or prizes might you want in place of the cash?For instance, a trip abroad with all expenses paid, an automobile, a dining set, a bedroom set, a living room set, appliances, sportin... moreor prizes might you want in place of the cash?For instance, a trip abroad with all expenses paid, an automobile, a dining set, a bedroom set, a living room set, appliances, sporting equipment, etc. ~
Richard Dawson hosted the show on two separate stints, from 1976 to 1985, and then again from 1994 to 1995.The Game Show Network, which broadcasts reruns of old game shows, only ai... moreRichard Dawson hosted the show on two separate stints, from 1976 to 1985, and then again from 1994 to 1995.The Game Show Network, which broadcasts reruns of old game shows, only airs the Steve Harvey years of “Family Feud”, which are considered by some people to be some of the worst programming on television for the intended demographic to whom it is aimed (due to its often raunchy, filthy, and/or adult-themed content).
Of course, the simplest answer is that filth gets ratings, but beyond that, there is still good, wholesome and nostalgic programming that attracts viewers. less
of contamination?
For example, rearing away from you in fear, rejecting you in any way, accusing you of carrying the virus, sanitizing or disinfecting, etc.
1. Never2. At least a few times a day3. At least twice a day4. Every night when I go to sleep 5. Two or more of the above answers 6. ... more
1. Never2. At least a few times a day3. At least twice a day4. Every night when I go to sleep 5. Two or more of the above answers 6. Even though you already covered this at the your question, I do not own either of the three, meaning that it’s not directed to me, but I felt a compulsion to reply anyway7. None of the above/different answer~
environmental devastation that followed.
Now, in 2021, what are some products or procedures that are being touted as revolutionary that you suspect might bring defects just ... moreenvironmental devastation that followed.
Now, in 2021, what are some products or procedures that are being touted as revolutionary that you suspect might bring defects just as bad as plastics have become?
There was a guy in elementary school in whom many other students saw a resemblance to me (funny, I never heard it from adults), I did not see our supposed resemblance... more
There was a guy in elementary school in whom many other students saw a resemblance to me (funny, I never heard it from adults), I did not see our supposed resemblance myself, and neither did he.~
Do those already vaccinated with the Oxford-AstraZeneca have to get vaccinated again witn something else? The South Africa variant is what is spreading rapidly across the USA. What... moreDo those already vaccinated with the Oxford-AstraZeneca have to get vaccinated again witn something else? The South Africa variant is what is spreading rapidly across the USA. What about YOUR country? Oh dear. This is NOT good.
"They left when they were asked to". "It's making up a lot of stuff that never happened."No matter how much lipstick they try to put on their pig it ain't working. But I have no do... more"They left when they were asked to". "It's making up a lot of stuff that never happened."No matter how much lipstick they try to put on their pig it ain't working. But I have no doubt they truly believe NOTHING BAD HAPPENED. Well six people are DEAD but HE** people are born live and die. What's the big deal?More making something out of nothing. All the FOOTOO folks are of the same ilk and of one mind.More lipstick from those who adore their pig. Will it ever stop? Will they ever take a step from their delusional world of FOOTOO and come into the world of reality? What will happen if they do? Will they age rapidly and die?Anyone ever see the movie LOST HORIZON? Maybe that's why all the FOOTOO adoring worshippers REFUSE to leave his delusion world. Once they step out into the real world they will age and drop dead. So they stay with him instead.Different strokes. Hope they all have millions of grosses of lipstick. They are gonna need it 24/7 until they die. Lipsticking their pig will be a way of life for the... less
One track for those who just want to plug in a new TV not have to install it and program it.One track for those who adore gadgets and options and apps and choices..the more the mer... moreOne track for those who just want to plug in a new TV not have to install it and program it.One track for those who adore gadgets and options and apps and choices..the more the merrier.What could it hurt to keep we the people who PREFER simple engaged in life too. We get left behind. No joke.
Allegedly the FOOTOO GOP has 100 ready to pass or have already passed to restrict voting. They really take it hard when cheating doesn't even give them a win so futurely watc... moreAllegedly the FOOTOO GOP has 100 ready to pass or have already passed to restrict voting. They really take it hard when cheating doesn't even give them a win so futurely watch out. They are on a TEAR. All people of color will be disenfranchised. Not their kinda voter. Only the whites will be allowed to vote and even them's suspect. By crook or by hook by GAWD they will overcome all opposition and win win win win.Aren't they cute?
AT THE SUPERBOWL as well as in all the bars where the drunk as skunk fans will jam together to watch?How many places will be blown up?Do you really think the FOOTOO white supremaci... moreAT THE SUPERBOWL as well as in all the bars where the drunk as skunk fans will jam together to watch?How many places will be blown up?Do you really think the FOOTOO white supremacist hate groups that make up the violent domestic terrorists will allow their god on earth FOOTOO to go through another impeachment? So they got a double duty.TAKE OUT the superbowl and all the bars where fans are congregating todayBlow up the Senate so the IMPEACHMENT #2 can't take place.THEY KNOW FOOTOO IS WATCHING AND WAITING FOR THEM TO REVENGE RETALIATE. THEY KNOW. Do you? less
The defendant is his own worst enemy. Always has been. Always will be. Further all the witnesses and jurors experienced the results of the inflammatory goading and urging of FOOTOO... moreThe defendant is his own worst enemy. Always has been. Always will be. Further all the witnesses and jurors experienced the results of the inflammatory goading and urging of FOOTOO to "his people".No one can claim ignorance. No once can say "I know nothing about it." They're caught with the butts bare so it should be interesting to see how they defend someone who put THEIR LIVES in jeopardy. Pretzels all of them.Almost. Nearly here. Impeachment Number Two for FOOTOO!
They have to cheat to win so they do. Republican Governors in ever red state work their A**es off 24/7 to reduce places you can vote, the hours you can vote as they increase ... moreThey have to cheat to win so they do. Republican Governors in ever red state work their A**es off 24/7 to reduce places you can vote, the hours you can vote as they increase the requirements to make it harder if not impossible for those whose votes they FEAR to NOT GET TO VOTE.If they had any confidence in themselves and their ability to WIN FAIR why wouldn't they? Seriously. WHY WOULDN"T THEY?
The number of HATE groups! I betcha I betcha I betcha.No country has more hate groups or reason to hate than the good old realiable US of A.Why I don't know. Prolly no one knows.Th... moreThe number of HATE groups! I betcha I betcha I betcha.No country has more hate groups or reason to hate than the good old realiable US of A.Why I don't know. Prolly no one knows.They're born into families that HATE so great and that legacy is carried on generation after generation after generation. GREAT HATE is the hallmark of the current amurrica. GREAT HATE is great I guess.
Can you in your wildest nightmares see YOUR country's citizens rolling over like that and supporting defending embracing adoring insurrection?I know. You are now hysterical with la... moreCan you in your wildest nightmares see YOUR country's citizens rolling over like that and supporting defending embracing adoring insurrection?I know. You are now hysterical with laughter aren't you? NO country's citizens are as DUMB as that save one. The once good and now humiliated and very bad United States of America.A leader like FOOTOO in YOUR country?Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha. Seriously? Hahahahahahahahahahahahah.
Millions of people go to bed at night hungry. Worried about how they are going to survive. It is a world of EXTREMES.We have SMART TV with hundreds of thousands of channels availab... moreMillions of people go to bed at night hungry. Worried about how they are going to survive. It is a world of EXTREMES.We have SMART TV with hundreds of thousands of channels available. WHO WATCHES ALL OF THEM?We have SMART gadgets up the kazoo and millions of people have them too just to have not necessarily to use. While there are people being murdered in savage ways due to the Extreme HATE that is the foundation of all the Despot Dictator Extreme Right-Wing loco nuts. The HAVES and the HAVE NOTS.All it takes is GOOD LUCK and LOTS OF MONEY. YOU TOO can live a nifty fancy exciting life. Or die because you were not lucky at all.It is a crazy thing this life. Isn't it? Where traitors and treasoners and saboteurs and MURDERERS are exalted and sanctified and worshipped.Where HATE is the ticket to salvation. Where crackpot nutjob wackadoodlenoodle is adored and copycatted and prayed to?None of it makes any sense at all. And yet here we are. less
THE BIG LIE is alive and well among millions of true believers. An entire movement began with the showing up of FOOTOO. Every act ends. FOOTOO's act seems to be just beginning.
President Barack Obama...African American President of the United States of America for 8 years.Vice-President Kamala Harris..African American/Indian Vice President of the United S... morePresident Barack Obama...African American President of the United States of America for 8 years.Vice-President Kamala Harris..African American/Indian Vice President of the United States of AmericaAmanda Gorman...African American POET LAUREAT of the United States of AmericaThe hate groups are besides themselves with FURY. JEALOUSY/ENVY drives them crazy!I could list all the other COUNTLESS African Americans who shine and excel and stand out for all the right reasons.It goads at them and they don't know how to handle their JEALOUSY ENVY to they amp up the HATE. less
His ego hate rallies resulted in January 6...insurrection and coup attempt.All that ego hate did not fall on deaf ears.Of course little kids are innocent. The ego hate rally crowds... moreHis ego hate rallies resulted in January 6...insurrection and coup attempt.All that ego hate did not fall on deaf ears.Of course little kids are innocent. The ego hate rally crowds knew exactly what they were getting into. So much for comparisons.