When rioters attacked the White House last summer, Trump was told that he should not use use military forces to put them down. When Antifa thugs spent over a hundred days lay... moreWhen rioters attacked the White House last summer, Trump was told that he should not use use military forces to put them down. When Antifa thugs spent over a hundred days laying siege to a federal courthouse in Portland, Oregan, Democrats called the federal law enforcement officials defending the courthouse stormtroopers. When the Capital Police asked for help from the National Guard because they were afraid that they would not be able to handle the number of protestors that were coming and their were reports of groups organizing to attack the Capital, those requests were denied because the politician feared the optics of having military troops in the streets. Now that the government is going to be entirely in the hands of the Democrats, they have no problem with National Guardsmen being stationed around the city with authorization to use lethal force to prevent riots.Don't get me wrong here. I have consistently condemned all violence regardless of who it is that commits it. I have ... less
I know there are a couple of you up to the task - no, not you - those two over there. Oh, can somebody stop them doing that please - it's utterly disgusting.
There was no attempt to evacuate the president to a secure safe location. NONE WHATSOEVER.Asking why is absurdly ludicrous.He engineered it. He planned it. He had nothing to fear. ... moreThere was no attempt to evacuate the president to a secure safe location. NONE WHATSOEVER.Asking why is absurdly ludicrous.He engineered it. He planned it. He had nothing to fear. EVERYONE AROUND HIM KNEW THAT. Did you?
HATES for anyone to get more attention than him? HATES to have the press ignore him and focus on others?The TRAITOR DON imbecilic insurrectionists that he created are now the news ... moreHATES for anyone to get more attention than him? HATES to have the press ignore him and focus on others?The TRAITOR DON imbecilic insurrectionists that he created are now the news nothing but the news all the news.TRAITOR DON? Old hat. Just fat. Old news. Neutered. He done did it to hisself.NOW? Now we concentrate on his creation and leave him to heaven or he**...whichever place will take him.HE HATES THIS. Poor baby.
One cop was bludgeoned to death. One was almost crushed to death. One cop later committed suicide.Cops are supposed to form the THIN BLUE LINE. Watch the backs of other cops. NOT T... moreOne cop was bludgeoned to death. One was almost crushed to death. One cop later committed suicide.Cops are supposed to form the THIN BLUE LINE. Watch the backs of other cops. NOT TURN ON THEM.EXPLAIN IT TO ME PLEASE. IF YOU CAN.
January 6 was all PREMEDITATED.Conspiracies among many and planned for months in advance.No crime of passion defense.FIRST DEGREE MURDER.True. They are all crazy crackpot mad wacka... moreJanuary 6 was all PREMEDITATED.Conspiracies among many and planned for months in advance.No crime of passion defense.FIRST DEGREE MURDER.True. They are all crazy crackpot mad wackadoodlenoodle nut jobs. Maybe instead of executing them we should house them in loony bins for the rest of their lives. Either way off with their "heads" in a manner of speaking. They cast their bread upon the waters..that it return soggy and waterlogged is all on them. What the he** did they think would happen?
Where is the line between LOVE for COUNTRY and LOVE for family?Now if anyone I knew MURDERED someone. Not killed in self-defense but MURDERED out of hate or partisan politics would... moreWhere is the line between LOVE for COUNTRY and LOVE for family?Now if anyone I knew MURDERED someone. Not killed in self-defense but MURDERED out of hate or partisan politics would I turn them in? I hope so but I don't honestly KNOW so.LOYALTY TO FAMILY is one thing.LOYALTY to an insane evildoer? A crackpot wackadoodlenoodle? A delusional alternate reality inhabitant who is cruel vicious and consumed with revenge/retatiation? A horse of a different color entirely.
The goal is to nail the a** to the wall of every single insurrectionist who participated. Even those who did nothing. Just showed up and invade the Capitol. How would you like YOUR... moreThe goal is to nail the a** to the wall of every single insurrectionist who participated. Even those who did nothing. Just showed up and invade the Capitol. How would you like YOUR A** nailed to the wall for hanging out with the wrong crowd? Bet on it. It is gonna be HAPPENING!
BLack Lives Matter peaceful protests when they were teargassed baton beaten and forced to move out was called VIOLENT protest.What's in a color? Life or death. Simple as that. Life... moreBLack Lives Matter peaceful protests when they were teargassed baton beaten and forced to move out was called VIOLENT protest.What's in a color? Life or death. Simple as that. Life or death. Life or death. Life or death.
Yep. The goal of the imbecilic insurrectionists, the military sympathizers the cop sympathizers and the thousnads of REPUBLIC POL sympathizers and enablers hold hope that all those... moreYep. The goal of the imbecilic insurrectionists, the military sympathizers the cop sympathizers and the thousnads of REPUBLIC POL sympathizers and enablers hold hope that all those who are in the way will be murdered. That's the plan to a man. Keep doing what you're doing and never give up hope. MURDER as many as you can and maybe you will get YOUR PRESIDENT to president again.The goal.
A question not easily answered.267-212 B.C. Archimedes300 B.C. Euclid (introduced axiomatic math...definition axiom theorem proof)3000 B.C. Sumerians had a system of math6th centur... moreA question not easily answered.267-212 B.C. Archimedes300 B.C. Euclid (introduced axiomatic math...definition axiom theorem proof)3000 B.C. Sumerians had a system of math6th century and Pythagoras showed up Who was/is the SMARTEST math genius of whom you have heard? Why?
Seemed to beTRAITOR DON triggered his hate groups who adore the crap outta him to weaponize and insurrectionize to overthrow the election.ACTUALLY ISIt is a MASSIVE CONSPIRACY CONS... moreSeemed to beTRAITOR DON triggered his hate groups who adore the crap outta him to weaponize and insurrectionize to overthrow the election.ACTUALLY ISIt is a MASSIVE CONSPIRACY CONSISTING OF A VARIETY OF MOVING PARTS.Imbecilic insurrectionists made up of brain-dead hate groups weaponized to murder and ACTIVATED to attack AND SADLYSome in the MILITARYSome among the POLICEMany among the active REPUBLICAN pols in the HOUSE and in the SENATEGroup tours were taken led by REPUBLICAN pols taking groups of insurrectionists around the Capitol for a DRY RUNBlueprints and maps were handed out to them to guide them for the carnage murder to come next dayREPUBLICAN pols told them where the offices of their targets (they planned to murder them) wereYes my pretties. It was not what it seemed at first blush. IT IS far more deplorably horrible grotesque and EVIL than we guessed. It was planned for months and trial runs were done.How many are involved? That is unknown but suffice it to say probably millions of cowardly hate-based ... less
Because they intend to KILL YOU. Once upon a time we thought it was only figuratively. We were very naive then. NOW we know the intent it to MURDER all those who do not fall in lin... moreBecause they intend to KILL YOU. Once upon a time we thought it was only figuratively. We were very naive then. NOW we know the intent it to MURDER all those who do not fall in line behind TRAITOR DON and his ilk. The confederates the hate groups all the things that slither in the slime and go BUMP in the night. They are millions. They are coming for us. They are legion. They are devil spawn and satan followers..
The ONLY TRAITOR "president" who tried to take down the United States of America using simpleminded likeminded confederates. All they needed was PERMISSION. TRAITOR DON permissione... moreThe ONLY TRAITOR "president" who tried to take down the United States of America using simpleminded likeminded confederates. All they needed was PERMISSION. TRAITOR DON permissioned them early on.The rest is history which is still ongoing. Is "the best is yet to come" true here too? Have we already lived "the best" and the rest will he** fire and dam*ation for this nation?Stay tuned.
To them apparently it represents all that was good. Slavery being topmost among the goods. Also WHITES having all the power all the time. Also women not having the vote. If you are... moreTo them apparently it represents all that was good. Slavery being topmost among the goods. Also WHITES having all the power all the time. Also women not having the vote. If you are here now reading this you were not alive then. Do you wish you had been? Would you have made an absolutely spectacular slave owner? Do you miss the days you would have liked to have lived and do wish so much they can come back again?Whom do you hate? Is your hate based on skin color? If not that what? Somehing you can see or something that is invisible to the eye? less
I asked and an Anssermugger friend suggests that. Without the lynchpin it would not LIKELY have happened. The insurrection being the "it" here. Which puts enormous power in one tin... moreI asked and an Anssermugger friend suggests that. Without the lynchpin it would not LIKELY have happened. The insurrection being the "it" here. Which puts enormous power in one tiny little part doesn't it?LINCHPIN/LYNCHPIN"Something that holds a complicated structure together"
My answer: yes. Posting this question made me realize that I cannot remember having taken even one alcoholic drink in 2020, nor do I remember the last time I had one b... more
My answer: yes. Posting this question made me realize that I cannot remember having taken even one alcoholic drink in 2020, nor do I remember the last time I had one before that. It could have been five or ten years as best I recall. ~