How many will show up to make sure they're dead and pay their DISRESPECTS?Futurely something to which to look forward for some and dread for some.It's coming.
The demented duck and that son of an itch the mitch have devoted every waking hour to larding the benches in the country with the fatcat of extra souper douper right-wing supreme f... moreThe demented duck and that son of an itch the mitch have devoted every waking hour to larding the benches in the country with the fatcat of extra souper douper right-wing supreme fascist "conservative" judges who will do the demented duck and his quacks bidding and roll over beg lie down play dead. The adoring worshippers are beyond thrilled and delighted.Having a stacked deck on SCOTUS is a dream. Having a STACKED DECK CABINET is more than they ever hoped for and now have. Oh frabjous joy! Ecstasy. Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious.The only thing betterer than that is to have this heaven on earth forever. The demented duck and all his quacks around alive in power controlling everything. They are drunk with joy at the prospect. Forever after.FASCIST RACISTS are in heaven and all is right with the world. Sigh. As time goes by so goes the universe. It is perverse. less
Who is YOUR FAVORITE MENDACIOUS HYPOCRITE?There are so many form which to choose I know it's a tough question to answer so I give you leeway to mention ALL YOUR FAVORITES. So you d... moreWho is YOUR FAVORITE MENDACIOUS HYPOCRITE?There are so many form which to choose I know it's a tough question to answer so I give you leeway to mention ALL YOUR FAVORITES. So you don't feel frustrated at the limitation. Sky's the limit. Go ahead. List away.
The demented duckBilly barfbarrThat son of an itch moscow mitchThe pompousa**The JaredThe IvankaThe Stephen MillerThe hannityThe ingrateThe farlson tuckThe roger stoneThe joe arpai... moreThe demented duckBilly barfbarrThat son of an itch moscow mitchThe pompousa**The JaredThe IvankaThe Stephen MillerThe hannityThe ingrateThe farlson tuckThe roger stoneThe joe arpaioThe jeff epsteinThe liddle jimmy jordanThe liddle devin nunesThe run of the mill toady sycophants spineless witless hapless dipsticksThe adoring worshippers
That I don't know.To hold quite dear a monster of death deception destruction devastation and shout praise support it while simultaneously speaking of a GOD is blasphemy. But then ... moreThat I don't know.To hold quite dear a monster of death deception destruction devastation and shout praise support it while simultaneously speaking of a GOD is blasphemy. But then if there is no GOD what is there to blaspheme?It's a set up. Meant to distract divert obfuscate.A shell game. A front. A masquerade. A facade.You cannot support evil and also worship a "god". You are a fake a phony a liar. Yuo cannot serve TWO MASTERSThe world is full of them. Fakes and phonies and liars and self-righteous MURDERERS.Was it always like this or did something change that set us on this course of worshipping EVIL?The devil works in mysterious ways. A trickster. Luring people to their doom. less
There is no longer any higher ground. It has all been leveled in advance to accommodate this circumstance that was always planned. Quietly in the background and shoutingly in the f... moreThere is no longer any higher ground. It has all been leveled in advance to accommodate this circumstance that was always planned. Quietly in the background and shoutingly in the foreground. Devastation devatation devastation elimination eradication.While we were otherwise engaged with trying to survive the bulldozers were there working diligently to remove any hope of survival.What now? What next?
Can you catch something that doesn't exist? Are people without conscience or sense of shame drawn together like magnets? They sail through life justifying rationalizing excusing ta... moreCan you catch something that doesn't exist? Are people without conscience or sense of shame drawn together like magnets? They sail through life justifying rationalizing excusing taking pride in that which others find reprehensible. Oddly they often end up in control with a lot of power. This is because? Very puzzling disconcerting disappointment dastardly deadly.Any way to fight them? They fight dirty so unless we fight dirty too we are doomed.The circle of life. Inevitable?
When the common good is of no consequence and kindness fairness justice is perceived as a weakness how long before destruction eliminates washes clean clears the decks so we can st... moreWhen the common good is of no consequence and kindness fairness justice is perceived as a weakness how long before destruction eliminates washes clean clears the decks so we can start over again and maybe get it right?
I like it bunches.Get up and make coffeeCheck out Hemet weather for the weekPlay BESPELLED to wake up my brain offline not on lineCheck out emailsShow up on AnswermugMu... more I like it bunches.Get up and make coffeeCheck out Hemet weather for the weekPlay BESPELLED to wake up my brain offline not on lineCheck out emailsShow up on AnswermugMulti-taskI get grumpy when my routine is disrupted. I am a creature of habit. It makes me feel SAFE SECURE PROTECTED
He will shove her up our a** and down our throat and the moscow mitch son of an itch will CONFIRM ASAP.Isn't the demented duck a kind loving caring pumpkina** jacka**? You bet he is.
Cretinous MUCKLUCKS.You knew whenever they were tested they'd fail miserably. You can't possibly be surprised at the villainy indecency calumny. It is in their bones and fiber and ... moreCretinous MUCKLUCKS.You knew whenever they were tested they'd fail miserably. You can't possibly be surprised at the villainy indecency calumny. It is in their bones and fiber and very being. They brag about being invidious infidious insidious perfidious odious. They would not be Republicans elsewise otherwise.So they are being very true to what they are. Count on it. They will always stay true to what they are. Count on it. Bet on it. Take it to the bank and deposit it. Take vows on it. Bet your kids' lives on it. They always take the low road. SIGH.Business as usual. Nothing to see here folks. Move right along. Two-headed man, bearded woman and 800 lb twins in the next tent. All contributions go to the demented duck fund. less
1. Pour the cereal into the bowl first, then pour the milk 2. Pour the milk into the bowl first, then pour th... more Which of the following is the only correct way?
1. Pour the cereal into the bowl first, then pour the milk 2. Pour the milk into the bowl first, then pour the cereal
Inspired by this question in the same series:
a) sock, sock, shoe, shoe
... more Which way is correct?
a) sock, sock, shoe, shoe
b) sock, shoe, sock, shoe
Inspired by this question in the same series:
Why else would you want the benches LARDED with CONSERVATIVE JUDGES if they didn't rule according to your heart's desire?Why is the demented duck so frantic to fill the slot on SCO... moreWhy else would you want the benches LARDED with CONSERVATIVE JUDGES if they didn't rule according to your heart's desire?Why is the demented duck so frantic to fill the slot on SCOTUS if all judges are truly INDEPENDENT FAIR MINDED and RULE ACCORDING TO WHAT IS RIGHT?No. Y'all are full of it if you float that sh**. You WANT CONSERVATIVE JUDGES because they will always roll over for you and the demented duck. You want the demented duck and moscow mitch to keep larding all benches with CONSERVATIVE JUDGES so you get what you and your religion.So stop with the crap and admit that. YOU WANT PARTISAN JUDGES WHO WILL ONLY EVER ALWAYS VOTE for your partisan political party schitck dogma script. Everyone KNOWS THAT. Stop pretending it is otherwise. OBJECTIVE JUDGE? Nonsense. You don't want one. YOU HATE THEM. less
Or are you limited and FIXATED about a woman's uterus and what goes in within?C'mon. Confess. Isn't all you stand for really bigly bogus? A political partisan schtick and you reall... moreOr are you limited and FIXATED about a woman's uterus and what goes in within?C'mon. Confess. Isn't all you stand for really bigly bogus? A political partisan schtick and you really don't care one tick about LIFE itself. You don't. None of you do. You are sloganizing sloganeering to cover up indifference.If life really mattered to you why haven't you protested children being LOCKED UP IN CAGES like dogs? Those children were all fetusus once upon a time. Would you have cared about THEM or not at all because they were not white?See that's the thing. You're being pro life is very specious and suspicious. Sloganizing. Proseltizing. Agonizing. In a very very narrow area specifically reflecting what and why and where and for how long?Blather blather blather blather blather. Pro life. Blather blather blather blather blather. Pro fetus. Blather blather blather blather blather. Pro uterus. Blather blather blather blather blather. Pro pro. Blather blather blather blather blather blather blather. less
That when Justice Ginsberg died (which I bet the demented duck prayed for daily) this female would be his choice for replacement.AMYCONEYBARRETTA Catholic. Mother of 7. Very devout... moreThat when Justice Ginsberg died (which I bet the demented duck prayed for daily) this female would be his choice for replacement.AMYCONEYBARRETTA Catholic. Mother of 7. Very devout/religiousShe says religion never enters her mind about any decision. That she relies solely and totally on the rule of law and the Constitution.So if and when she votes to reverse roe vs wade how will she justify it apart from her devout anti-abortion belief?Can any devout anyone separate that religious devotion from the job when the job can give her the authority to change things she doesn't like based on her RELIGIOUS BELIEFS? Seriously? We'll see.So much palaver babble blather. They all promise to be honorable maintain dignity and integrity and separation of their person beliefs from sticking with the rule of law and the Constitution.. And they all back down and do whatever they have the power/authority to do TO PLEASE THEMSELVES. She won't be any different. She is a CATHOLIC. HAS SEVEN CHILDREN. Of course I expect she could be tak... less
What the he** are they on? What are they smoking?Compared to the demented duck and all his corrupt criminal treasonous escapades old bill was only at 1 on the scale of depraved deg... moreWhat the he** are they on? What are they smoking?Compared to the demented duck and all his corrupt criminal treasonous escapades old bill was only at 1 on the scale of depraved degeneracy while the demented duck is a 10 plus and climbing.See it isn't at all what they did that matters. It's that one of them is their Jesus reborn come to save them. Guess which one?Imagine GOD'S "chosen one" (the demented duck said "I am the chosen one") is a depraved immoral degenerate. If so my idea of god is out of focus completely. Depraved immoral degenerate usually doesn't rate bupkus in GOD'S eyes. Usually. But maybe god changed his mind about it. Could be. Anything is possible. Everyone says so. less
"Women are more progressive than their male counterparts when it comes to social, environmental and gender issues"ConclusionRepublica women are more manly than are Democratic women... more"Women are more progressive than their male counterparts when it comes to social, environmental and gender issues"ConclusionRepublica women are more manly than are Democratic women. More like the men. More testosterone and less female hormone.They're the tough broads who applaud the demented duck tear apart families and putting children in kennels and cages. They back him in all ways..manly that they are. So now you know. If you are a very manly woman you are probably A Republican.
Tell ya what. Don't get the Flu ShotDon't mask or social distance or take any precautions at all whatsoeverYou too can enjoy the full depth and width and breadth and height of the ... moreTell ya what. Don't get the Flu ShotDon't mask or social distance or take any precautions at all whatsoeverYou too can enjoy the full depth and width and breadth and height of the merger FIRST HAND!Then if you survive you can write a book about your experiences. If you don't survive I guess you can't write a book. To book or not to book?. That is the question..
How many deaths is he going for? How about one million?HERD MENTALITY means they collectively "think" (or what passes as it) with ONE UNITED BRAIN.Are ya jealous?