I'm trying to pinpoint what's happening and give the dev better insights. It seems browser/ device dependant. Please comment on this thread with additional details or send me a mes... moreI'm trying to pinpoint what's happening and give the dev better insights. It seems browser/ device dependant. Please comment on this thread with additional details or send me a message via on-site inbox or to answerMugger (at) gmail.comWhat I need to know is:* A list of all issues you're experiencing* What kind of device you're using (desktop, laptop, tablet, phone)* What operating system and version you're using (iOS 14.4, macOS 11.2, Windows 10 20H2, Android 11)* What browser and version you're using (Chrome 88.0.4324, Internet Explorer 11.0)If you don't have all these details, please give me the most info you can. Thanks! less
I don't understand it.How do you buy a stock and not pay for its value when you guy it?Do all hedged funds belong to investors or do the brokers hedge for themselves?Is that legal?... moreI don't understand it.How do you buy a stock and not pay for its value when you guy it?Do all hedged funds belong to investors or do the brokers hedge for themselves?Is that legal?Makes no sense. Any of you hedged and lost billions? If that makes no sense apologies. When you don't know what you are talking about making sense is particularly rare.
He was married to actress Dixie Carter (she died in 2010) for just two years. She starred in Designing Women if you remember the show.Celebrity trivia.
Our winters are never really bad. Some are better than others. Remember we used to have THE ROSE PARADE in winter and sometimes people stuck at home in freezing weather would look ... moreOur winters are never really bad. Some are better than others. Remember we used to have THE ROSE PARADE in winter and sometimes people stuck at home in freezing weather would look at those who were coatless and hatless and decided right then to move to California.That's why we have so many people. Lots of them are moving away. I don't know how many I'd like to see leave but I'm all for the leaving of those who are soured on living here. All for it.
If a prez wanted to medal of freedom you and you had other commitments wouldn't you switch them around?So she says if Biden wanted to present her with one she'd feel uncomfy accept... moreIf a prez wanted to medal of freedom you and you had other commitments wouldn't you switch them around?So she says if Biden wanted to present her with one she'd feel uncomfy accepting it because it would seem to be political. Though she did she would really like one even though she isn't sure she deserves it. So why bring it up at all? Now I'm curious. Is that a signal to Joe to medal of freedom her since she already has talked about it...or the potential?
Because it's what the stupid dumbs who voted for her needed to hear from her. She knows it so she lies. No shock about that.Give the public what it wants. You don't have to like or... moreBecause it's what the stupid dumbs who voted for her needed to hear from her. She knows it so she lies. No shock about that.Give the public what it wants. You don't have to like or use it or believe in it. As long as they do well ain't that great? They will believe anything no matter how absurd imbecilic idiotic queer peculiar odd. What could it hurt to do that? They get what they want and you get what you want. Who gets hurt by lies? Aren't they the real thing that greases Capitalism? The bigger the better? less
Tip of IcebergNo airplane hit the Pentagon on 9/11Obama was secretly a MuslimBlack Lives Matter are the domestic violent terroristsAll school shooting are stagedWealthy Jews used a... moreTip of IcebergNo airplane hit the Pentagon on 9/11Obama was secretly a MuslimBlack Lives Matter are the domestic violent terroristsAll school shooting are stagedWealthy Jews used a space laser to start wildfiresHillary Clinton sliced off a child's face and wore itYou up for all of that? You are? Really?
Along with Mike Pence and Nancy Pelosi will the domestic VIOLENT hate group terrorists have a noose with his name on it too? Per the demands of FOOTOO hoo hoo tutu?Whatcha think? T... moreAlong with Mike Pence and Nancy Pelosi will the domestic VIOLENT hate group terrorists have a noose with his name on it too? Per the demands of FOOTOO hoo hoo tutu?Whatcha think? They won't stand for it will they? They will get him won't they?So what did McConnell SAY anyway?Someone suggesting no plane hit the Pentagon on 9/11, school shootings were pre-staged to garner sympathy for gun control legislation and the Clinton's crashed JFK Jr.s plane is not living in reality.
Who cares if they once again say he did nothing wrong and refuse to impeach? They whinya** spineless SOB's. They have shown that absolutely so why would you expect them to suddenly... moreWho cares if they once again say he did nothing wrong and refuse to impeach? They whinya** spineless SOB's. They have shown that absolutely so why would you expect them to suddenly get one and do the right thing?Could they? Sure they could. Anything is possible. Will they? Naw. Too gutless too terrified too wimpy too wussy to anger FOOTOO and to anger the base they need to be re-elected. They will all sleep with margee tail lure greeeen the mean queen because FOOTOO endorses her and adores her. Even the Republican dames will sleep with her if that's what it takes to prove LOYALTY to FOOTOO too. Shocked? C'mon no you aren't. Hoors do what hoors do. Always have and always will I s'pose. Why not? What could it hurt? Everyone says so! less
The insurrectionists, the supporting players, the main "players the big cheesehead at the center of all of it, the traitors and treasoners INCLUDING all the politicians and a... moreThe insurrectionists, the supporting players, the main "players the big cheesehead at the center of all of it, the traitors and treasoners INCLUDING all the politicians and all the adoring worshippers and all the hate groups all joined together at the hip working to overturn a FREE and FAIR election and overthrow democracy! Some CHUTZPAH NOIVE ain't it though? All treasonous traitors too...each and every one.Of course they are way too stupid dumb to see the connection between what they ABHORED and what THEY ADORED. Aren't they? less
Here's one RIPLEY never imagined envisioned contemplated fantasized visualizedA crazy fat selfish greedy lazy talentless boring dull mediocre old man almost succeeded in taking dow... moreHere's one RIPLEY never imagined envisioned contemplated fantasized visualizedA crazy fat selfish greedy lazy talentless boring dull mediocre old man almost succeeded in taking down an entire country with some excessive conspiracy colluding traitoring treasoning LIES LIES LIES LIES LIES and a lot of help from the multi failures who clove cleaved unto him as their SAVIOR. BELIEVE IT OR NOT?
Generating HATECreating HATEFocusing on HATEGlorifying HATEAdoring HATESanctifying HATEObsessing on and about HATEPaying for HatePraying to HATE and pray for HATELusting for HATEIn... moreGenerating HATECreating HATEFocusing on HATEGlorifying HATEAdoring HATESanctifying HATEObsessing on and about HATEPaying for HatePraying to HATE and pray for HATELusting for HATEInsisting on HATEDemanding everyone HATECommanding HATEMating with HateBathing in HateEating HateDrinking HateInhaling HateSpreading HatePlanting the seeds of HATERewarding HATEOrdering HATEPraising HATECelebrating HATEPondering HATEDo I have to draw you a picture?FOOTOO THE GREAT...HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE ...PRATE HATE RALLY FOR HATE less
Obviously cut from a defective cloth are they.Born bad. Get worse as they congregate with others of their ilk. Plot. Scheme. Undermine. Sabotage. LIE LIE LIE LIE LIE. WHY?
A VAST network was involved. A HUGE enterprise with dozens or hundreds of HATE GROUP and POLITICIANS and OBSCENELY WEALTHY INFLUENTIAL FOOTOO supporters all working together for on... moreA VAST network was involved. A HUGE enterprise with dozens or hundreds of HATE GROUP and POLITICIANS and OBSCENELY WEALTHY INFLUENTIAL FOOTOO supporters all working together for one goal...overthrowing the election and installing FOOTOO as their head their leader their utmost highest LORD GOD ALMIGHTY! Let us pray.Every day the investigators are discovering more and more and more homo saps were involved in this gargantuan mammoth enterprise.ALL OF THEM COMMITTED TREASON AND ARE TRAITORS at whatever level they were allowed to operate. The LIES told by FOX news idiotheads. The lies told by rudyg and anyone named "trump". The lies told by all the unhinged deranged pols and hate groups and adoring braindead emptyhead worshippers..The CONFEDERACY rises again and FAILS again. The vermin and vile and evil had a brief moment in time when all was sublime. They were GIDDY with the future they saw. STUPID DUMB..every single one. STUPID DUMB.Eventually all will be uncovered revealed and it is already STAGGERING in scope. A ... less
What if billybarr had not dodged a bullet and stayed on to be available to continue corruting our nation in service to FOOTOO? What would you do? What would you say? Wouldja have C... moreWhat if billybarr had not dodged a bullet and stayed on to be available to continue corruting our nation in service to FOOTOO? What would you do? What would you say? Wouldja have CELEBRATED LIKE CRAZY or would you be despairing?WHAT IFWHAT IFWHAT IF