Do you have a SACRED DUTY/OBLIGATION to stand up and be counted whatever the cost?Or is it your duty to stay shut up glide beneath the radar so you don't get singled out/targeted?W... moreDo you have a SACRED DUTY/OBLIGATION to stand up and be counted whatever the cost?Or is it your duty to stay shut up glide beneath the radar so you don't get singled out/targeted?What ARE the duties of being a human being? To whom? Why?
Why are they ALL ABANDONING HIM in his hour of need? How could they do this to him, the king of peace, the son of GOD redux? How could they? Well rest assured HE WILL MAKE THEM PAY... moreWhy are they ALL ABANDONING HIM in his hour of need? How could they do this to him, the king of peace, the son of GOD redux? How could they? Well rest assured HE WILL MAKE THEM PAY.He is being crucified just like the first SON OF GOD was crucified. But JESUS arose from the dead and so too will TRAITOR DON.He already has his 74 million followers who will pray to him and keep him within their hearts forever. His following will be GREATER than that of Jesus. Wait and see!Jesus was a simple man who preached the WORD OF GOD.TRAITOR DON is a showman...enertainer...he knows how to grab and keep and grow true believers.Exciting times ahead. Can you serve two masters? Of course you can't. Those who serve and service TRAITOR DON abandoned GOD and JESUS from the git go. They made a choice.So what do we call them and what religion do we call it? Let's have a National Lottery. Whoever win gets to have dinner with TRAITOR DON at Mar a Lago eatsing off 18K gold plates and dining on fine fare and fine wine all divine.Any ideas?... less
Right after the insurrectionists stormed the Capitol and murdered 5 people TRAITOR DON was on camera sayingWE LOVE YOUYOU ARE VERY SPECIAL PEOPLENow he insists that the insurrectio... moreRight after the insurrectionists stormed the Capitol and murdered 5 people TRAITOR DON was on camera sayingWE LOVE YOUYOU ARE VERY SPECIAL PEOPLENow he insists that the insurrectionists were all BLACK LIVES MATTER supporters and antifa.Am I the only one to question this?Does TRAITOR DON really love the BLACK LIVES MATTER protesters and antifa?Does TRAITOR DON really believe they are VERY SPECIAL PEOPLE?Or did he LIE?Mixed messaging doesn't begin to answer this. Allegedly he was hunkered down in his White House bunker watching the insurrectionists TAKE THE CAPITOL and cheered enjoying every minute of it. He allegedly was puzzled that those watching with him weren't equally overjoyed! He credited HIS PEOPLE for this. And was SO PROUD OF THEM!Many Republicans enabled facilitated access to the Capitol providing TOURS and BLUEPRINTS and MAPS to specific locations. Also during it you could hear them giving directions and guidance how to reach the intended targets. Which way to go. And stuff like that. We they all mike... less
WHAT YOU WEAR!A MAGA hat is all you need to nail you.A MAGA shirt or blouse...lots ot 'em around.A MAGA A**? Bet they have buttpacks with TRAITOR DON on them and MAGA around him.Ju... moreWHAT YOU WEAR!A MAGA hat is all you need to nail you.A MAGA shirt or blouse...lots ot 'em around.A MAGA A**? Bet they have buttpacks with TRAITOR DON on them and MAGA around him.Just a glance is all you need to "KNOW" right?So"By their deeds you will know them" and"He that walketh with wise men shall be wise but a companion of fools shall be destroyed"Is all bullsh**! Now you know. GET OVER IT!
"The British variant could DOMINATE in the United States by March."So then things will be getting progressively worse and then reach its peak in March?Seems to me someone keeps mov... more"The British variant could DOMINATE in the United States by March."So then things will be getting progressively worse and then reach its peak in March?Seems to me someone keeps moving that dam* goalpost. Doesn't it seem so to you too?The rules keep changing as they stay the same. Nonsense or exactly what is happening?Will there never be an end? Will we NEVER make a touchdown? Living with COVID 19 for the foreseeable future?Who's up for that?
Change the name of the organization.Cowboys for TRAITOR DONtoCOWDUNG FOR TRAITOR DONI mean c'mon! Cow BOY or Cow DUNG? Which is way funner to say? That way the logo could be a larg... moreChange the name of the organization.Cowboys for TRAITOR DONtoCOWDUNG FOR TRAITOR DONI mean c'mon! Cow BOY or Cow DUNG? Which is way funner to say? That way the logo could be a large piece of poop!
Open a clothing factory and make clothes made up of THE CONFEDERATE FLAG!Seriously!Ya got 74 million customers who would be delighted to wear the symbol of TRAITOR DON!For the fami... moreOpen a clothing factory and make clothes made up of THE CONFEDERATE FLAG!Seriously!Ya got 74 million customers who would be delighted to wear the symbol of TRAITOR DON!For the family. From infant to old folks and everything in between. All sizes. ONLY ONE DESIGN! CONFEDERATE ALL THE WAY!It's simply free speech being worn on the body from HEAD TO TOE INCLUDING SHOES 24/7. A sea of CONFEDERACY.It's a dam* good idea and if TRAITOR DOn don't do it someone will.
The airheads insist that impeachment will just "divide" the nation!Where the he**have they been for FOUR YEARS?The airheads say it is time to come together so don't impeach the TRA... moreThe airheads insist that impeachment will just "divide" the nation!Where the he**have they been for FOUR YEARS?The airheads say it is time to come together so don't impeach the TRAITOR DON.No mention of what he done to our country. Not one. COWARDS! TRAITORS! AIRHEADS!
He coullda been a TRILLIONAIRE by now just on the pardons alone. He dropped the ball.Where was his head? Up his a**?Will he progeny get a FAMILY DISCOUNT?
For infecting the nation and spreading your evildoing on every level. Thanks a whole bunch.Apparently allegedly all the state "protests" (insurrection invasions) was all bite no si... moreFor infecting the nation and spreading your evildoing on every level. Thanks a whole bunch.Apparently allegedly all the state "protests" (insurrection invasions) was all bite no sizzle no blood. Toothless.Was January 6 the one hurrah or just the tip of the mammoth iceberg? A small boulder roll before the AVALANCHES to come?Whassup? Where wuz yuh on the weekend? COWARDS?
Well ya see they WARPSPED the whole dam* thing to please TRAITOR DON which means everything was short sheeted and accelerated INCLUDING the trials. DUH! You get what you pay for.
Donjohnjurr, Eric, Lara (a wife or mistress), Tiffany and Barron take over Republican politics. Jared too. Don't forget him. After them? TRAITOR DON has grandkids. After them? The ... moreDonjohnjurr, Eric, Lara (a wife or mistress), Tiffany and Barron take over Republican politics. Jared too. Don't forget him. After them? TRAITOR DON has grandkids. After them? The greats. Welcome to the era of TRAITOR DON. We had the Roosevelts and the Kennedy's and the Bushes. SIGH.Ready?
For me, "I Can See Clearly Now." If I hear the song on radio stations, it's always Jimmy Cliff's cover version.
Give me Johnny Nash's original -- he wrote the song, too. I ad... moreFor me, "I Can See Clearly Now." If I hear the song on radio stations, it's always Jimmy Cliff's cover version.
Give me Johnny Nash's original -- he wrote the song, too. I admit I'm completely biased for Nash -- that man's voice sends me, no matter what he sings.
The massive conspiracy collusion started by the head (TRAITOR DON) and goaded ordered cajoled for months was aided and abetted by pols who took an OATH they never meant to keep. Ho... moreThe massive conspiracy collusion started by the head (TRAITOR DON) and goaded ordered cajoled for months was aided and abetted by pols who took an OATH they never meant to keep. How many of them were in on it? I don't know. ALL REPUBLICANS of course. What else? Who else would dare to dam* themselves as perfectly as that?Every a** will be nailed to a wall or a cross eventually. Every a** will regret. Not due to conscience but due to what befalls them and their families. They're lives are sh** and so are the lives of their families who will never get rid of the stench and the stink and the embarrassment and the shame of what they did. NEVER. Go forth and multiply. Gather ye rosebuds while ye may. Your days are numbered and so too are the days of your family.What do you expect from imbeciles who gave away everything to support a treasonous Madman? Just desserts. Roast in he**. They do like it warm right? SIGH. IF ONLY! less
As a psychologist she should know. Also as his niece she has lived with it and seen it and suffered because of it.He has accress to our secrets which no doubts he will sell to the ... moreAs a psychologist she should know. Also as his niece she has lived with it and seen it and suffered because of it.He has accress to our secrets which no doubts he will sell to the highest bidder.There is nothing too low for him to do. Nothing too cruel or savage or bestial or corrupt or treasonous.Three more days. What will he come up with next to vex?
Oh c'mon! GET A GRIP! She isn't the only one to psychologize about the TRAITOR DON mental state. WE ALL DO WE ALL HAVE WE ALL ARE. Only she has the credentials/education/background... moreOh c'mon! GET A GRIP! She isn't the only one to psychologize about the TRAITOR DON mental state. WE ALL DO WE ALL HAVE WE ALL ARE. Only she has the credentials/education/background/experience. GOT A PROBLEM WITH THAT? GET OVER IT! :)
Who wouldn't strut his stuff taking victory laps for what he engineered generaed guided led...even if figuratively in his head? Who wouldn't? You wouldn't? Sure you would.
"White Christian men are not seen as threats".What a crock. BY WHOM? By other WHITE CHRISTIANS. People of color know better.So white on white as usual. White defends white as usual... more"White Christian men are not seen as threats".What a crock. BY WHOM? By other WHITE CHRISTIANS. People of color know better.So white on white as usual. White defends white as usual. White protects white as usual. GOD LOVES white right?
The five -time fake bonespur coward draft dodger will run away someplace far away because he knows all is lost.Wouldn't you run away too knowing what's coming AT YOU on he Federal ... moreThe five -time fake bonespur coward draft dodger will run away someplace far away because he knows all is lost.Wouldn't you run away too knowing what's coming AT YOU on he Federal Level and on the State Level? Tons of angry folks he harmed hurt damaged destroyed. Clamoring to get a piece of his a** legally.He knows he has no friends anywhere to bail him out this time. No rich daddy dearest to jump right in and handle it.What's a coward to do?
William Cohen writing in Vanity Fair has coined that. TRUMP STINK. Like SKUNK STINK only way worse.As for the withdrawers who are being hammered isn't too little too late? Seriousl... moreWilliam Cohen writing in Vanity Fair has coined that. TRUMP STINK. Like SKUNK STINK only way worse.As for the withdrawers who are being hammered isn't too little too late? Seriously. The time to have done this was his first year when he showed us what he is and what his intentions were and each year he doubled down until now he has been kicked out of town.They had their chance when it mattered. Let them sink in their own swamp. Who cares?