening crowd of crazy loons weaponized with loaded guns and even more so with hate? A VERY GREAT HATE?Imagine being invited to do exactly what you are doing by a person whom you adoringly worship and are willing to murder for and die for?Can you imagine all that or is that too far-fetched for you? I wonder if those who are dead due to that could have imagined it too?
I access the site by clicking on the desktop icon I have for Answermug. Takes me right to it. How do you access Answermug?Actually I hit START then ALL PROGRAMS then MOZILLA THUNDE... moreI access the site by clicking on the desktop icon I have for Answermug. Takes me right to it. How do you access Answermug?Actually I hit START then ALL PROGRAMS then MOZILLA THUNDERBIRD and that's how I get here.
Why the Republican party has embraced so easily the violent domestic terrorist hate groups residing in the United States of America.Can you even almost sort of imagine Ronald Reaga... moreWhy the Republican party has embraced so easily the violent domestic terrorist hate groups residing in the United States of America.Can you even almost sort of imagine Ronald Reagan in inciting insurrection? Either BUsh? Ike? Lincoln?What the party was once and what it is now? Who could uv thunk it?
Jimmy warned Melania that tail lure is "coming" for FOOTOO!To take him onTo take him outTo fly him to the moonWhich of those is more likely to happen futurely?
Due to the small number of study of those in that age group no conclusions can be drawn as to the efficacy or safety.Will the United States follow suit?