Didja know there is a vaccine to prevent getting it? Or would you rather just do nothing and if you get it so what?Curiously weird. Don't go to the dentist unless something hurts. ... moreDidja know there is a vaccine to prevent getting it? Or would you rather just do nothing and if you get it so what?Curiously weird. Don't go to the dentist unless something hurts. By the time it hurts you need tooth extractions tooth implants. HUGE PAIN HUGE COST. All you had to do was preventive maintenance but not you.Different strokes. This is what dentists love. They buy palatial mansions with the money they get from people who couldn't be bothered to preventive maintenance unless they were forced into it. Go figger. less
I don't think too many Democrats would join MAGA. So it would be Independents and Republicans.Just exactly what the country desperately needs right now right now right now. A THIRD... moreI don't think too many Democrats would join MAGA. So it would be Independents and Republicans.Just exactly what the country desperately needs right now right now right now. A THIRD political party.Get on board. Leaving the station minutely.Once a MAGA always a MAGA. It's a done deal?Whatcha think and why?
Ten years ago, union protestors stormed the Wisconsin state capitol in order to stop a vote on labor reform. At the time, Pelosi praised their activity as a show of democracy... moreTen years ago, union protestors stormed the Wisconsin state capitol in order to stop a vote on labor reform. At the time, Pelosi praised their activity as a show of democracy.https://www.foxnews.com/politics/nancy-pelosi-praised-unionists-wisconsin-state-capitolA couple of weeks ago, Trump called on his supporters to peacefully protest at the US Capitol and condemned those the stormed the building. Why is trump being accused of supporting insurrection, but Pelosi is not?
THEY RUN FOR PUBLIC OFFICE. THEY EDUCATE THEMSELVES AND VOLUNTEER in the communities. They go out to help those who need it.They don't join HATE groups and plot to overthrow anythi... moreTHEY RUN FOR PUBLIC OFFICE. THEY EDUCATE THEMSELVES AND VOLUNTEER in the communities. They go out to help those who need it.They don't join HATE groups and plot to overthrow anything. They don't carry nooses and loaded guns around just in case they get to riot that day.That is what LOSERS do.WINNER accentuate the POSITIVE. LOSERS always take the violent way out. The cheap way out. THE COWARD'S WAY OUT. First they always work in mobs. TOO SCAIRDY cat to work alone. They ALWAYS TAKE THE VIOLENT WAY THE BLOODY WAY THE EVIL WAY. ALWAYS AND FOREVER THEY ARE LOSERS.That any of their children survive them and overcome the madness and the evil is a miracle. God help them. less
Jackson Reffitt told the FBI weeks in advance of the attempted coup that his father was planning "something big".Dad is Guy W. Reffiit and he told his son if son finked on him son ... moreJackson Reffitt told the FBI weeks in advance of the attempted coup that his father was planning "something big".Dad is Guy W. Reffiit and he told his son if son finked on him son would be a traitor and traitors get shot.After daddy dearest came back from his sortie he reiterated to Jackson about what happens to"traitors". Too late. Jackson had already informed the police weeks ahead of it.Some daddy dearest. A crackpot wackadoodlenoodle right-wing wingnut nutjob! As are all of them who are in such groups as this.How many others would be BRAVE enough to let authorities know that relatives were planning to do GREAT HARM to our country? Imagine growing up with a crackpot wackadoodlenoodle like that? How did Jackson escape the sickness? He must take after his mom.What will be of Guy W.? Something "very big" hopefully. Very big. less
Dr. Fauci and his family got DEATH THREATS. He received in the mail a strange white powder. He thought it's either nothing or something that will make be very or RICIN in which cas... moreDr. Fauci and his family got DEATH THREATS. He received in the mail a strange white powder. He thought it's either nothing or something that will make be very or RICIN in which case I"M DEAD. He lived with that as FOOTOO fans threatened and threatened and threatened him for TELLING THE TRUTH.I believe there are millions of these mental defects willing to murder for FOOTOO.Some of them were the insurrectionists. Others of them are out congregating waiting.FOOTOO VOODOO HOODOO
YUP!FOOTOO wanted LGBTQ out of the military so he done the dirty and REVERSED President Barack Obama's REVERSAL of what priorly existed. FOOTOO spent every waking hour overtu... moreYUP!FOOTOO wanted LGBTQ out of the military so he done the dirty and REVERSED President Barack Obama's REVERSAL of what priorly existed. FOOTOO spent every waking hour overturning what President Barack Obama did cuz he is so jealous of everything about Barack Obama. He was trying to erase any memory of him. FAT CHANCE OF THAT!Hidey ho and a hey hey ho overturn the overturn cuz I SAY SO. The "I" being PRESIDENT JOSEPH R. BIDEN!Everything FOOTOO done that can be overturned WILL BE OVERTURNED. COUNT ON IT!Hidey hi hi dey ho and a do si do. I overturn all overturns because I CAN DO SO! GET OVER IT. less
"Don't do it!" or "You can't impeach him since he is no longer the president".Ladedahladedahlahdedah. They aren't fooling anyone. Too stupid dumb for that.You know that is the LAST... more"Don't do it!" or "You can't impeach him since he is no longer the president".Ladedahladedahlahdedah. They aren't fooling anyone. Too stupid dumb for that.You know that is the LAST thing they'd do. They'd high horse self-righteous and 24/7 be talking only about the inciting insurrection and how NO ONE IS ABOVE THE LAW and how JUSTICE SHOULD BE DONE and how FIVE PEOPLE WERE MURDERED and WHO WAS TO BLAME FOR IT and we OWED TO THEM to bring to justice the INCITER!YOU KNOW THAT's TRUE!So where do THEY get off pretending it's such a horrible thing to do? THEY are all such frigging two-faced hypocrites.!FOR SHAME. Disgusting lot they are. DISGUSTING! less
Or it is 50/50?Or is a queen to be former princess ivanka/WHO IS IN CHARGE OF THE REPUBLICAN PARTY? WHO IS CALLING ALL THE SHOTS?Moscow mithc. Grahamcracker? The gold dust twins...... moreOr it is 50/50?Or is a queen to be former princess ivanka/WHO IS IN CHARGE OF THE REPUBLICAN PARTY? WHO IS CALLING ALL THE SHOTS?Moscow mithc. Grahamcracker? The gold dust twins....lowly and croooooz?
AND if you are mouldering in prison for some detestibble criem - I won't be labelled discriminatory, I AM discriminatory, I just don't want to be labelled.I am gathering words that... moreAND if you are mouldering in prison for some detestibble criem - I won't be labelled discriminatory, I AM discriminatory, I just don't want to be labelled.I am gathering words that mean one thing, but aught to mean something else, or could mean something else. Any ideas?
They are the ones no one wants aound. They are the ones who are always rejected. Each rejection angrifies them even further. They find one another and cling together and VOW to tak... moreThey are the ones no one wants aound. They are the ones who are always rejected. Each rejection angrifies them even further. They find one another and cling together and VOW to take revenge on those who rejected them.Thus is born the QANON. Thus is born the PROUD BOYSThus is born the KKKThus is born the NAZISThus is born the SKINHEADSThus is born the DOMESTIC SUPREMACIST RACIST TERRORISTSThus is born the MASS MURDERERSThe rejects. The misfits.
You have never tasted BRIE and CAMEMBERT. Delicate creamy soft cheeses. Quite delicious UNLESS they are long past their use by date after which they become terrible. They stink to ... moreYou have never tasted BRIE and CAMEMBERT. Delicate creamy soft cheeses. Quite delicious UNLESS they are long past their use by date after which they become terrible. They stink to high heaven.So someone tastes a spoiled one and having nothing with which to compare it? They never try either cheese again.First time someone eats "lamb". It is old MUTTON and tough. Not young spring lamb. Never again will he/she eat lamb. Bad memory of it being the only memory.You meet someone who is bipolar. On the high end. Outgoing delightful enjoyable. You meet again on the low end and don't recognize the person at all. Combative insulting. Out of the blue. It comes over them and it is not done intentionally. But unless you know that or guess it you avoid that person foreverly. Knowing always helps. Not knowing never does. DUH!You prepare stewing beef as you would filet mignon! It is inedible. Very tough very stringy very awful. You have to know what you are dealing with to do it justice.The state of being of what you encou... less
Normally when someone is ill/sick you make chicken soup and take some over. Offer to do errands. Mow the lawn. Whatever needs doing you offer to do if you can.NOW you dare not go n... moreNormally when someone is ill/sick you make chicken soup and take some over. Offer to do errands. Mow the lawn. Whatever needs doing you offer to do if you can.NOW you dare not go near him/her.Normally when someone is dying you go to visit them and to hold hands and tell them how much you love them.NOW you are forcibly BARRED from doing anything like that.I think for NORMAL human beings helping when as and if we can comes naturally. That is being stifled prevented blocked. Only physically. Mentally and emotionally it is killing us figuratively.How much longer? No one knows. And that's the name of that tune. less
Or will they have to DENOUNCE him and RENOUNCE allegiance to him and BEG FORGIVENESS for their evil ways on earth?Merciful GOD will do what do you think? Do you forgive them. How?
You dare to run for public office? You dare to represent that you are worthy of the trust of the people who will vote for you? You dare that and then say the integrity of the perso... moreYou dare to run for public office? You dare to represent that you are worthy of the trust of the people who will vote for you? You dare that and then say the integrity of the person is none of our business? Really?I disagree. You put yourself out there representing yourself as someone who can do the job for the people that needs to be done. You dam* well better be worthy of it and everything about your life is our business. EVERYTHING.If you cheat on your spouse you can bet you will cheat on usIf you lie on your tax returns you can bet your a** you will lie to us too.So don't holier than thou me that it is NONE OF MY BUSINESS. I don't buy crap and that is what you are selling if you say that. NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS? RIDICULOUS! ABSURD. NUTJOB WACKADOODLENOODLY.Be warned. Run for public office and your entire life will be investigated scrutinized tracked researched audited. From the very beginning and FROM THEN ON! If you can't stand the heat stay out of the kitchen! RULE NUMBER ONE. less
In the three-dimensional REAL WORLD we have lots of things we can use.A well-timed EYE ROLL? A raised eyebrow? A smirk? Tears of joy from laughing so hard you get a stomach ache.A ... moreIn the three-dimensional REAL WORLD we have lots of things we can use.A well-timed EYE ROLL? A raised eyebrow? A smirk? Tears of joy from laughing so hard you get a stomach ache.A shoulder shrug. Thumbs up thumbs down. A wink a nod a shake of the head.Words do not carry the same weight in the real world because there are so many other options we have to use to communicate.Which world do you prefer? The one-dimension of the internet where you can focus more easily or the REAL WORLD where so many things are there to distract you? WHY? less
Did Methuselah have many wives many children and live many lives?I saw a TV show...TWilight Zone I expect...in which a man could never die and lived many many many lives. He marrie... moreDid Methuselah have many wives many children and live many lives?I saw a TV show...TWilight Zone I expect...in which a man could never die and lived many many many lives. He married and mourned and married and mourned and married and mourned. That seems to me to be a punishment.Do you think living can be a punishment? Would you think your lives were haven or he** loving and losing and loving and losing and loving and losing and mourning mourning mourning mourning?
He WANTS to be but he never will be the president for the FOOTOO adoring worshippers. NEVER.Despite his wants he can only achieve partial. The anti hims will always do and say what... moreHe WANTS to be but he never will be the president for the FOOTOO adoring worshippers. NEVER.Despite his wants he can only achieve partial. The anti hims will always do and say whatever will be most harmful to him. ALWAYS.What of patriotism and love of country you ask? Irrelevant among the FOOTOO worshippers. They carry on what FOOTOO left behind and are proud to do so.Poor Joe. It will take a miracle for him to be what he wants to be for ALL the people. I think we've used up our share of them. Miracles. Sadly. less
The goals MJST BE THE SAME...The difference is only in how best to reach them...for any hope of working together to be possible.How is it in YOUR country? America is hopelessly div... moreThe goals MJST BE THE SAME...The difference is only in how best to reach them...for any hope of working together to be possible.How is it in YOUR country? America is hopelessly divided and will get even worse I expect. It is a HOPELESS task President Biden has set for himself. HOPELESS.Is it also true in your country? Diuvided parties divided goals divided loyalties divided aspirations?I find it disgusting but it is what it is and that's all that it is. A can of spinach. Ever try it? Disgusting.