There are NO REQUIREMENTS stipulated in the Constitution.Nothing about age education experience or native-born citizenship. Does not have to be a lawyer or a law school graduate. B... moreThere are NO REQUIREMENTS stipulated in the Constitution.Nothing about age education experience or native-born citizenship. Does not have to be a lawyer or a law school graduate. But all justices "have been trained in the law" whatever the he** that means.So Donald the Duck could put his current mistress on the bench. He does have one doesn't he?Or he could just pick any prostitute or Russian or FAUX NEWS talk show host dipsh**. He has NO LIMITATIONS WHATSOEVER.What do you think he will put in that slot? A toady sycophant a** kisser no doubt. There are bajillions of them lusting after that job salivating just waiting to see if Donald the Duck admires their quack and hires them to perform?Place your bets. A hot arm candy babe? A low life thug with criminal background? The most corrupt person he knows? Gosh he is in the world's largest candy store with an unlimited budget to "buy the best people". Who will his best be this time? Any hopes wishes for your particular favorite? less
Someone who does drugs? Sleeps around? Sexually assaults women? Smart mouth dumb brain?Why not? What could it hurt? Everyone says so? That I can tell you.Or a hot arm candy babe? T... moreSomeone who does drugs? Sleeps around? Sexually assaults women? Smart mouth dumb brain?Why not? What could it hurt? Everyone says so? That I can tell you.Or a hot arm candy babe? The rules for what can be put on Scotus are pretty LIBERAL. I suppose you could even put a barnyard animal in a seat. Who would notice?
The GHASTLY MASSIVE IGNORANCE is overwhelming.Take the barfbarr. He was born in 1950. A typical fat a** jacka** with power and brainlessHe sez that the shelter in place is the wors... moreThe GHASTLY MASSIVE IGNORANCE is overwhelming.Take the barfbarr. He was born in 1950. A typical fat a** jacka** with power and brainlessHe sez that the shelter in place is the worst abrogation of human rights since slavery! Really?WHAT ABOUT THE JAPANESE AMERICAN INTERNMENT CAMPS in America from 1942-1945?They were actually CONCENTRATION CAMPS.The barfbarr knows nothing about them apparently. Well here is what was among the worst blights ever to stain American DEMOCRACY.There were TEN CAMPS. The states in which they were located?California...the first concentration camp for Japanese Americans. MANZANAR. There is a marker there.ArizonaWyomingColoradoUtahArkansasThere were about 120,000 prisoners. Stripped of everything they owned and their freedom they were herded like cattle into these "resettlement" camps. George Takei, American Actor, was among them and he recounts the fear and his experiences. He was just a little boy at the time. There were many children in these concentration camps on American soil. J... less
"I have done more for African Americans than any other president with the possible exception of Abraham Lincoln" per Donald the Duck who keeps saying this repeatedly endlessly ince... more"I have done more for African Americans than any other president with the possible exception of Abraham Lincoln" per Donald the Duck who keeps saying this repeatedly endlessly incessantly.Is that true for you? Has he? REALLY? No Kidding?
Yep. Dat's what dat fat old dude said and he wouldn't lie to you.The internment of Japanese Americans? What was that? Camping?But dat fat old dude he be da brains of Donald the Duc... moreYep. Dat's what dat fat old dude said and he wouldn't lie to you.The internment of Japanese Americans? What was that? Camping?But dat fat old dude he be da brains of Donald the Duck. Now would Donald the Duck rely on a QUACK?Uh oh. Of course he would. Donald the Duck is a Quack. ACK!
HERD MENTALITY will be the medical MO from then on. No shelter in place. Just go live your lives. You die you die. You survive you survive.No one will be inconvenienced. No one wil... moreHERD MENTALITY will be the medical MO from then on. No shelter in place. Just go live your lives. You die you die. You survive you survive.No one will be inconvenienced. No one will have his/her nose bent out of shape. No dam* lousy gubment bugment will tell you how to what to when to about anything. You just do whatever ya wanna do how ya wanna do it when ya wanna do it for however long ya wanna do or don't do a dam* thing. No intereference. Go for it. Do it. Get it. Take it. Steal it. Kill it. Murder it. Nurture it. Lie about it. Attack. Insult. Sabotage. Treason away. Traitors take over. LIFE IS GOODOh frabjoous joy of a brand new day. No fetters no shackles no rules no regs no laws no nuttin'! You are on your own. Your fate is in your hands.Just what you always wanted. Party hearty. Get drunk as skunks. Sex your days away. Drug addict 24/7 as you wish. I can hardly wait. You?All ya gotta is kiss up Donald the Duck. That's it. Small price to pay for your freedom isn't it? less
Preventing a President from appointing a Supreme Court Justice.His greatest accomplishment. The thing he prides most in himself. Preventing a President from his right to fill a slo... morePreventing a President from appointing a Supreme Court Justice.His greatest accomplishment. The thing he prides most in himself. Preventing a President from his right to fill a slot on SCOTUS. Defying convention. Preening and bragging and puffing himself up.Preventing a president from replacing a member of SCOTUS who died. With 10-11 months left in his presidency.And to pour salt in the wound and rub it in he will allow Donald the Duck with 45 DAYS remaining in his presidency to appoint a Justice.A very old ugly man inside and out with a very long career in politicking. This was his shining moment. This was his day in the sun. He will never get over himself for pulling that off.Pathetic. less
The "Notorious RBG" wrote a letter saying it was her FERVENT WISH that she not be replaced until the November 3, 2020 ELECTED president was inaugurated.Moscow mitch announced that ... moreThe "Notorious RBG" wrote a letter saying it was her FERVENT WISH that she not be replaced until the November 3, 2020 ELECTED president was inaugurated.Moscow mitch announced that a SCOTUS REPLACEMENT would be voted on and advised and consented to immediately within the hour of her death. A slap in the face assuredly.He did not have the decency to even wait till the next day. He was so cheerful and upbeat about it.Oboy oboy oboy oboy. Salivating with anticipation. Oboy oboy oboy oboy. Donald the Duck jumped right in and said hes he would be making the decision "very soon". Oboy oboy oboy oboy.All the republicans who had priorly said they would never ever do what they are going to do spoke up and supported him. No shame. No embarrassment. No humiliation. GET OVER IT.What is it that lies within the soul of man that can make some of them like that? Are they natured or nurtured? Are they ever forced to face up to what they are what they've done whom they've harmed and what they leave behind? Or do they skate? less
You're not equipped to defend yourself. Sitting duck.How many become the evil that finds them and targets them? How many escape it? How many VANQUISH IT?David and GoliathEver ... moreYou're not equipped to defend yourself. Sitting duck.How many become the evil that finds them and targets them? How many escape it? How many VANQUISH IT?David and GoliathEver a rality that David survives and Goliath dies? In the real world?
Today the powerful "they" dishonor honor and do evil and wrong and bad and horrific out in the open in front of you and say "screw you we do what we want to do". Will honor e... moreToday the powerful "they" dishonor honor and do evil and wrong and bad and horrific out in the open in front of you and say "screw you we do what we want to do". Will honor ever return or will it stay in the long ago and far away? A memory of what used to be...of "once upon a time"?
After blasting several of them with your trusty assault rifle, how long would it be before you started wondering why all of them were so small, and why they were all carrying littl... moreAfter blasting several of them with your trusty assault rifle, how long would it be before you started wondering why all of them were so small, and why they were all carrying little bags of candy?
my sister just died and my brothers dont want to fly down cause of covid and i dont want to go by myself , do they even do funerals anymore? i dont even... more my sister just died and my brothers dont want to fly down cause of covid and i dont want to go by myself , do they even do funerals anymore? i dont even know when theyre burying her. cant find out anything cause she lived in this jewish place and i cant get a hold of anyone to ask anything, im afraid if i want they might say theres a limit on how many people can go there. any idea on how that works there? she lived in brooklyn
A. The black hatchback.B. The grey van.C. Both.D. Neither.E. The one driven by the person willing to pay me the most money for choosing him/her.F. I’m not sure, but I ... more
A. The black hatchback.B. The grey van.C. Both.D. Neither.E. The one driven by the person willing to pay me the most money for choosing him/her.F. I’m not sure, but I hope the police have begun an investigation on the husband of the woman on the sidewalk. That looks like an attempt on her life to me.G. I’m not testifying for you, Randy D, I know you were eating a sandwich instead of watching the road.H. Two or more of the above.I. None of the above/other answer.~
I was looking back on things I wrote, emails etc. from 2014 and I could recognise myself, but found I seem a lot more irritable, snappy and intolerant than I was back then...... moreI was looking back on things I wrote, emails etc. from 2014 and I could recognise myself, but found I seem a lot more irritable, snappy and intolerant than I was back then... I also seem less generous with my time and my words.. It's disappointing! How about you? Have you improved with age?