The mushbrain the mushead the lamebrain the lobotomized. So what's the problem? There are millions of them.TELL THE BIG LIE then browbeat and insist and demand and repeat repeat re... moreThe mushbrain the mushead the lamebrain the lobotomized. So what's the problem? There are millions of them.TELL THE BIG LIE then browbeat and insist and demand and repeat repeat repeat repeat repeat repeat. Easy peasy.Were there ever so many mushbrain mushead collected in one country as there are collected in "america" today? The devotees of TRAITOR DON who still insist whatever he says is truth. No matter whatever he says is truth. SIGH.
Do more "americans" admire atrocities committed more than any other group of "citizens" of a country?The confederacy is filled with atrocity committers and aatrocity lovers and it ... moreDo more "americans" admire atrocities committed more than any other group of "citizens" of a country?The confederacy is filled with atrocity committers and aatrocity lovers and it is alive and well calling itself any one of a bazillion "american" HATE GROUPS stoked and led by the greatest atrocity of all...TRAITOR DON!
Some people “just don’t get” English grammar. To me, however, it comes quite easily. Conversely, I’m only functionally efficient in the basics... more
Some people “just don’t get” English grammar. To me, however, it comes quite easily. Conversely, I’m only functionally efficient in the basics of mathematics, the deeper intricacies* of it escape me, I “just don’t get” them. Is the comparison of the disciplines and how they manifest themselves in me and in others some type of allegory or symbolization?*AlgebraAdvanced Geometry CalculusTrigonometryEtc.
I'm SURE that TRAITOR DON is and his imbecilic insurrectionsts is and all his toady sycophants is and all his adoring worshippers is and all the whinya** lemmings is.Is you too?
Did you ignore it ridicule it mock it lie about? Are you still doing it? You REFUSE to wear a mask and party hearty butt to butt with strangers while you al lget drunk as skunks an... moreDid you ignore it ridicule it mock it lie about? Are you still doing it? You REFUSE to wear a mask and party hearty butt to butt with strangers while you al lget drunk as skunks and pray to TRAITOR DOn your martye sainted second coming of your saviour?Over the top?I think not. Whatever it is that you are...human thinking feeling being is not among them. Sad that.
A right-wing website whre the queerly peculiars hang out and spread their lies.ANYWAY'It RETRACTED the LIES it told about the Dominion Voting machines being "defective". Said it wa... moreA right-wing website whre the queerly peculiars hang out and spread their lies.ANYWAY'It RETRACTED the LIES it told about the Dominion Voting machines being "defective". Said it was all "made up". Wonder why? Y'all know DAM* WELL WHY?Along with all the other liars who tried to make the LOSER TRAITOR DON into a winner! EXPOSED! REVILED! REVEALED!How nice it is when LIARS admit to having LIED isn't it? Well Domion was gonna sue their A**es off for the lies and I guess that put the FEAR OF GOD in them so they backtracked and retracted and ATE CROW.TYPICAL LIARS. ATPICAL retractors. NOW YA KNOW. Good. less
How's about forcing her to run NAKED through the streets of washington .D.C.? How about shaving her head and tating on her face "TRAITOR"?This is what REPUBLICANS revere and elect?... moreHow's about forcing her to run NAKED through the streets of washington .D.C.? How about shaving her head and tating on her face "TRAITOR"?This is what REPUBLICANS revere and elect? TRAITORS. Well hey maybe they are all CLOSET CONFEDERATES? Why not? Could be. Explains a lot don't it though?HOW MANY REPUBLICAN TRAITORS WILL WE HAVE FOUND? ALL OF THEM?The good ones left a long time ago. The "other" are still there lying.Whatever. Y'all wanted this and got it. Thanks lots loads. We owe ya bigly!
Almost one-third (1/3) of RECOVERED COVID 19 patients RETURN TO THE HOSPITAL WITHIN 5 MONTHS! AND EVEN WORSE 1 in 8 DIE! So "recovering" is not an absolute by any means. It is just... moreAlmost one-third (1/3) of RECOVERED COVID 19 patients RETURN TO THE HOSPITAL WITHIN 5 MONTHS! AND EVEN WORSE 1 in 8 DIE! So "recovering" is not an absolute by any means. It is just a temporary way station to catch your breath before you move on. Sorry for the not so hot news but well why lie when eventually we are all gonna die?
It violates her rights to force her to get a driver's license. It violates her rights to force her to pay income taxes. It violates her rights to stop when the light is red. It VIO... moreIt violates her rights to force her to get a driver's license. It violates her rights to force her to pay income taxes. It violates her rights to stop when the light is red. It VIOLATES her rights to demand a marriage license if she wants to legalize a union unless she lives in a COMMON LAW state. It VIOLATES HER RIGHTS to expect her to put money in parking meters. IT VIOLATES HER RIGHTS to prevent her from driving 100 miles an hour. It VIOLATES HER RIGHTS to require car insurance. IT VIOLATES HER RIGHTS TO CHARGE HER FOR NOT WEARING HER SEAT BELT! IT VIOLATES HER RIGHTS FOR BEING CHARGED FOR THROWING TRASH OUT THE WINDOW! IT VIOLATES HER rights to require her to present resumes when seeking a job. It VIOLATES HER RIGHTS to force her to REGISTER so she can vote. IT VIOLATES HER RIGHTS to attack others. IT VIOLATES HER RIGHTS to threaten others. IT VIOLATES HER RIGHTS to require her to get a College Degree for certain jobs. IT VIOLATES HER RIGHTS to demand she know how to read. IT VIOLATES HER RIGHTS to not throw... less
Those driven by HATE are driven by emotion which cancels out the mind/brain/thought/thinking. HATE WEAKENS THE HATER. HATERS have no clue that they are doing in themselves.AS I sai... moreThose driven by HATE are driven by emotion which cancels out the mind/brain/thought/thinking. HATE WEAKENS THE HATER. HATERS have no clue that they are doing in themselves.AS I said..HATE IS SO VERY BGREAT TO OBSERVE IN "THE OTHER". NOW YOU KNOW WHY.
If Trump got just short of HALF the votes, certainly just short of HALF the military voted for him. Certainly, these soldiers are amongst the National Guard supposedly PROTEC... moreIf Trump got just short of HALF the votes, certainly just short of HALF the military voted for him. Certainly, these soldiers are amongst the National Guard supposedly PROTECTING Biden this Wednesday. Is that gonna pose a problem? Aren't just short of HALF those soldiers the same as the rioters??? excon
"I ANSWERED THE CALL OF MY PRESIDENT". Rioters say TRAITOR DON URGED them on.So what exactly am I rethinking? This.If someone I ADORE ADMIRE RESPECT BELIEVE IN TRUST asks me to do ... more"I ANSWERED THE CALL OF MY PRESIDENT". Rioters say TRAITOR DON URGED them on.So what exactly am I rethinking? This.If someone I ADORE ADMIRE RESPECT BELIEVE IN TRUST asks me to do something would I? I don't know for certain but there is that possibility.If such a person persuades you that killing that person would save democracy or the country or otherwise perform a noble patriotic service? I don't know. I don't think so but I DON'T KNOW. I have already placed much blame on the instigator of this tragic insurrection coup attempt. I now realizeTte people were trying to give their president what he said he needed. Just because I always question everything and everyone all the time about everything and always have doesn't mean I could never do something unquestioningly because someone I adored asked me to do it.So what I'm rethinking is how much do I blame the puppets for doing what the stringpuller required them to do and how much do I blame the stringpuller for putting them there in the first place?How about... less
50 locations filled with HATE groups of all description there to stand up speak up be heard by any means necessary. All the insurrectionists would have to decide which group to sta... more50 locations filled with HATE groups of all description there to stand up speak up be heard by any means necessary. All the insurrectionists would have to decide which group to stand with if they belong to multiple HATE groups. Just imagine the magnificence of such thing?Oh of course there is always the distinct possibility that some of them don't like each other and might fight for dominance or to show WHO IS BOSS. What would be so wrong with that? 50...count em 50....RUMBLES like in WESTSIDE STORY. Only not just whites and people of color...every group with every bit** that has an itch to show their power! The larger states would have many more partying hearty shooting one another. The smaller tiny states would have fewer but maybe they'd find a way to compensate.'If it goes off well it could become a NATIONAL BIT** DAY. Where you get off on ticking off or taking out your latest enemy. Why not? What could it hurt? Give it a try.Oh booze would be available FREE OF CHARGE. Just to lubricate of ... less
Because they can. Bet they don't know the NRA declared bankruptcy and is running away from NEW YORK litigation against them and going to TEXAS that grand old state filled with and ... moreBecause they can. Bet they don't know the NRA declared bankruptcy and is running away from NEW YORK litigation against them and going to TEXAS that grand old state filled with and run REPROBATES who HATE laws.A marriage made in heaven.That's just what we need as matter of fact. Second chapter coming up.
are fleeing LITIGATION AGAINST THEM BY THE STATE OF NEW YORK.Cheapskates. Deadbeats. Stiffers. SCAIRDY CAT LITTLE GIRLYMEN WHINYA**Stole the money from the members to pad their own... moreare fleeing LITIGATION AGAINST THEM BY THE STATE OF NEW YORK.Cheapskates. Deadbeats. Stiffers. SCAIRDY CAT LITTLE GIRLYMEN WHINYA**Stole the money from the members to pad their own nest and fancify their way of life.Big Shots. Scairdy cat deadbeats. May y'all roast on spits somewhere for eternity. Ever try it? You might like it!
There was a time when blacks were living the good life of middle class and upper middleclass. They owned homes and businesses and had many very fine social activities. They weren't... moreThere was a time when blacks were living the good life of middle class and upper middleclass. They owned homes and businesses and had many very fine social activities. They weren't out to overtake anyone. They were doing quite well among themselves and living THE GOOD LIFE.They FLOURISHED among their community.Sadly WHITE SUPREMACISTS are not a brand new thing. They have always been here and I guess always will.Well they got sick and tired of it so they DESTROYED the black-owned businesses, MURDERED many black residents. FORCED the elected local government to resign en mass and then stripped blacks of voting and civil rights of those blacks they had left alive.THEY FACED NO CONSEQUENCES!18982021 Nothing has changed. The people who were rotten then are rotten now. They sex it up so much their mini thems are flooding the world with their minibrains and minihearts and minitalents. They all still have HUGE hate for people of color. Which means they still have HUGE envy and jealousy. Here we go again? No here we stil... less
They are quite superior athletically. We see that every day if we are sports fans.Le Bron James/Michael Jordan? What white can touch them? Basketball TOTALLY. Football pretty much.... moreThey are quite superior athletically. We see that every day if we are sports fans.Le Bron James/Michael Jordan? What white can touch them? Basketball TOTALLY. Football pretty much.Where else might jealousy/envy exist? Well I'm not one to spread rumors. Suffice it to say there are other areas where they are said to be superior. I leave it to you to figure out what they may be.
It is no longer the GOP/Republican Party from the old days.It is the TRAITOR DON replacement party and DESERVES to be destroyed doesn't it?Many Conservative Republicans have been D... moreIt is no longer the GOP/Republican Party from the old days.It is the TRAITOR DON replacement party and DESERVES to be destroyed doesn't it?Many Conservative Republicans have been DRIVEN OUT by TRAITOR DON because it is NOT the party they joined.I mean a cancer is consuming it. Let it die. Start over again on a healthy body and NEVER AGAIN allow a TRAITOR DON clone to even join let alone be a prez candidate! That would be the dumbest thing ever done by a political party. Elect again another seed of its destruction. No one is that dumb right? less
I expect any claustrophobic person would NEVER seek a job as a miner.BUT WHAT IF the tendency for claustrophobia has been within and has never been tested?Would someone who has cla... moreI expect any claustrophobic person would NEVER seek a job as a miner.BUT WHAT IF the tendency for claustrophobia has been within and has never been tested?Would someone who has claustrophobia go mad? HOW WOULD YOU DO?
And all of 'em are GOING DOWN DOWN DOWN DOWN DOWNThey are being rounded up like cattle and being held in jail no bail.What's left are the rejects who want so badly to move up to th... moreAnd all of 'em are GOING DOWN DOWN DOWN DOWN DOWNThey are being rounded up like cattle and being held in jail no bail.What's left are the rejects who want so badly to move up to the BIGS but they just ain't got the talent.They will always be THIRD STRINGAnd so it goes.
Can he reverse the ginormous tax cut for the obscenely wealthy which is what pushed us over the edge in debt and MAKE THE RICH PAY IT ALL BACK?I suppose President Biden can't unpar... moreCan he reverse the ginormous tax cut for the obscenely wealthy which is what pushed us over the edge in debt and MAKE THE RICH PAY IT ALL BACK?I suppose President Biden can't unpardon that bas**rd guy who murdered innocent people for no reason? The BLACKHEART BLACKSOUL BLACKSH** BLACKWATER GUY OR GUYS?Unlimited power for TRAITOR DON was AOKAY with everyone right? So what's sauce for that fat old goose who is gonna be GONE FOREVER thank gawd should also be sauce for the slender gander who replaced him. less
He told themWE LOVE YOUYOU ARE VERY SPECIAL PEOPLEThen the sh** hit the fan and he denied any part in it. Not only that but he insists his people were never there. It was the Black... moreHe told themWE LOVE YOUYOU ARE VERY SPECIAL PEOPLEThen the sh** hit the fan and he denied any part in it. Not only that but he insists his people were never there. It was the Black Lives Matter protesters and antifa.His people were never there. He never said what he said. Saying he did is fake news.He never cheered at the onslaught attacking the Capitol. Those who watched him do that and tell on him weren't even there. He did not watch. He weeped for the carnage and devastation going on before his very eyes. He wept he weeped he got diarrhea he barfed. Yep. That's how unhinged he got.So whom d'ya believe? The peeps who done the dirty deeds and blamed it on TRAITOR DON or TRAITOR DON who said he dint. Not his peeps. It was "the other guys what done the dirty deeds and committed MURDER"It's a hard call I know. Thinking is NEVER EASY. THat's why so few engage in it. TOO HARD!. So give it some time to percolate in your "brain". We can't be making these hasty judgments since TRAITOR DON told us long ago that we could... less
The COWARDLY insurrectionists say "the president asked me to do it. The president invited me there to FIGHT and be STRONG because being weak never won a battle".So why is it ALWAYS... moreThe COWARDLY insurrectionists say "the president asked me to do it. The president invited me there to FIGHT and be STRONG because being weak never won a battle".So why is it ALWAYS that way? WHY DO "they" NEVER TAKE ANY RESPONSIBILITY FOR WHAT THEY DO INCLUDING TRAITOR DON from whom all blessing flow? WHY is there such a plethora of COWARDS and a dearth of responsible accountable truthful human beings? The whinya** spineless beget more whinya** spineless beget more whihya** spineless. The dearth of a nation. SPINES! BRAVERY! INTEGRITY! DEVOTION!ANYONE? less