The INSPECTOR GENERAL WATCHDOG is going to investigate the handling of the ROGER STONE SCANDAL vis a vis barfbarr interference and trying to reverse the STONE confessions and make ... moreThe INSPECTOR GENERAL WATCHDOG is going to investigate the handling of the ROGER STONE SCANDAL vis a vis barfbarr interference and trying to reverse the STONE confessions and make him be totally innocent.Imagine that. Trying to hold the dipsh** mafia hitman consigliarie ACCOUNTABLE for his ILLEGAL interference in something that should be of no concern to him at all? Really. Holding the barfbarr LEGALLY accountable for his ILLEGAL continued interference in Justice Department activities? Really? Truly? Honestly? less
Diversion deceit redirection enhancement lies. Immersion in fake everything so attention is moved to that and away from the thousands who died and are dying and will die and the ma... moreDiversion deceit redirection enhancement lies. Immersion in fake everything so attention is moved to that and away from the thousands who died and are dying and will die and the many who survived but will have lasting permanent damage done by the pumpkina** virus.Hold rallies as if there is no problem. Hold rallies as if it is all a huge scheme by the opposition to harm you. Ignore them and keep holding rallies as was done in the "olden" days. The people who attended before will attend again. Back in the saddle. Get back to "normal".So we have two "realities" going on simultaneously.The science based concern about what lies ahead and a focus on how to best mitigate it.The anti-science based focus on maintaining the status quo with all else irrelevant ignored dismissed.I wonder which horse will win? Place your bets. less
The scientists and those who subscribe to science believe that homo saps have exacerbated the problem with their activities and have had a very negative impact on the earth's atmos... moreThe scientists and those who subscribe to science believe that homo saps have exacerbated the problem with their activities and have had a very negative impact on the earth's atmosphere.The "climate change deniers" say homo saps have nothing at all to do with it. What we see and experience is natural normal and apart from anything homo saps have done are doing or will do.One side is responsible accountable and accepts some blame. The other side? Blameless innocent. Ever it shall be thus.What goes on inside the heads of folks varies bigly. Tragically. less
They probably don't grasp comprehend understand the question that is asked and so they go way off on a tangent dear to them which may have little or nothing at all to do with the Q... moreThey probably don't grasp comprehend understand the question that is asked and so they go way off on a tangent dear to them which may have little or nothing at all to do with the QUESTION THAT WAS ASKED.I dunno. It is exasperating annoying aggravating and well very extremely EXHAUSTING.
Both are based on LIES repeated repeated repeated until the soft brained believe it because they hear it all the time. Nothing washes a brain more quickly than repeating lies 24/7.... moreBoth are based on LIES repeated repeated repeated until the soft brained believe it because they hear it all the time. Nothing washes a brain more quickly than repeating lies 24/7. The soft brained have no ability to discern or comprehend idiocy or genius. Get to them first with lies and never stop pounding at them and you will own them.Sound familiar? Too close for comfort? Whose fault is that? The softbrained or the evildoers? Blame is shared equally? Perhaps but there is no comfort in that. None.
So many folks are so CERTAIN about so many things all of the time. I have no idea why.I'm not certain about anything at any time because when I was I was fooled so now I am not and... moreSo many folks are so CERTAIN about so many things all of the time. I have no idea why.I'm not certain about anything at any time because when I was I was fooled so now I am not and wonder why anyone is and what proof is there and is it IMMUTABLE PROOF or does it change with the fashion? Really does it tick you off too?
No matter how much ICE melts the seas are stable and will never rise. You are being told that but it isn't true. "THEY JUST WANT TO SCARE YOU"orPer the National Geographic"If we ke... moreNo matter how much ICE melts the seas are stable and will never rise. You are being told that but it isn't true. "THEY JUST WANT TO SCARE YOU"orPer the National Geographic"If we keep burning fossil fuels indefinitely global warming will eventually melt all the ice at the poles and on mountain tops raising the sea level by 216 feet."Which certainty do you believe? I give up. To be or not to be? Neither one suits me. To be AND not be simultaneously is where I stand. Where do you stand?
That the displacement of water in glass as an ice cube melts does not change the level.So then I guess you to choose WHAT you wanna go with right?The SCIENCE tells us that eventual... moreThat the displacement of water in glass as an ice cube melts does not change the level.So then I guess you to choose WHAT you wanna go with right?The SCIENCE tells us that eventually the rising seas will cover coastal towns and folks will drown who live there.The OTHER tells us that is preposterous and you are just being fed that bullsh** to scare you.So I ask you....which is true? I'm gonna Google it.
Inspired by this question which was submitted by another member: moreInspired by this question which was submitted by another member:
I was eating some M and M's caramel candies and "Caramel -- you taste okay but you hang around in my mouth too long. Go away."
As in, no matter how much you chew it, car... moreI was eating some M and M's caramel candies and "Caramel -- you taste okay but you hang around in my mouth too long. Go away."
As in, no matter how much you chew it, caramel just stays and stays; overstaying its welcome. :)
Among the things I wish I could do was PLAY CHESS like a champion. But you have to be able to see moves ahead and I can barely handle the moves as I play them.I wonder what it is a... moreAmong the things I wish I could do was PLAY CHESS like a champion. But you have to be able to see moves ahead and I can barely handle the moves as I play them.I wonder what it is about a brain than is so very good at it and what is lacking in a brain (like mine) that isn't?
Last week the Trump Make America Great Again committee put out a new support our troops add. The add features the slogan Support Our Troops and it has the silhouettes of ... moreLast week the Trump Make America Great Again committee put out a new support our troops add. The add features the slogan Support Our Troops and it has the silhouettes of 3 soldiers and 3 fighter jets flying above them. The 3 fighter jets are Russian MIG-29 and the soldiers are carring Russian AK-74 assault rifles. Seems a little scary to me so I am going to buy a few more clips for my portable nail gun in case those troops try to invade Vancouver Island. Cheers!
I think RIKER's is a prison and LEGAL EXPERTS Say that is a very distinct possibility probabiliy SURE THING.See why the dipsh** and his ilk are so very desperate?Having to actually... moreI think RIKER's is a prison and LEGAL EXPERTS Say that is a very distinct possibility probabiliy SURE THING.See why the dipsh** and his ilk are so very desperate?Having to actually pay for his crimes? The barfbarr would probably go to prison with him. They are that close. Gold dust twins. Frick and Frack. Black and white. Up and down. In and out. Right and left. Alive and DeadSomething to frenzify and frantic wack out the dipsh** isn't it?