Mitch McConnell may well be leaning toward a CONVICTION in the Senate this time. He has been don with TRAITOR DON for "quite some time".What will TRAITOR DON do in revenge? Take ou... moreMitch McConnell may well be leaning toward a CONVICTION in the Senate this time. He has been don with TRAITOR DON for "quite some time".What will TRAITOR DON do in revenge? Take out a contract on mitch of course. What else what mafia don do?
He would LOVE to infect everyone who doesn't a**kiss him before he slinks away in DISGRACE with his special TRAITOR DON COVID 19 BRAND virus. He wants to brand all of us who disado... moreHe would LOVE to infect everyone who doesn't a**kiss him before he slinks away in DISGRACE with his special TRAITOR DON COVID 19 BRAND virus. He wants to brand all of us who disadore disapparove diss despise him. EVERY SINGLE ONE.That would lift him to HE**..or down.He would end his shameful term REJOICING at how many of us he caused to die. This I KNOW Because of all the vile villains ever borne he gets the gold star.
A bloodlust enjoyer. A vicarious thrill seeker who enjoys the enormous pain and suffering he can inflict on others?What manner of monstrous abomination is he?
To me SEVERE means DEADLY. ANAPHYLAXIS maybe which can be deadly.I know. My son suffers from ANAPHYLAXIS and ALWAYS carries an Epi pen with him wherever he goes.I don't know if the... moreTo me SEVERE means DEADLY. ANAPHYLAXIS maybe which can be deadly.I know. My son suffers from ANAPHYLAXIS and ALWAYS carries an Epi pen with him wherever he goes.I don't know if the SEVERE reactions were due to anaphylaxis. I do know that SEVERE is not good in even 1.100 mild reactions is ok. Mild doesn't do permanent harm. 25 Medium reactions? I dunno. Marginally iffy.BUT EVEN ONE SEVERE REACTION is terrible and there were SIX! I wouldn't want to get the Moderna vaccine. Would you?
Is it 50/50?You hope but you dread what the treasonour traitorous insurrectionists led by TRAITOR DON have planned?We already know some insiders colluded with them.What do we know ... moreIs it 50/50?You hope but you dread what the treasonour traitorous insurrectionists led by TRAITOR DON have planned?We already know some insiders colluded with them.What do we know about the protection planned for Joe and Kamala? HOW SAFE are they really?I hope 100%I dread from now on.Things may go very well for now. What about later? What about after? That's the dread. That's a lot longer than the inauguration.
President Joe Biden and Vice-President Kamala Harris.Screw the "elect". Joe has been the only president we've had for weeks as the petulant enraged crackpot TRAITOR DON abdicated h... morePresident Joe Biden and Vice-President Kamala Harris.Screw the "elect". Joe has been the only president we've had for weeks as the petulant enraged crackpot TRAITOR DON abdicated his job as president out of rage. He is and was and always will be a third rate third string lounge act.He was NEVER suited for the MAIN ROOM. Too BOORISH to book there. He played to the drug addicts and drunks and mental defects. They didn't know the difference. He will continue to play to them. They are all he ever had or will have. less
ELITE Society is polite and is aware of of rude boors who want to break in and never will.That extends to every member of the family. And kids. And grandkids.RUDE BOORS. RUDE BOORS... moreELITE Society is polite and is aware of of rude boors who want to break in and never will.That extends to every member of the family. And kids. And grandkids.RUDE BOORS. RUDE BOORS. RUDE BOORS. Melania is as rude a boor as is TRAITOR DON. RUDE BOORETTE?
The poiison try didn't work. Will the "legal" method work?PUTIN like all despot dictator murderers is the butcher who always has his thumb on the scale.PUtin hates truth and hates ... moreThe poiison try didn't work. Will the "legal" method work?PUTIN like all despot dictator murderers is the butcher who always has his thumb on the scale.PUtin hates truth and hates truthtellers. Just like TRAITOR DON do.One way or the other he will get Navalny. True? Who will get him?
He was INDIFFERENT to it.So what was a COVID 19 pandemic in America is now and will forever be the TRAITOR DON COVID 19 pandemic. FOREVER.All his defenders and adoring worshippers ... moreHe was INDIFFERENT to it.So what was a COVID 19 pandemic in America is now and will forever be the TRAITOR DON COVID 19 pandemic. FOREVER.All his defenders and adoring worshippers SHARE HIS GUILT.
Didja know that's whre the dingbat nutjobs who believe in QANON conspiracy theories hang out and spread the delusions and lies and conspiracy theories? Didja know and still stay wh... moreDidja know that's whre the dingbat nutjobs who believe in QANON conspiracy theories hang out and spread the delusions and lies and conspiracy theories? Didja know and still stay where you are surrounded by crazies and liars and betrayers and traitors and insurrectionists? If so SHAME ON YOU. A POX ON YOUR HOUSE if you are among the liars deniers delusional wackadoodlenoodles. A device of the devil is what it is.And it stays and does its dirty work 24/7. Go figger!
That is the only way evil spreads and grows. Defending it justifying denying it lying about it promulgating it propagating it supporting embracing it.Evil needs helpers. It cannot ... moreThat is the only way evil spreads and grows. Defending it justifying denying it lying about it promulgating it propagating it supporting embracing it.Evil needs helpers. It cannot grow in a vaccum.So all of them are AS GUILTY as what they protect defend support embrace. ALL OF THEM ARE AS GUILTY.
How about a BIRTHMARK on the forehead that reads TRAITOR?Or a defomed face that no plastic surgery can fix?Something to identify immediately the monsters among us so we can incarce... moreHow about a BIRTHMARK on the forehead that reads TRAITOR?Or a defomed face that no plastic surgery can fix?Something to identify immediately the monsters among us so we can incarcerate them or destroy them.I mean not knowing who a traitor is until the traitorous deed is done does what good?As I said this could only occur in fuureworld. It would be nice to live there and live out a full life.
TRAITOR DON who lied about it then denied it then mocked it then ridiculed then excoriated those who tried to follow the guidelines.His handiwork will go down in history. COVID 19 ... moreTRAITOR DON who lied about it then denied it then mocked it then ridiculed then excoriated those who tried to follow the guidelines.His handiwork will go down in history. COVID 19 has his mark on it. His BRAND. Inextricably linked foreverafter. Thy will be done.
Alamo, Texas to strut in front of 400 miles of ego hate wall which is now completely IRRELEVANT IMMATERIAL AND ABSURD. It always was that of course. More so now. If TRAITOR DON wer... moreAlamo, Texas to strut in front of 400 miles of ego hate wall which is now completely IRRELEVANT IMMATERIAL AND ABSURD. It always was that of course. More so now. If TRAITOR DON werem't so stupid he could have pulled it off. But STUPID will out.That is what he chooses to do during all he** breaking loose around him? THE WALL?That is what stupid dumb does all the time. Congrats to TRAITOR DON. He is in fact the stupidest dumb of them all. The wackiest the crackpottiest the insanest the craziest.
The current iteration of ted cruz is now part of the insurrectionists? "Ted Cruz would approve of what we are doing." Really? And the cretin imbecilic insurrectionist who sai... moreThe current iteration of ted cruz is now part of the insurrectionists? "Ted Cruz would approve of what we are doing." Really? And the cretin imbecilic insurrectionist who said that KNOWS that to be true? HOW?
TRAITOR DON is a MARKED MAN for life.Anything happens to Joe or Kamala...anything at all...and we know who the bad guy is. He will never outlive or outrun that.He had better hope t... moreTRAITOR DON is a MARKED MAN for life.Anything happens to Joe or Kamala...anything at all...and we know who the bad guy is. He will never outlive or outrun that.He had better hope to he** Joe and Kamala stay well. If not his head will roll.Which would not be such a bad thing literally figuratively. He goes to the guillotine lays his fat neck in the cutoff slot and goes the head and rolls downhill.Grisly fantasy. Strictly figuratively literally. America probably doesn't even own a guillotine though I'm sure we could borrow one from France or Canada which has lots of French descendants.Maybe a private obscene wealthy American collects them? Anything in existence is a collectible for someone. less
Some live their lives in STRAIGHTJACKETS designed for them by others and provided to them. They know nothing else but straightjacket limitations. They seek nothing more than that. ... moreSome live their lives in STRAIGHTJACKETS designed for them by others and provided to them. They know nothing else but straightjacket limitations. They seek nothing more than that. They take comfort in seeing millions more just like them straightjacketing their way through life.Now I have been in a straightjacket. I cannot imagine enjoying it. I cannot imagine seeking it agreeing to it and complying the restrictions until I die.What about you? Is life in a straightjacket your cuppa tea? What are the benefits and what is the downside? less
Is the homogeneity of the intellectuality of the current-day TRAITOR DON GOP SUSPICIOUS?What caused the emulsification of individuality and replaced it with homogeneity? INTERBREED... moreIs the homogeneity of the intellectuality of the current-day TRAITOR DON GOP SUSPICIOUS?What caused the emulsification of individuality and replaced it with homogeneity? INTERBREEDING?Sexing among themselves only with no input from any other source but themselves?Why else do they talk alike think alike act alike pray alike attack alike insult alike destroy alike lie alike deny alike delusion alike collusion conspire. ALIKE.Coinkydinky? I think not I think it is by design. According to a GRAND PLAN. They only lust after and sex it up with THEIR OWN KIND. So their ilk produces more identical ilk produces more identical ilk and on and on ad infinitum.HOMOGENEITY is the glue that binds them forever to one another. HOMOGENIZED EMULSIFIED. Goodbye individual identity! HELLO GORGEOUS! less
He called those in the military who volunteered LOSERS and asked "what do they get out of it?"His obscenely wealthy sugar daddy paid 5 times for a FAKE BONESPUR EXCUSE to help him ... moreHe called those in the military who volunteered LOSERS and asked "what do they get out of it?"His obscenely wealthy sugar daddy paid 5 times for a FAKE BONESPUR EXCUSE to help him DRAFT DODGE.He excoriated John McCain for being a war hero "who was captured". When John died TRAITOR DON doubled down and kept it up and now includes John's widow Cindy and Megan too in his jealous tirades.COWARD deluxe is TRAITOR DON. YELLOW BELLY VERSION..He INSULTED ATTACKED Gold Star Families of fallen heroes especially MUSLIM AMERICANSHe insisted that Barack Obama was not an American. Why? Because he is a double dumb stumblebumHe thought the military would do his bidding without question up to and include handling all those who disagreed with him. Martial law? That too. You see TRAITOR DON is the world's biggest dumb dumb.Want him to watch your back? Were you born yesterday? He will KNIFE you in the back not watch it. less
The CANCELED TRAITOR DON show goes off into the sunset disappearing and never being heard from again.WHY?If he knows what's good for him he flees fleas to a foreign land that has n... moreThe CANCELED TRAITOR DON show goes off into the sunset disappearing and never being heard from again.WHY?If he knows what's good for him he flees fleas to a foreign land that has no extradition treaty with America and disappears into the oblivion of anonymity. To save his a** in perpetuity until he leaves this earth eventually for parts unknown.
WHAT IFAfter the TRAITOR DON red carpet 21-gun salute and his plane takes off into the sunset...WHAT IF it explodes in midair killing everyone?What would happen next? Any ideas?Do ... moreWHAT IFAfter the TRAITOR DON red carpet 21-gun salute and his plane takes off into the sunset...WHAT IF it explodes in midair killing everyone?What would happen next? Any ideas?Do I WANT that to happen? No. COULD IT HAPPEN? I think so. Do you too?
She was a gonna send it to a friend she had in Russia. She planned to SELL it to the vcr or whatever today's KGB is called. She was outed by a former booty call sex partner of hers... moreShe was a gonna send it to a friend she had in Russia. She planned to SELL it to the vcr or whatever today's KGB is called. She was outed by a former booty call sex partner of hers.She has fled. Shut down her phone vacated her home and "disappeared". Another lamebrained chickensh** GOP TRAITOR DON adoring lamebrain dame.RILEY JUNE? Seriously. RILEY JUNE? Imagine the brain of a dame with that name? Miniscule. Microsopic. Oh RILEY JUNEWHERE DID YOU GOWE MISS YOU SO OH RILEY JUNEYes. You betchum. Bet the parents of RILEY JUNE are so proud of her. WHAT A DAME. INFAME. How many other RILEY JUNES are there out there? TRAITORS? Do you know any? Would you do to them what RILEY JUNE'S booty call sex partner done done? Nail her a** by speaking out about her plans? Look the other way? Pray for her? less
Identify the GENE/DNA that determines STERILITY. Introduce it into the bodies of white supremacists. Won't they eventually stop breeding and "die" out? How would that be a bad thing?
Visual perception determines what we "see". There is LIGHT and there is PIGMENT.A brief tourLIGHTLIGHT is the PRESENCE OF ALL COLORS BLENDED and is a colorSUNLIGHT IS WHITE LIGHT T... moreVisual perception determines what we "see". There is LIGHT and there is PIGMENT.A brief tourLIGHTLIGHT is the PRESENCE OF ALL COLORS BLENDED and is a colorSUNLIGHT IS WHITE LIGHT THAT IS COMPOSED OF ALL THE COLORS OF THE SPECTRUMPIGMENTIn PIGFMENT white is the absence of all colorSo you might say that WHITE SUPREMACISTS ARE MADE UP OF PIGS (abbreviated) right?They have taken it upon themselves to deem themselves SUPERIOR above all. They say so. They believe so. As does their spawn their progeny. They honor their PIGMENT above all forever more. ABSENCE OF ALL. PRESENCE OF NAUGHT. WHITE PIGS unite. Conquer the world. less
Or do you just try out a lot of different paths to see where they will take you?Some equations are so complex and long. Are they accidental or predetermined? When set out do you al... moreOr do you just try out a lot of different paths to see where they will take you?Some equations are so complex and long. Are they accidental or predetermined? When set out do you always know where you will end up?
Of course all the musbrains who adore the crap outta him support this.But does any sane logical reasonable sensible honorable PATRIOTIC human being support this kick in the butt of... moreOf course all the musbrains who adore the crap outta him support this.But does any sane logical reasonable sensible honorable PATRIOTIC human being support this kick in the butt of the military? THE TRAITOR DON FINAL INSULT forcing the military to honor him as if he were something honorable?I don't get it.
So at noon 01 on January 20, 2021 a new sheriff takes over.The mob was either kicked out or left. The top gunslinger was too cowardly to stick around so he snuck out. Well his goal... moreSo at noon 01 on January 20, 2021 a new sheriff takes over.The mob was either kicked out or left. The top gunslinger was too cowardly to stick around so he snuck out. Well his goal is to be red carpeted 21 gun saluted and accorded a great honor as if he deserved any of it.To the end living in the alternate reality of his delusion. Dishonoring everyone and everything all the time.Will the powers that be really allow this travesty to occur? 21 gun salute him and red carpet him as if he were a hero? The final insult. I don't get it. less
Even if there WERE NO ANT AT ALL? You say there was and that's all you talk about. The manufactured ant?Do that all the time about everything that befalls you. Bring in the a... moreEven if there WERE NO ANT AT ALL? You say there was and that's all you talk about. The manufactured ant?Do that all the time about everything that befalls you. Bring in the ants. Talk about the ants. They are never real but you keep insisting they are. Meanwhile the Black Widow Spiders leave poison everywhere killing people. Ignore them. It doesn't play the tune you want others to croon. Focus on the ant all ant all the time. Ant ant ant ant ant ant ant. It was the ant what done all the damage and murdered.See? Even you believe it now don't you? less
He committed so many abominations during his reign of TERROR. I know we will never know the complete extent of his tenure. What we do know is vile evil vicious. Think of how much m... moreHe committed so many abominations during his reign of TERROR. I know we will never know the complete extent of his tenure. What we do know is vile evil vicious. Think of how much more of that he would have accomplished if he were actually the king he believed himself to be!He did more to DAMAGE America in his paltry puny 4 year strangulation of a nation than ALL THE OTHER PRESIDENTS COMBINED! A talent for it. No doubt. What he could have if he only had had the time. What?
Not LIAR. LIARS.Everyone who spouts that crap. They believe the BIG LIE and repeat it and spread it and nurture it and throw manure on it and spread it and water it and spread it.W... moreNot LIAR. LIARS.Everyone who spouts that crap. They believe the BIG LIE and repeat it and spread it and nurture it and throw manure on it and spread it and water it and spread it.Why? I wish I knew.