I'm currently 33 years old, and I've these two since I was a small child. They were a couple of childhood favorites, so kept them.If you perhaps do. Tell us about them. :)
He was obsessed with it in 2016 and he is obsessed with now. He is insecure about his ability to win and so he makes excuses for the loss in advance.A typical LOSER SUCKER NOT TOO ... moreHe was obsessed with it in 2016 and he is obsessed with now. He is insecure about his ability to win and so he makes excuses for the loss in advance.A typical LOSER SUCKER NOT TOO SMART ploy.His adoring worshhipprs buy that crap.Do you?
He lied he cheated he scammed he conned he insulted he attacked he sabotaged he undermined he commited treason and is a traitor and a coward.Some track record for the dipsh**. What... moreHe lied he cheated he scammed he conned he insulted he attacked he sabotaged he undermined he commited treason and is a traitor and a coward.Some track record for the dipsh**. What's to admire? His chutzpah of course. What else is there?
Or have learned to ignore anything the dipsh** says because they know he only opens his mouth to lie?If you were one of them would you be hurt/angry/furious or let it ride let it s... moreOr have learned to ignore anything the dipsh** says because they know he only opens his mouth to lie?If you were one of them would you be hurt/angry/furious or let it ride let it slide let it go considering the source is a crackpot?
People who know better are purposely LYING to cover the corpulent a** of the dipsh** who knows nothing about anything. So all reports are lies. All contents are 'manipulated. Dipsh... morePeople who know better are purposely LYING to cover the corpulent a** of the dipsh** who knows nothing about anything. So all reports are lies. All contents are 'manipulated. Dipsh** is the lord god king of everything.A match made in heaven. A catbird seat. Life is just a bowl of cherries..no pits.And they all lived happily ever after
They are former republicans all of whom are BRILLIANT and anti the dipsh** and running ads supporting Joe Biden and decrying the dipsh**.Allegedly the dipsh** squandered all the co... moreThey are former republicans all of whom are BRILLIANT and anti the dipsh** and running ads supporting Joe Biden and decrying the dipsh**.Allegedly the dipsh** squandered all the contribution money (lots went into his own bank accounts) so he can't afford to advertise. Allegedly in one month Joe Biden contributions were in excess of $350 MILLION. Joe doesn't squander nor is he a thief. No contribution was "diverted" to his personal bank account.Imagine a poor mouth dipsh**? Sez if needed he will use some of his own money. What bullsh**. He said he didn't need any contributions early on in 2015 and that he would finance/fund his own campaign and be beholden to no one. Anyone remember that big fat lie? He not only doesn't use his own money he steals money for other purposes away from other sources and magically it finds its way into a dipsh** account. And so it goes. less
Isn't being a crackpot and part of a huge mob of other crackpots better than being a weak meek wishy washy zero? Nothing else going for them at all. Invisible. No one notices them.... moreIsn't being a crackpot and part of a huge mob of other crackpots better than being a weak meek wishy washy zero? Nothing else going for them at all. Invisible. No one notices them. Join a crackpot mob of thugs and you get noticed. Paid attention to. Matter. Especially if you are weaponized.
Of course all adoring worshippers are thumbs up bottoms up to support whatever the dipsh** does/says no matter how egregious heinous evil deadly. So I guess the question is rhetori... moreOf course all adoring worshippers are thumbs up bottoms up to support whatever the dipsh** does/says no matter how egregious heinous evil deadly. So I guess the question is rhetorical since the answer will be "OF COURSE WE DO!"As for the non-dipsh**s we are appalled at the raging rampant crackpot bullsh**.
Never felt I was lacking or "less than" or that I could improve "if only". Not once. When I think about it that's amazing. They surely thought it but never said it. Loving kindness... moreNever felt I was lacking or "less than" or that I could improve "if only". Not once. When I think about it that's amazing. They surely thought it but never said it. Loving kindness. Lucky me.Lucky me.
Because a MADMAN is bulldozing scientists to fast track a vaccine that ought never be FAST TRACKED for any reason by any one at any time.You FAST TRACK and you won't follow safety ... moreBecause a MADMAN is bulldozing scientists to fast track a vaccine that ought never be FAST TRACKED for any reason by any one at any time.You FAST TRACK and you won't follow safety rules and you could permanently harm damage someone or even kill him her because a crackpot wackadoodlenoodle vile evil venal egomanical dipstick demanded a vaccine he could brag about so people would vote for him.He is ALREADY RESPONSIBLE for thousands of unnecessary deaths. This fast track jacka** will be responsible for killing more thousands all on the altar of his fragile ego and lack of self-worth and knowledge that he is drowning and wants to take as many people with him as he can.Trust him? Are you nuts? Trust the scientists that let him intimidate bulldoze them? No thanks. I'll pass. They've been compromised by a crackpot. I don't need that. less
I loved them when I was a kid, but in adulthood, I just don’t have the patience to watch one all the way through. I get bored waiting for the next text to come up.
The pumpkina** virus invading your neighborhoods and making you very ill and killing some of you and permanently damaging some of you.Fear the red herring. That's all that the dips... moreThe pumpkina** virus invading your neighborhoods and making you very ill and killing some of you and permanently damaging some of you.Fear the red herring. That's all that the dipsh** sells. His adoring worshippers alwasy buy what he sells which is why as they try to confront the red herrings they die from ignoring the real enemy! The real threat. Shell game. The dipsh** plays it well. He ALWAYS FOOLS HIS MARKS. ALWAYS.
That an obese immoral degenerate reprobate who was totally depraved like barfbarr would enable and facilitate the complete and unlimited power in all ways.Perhaps had we know we mi... moreThat an obese immoral degenerate reprobate who was totally depraved like barfbarr would enable and facilitate the complete and unlimited power in all ways.Perhaps had we know we might have done something to prevent it. NOVICHUK him? Without the barfbarr the dipsh** would be less powerful. With the barfbarr so far there are no limits to the vile venal evil.Bah humbug. May the barfbarr burn in he** for eternity. Roasing slowly on a spit along with the dipsh**. Fantasy. No way I can arrange it. If I could I would. No regrets. No guilt. No shame. Imagine side by side the dipsh** and the barfbarr toasting and roasting and browning and burning ever so slowly on spits in unison forever? Someone's idea of heaven. less
LYING LYING LYING LYING LYING LYING LYING and fomenting HATE and FEAR and CHAOS and DIVISION and DISSENSION and INSULTING ATTACKING DENIGRATING DEPRECATING THREATENING INTIMIDATING... moreLYING LYING LYING LYING LYING LYING LYING and fomenting HATE and FEAR and CHAOS and DIVISION and DISSENSION and INSULTING ATTACKING DENIGRATING DEPRECATING THREATENING INTIMIDATING ULTIMATUMING viciously attacking his "enemies". That is what he doing and she wants him to keep on doing what he is doing.You do too? That is going so very well for the country. Right?
I know the dipsh** pulls stuff out of his butt all the time. Also his gut. He has no mind or brain so that is all he has to work with. With your heads in the sand you choose to bur... moreI know the dipsh** pulls stuff out of his butt all the time. Also his gut. He has no mind or brain so that is all he has to work with. With your heads in the sand you choose to bury yours. Why I don't know.
If you become president what we need from your FIRST is a FEDERAL RESPONSE to the Coronavirus. Get it under control.Then when the virus is under control we need a FEDERAL RES... moreIf you become president what we need from your FIRST is a FEDERAL RESPONSE to the Coronavirus. Get it under control.Then when the virus is under control we need a FEDERAL RESPONSE to the problem of racial injustice. We need to solve that problem and if we do then we may truly become a great nation.I don't know his name but I think he is very wise and clear-eyed.
In 1981 in the U.K., December 8 to be exact, a documentary was shown titled "WARMING WARNING" and it was all about how humans are contributing VERY BIGLY to it.Anyone notice we did... moreIn 1981 in the U.K., December 8 to be exact, a documentary was shown titled "WARMING WARNING" and it was all about how humans are contributing VERY BIGLY to it.Anyone notice we did nothing about it? Nothing significant? Nothing manifestly intelligent?Anyone notice how certain political crackpots made fun of it and ridiculed it and explained it away? Remember how Al Gore was excoriated when he spoke of it?1981. Here we are in 2020 and our wildfires are the direct result of our abject stubborness and stupid dumb resistance. Political crackpots rule the world. Their main schtick is ridicule. They are so very good doing it. Proves the depth of their stupidity of course and lack of morality or common sense. The dipsh** says "sweep the forest floors and all will be okay". Something else about which he is completely ignorant that he is an expert on. It is never ending.Expect more global warming punishment for ignoring what was coming. We knew. We were warned. We were told. And we chose to "downplay" it just like the di... less
Y'all who believe in dipsh** and believe what he says deserve what you get and will be gotten bigly. Make no mistake about. He is YOUR enemy and always will be. He has you conned s... moreY'all who believe in dipsh** and believe what he says deserve what you get and will be gotten bigly. Make no mistake about. He is YOUR enemy and always will be. He has you conned scammed tricked and is making fools of you.It's your choice. How you live your life. What choices you make. And how you want your life to end. Your choicre. YOUR FUNERAL. If your choice is the dipsh**. Ours too unfortunately. Wither thou allowest the dipsh** to go we all are forced to follow.It's all on you. All of it. He is mad. Perhaps all of you are too. I don't know and I don't care. It is what it is. Isn't it? less
Joe Biden. He "plans to ruin your suburbs".The dipsh** doesn't say exactly how or why. That is his new BOGEYMAN and you are lapping it up and digesting it daily aren't you?He is a ... moreJoe Biden. He "plans to ruin your suburbs".The dipsh** doesn't say exactly how or why. That is his new BOGEYMAN and you are lapping it up and digesting it daily aren't you?He is a dipsh** LIAR and you are all dipsh** gullibles buying his lies.What happened to the thousands of people of color heading for the southern border to rape and drug and murder you? Did the dipsh** kill all of them?What does the dipsh** plan to do about Joe Biden? I'll tell you his plan. He excepts some of you to go out there on your own and "take care of Joe".His job is to threaten you with fear and uses hate to facilitate. And you buy it don't you? You are all TERRIFIED of Joe Biden now and forgot all about the hordes of people of color because the dipsh** tells you be afraid of whomever he feels like because he knows you are so dam* stupid you buy all his lies.Sheesh. Whadda revoltin' predicament. He also wants you to be very afraid of A black woman who is Joe's candidate for veep. He is TERRIFIED of her brilliance her character her acc... less
Per a FOX NEWS report ( I don't know the date) using CDC stats they listed the top ten OBESE states as followsWest VirginiaMississippiOklahomaIowaAlabamaLouisianaArkansasKentuckyAl... morePer a FOX NEWS report ( I don't know the date) using CDC stats they listed the top ten OBESE states as followsWest VirginiaMississippiOklahomaIowaAlabamaLouisianaArkansasKentuckyAlaskaSouth Carolina"WHY ARE TRUMP VOTERS SO FAT? The trump rural red state bible belt Republicans are fat while the democratic voters in blue states are fit"I know there are tons of FAT democrats and tons of slender republicans. I am not talking about THE EXCEPTIONIt is said fat people don't exercise. They sit and watch TV rather than go outside to walk or exercise inside. Once again I know there are exceptions.The dipsh** confessed he watched 5 hours of FAUX TV one evening and 3 more hours the following morning. Was he exercising during those hours or reclining in bed and eating? I don't know. I don't make this stuff up. I just share it.Whatever.Are you FIT or FAT? Are you a republican or a democrat? less
During the Civil War "seeing the elephant" was an expression used by soldiers to mean experiencing combat.Someone called called a Dem candidate for president a Jacka** and rather t... moreDuring the Civil War "seeing the elephant" was an expression used by soldiers to mean experiencing combat.Someone called called a Dem candidate for president a Jacka** and rather than be ticked off about it he used it in his campaign ad and found it to be amusing to him. Taking a lemon andmaking it useful I guess.But is animals are fair game what animals would YOU prefer to symbolizeRepublicanDemocratand why?
They are preventable and controllable if people are smart enough to pay attention and do the right thing early enough to matter.But at some point having ignored climate change for ... moreThey are preventable and controllable if people are smart enough to pay attention and do the right thing early enough to matter.But at some point having ignored climate change for too long the massive fires are now taking over. Another loss for homo saps. Another strike out. Another disaster. More to come of course. Homo saps are still saps.The pumpkina** virus for example. It could have been enormously MITIGATED early on if the dipsh** had been HONEST and RESPONSIBLE and CARING. He is none of those things. He is a compulsive LIAR and if it kills thousands of people so what? So be it. It is what it is. His adoring worshippers still adoringly worship him as they and their loved ones are dying BECAUSE OF HIM.Nuts. Crackpots. less
The warnings are not only being ignored but ridiculed mocked insulted and attacked.As more people die the idiots who are ignoring it keep on keeping on. Stupid dumb comes in ... moreThe warnings are not only being ignored but ridiculed mocked insulted and attacked.As more people die the idiots who are ignoring it keep on keeping on. Stupid dumb comes in all colors shapes sizes temperaments intellects and political mindbending idiocy. That there are so many out there is shocking and sad.How did we get here? Stupid dumb drives the car commands the ship and flies the plane. Whatcha gonna do when the well runs dry? Cry?