The insurrectionists, the supporting players, the main "players the big cheesehead at the center of all of it, the traitors and treasoners INCLUDING all the politicians and a... moreThe insurrectionists, the supporting players, the main "players the big cheesehead at the center of all of it, the traitors and treasoners INCLUDING all the politicians and all the adoring worshippers and all the hate groups all joined together at the hip working to overturn a FREE and FAIR election and overthrow democracy! Some CHUTZPAH NOIVE ain't it though? All treasonous traitors too...each and every one.Of course they are way too stupid dumb to see the connection between what they ABHORED and what THEY ADORED. Aren't they? less
Here's one RIPLEY never imagined envisioned contemplated fantasized visualizedA crazy fat selfish greedy lazy talentless boring dull mediocre old man almost succeeded in taking dow... moreHere's one RIPLEY never imagined envisioned contemplated fantasized visualizedA crazy fat selfish greedy lazy talentless boring dull mediocre old man almost succeeded in taking down an entire country with some excessive conspiracy colluding traitoring treasoning LIES LIES LIES LIES LIES and a lot of help from the multi failures who clove cleaved unto him as their SAVIOR. BELIEVE IT OR NOT?
Generating HATECreating HATEFocusing on HATEGlorifying HATEAdoring HATESanctifying HATEObsessing on and about HATEPaying for HatePraying to HATE and pray for HATELusting for HATEIn... moreGenerating HATECreating HATEFocusing on HATEGlorifying HATEAdoring HATESanctifying HATEObsessing on and about HATEPaying for HatePraying to HATE and pray for HATELusting for HATEInsisting on HATEDemanding everyone HATECommanding HATEMating with HateBathing in HateEating HateDrinking HateInhaling HateSpreading HatePlanting the seeds of HATERewarding HATEOrdering HATEPraising HATECelebrating HATEPondering HATEDo I have to draw you a picture?FOOTOO THE GREAT...HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE ...PRATE HATE RALLY FOR HATE less
Obviously cut from a defective cloth are they.Born bad. Get worse as they congregate with others of their ilk. Plot. Scheme. Undermine. Sabotage. LIE LIE LIE LIE LIE. WHY?
A VAST network was involved. A HUGE enterprise with dozens or hundreds of HATE GROUP and POLITICIANS and OBSCENELY WEALTHY INFLUENTIAL FOOTOO supporters all working together for on... moreA VAST network was involved. A HUGE enterprise with dozens or hundreds of HATE GROUP and POLITICIANS and OBSCENELY WEALTHY INFLUENTIAL FOOTOO supporters all working together for one goal...overthrowing the election and installing FOOTOO as their head their leader their utmost highest LORD GOD ALMIGHTY! Let us pray.Every day the investigators are discovering more and more and more homo saps were involved in this gargantuan mammoth enterprise.ALL OF THEM COMMITTED TREASON AND ARE TRAITORS at whatever level they were allowed to operate. The LIES told by FOX news idiotheads. The lies told by rudyg and anyone named "trump". The lies told by all the unhinged deranged pols and hate groups and adoring braindead emptyhead worshippers..The CONFEDERACY rises again and FAILS again. The vermin and vile and evil had a brief moment in time when all was sublime. They were GIDDY with the future they saw. STUPID DUMB..every single one. STUPID DUMB.Eventually all will be uncovered revealed and it is already STAGGERING in scope. A ... less
What if billybarr had not dodged a bullet and stayed on to be available to continue corruting our nation in service to FOOTOO? What would you do? What would you say? Wouldja have C... moreWhat if billybarr had not dodged a bullet and stayed on to be available to continue corruting our nation in service to FOOTOO? What would you do? What would you say? Wouldja have CELEBRATED LIKE CRAZY or would you be despairing?WHAT IFWHAT IFWHAT IF
Would FOOTOO still look into the camera and sayWE LOVE YOUYOU ARE VERY SPECIAL PEOPLEWould FOOTOO have immdiately awarded the murderers the MEDAL OF FREEDOM for outstanding service... moreWould FOOTOO still look into the camera and sayWE LOVE YOUYOU ARE VERY SPECIAL PEOPLEWould FOOTOO have immdiately awarded the murderers the MEDAL OF FREEDOM for outstanding service to him?What did the white supremacists hate group VIOLENT domestic terrorists insurrectionists think would happen to them? Do whatever FOOTOO told them too and then he would pardon them? Not the sharpest knives in the drawer and certainly not playing with a full deck.
FOOTOO supporters are the white supremacist hate group domestic VIOLENT terrorists.They are HIS people aren't they people?So what makes Russia and Putin different from The Disunite... moreFOOTOO supporters are the white supremacist hate group domestic VIOLENT terrorists.They are HIS people aren't they people?So what makes Russia and Putin different from The Disunited States of Amurrica? Which one is better than and one is worser than? Anyone?
A) None at all.
B) 10%
C) 25%
D) 50%... moreA) None at all.
B) 10%
C) 25%
D) 50%
E) 80%
F) 95%
G) None of the above/Other answer:____________________.
Just a few minutes ago, I was trying to to post a a photo in a response to someone else’s post, I wasn’t allowed to, so I tried a gif instead, it worked.
Then, I tried to post a g... moreJust a few minutes ago, I was trying to to post a a photo in a response to someone else’s post, I wasn’t allowed to, so I tried a gif instead, it worked.
Then, I tried to post a gif here, and the entire box that opens up with all those options has completely disappeared. Photos, graphics, gifs, font sizes, colors, indentation (which I don’t think has ever worked anyway), emoticons, etc., they’re all gone. What gives?
Companion question posted by another member:
Jitarth Jadeja.I ask you. Isn't anyone who believes that INSANE DERANGED CRAZY crackpot lunacy CERTIFIABLY LOONY?That am QANON. That are QANON. Margee Tail Lure Greeeeen supports Q... moreJitarth Jadeja.I ask you. Isn't anyone who believes that INSANE DERANGED CRAZY crackpot lunacy CERTIFIABLY LOONY?That am QANON. That are QANON. Margee Tail Lure Greeeeen supports QANON. Those who support her aupport QANON.Any idea the number of loony tune crackpot QANONS who believe that idiotic imbecilic peculiarly queerly weird junk? And how many millions who may not actually Be QANONS but actually support them? Odds bodkins!MILLIONS? OH MY GOD. OH MY GAWD
How many of those insurrectionist dames were softy and cuddly? They all looked hard as nails and crusty manly to me. Guns in hand they looked for someone to kill. What a thrlll, ri... moreHow many of those insurrectionist dames were softy and cuddly? They all looked hard as nails and crusty manly to me. Guns in hand they looked for someone to kill. What a thrlll, right?Probably drink moonshine wear boots and never go near a mirror.Sturdy. The female ideal? STURDY. TOUGH. FEARLESS. LOADED FOR BEAR. SIGH.
Some tastebuds are shot to he** forever. Theirs obviously no longer work as they sigh as they drink the spoiled milk.No accounting for taste especially when there is no wherewithall to.
They won't do that. They plan to argue that since he is no longer president he cannot be impeached after the fact.Not a good clientDoesn't take adviceDoesn't pay his billsA LOUSY c... moreThey won't do that. They plan to argue that since he is no longer president he cannot be impeached after the fact.Not a good clientDoesn't take adviceDoesn't pay his billsA LOUSY client is FOOTOO. Before now tomorrow is forever.Why anyone wants anything to do with this crackpot liar I do not know. Do you?FOOTOO is obsessed with THE BIG LIE.He was told there was NO WIDESPREAD ELECTION FRAUD when he lost. A small fringe group of crackpots stoked his need to believe he won and it is they who own him now.
They had to get all together to get ONE SPINE to
DO.Individually they are nothing nuthing nada zilch zip cipher zero.They couldnt' even do the coup altogether. Even though they had... moreThey had to get all together to get ONE SPINE to
DO.Individually they are nothing nuthing nada zilch zip cipher zero.They couldnt' even do the coup altogether. Even though they had LOTS AND LOTS OF INSIDE HELP FROM THE GOP POLS who enabled facilitated guided them and WEAPONIZED and nutjobized and crackpotted. Even then they failed and screwed up and blew it. Figgers. LOSERS. FAILURES. FAKES. PHONIES. LOUDMOUTHS.
Because he could. Giving cover to his cohort domestic terrorists so they could plan in peace their treasonouse traitorous deeds. FOOTOO always protected them defended and a**-kisse... moreBecause he could. Giving cover to his cohort domestic terrorists so they could plan in peace their treasonouse traitorous deeds. FOOTOO always protected them defended and a**-kissed them 24/7. Still does.The evil continues on everywhere there is an anywhere housing traitors insurrectionists FOOTOO FOOLS.Will it ever end? Not if they can help it.So goes the world.So goes life.