Now FOOTOO spends his days and nights watching his handiwork do its THANG without him having to lift another finger.From afar he observes and enjoys and cheers on.This is what anyo... moreNow FOOTOO spends his days and nights watching his handiwork do its THANG without him having to lift another finger.From afar he observes and enjoys and cheers on.This is what anyone can do in AMERICA that golden opportunity place. WORK HARD. You too can be a FOOTOO!
The government has ways of continually monitoring all the traffic going on among the various hate groups who adore FOOTOO and are out for blood and vengeance and destruction and de... moreThe government has ways of continually monitoring all the traffic going on among the various hate groups who adore FOOTOO and are out for blood and vengeance and destruction and death!Isn't it grand that they care so very much about FOOTOO? He must be basking in the glory of being so well loved that his insurrectionists and hate the enemy folks are willing to murder for him as well as die for him?That is what everyone wants after all isn't it? I can hardly wait to watch. If I weren't such small potatoes I'd be a target. But who takes an 83 year old dame seriously? That's my protection. Being small potatoes.So I shall sit back and watch the big potatoes be targeted. I know Mike Pence is probably living life on the edge knowing if the FOOTOO insurrectionists can find him they will hang him. Same for Nancy Pelosi. FOOTOO provided a raison d'etre for their sad sack irrelevant lives. Gave them a PURPOSE. What more does anyone need than a PURPOSE to live?Stay tuned. It's coming! Sigh less
What if facing you futurely are experiences that are unique singular brand new? How can you possibly predict today what those outcomes will be tomorrow? Some think they know. Other... moreWhat if facing you futurely are experiences that are unique singular brand new? How can you possibly predict today what those outcomes will be tomorrow? Some think they know. Others never even care or think about it. Different strokes. Some are always thinking. Whatever works best for them they do. Convenience is the way to do. What keeps your comfort level from sinking is what you think. I guess.
Some of the other Congresspersons wish to NOT have her around in their home away from home.Why?Let me count the ways.People in power who continue to lie and use that as a platform ... moreSome of the other Congresspersons wish to NOT have her around in their home away from home.Why?Let me count the ways.People in power who continue to lie and use that as a platform to rile up defile defecate desecrate. All of which margee tailor greeen is queen. Just watch her go.Queen of mean. Queen of green.Queen of spleen. Queen of screen. All hail to margee. And all the margees who come thereafter. May she reap what she sows.
He could do a concert a day in a city day every day. Some stadiums hold 100,000. He needs a booker to get him set up. That way everybody wins. He gets out of the house away from hi... moreHe could do a concert a day in a city day every day. Some stadiums hold 100,000. He needs a booker to get him set up. That way everybody wins. He gets out of the house away from his spouse. He earns big huge tons of money..his favoritest thing in the whole wide world besides hisself...his act doesn't have to change a hair of it. Don't change a hair for me not if you care for me stay little valentine stay. Each day is valentine's day.He would have to change his act at first. That ego hate wall? Best not to bring it up. But actwise otherwise elsewise he can repeat his schtick everywhere all the time. No one will ever notice it. They don't have any memory of yesterday and no comprehension of tomorrow. They accept at face value all his words! NO EXCEPTIONS TO THAT. THE sky's the limit.It will give the hate groups a place to hang out every day. All the adoring worshippers will always attend as often as they can. The still toady sycophant spineless whinya** pols who sucked up to him before still do. They are completel... less
Independent INCOMPETENCEPlanned in advance conspiracy among many pieces of that puzzleBOTH AT ONCEHow proud FOOTOO and the FOOLS must be at how well it was pulled off and how very ... moreIndependent INCOMPETENCEPlanned in advance conspiracy among many pieces of that puzzleBOTH AT ONCEHow proud FOOTOO and the FOOLS must be at how well it was pulled off and how very nearly they couped! VERY NEARLY. A road test for NEXT?
Yep. They didn't particularly like what FOOTOO did/said and didn't do/say but they kept their heads down and when asked said they had no comment and hoped AS USUAL it would all blo... moreYep. They didn't particularly like what FOOTOO did/said and didn't do/say but they kept their heads down and when asked said they had no comment and hoped AS USUAL it would all blow over. It dint.Well this dog and pony show impeachment in the Senate? Same thing. They don't particularly like FOOTOO but they are keeping their heads down (except for 5 honorable members) pretending they don't know what's going on and hope it will all blow over. The words are the USUAL inane insane inarticulate haphazard roadkill claptrap.That is the signature reaction of COWARDS. They are consistent in that.AS USUAL. less
No problem with the others who were murdered. No problem with the insurrectionists bringin nooses in to hang Nancy Pelosi and Mike Pence. No problem bringing in confederates with w... moreNo problem with the others who were murdered. No problem with the insurrectionists bringin nooses in to hang Nancy Pelosi and Mike Pence. No problem bringing in confederates with which to beat cop to death. No problem smashing breaking rummaging stealing DEFECATING AND PEEING on everything. No problemo. No esproblem. No sweat. It's all good. Just do you dare harm a hair on his hairless bald head or you will be the target and soon will be dead.Good ta know how many FOOTOO FOOLS there are isn't it? Makes ya feel all safe and comfort cozy and good.What a country less
Not for doing the right thing finally but for kissing a** and wimpout and sucking up and rolling over for 4 yeqrs.He serviced FOOTOO because he was terrified not to but the point c... moreNot for doing the right thing finally but for kissing a** and wimpout and sucking up and rolling over for 4 yeqrs.He serviced FOOTOO because he was terrified not to but the point came when he REFUSED and that one thing has now made him a target.
Are there any bottle blond bimbo QANONER dems or is that a tightly closed society where only the GOP is allowed?Allegedly she on FB supported killing Democrats. See how honest she is?
A weener roast and smores?Or does it stay in pieces as a me memorial to the aborted promise of an aborted man whose worst is yet to come?I dunno.Make it a shrine where people... moreA weener roast and smores?Or does it stay in pieces as a me memorial to the aborted promise of an aborted man whose worst is yet to come?I dunno.Make it a shrine where people go to pray?Why not. What could it hurt. All monies collected will go into a FOOTOO bank account to show your devotion loyalty and support.
Seriously?Honesly? WORD OF HONOROn your child's headNO DOUBT OF ITPROMISE?A more absurd statement could not be made. It it could the FOOTOO FOOLS would have made it.So on we t... moreSeriously?Honesly? WORD OF HONOROn your child's headNO DOUBT OF ITPROMISE?A more absurd statement could not be made. It it could the FOOTOO FOOLS would have made it.So on we trudge through the sludge listening to lies and denies. What has changed? I don't know. The structure of the house is the same. The words coming out of the oval office at radically unsame. But well words don't pay the rent or buy the food do they?
Entropy.Definition 4. A doctrine of inevitable social decline and degenerationDefinition 3 CosmologyA hypothetical tendency for the universe to reach a state of maximum homog... moreEntropy.Definition 4. A doctrine of inevitable social decline and degenerationDefinition 3 CosmologyA hypothetical tendency for the universe to reach a state of maximum homogeneity in which all matter is at a uniform temperatureDefinition 1 ThermodynamicsA function of thermodynamic variables such as temperature pressure or composition that is a measure of the energy not available for work during a thermodynamic process. A closed system evolves toward a state of maximum entropyIn data transmission and information theory a measure of the loss of information in a transmitted signal (like playing "telephone"?)If you are a user of that word in which context, to which definition or which of its many meanings do you refer in general?. less
Ever say "yes" just to get it/him/her/they to stop HOUNDING?Is that the point of repetition? Wearing down wearing out wearing thin till "it" gives in?Anything you say. Whatever you... moreEver say "yes" just to get it/him/her/they to stop HOUNDING?Is that the point of repetition? Wearing down wearing out wearing thin till "it" gives in?Anything you say. Whatever you want. Okay.Sometimes you have to take control and bite the bullet so it will stop nipping away at you. What else can you do?
Incapable of learningOblivious to what is happeningStubborn in the belief that if keep doing enough and IT WILL WORKFailure is the goal so what doesn't work is all you ever do
When a crime is committed in full view of millions is it irrational to want the doer/doers to be made accountable for it?When five people are murdered as a result of mobs simply do... moreWhen a crime is committed in full view of millions is it irrational to want the doer/doers to be made accountable for it?When five people are murdered as a result of mobs simply doing what they are asked to do by the ASKER/ASKERS and we seek to punish them for the deaths why would it be irrational to also seek punishment for those who guided incited excited them to act?Irrational? I think not if one believes in justice.Psychotic? Well the sayer of those words is Sean Hannity. I have no comment beyond that. It speaks for itself.As for RAGE? That seems to me to be the only appropriate reaction/response to what was witnessed and what was destroyed and what might have been in fact a coup complete but for quick action and maybe a little bit of luck.RAGE against those who would destroy so a FOOTOO can save face? Blood of others paying homage to this madman?If it is not RAGE one feels after this desecration and attempted destruction of a nation in which the vile engaged they should get the he** out of the country... less
I expect they see themselves as patriots.PATRIOTA person who LOVES SUPPORTS and DEFENDS his or her country with devotionPATRIOTISMDevoted love, support and defense of one's country... moreI expect they see themselves as patriots.PATRIOTA person who LOVES SUPPORTS and DEFENDS his or her country with devotionPATRIOTISMDevoted love, support and defense of one's country. National LOYALTY.TRAITORA person who betrays another, a cause or any trustA person who commits TREASON by BETRAYING his or her countryListen not to the bullsh** of the insurrectionist inciter or the insurrectionists.TRAITORS are the rejects the nerds the disliked members of society who band together in hate to destroy because they are ENRAGED that no one wants their ilk around at any time for any reason. FRIENDLESS untill they find others just like themselves who are despised rejected they are driven by rate to destroy that which finds them despoicable. Everywhere traitors are they are all the same.They are not the well-liked the popular the attractive the appealing the enjoyable. And so it is and so it goes. Everyone says so. less
I believe all murderers (excluding those who are engaging in saving the lives of others) are insane.It is not what sane people do. MURDER their own kind when their lives are not be... moreI believe all murderers (excluding those who are engaging in saving the lives of others) are insane.It is not what sane people do. MURDER their own kind when their lives are not being threatened.But there are degrees of insanity and it seems to me the ones who the biggest LOST CAUSE nutjobs are those who take pleasure in inflicting great pain on others. TORTURE and then MURDER. They get charged up by it and get off on it. Sexually frustrated I expect they take it out on others with their weapons of destruction.Those who are sane could never engage in such as that. NEVER.INSANITY is the defense of course. Or "passion of the moment". Crap.The question is what do we do about the millions of insane people who are murderers already or murderers in waiting? Let them be what they are? Let them run amok? Let them do their thang? Or CRUSH them? less
WAS IT WORTH IT?All the benefits attendant thereto notwithstanding.SERIOUSLY.The world would still exist absent internet. Would it have existed much better without a FOOTOO too?
Jewish men wear Yarmulkes as a sign of respect and fear of GOD. It shows that GOD is always above humankind.Catholic women cover their heads in church. A veil or a hat will do but ... moreJewish men wear Yarmulkes as a sign of respect and fear of GOD. It shows that GOD is always above humankind.Catholic women cover their heads in church. A veil or a hat will do but a bare head will not. SEXIST?Men wearing HATS remove them in church as a sign of respect.Wear a hat to show respectRemove a hat to show respectPeople do it all the time and never remark on how ludicrous it is. In my opinion.Do you go bareheaded or head covered in your house of worship? Would you not ever be caught oppositely because well it just isn't done?More nonsense instead of common sense. I really don't think what covers you clothing wise matters at all to GOD. Do you? It is entirely whom you are what you do what you say and what's in your heart that matters. All the rest is confusing as he**. Apologies to GOD for the epithet but well it annoys me. less
Why is LIAR the worst thing to me?Because all the evil done in the world is liar-supported liar-fed liar funded and liar controlled.There is nothing admirable about being know as a... moreWhy is LIAR the worst thing to me?Because all the evil done in the world is liar-supported liar-fed liar funded and liar controlled.There is nothing admirable about being know as a LIAR.Not that I want to be admired. But what I DO NOT WANT is to be reviled hated feared. There yar.
Some are ALWAYS ready to criticize insult attack demean denigrate. ALWAYS.Rare are the compliments they give to others as if doing so takes something away from them.Why is that?
Does anyone ever regret the arc of life they leave behind? Does anyone ever feel shame and huge regret as the last emotion they will ever feel? Do they die finally knowing how much... moreDoes anyone ever regret the arc of life they leave behind? Does anyone ever feel shame and huge regret as the last emotion they will ever feel? Do they die finally knowing how much BAD they contributed to the world? Or the die with same degree of delusion that they lived?
After a brief tenure here, I am leaving. However, I wanted to explain why I am leaving before I go.Twice already I have been warned for calling out individuals on the hypocri... moreAfter a brief tenure here, I am leaving. However, I wanted to explain why I am leaving before I go.Twice already I have been warned for calling out individuals on the hypocrisy of their positions. Leftists can call those of us in the right whatever names they like. They can accuse us of racism, homophobia, etc., etc., etc., for merely disagreeing with their orthodoxy. They attack Trump and his supporters constantly without evidence. They can ban people from other websites and even shutdown competing websites just because they don't adhere to leftist orthodoxy. They can use whatever inflammatory rhetoric that they want, but let us call for peaceful protests and we are accuse of inciting insurrection. They can question the validity of Trump's election, but let us question the validity of Biden's and we have to be driven out of the public square and even perhaps lose our jobs.Me personally, starting late last November or early December, I had some of them threaten to get me... less
If you want to belong to the gender opposite your biological determination, is there a license they issue you with to make your declaration legal? What if you later want to change ... moreIf you want to belong to the gender opposite your biological determination, is there a license they issue you with to make your declaration legal? What if you later want to change back. Is there a standard procedure for reverting to your actual biological sex, say, if you didn’t like the smell of the other washroom, or were being constantly and unwantedly propositioned in there. Anyone know. Please treat this enquiry with seriousness and discretion, he has had it up to here with sneers and judgementalism (he says). less
Not sure whats wrong with her but shes mentally ill, she harrasses me by complaining im stalking her if i come out of my apt to get mail or whatever, sh... more Not sure whats wrong with her but shes mentally ill, she harrasses me by complaining im stalking her if i come out of my apt to get mail or whatever, shes telling my apt manager i went into her place and ripped up her jacket, i did no such thing, i think she needs to be in a psych ward for a while, bad enough shes imagining all this but is acting on it, any suggestions? i feel like shes harrassing me
I was too lazy minded in school to try getting deeply into any particular field of science but I get newsletters from various sources with a lot of interesting articles to read.