She lived 87 years. She had a distinguished career and leaves behind an enormous legacy that probably will never be matched.She would have wanted to last through the January inaugu... moreShe lived 87 years. She had a distinguished career and leaves behind an enormous legacy that probably will never be matched.She would have wanted to last through the January inauguration for Joe Biden. That was her goal and she tried so hard to achieve it. The notorious RBG lives on somewhere in time. We all benefitted from her existence on this planet.
$2.50 for a 2-lb bag of carrots$1.00 for a 1-lb bagBuy two 1-lb bags and save 50 centsTHE POINT?Donald the Duck is the extreme big in packaging... giant size supersize extra gigant... more$2.50 for a 2-lb bag of carrots$1.00 for a 1-lb bagBuy two 1-lb bags and save 50 centsTHE POINT?Donald the Duck is the extreme big in packaging... giant size supersize extra gigantic sizeRuth Bader Ginsburg is packaged much much much smallerThe giant in intellect ability and character is Justice Ginsburg.Appearanes are deceiving. You have to pay attention to detail. Do you?
Do you know if that friggin' son of an itch moscow mitch does in fact advise and consent on a RBG replacement when the Dems get in power they can COUNTERACT that attempt at stackin... moreDo you know if that friggin' son of an itch moscow mitch does in fact advise and consent on a RBG replacement when the Dems get in power they can COUNTERACT that attempt at stacking the deck unfairly by EXPANDING THE SIZE of SCOTUS to bigger and then STACKING THAT COURT with Liberals.Two can play that inane unfair game. Also and hopefully the son of an itch will LOSE his election in Kentucky in a landslide defeat so humiliating he will resign and leave his replacement takes over and his a** will be booted and someone fair will replace him. What an SOB he be. Rotten to the core. His name should be apple mcconnell. Maybe on a different plane somewhere in time it is!WHATEVER. less
When Justice Scalia died President Obama had another 10-11 months as President. Moscow mitch that son of an itch and all the republican toady sycophants insisted that Obama did not... moreWhen Justice Scalia died President Obama had another 10-11 months as President. Moscow mitch that son of an itch and all the republican toady sycophants insisted that Obama did not deserve the right to pick a replacement. So they never took it up. They never once considered allowing his CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHT to occur. In fact the son of an itch said that was his proudest moment. Of course it was.Fine and dandy. During an election year the sitting president does not have the right to replace a SCOTUS justice who dies. Got it.Wait a minute. So far all the Republican senators in one voice are demanding that the empty seat on SCOTUS be IMMEDIATELY FILLED by the sitting president who has only a a handful of WEEKS left.What the he** is going on here? Oh right. Republicans never did have a brain among them and so they argue one side of an issue loud and proud and force it to occur but..and this is very big BUTT..they argue equally loud and proud for the OTHER SIDE of the same issue when they senatate in concert with wha... less
If Donald the Duck weren't so and didn't waddle he'd be dong a jig.How long will take for him to replace her? Will she is irreplaceable of course but he will put another body there... moreIf Donald the Duck weren't so and didn't waddle he'd be dong a jig.How long will take for him to replace her? Will she is irreplaceable of course but he will put another body there to click heels and heil donduck. Maybe he already know who. How fast will that moscow mitch the son of an itch confirm the appointment. Faster than you can say hey hey hey hey hey hey.Now to give Donald the Duck his heart's desire the other three Liberals should resign or die. Then he gets to have all 9 roll over bed play dead lie down for him.Unless they trick him and screw him which is always possible.Whateve. It it what it is. In a certain period of time we will find out what he does. Everyone says so. That I can tell you. Built a wall. Lock her up. Send her back. I am the chosen one. Sigh. less
The reign of a demagogue madmanThe assistance of a fake bogus papier mache HITMAN FIXER to crush opposition and render all decisions in favor of the madmanThe existence of a spinel... moreThe reign of a demagogue madmanThe assistance of a fake bogus papier mache HITMAN FIXER to crush opposition and render all decisions in favor of the madmanThe existence of a spineless eunuch toady sycophant Senate majority terrified to do their jobs so all they do is roll over beg play deadA deadly pandemic which the madman demagogue has made far worse by his indifference and natural stupid dumb ignoranceWeather that is exacerbating everything everywhere with fires and storms and floodsThe death of a Liberal Supreme Court Judge giving the madman demagogue a chance to make it 6-3 for demagogueryWhat next? less
We would have left behind the childish things and keep our eye on the prize which is to succeed in making life better for everyone.You waste time trying to undermine sabotage destr... moreWe would have left behind the childish things and keep our eye on the prize which is to succeed in making life better for everyone.You waste time trying to undermine sabotage destroy. That time would be far better spent working together to build strengthen improve.It's a matter of mindset. Mind matters. We have found precious little utilization of our intellect. We have focused entirely on the emotionality of strife hate fear anger. Get rid of that and you will have access to your intellect. Fire that up and start using it instead of scare tactics and lies. See what happens. What could it hurt? less
They want to serve Their Country above all else. NOT THEMSELVES.If that is a given here's what I think could work betterThe cabinet of every president would be made up of Republica... moreThey want to serve Their Country above all else. NOT THEMSELVES.If that is a given here's what I think could work betterThe cabinet of every president would be made up of Republicans and Democrats. so both sides could have a voice in the government. The President's veep should be a member of the opposition party for the same reason.That way everyone has a piece of the action and sabotaging lying attacking insulting has no value because there is nowhere to go with it.With every administration both Republicans and Democrats are represented.This would weed out the bad actors the liars the cheaters the saboteurs the traitors the selfish the greedy the scum the slime the vermin.That in itself would be an amazing advance in the body politic.It would weed out the crackpots and conspiracy theory theorists and the racists and the bigots and the ignorant and the stupid dumbs and the lemmings and the toady sycophants.Imagine a government where both Liberal and Conservative ideas are equally admired and respected and valued... less
You know the CHAIR that is used at the RESOLUTE DESK in the oval office? Convert that to a BAD EGG detector and once a BAD A** sits down on it he/she gets flung immediately to an e... moreYou know the CHAIR that is used at the RESOLUTE DESK in the oval office? Convert that to a BAD EGG detector and once a BAD A** sits down on it he/she gets flung immediately to an elsewhere and is never heard from or of again?Why not? What could it hurt? Everyone says so. In a certain period of time. It is what it is.
Which one be the most bestest greatest awesomest toady sycophant ever? Which one could Donald the Duck always count on to be obedient roll over lie down beg play dead? Why?
On the other hand he did say he thought some would it was very cool that he had sex with a Porno star so he might think that was a very cool thing. Who knows? It is what it is. In ... moreOn the other hand he did say he thought some would it was very cool that he had sex with a Porno star so he might think that was a very cool thing. Who knows? It is what it is. In a certain period of time. Everyone says so.
Why not let the NEW PRESIDENT take over IMMEDIATELY? Give the lame duck donald less time to destroy more?Y'all know that is what he will be doing after he loses.Why not kick his a*... moreWhy not let the NEW PRESIDENT take over IMMEDIATELY? Give the lame duck donald less time to destroy more?Y'all know that is what he will be doing after he loses.Why not kick his a** out immediately? Shove him out so he can face the music as a private citizen?Why prolong the AGONY he will put us through? Why why why why why why?
Is cancer caused by a virus? Why not let cancer patients just die?. Those who survive will herd mentality immunize everyone? What about heart disease and diabetes and other things ... moreIs cancer caused by a virus? Why not let cancer patients just die?. Those who survive will herd mentality immunize everyone? What about heart disease and diabetes and other things like ALS and MS? Just let it rip through without any intervention?Just think of all the people that will be jobless. We won't need doctors or nurses or hospitals or cures for anything. Let it all hang out and everything will be just fine. In a certain period of time. It will all die out like magic. Everyone says so.
I avoid whatever I know will make me sick. Food situations people. Perhaps it's just that I don't have time to waste.Some seem to go out of their way to engage with people who make... moreI avoid whatever I know will make me sick. Food situations people. Perhaps it's just that I don't have time to waste.Some seem to go out of their way to engage with people who make them least figuratively. Now why is that? What's the lure when you KNOW in advance what the time spent will result in for you? It's always is the same. It never is different. I don't get it.
Fear of being alone standing on your own being accountable for what you do/say. That is why there are CULTS.A cult is made up of people who are unable/incapable of charting their o... moreFear of being alone standing on your own being accountable for what you do/say. That is why there are CULTS.A cult is made up of people who are unable/incapable of charting their own course in life. They must be directed guided shaped formed by others. On their own alone they are ciphers. Empty. They need others to fill them up. If you're gonna be a cipher you might as well join with others just like you. Misery loves company. Ciphers validate ciphers. They are invisible to everyone else.There are religious cults political cults social cults intellectual cults sexual cults physical cults spiritual cults racist cults bigot cults dictator cults despot cults. You name it there is a cult built around it.ARE you pro-cult or anti? Why? Ever belong to one? Cults are famous for being conspiracy theory based. less
Why does KNOWING terrify them so much they put walls up against it and run away from it their entire lives?Does learning scare you? Does TRUTH so terrify you that you avoid i... moreWhy does KNOWING terrify them so much they put walls up against it and run away from it their entire lives?Does learning scare you? Does TRUTH so terrify you that you avoid it at all costs and cleave unto the liars because they always tell you what you want to hear and need to hear? Seems silly to me. Does it seem silly to you? Why are you like that if you are like that? Are you among those who BEG to have an outside source program your brain? Why?
Well ya see there is a whole section of science that has been researching testing SLIME MOLD for years. One cell no brain no organs yet it seems to have an "intelligence" that is m... moreWell ya see there is a whole section of science that has been researching testing SLIME MOLD for years. One cell no brain no organs yet it seems to have an "intelligence" that is measurable, duplicatable, dependable.How? Well that's what they are researching. We always thought "INTELLIGENCE" resided in the mind/brain. So how can anything without a brain figure things out as SLIME MOLD does? If you think the subject is yucky or icky don't watch it. I thought it was amazing.So homo saps aren't such hot stuff when you compare us to SLIME MOLD. We have brains and look what we do with them? SLIME MOLD doesn't and look what it can do without it?Homo saps should rethink their place on the ladder of worthwhileness accomplishment intellect.We aren't such hot stuff. less
You were doing just fine for a very long time talking and chatting and discussing and exchanging views until THAT DAY.Gibberish blather. Tower of Babel. Babble. Mumbles. Tirades. R... moreYou were doing just fine for a very long time talking and chatting and discussing and exchanging views until THAT DAY.Gibberish blather. Tower of Babel. Babble. Mumbles. Tirades. Rants. Intensity beyond anything you'd ever encountered NONE OF WHICH MAKES ANY SENSE!So what do you do where do you go? To a church a hospital a what? You don't talk the language. You don't even know what language it is.Are you insane?
He is a world-reknowned IMMUNOLOGIST and INFECTIOUS DISEASE SPECIALIST.Why didn't he tell us to just let it be and it would eventually immunize everyone who wan't dead?Anyone?Yet t... moreHe is a world-reknowned IMMUNOLOGIST and INFECTIOUS DISEASE SPECIALIST.Why didn't he tell us to just let it be and it would eventually immunize everyone who wan't dead?Anyone?Yet this dam* fool scott a**a** gives Donald the Duck what he wants. HERD MENTALITY IMMUNITY. That's the ticket. That's what we should do.What crap bulsh** crazy cockadoodledoo. How many of you BUY it?
How can you spread a disease you are PREVENTED from getting because you were vaccinated?Isn't the whole point to let it rip and let everyone get INFECTED and pass it on so that it ... moreHow can you spread a disease you are PREVENTED from getting because you were vaccinated?Isn't the whole point to let it rip and let everyone get INFECTED and pass it on so that it will eventually immunize everyone theoretically? long does that alleged supposed herd mentality immunity LAST? Does anyone know? Is it days weeks months years? A crapshoot?Stop vaccinating. Let the chips fall where they may. It is what it is. Everyone says so.What balderdash! :(
They set up the electoral nursery school to ROB the majority of choosing the most POPULAR votegetter.Then you know what other thing they did?They set up the SENATE to have TWO repr... moreThey set up the electoral nursery school to ROB the majority of choosing the most POPULAR votegetter.Then you know what other thing they did?They set up the SENATE to have TWO representatives for each state thereby gutting the voice of the majority from having a chance to be represented. They diluted it they gutted it they fractured it they made sport of it they mocked it they ridiculed it.No wonder we are frustrated angry annoyed disgusted. The majority DOES NOT RULE here in America.What about YOUR country? Have you been conned scammed and fractured too or IS MAJORITY RULE the way your country is set up? less
Each state is representated by TWO SENATORS.In the little person state that gives one Senator for each inhabitantIn the big number person state that gives one Senator to represent ... moreEach state is representated by TWO SENATORS.In the little person state that gives one Senator for each inhabitantIn the big number person state that gives one Senator to represent 500 voices. Tell me please how that is FAIR?You can't. It isn't. It sucks.Wait a darn minute. That IS the system. It already DOES SUCK.
As a Mug friend suggests, Roberts and Gorsuch have made decisions unfavorable to the Duck...the beer drinker did too. That is not tolerable to the Duck. Why not just do it? Who is ... moreAs a Mug friend suggests, Roberts and Gorsuch have made decisions unfavorable to the Duck...the beer drinker did too. That is not tolerable to the Duck. Why not just do it? Who is going to stop them?
Would YOU honor her request or would you ignore it completely and bulldoze a replacement in as soon as possible?Could any Senate Republicans possibly have a conscience and find the... moreWould YOU honor her request or would you ignore it completely and bulldoze a replacement in as soon as possible?Could any Senate Republicans possibly have a conscience and find the hypocrisy would be too much to bear and not participate in the charade?We'll see. Maybe there'll be another dog and pony show as there was with the beer drinker.Place yer bets. Sure thing no brainer or something better?
That whoever won the upcoming election should have that right. So he refused to allow the Senate to vote on confirming anyone for President Obama.Fast foward to now. With FOUR mont... moreThat whoever won the upcoming election should have that right. So he refused to allow the Senate to vote on confirming anyone for President Obama.Fast foward to now. With FOUR months to go in his presidency what do you think McConnell will boe Donald the Duck? Deny him too or fast track a replacement?I expect no Republican shuns hypocrisy. I expect all Republicans will welcome McConnelll facilitating enabling Donald the Duck to put in a Justice as soon as possible.Am I right or wrong?
A man who is rich due to his daddy dearest's smart never knew not being rich. He relates to others who also never knew not being richHe tries to convince ordinary everyday "little"... moreA man who is rich due to his daddy dearest's smart never knew not being rich. He relates to others who also never knew not being richHe tries to convince ordinary everyday "little" people he has their back. Highly doubtful since he thinks shaking hands with them is DISGUSTING.A piece of work. Donald the Duck. A QUACk.
Weren't there youths who heiled Hitler who were very PATRIOTIC?Nazi Germany in America? Patriotic Youth? Anti-Racism is child abuse?Donald the Duck is a QUACK QUACK QUACK QUACK