Imagine having six things you must do to PRESERVE LIFE and ignoring every one of them?Imagine going out of your way to thumb your nose and middle finger those who prefer life over ... moreImagine having six things you must do to PRESERVE LIFE and ignoring every one of them?Imagine going out of your way to thumb your nose and middle finger those who prefer life over death?I bet you can't imagine that can you? Homo saps are imperfect and mentally mediocre mostly. But all homo saps want to live. Right?Yeah. Right. It seems the United States of America has more death-loving homo saps than any other country. What makes us so very very very lucky? I don't know. GOD must be shining down on us. WE are the CHOSEN people. GOD WILL PROVIDE FOR US. GOD SUPPORTS US. GOD HELP US. less
WHAT IF those who would be bad parents were born with a Skull & Bones BIRTHMARK on the forehead so they could never ADOPT or FOSTER PARENT any child?Monstrous you say? I say you're... moreWHAT IF those who would be bad parents were born with a Skull & Bones BIRTHMARK on the forehead so they could never ADOPT or FOSTER PARENT any child?Monstrous you say? I say you're nuts. How many children are abused very badly by the very people who are supposed to LOVE them PROTECT them CARE for them?I say monstrous belongs to adults. I say segregate the monstrous and let them live lives absent anything to do with children. What could it hurt? Everyone says so.
Because they were "happier" then and are unhappy now? Seems to me they doom themseves to misery by refusing to LET IT GO and MOVE ON. A choice or an affliction?
Do you ever wonder whether you kid yourself? I wonder about that all the time. Not about you. About me. Am I authentic or a fake?Is it really gold or will it make my neck turn gree... moreDo you ever wonder whether you kid yourself? I wonder about that all the time. Not about you. About me. Am I authentic or a fake?Is it really gold or will it make my neck turn green?How much does it matter and why?
Inspired by some (strange) answers and comments to this question that I posted earlier: moreInspired by some (strange) answers and comments to this question that I posted earlier:
Middle-aged dawgs(ted cruuuuze) and very young dawgs(hosh jowley) do too.How come?Because they are told that. They never question that. They just obey.And so it goes.
Trump's policies have got 100 million vaccines being administered per day. Biden promises 100 million people vaccinated in 100 days.Yes, yes, I know that the Dems are claiming that... moreTrump's policies have got 100 million vaccines being administered per day. Biden promises 100 million people vaccinated in 100 days.Yes, yes, I know that the Dems are claiming that Trump had not national policy for distributing the vaccine. If that is the case, then how did we get to 100 million vaccines administered per day?
They all believed deeply in a specific set of circumstances that would occur. Nothing turned out as they believed it would. NOT ONE THING.Many poor dears are so depressed upset uns... moreThey all believed deeply in a specific set of circumstances that would occur. Nothing turned out as they believed it would. NOT ONE THING.Many poor dears are so depressed upset unsettled sad desparing.What do they do with their lives now when everything they believed turned out to be a HOAX?Some say that they wanted to throw up. They were that upset.Wither do they goest now when all is lost and life as lost any meaning to them?Are they sitting on that mountaintop metaphorically? Has their world literally ended?Tune in. See what happens. What could it hurt? Everyone says so! less
Allegedly Vlad Putin has a home on the Black Sea costing $1.4 BILLIONAntilia in Mumbai cost $1 billionThe Aaron Spelling Mansion sold for $120 millionThe 50th-53rd floor in Manhatt... moreAllegedly Vlad Putin has a home on the Black Sea costing $1.4 BILLIONAntilia in Mumbai cost $1 billionThe Aaron Spelling Mansion sold for $120 millionThe 50th-53rd floor in Manhattan cost $239,958,219So far no American owns a billion dollar home. At least not that we know about.I wonder why. We have our share of billionaires. Are they all modest?
It is logical to assume that he was not the only one. Other off-duty cops in other cities may have participated in the insurrectioning.Of course it is a terrible blow for the publi... moreIt is logical to assume that he was not the only one. Other off-duty cops in other cities may have participated in the insurrectioning.Of course it is a terrible blow for the public to know that those they trusted to protect them from mobs were part of one.It happens.
Ever hear of ROGUE WAVES?Apparently when storms from the north and the south and florida converge/meet a rogue wave 100 feet tall can occur. Ships can be SWAMPED by such high waves... moreEver hear of ROGUE WAVES?Apparently when storms from the north and the south and florida converge/meet a rogue wave 100 feet tall can occur. Ships can be SWAMPED by such high waves and sink.Okay.If that's true shouldn't the sunken ships be there at the bottom?Also 5 planes disappeared when flying over the Bermuda Triangle. I know they fly higher than 100 feet.Even so is it a possibility? ROGUE WAVES?
Isn't reporting on it and commenting on it giving it legs and credence and durability?Maybe this time around we really need to leave that all behind. Let them rant and rave and rag... moreIsn't reporting on it and commenting on it giving it legs and credence and durability?Maybe this time around we really need to leave that all behind. Let them rant and rave and rage. It isno longer of any concern to us. We moved on. They stay in the past.The new powers that be in the Intelligence Communities are in charge and on the job and on top of it.The new sheriff in town has been swearing in his deputies. They will do their jobs. For once again our job is discussing what is true. Exchanging opinions ideas. Not advertising promoting or repeating the conspiracy theories the bombastic hyperbole the insults the threats that the down in the dumps folks tend to enjoy enfolding themselves within. Leave them to heaven as it were so to speak. Let them discuss it among themselves. Over and over and over and over and over and over and over.They are being monitored. They are being tracked. They are being watched.We are in good hands now. less
What they truly believed would happenMass arrest of DemocratsA nationwide BLACKOUTA VIOLENT overthrow of the government....did not happenFormer oval office occupant had no secret p... moreWhat they truly believed would happenMass arrest of DemocratsA nationwide BLACKOUTA VIOLENT overthrow of the government....did not happenFormer oval office occupant had no secret plan to stay in officeJoseph R. Biden was sworn in as President without a hitchThe former oval office occupant lives in FloridaThey realize they were WRONG for months or years.They are STUNNED SHOCKED AMAZED ENRAGED TERRIFIED that nothing happened at all after the aborted attempted insurrectionist coup the result of which will put many of them in prison. Bad gamble. No chance for another. No do-over. No mulligan. Gone with the wind.Sh** happens. less
"Portland (Oregon) police arrest 15 alleged ANTIFA rioters after Democratic Headquarters and federal immigration offices were attacked."15 out of 200 in a MOBANTIFA attacking Democ... more"Portland (Oregon) police arrest 15 alleged ANTIFA rioters after Democratic Headquarters and federal immigration offices were attacked."15 out of 200 in a MOBANTIFA attacking Democratic anything? How does that make sense? I thought they were ANTI GOP. I don't get it.
All participants supporters facilitators enablers conspirators colluders are GUILTY AS CHARGED.SABOTEURS. TREASONOUS. TRAITOROUS. SCUMOff with their heads. Well figuratively. OFF W... moreAll participants supporters facilitators enablers conspirators colluders are GUILTY AS CHARGED.SABOTEURS. TREASONOUS. TRAITOROUS. SCUMOff with their heads. Well figuratively. OFF WITH THEIR HEADS. THEIR HEADS WILL ROLL. Not literally. FIGURATIVELY.The poisonous snakes slither and survive in the slime and continue to poop on the country and the Constitution. A pox on them. OFF WITH THEIR LIVES. Well figuratively...their political lives should come to an end. STOP. FOREVER. NEVER AGAIN.Just look at them. You can tell they are TRAITORS. It oozes out of every cell every pore pour every body hole. The sight of them is pukifying.The Head HEAD is gone. less
Constant use of hand sanitizers is harmful to your handsSanitizers do not kill all germsUsing hand sanitizers instead of soap and water is a LESS EFFECTIVE WAY TO REMOVE VIRUSES GE... moreConstant use of hand sanitizers is harmful to your handsSanitizers do not kill all germsUsing hand sanitizers instead of soap and water is a LESS EFFECTIVE WAY TO REMOVE VIRUSES GERMS AND DIRTYou do know that correct? You have researched and investigated and read up on it right?Spraying surfaces and wiping them down? FINE. Spraying pillows and mattresses and letting them dry? FINE. .Spraying body parts? Not so much. In fact oppositely is true. What you are doing is damage and not protecting the skin.. less
That's what you do to bullheaded disobedient teens. Ground them and take away their cell phones.These pitiful wretches whose "rights" are being invaded who squawk about it?If I cou... moreThat's what you do to bullheaded disobedient teens. Ground them and take away their cell phones.These pitiful wretches whose "rights" are being invaded who squawk about it?If I could I'd rid us of them forever. Ship them off to the cornfield in the Twilight Zone and forget about them. They are not worth the trouble.They are tiresome twits who are proudly CLUELESS. Who the he** needs them? Who wants them? Nobody worthwhile for sure.Sheesh.
US Capitol police are currently investigating him.When stopped he tried to hand the gun to another Congressman who refused to take it because he said he does not have a gun permit.... moreUS Capitol police are currently investigating him.When stopped he tried to hand the gun to another Congressman who refused to take it because he said he does not have a gun permit. The culprit left then came back and went through the metal detector again and cleared itTaking guns to the House is NOT GENERALLY PERMITTED unless one has dispensation to do so. Miller didn't. He is a nobody.Now he is a somebody. See? It all works out in the end.
Imagine a pair of mittens taking over a news cycle? Traveling the world? Mittens?What other silly will we have time to be engaged in, involved with, distracted by?Any idea?