The demented duck says most if not all of the 200,000 plus who virus died were old with underlying conditions he didn't care about their deaths. He is old but doesn't recognize it.... moreThe demented duck says most if not all of the 200,000 plus who virus died were old with underlying conditions he didn't care about their deaths. He is old but doesn't recognize it.In LOGAN'S RUN everyone lived well and prospered until they reached the age of 30. That was over the hill and the powers that be didn't want any old people around so they all went knowingly to their deaths. Escept for the few brave who escaped that fate.I think the demented duck will prohibit old people from having access to medical care. Only those of a certain age will be admitted. He thinks he is 35 when he looks into a mirror so maybe those under 50 will be allowed to live and everyone older? Good luck goodbye so long farewell. Happy dying.You think that is absurd? Well I'm telling you what I think which you can reject ignore. Your choice. less
Ordering his "science" peeps like scott atlas to work on creating a super human race like the Nazis did.The demented duck would of course select all the attributes and the "science... moreOrdering his "science" peeps like scott atlas to work on creating a super human race like the Nazis did.The demented duck would of course select all the attributes and the "science" peeps would work to that list of ingredients or parameters as it wereKnowing the duck as well as I do they would all be bottle blond hot arm candy bimbos stacked.The guys? They would all look like him since he said when he looks in the mirror he sees 35-year-old and he does think he is very handsome which is why he orange dyes his hair, has hair plugs put in where he is bald and have an orange spray tan applied regularly to his body.No way? Yes way. One day. Especially if the demented duck gets another crack at us. That is where his head is. You will see.. less
The demented duck hogs the spotlight and the mike every day 24/7. He lusts after attention like a nympho lusts after sex or a drug addict lusts after drugs or an alcoholic lusts af... moreThe demented duck hogs the spotlight and the mike every day 24/7. He lusts after attention like a nympho lusts after sex or a drug addict lusts after drugs or an alcoholic lusts after booze or a kleptomaniac lusts after things or a hoarder who can't get rid of anything even trash and lives among the flies the fleas the roaches the ants the maggots.Alas alack the quack quacks..When d'ya think the QUACK will CRACK?
Accords treaties are nothing to him. He pulls out withdraws mocks as his childish promiscuity affects the many.What other country "head" is a comparable dipsh**?Which is why the wo... moreAccords treaties are nothing to him. He pulls out withdraws mocks as his childish promiscuity affects the many.What other country "head" is a comparable dipsh**?Which is why the world press reports on everything all the time since the dipsh** is a crackpot loose cannon wackadoodlenoodle. Blame them?So people want to know what the demented duck adoring worshippers plan to do. They are interviewed and quoted and followed and tracked to see if any of them plan to come back to common sense and dump trump. It would be a very good thing for the world if the demented duck's goose were cooked by the hands of his FORMER adoring worshippers.So that explains why people care about what they think what they do.Citizens of other countries are not the loose cannons or absurds that the adoring worshippers of the demented duck are.He goes away and we get a SANE LUCID COHERENT COGENT president? Everyone and everything settles down.Back to the days when you wouldn't hear a peep out of the presidents for days or weeks. less
During the Russian Revolution the RED army (BOLSHEVIKS) fought the white army (loyalists to the czar).That is why Russian Communists and Soviets are referred to as REDSLong ago in ... moreDuring the Russian Revolution the RED army (BOLSHEVIKS) fought the white army (loyalists to the czar).That is why Russian Communists and Soviets are referred to as REDSLong ago in a different world we heard "BETTER DEAD THAN RED"Today the RED American President knows it is "better red than dead". It shows his devotion allegiance and lapdog puppet fear of putrid putin. The demented duck was always only a RED lover.Written in the stars. Now you know. If you were so obtuse you couldn't guess now you know.
All those who go maskless are demented duck quacksAll those who wear masks are the anti-demented duck homo sapsSpot on you can tell a book by its cover or lack thereof.Carry on. We... moreAll those who go maskless are demented duck quacksAll those who wear masks are the anti-demented duck homo sapsSpot on you can tell a book by its cover or lack thereof.Carry on. We know what you are. We know whom you are. We know what you think what you fear what you hate. It's all in your naked face.
Where would you place it in a library?How would you advertise it? As being what genre?HorrorFantasyTragedyWesternSpyMurder mysteryTreacheryFairy TaleConspiracyOther worldlyComedyAd... moreWhere would you place it in a library?How would you advertise it? As being what genre?HorrorFantasyTragedyWesternSpyMurder mysteryTreacheryFairy TaleConspiracyOther worldlyComedyAdult onlyRacy salaciousSardonicMoronicVitriolicWould it be a best-seller? Would you buy it and devour it and recommend it to others? Would it be a book selection for Oprah Winfrey and be read discussed by millions of people and its merits or lack thereof debated?
Would he have tried again only this time without the escalator? Would that be enough of a difference to set the stage for an entirely delightful outcome? We can never know the outc... moreWould he have tried again only this time without the escalator? Would that be enough of a difference to set the stage for an entirely delightful outcome? We can never know the outcome to a WHAT IF but we can imagine it.
If you can stretch your imagining that far what kind of president COULD HE HAVE BEEN and where would we be as a country right now?Along with never lying would come an absence of in... moreIf you can stretch your imagining that far what kind of president COULD HE HAVE BEEN and where would we be as a country right now?Along with never lying would come an absence of insults or attacks on those he perceived to be his enemy.There would be no revenge/vendetta. There would be no billybarfbarr. There would just be an ordinary man trying his very best to be a good president for all the citizens. Whether they voted for him or not. He would have taken his oath of office VERY SERIOUSLY from the get go. There would never have been any Russian influence or tawdry political hitmen or envy/jealousy/mafia thug retaliation or nepotism. There would be no ego photo ops to be used as props to trick anyone.His choices would have been people just like him trying their very best to do the very best for the country and ALL the citizens. less
Those who are smarter wiser more talented more just more honorable. Shows them up. Makes them look real bad...inadequate...inferior...inept...impotent. Which explains the demented ... moreThose who are smarter wiser more talented more just more honorable. Shows them up. Makes them look real bad...inadequate...inferior...inept...impotent. Which explains the demented duck and his adoring worshippers. They HATE what they pereceive as a threat to their survival. And so it goes.
They have a considerably higher risk of exhibiting varying mental emotional social disorders. Because they are more aware of their surroundings and more apt to be influenced by the... moreThey have a considerably higher risk of exhibiting varying mental emotional social disorders. Because they are more aware of their surroundings and more apt to be influenced by them than "ordinary" people.As I said be thankful you are typical and not atypical.There is always a price to pay for everything. The mind is a terrible thing to waste.
Smoking was believed to have started 5000-3000 B.C. in Mesoamerica and SouthAmerica. It arrived in Eurasia in the 17th century. Frenchman Jean Nicot (NICOTINE) brought tobacco to F... moreSmoking was believed to have started 5000-3000 B.C. in Mesoamerica and SouthAmerica. It arrived in Eurasia in the 17th century. Frenchman Jean Nicot (NICOTINE) brought tobacco to France in 1560. The first report of an Englishman smoking was a sailor in Bristol in 1556.Bloody crackpots. What a stupid thing to do.
increase over time (centuries, not generations nor individual lifetimes). I’m not referring to each and every species eventually having the exact same intelligence, tho... moreincrease over time (centuries, not generations nor individual lifetimes). I’m not referring to each and every species eventually having the exact same intelligence, thought-processes, thinking abilities as humans, but certainly something more advanced than the status quo.
Specifically, but not limited to just this example, animal species that are often prey could theoretically understand how to better protect themselves from predator species, and teach their young how to do the same, and/or various species could better learn to outsmart other species in the quest for food, shelter, survival. Of course, the life cycle requires that innate abilities are balanced so that the lifecycle we currently know remains intact. This speculation I’m bring up not only takes that into account, it also challenges it.
What are your thoughts on the feasibility of this imagery? Think outside the confines of known entities, present realities, “the box”. Expand to po... less
He said refusing to allow the nomination of the Obama choice was "consistent with history".He sez supporting the demented duck normination is also "consistent with history"They are... moreHe said refusing to allow the nomination of the Obama choice was "consistent with history".He sez supporting the demented duck normination is also "consistent with history"They are absolutely OPPOSITESIf both are in fact consistent with history that means that there has always been wackadoodlenoodle crackpots in the Senate. Consistency does not mean logical or good or right or useful or helpful or patriotic.Consistency in stupidity? Seriously Mitt? Well you lost me. You are just like the rest of your ilk. Not a compliment. less
She implied that what we think of as "mouthing off" in California is small potatoes compared to what New Yorkers consider it being. I never thought of that but I can see her point.... moreShe implied that what we think of as "mouthing off" in California is small potatoes compared to what New Yorkers consider it being. I never thought of that but I can see her point.Do you adjust your speech according to with whom you speak based on their geographical location? I mean if you are talking to someone in Australia or Canada or England or New York is it the same or different?
As a small child she took her first guitar lessons from gypsies who camped out near her grandparents farm.From ages 9-16 she studied with ANDRES SEGOVIA...perhaps the most revered ... moreAs a small child she took her first guitar lessons from gypsies who camped out near her grandparents farm.From ages 9-16 she studied with ANDRES SEGOVIA...perhaps the most revered classical guitarist of all time.Appearances are deceiving. You have to have the patience to go through the chaff to get to the wheat. If you stop at chaff you are always wrong about what you perceive to be the entirety of others.Just a thought/opinion/observation.
We don't want to find anything that will redirect the hate. It suits. We love it. We roll around in it and fling it.We are not better than. We were just pretending.We are the dregs... moreWe don't want to find anything that will redirect the hate. It suits. We love it. We roll around in it and fling it.We are not better than. We were just pretending.We are the dregs the pits the bottom of the barrel the scum scraped off shoes that step in doodoo.Hoodoo? Dodood? Youdo? The best we can do is the demented duck? Seriously? I rest my case.Bah humbug. A worthless species these homos be. Off with their heads. Start over again.
THE FERVENT WISH that the demented duck would NOT DO what he is doing.You?Do you agree with F**cker Carlson or the Demented Duck or do you have your own insult to fliing?
What can ever follow an act like that? Giving late-night comedians all the fodder they will ever need to keep us in the hystericals of raucous bawdy laughter? No one can match ever... moreWhat can ever follow an act like that? Giving late-night comedians all the fodder they will ever need to keep us in the hystericals of raucous bawdy laughter? No one can match ever. The epitomc the zenith the miaxmum the heights are being reached and will never be eclipsed.Demented duck and all his quacks will go down in history as? The funniest act since the 3 stooooges or martin and lewis or the dumb and dumbers?Demented duck and the quacks.Has a really nice ring to it. You could sing to it. Will there be a shrine to it? less
The deboned (spineless) chicken is veep mike pounceThe deboned (spineless) duck is the one and only demented duckThe deboned(steel rod up its a**) turkey is billybarfbarrVariations... moreThe deboned (spineless) chicken is veep mike pounceThe deboned (spineless) duck is the one and only demented duckThe deboned(steel rod up its a**) turkey is billybarfbarrVariations on the theme?GOODUCKEN is the English variant subsituting a GOOSE for a TurkeyIs the USA the only country being ruled by a Russian doll inside a doll inside a doll? Kerflunken we're sunken by the effing turduckenWe need good lucken/a miracle/a deus exmachina
It isn't that they're smarter than you are though they may well be. You've already proven you get grasp comprehend those whom you know are more intelligent than you.So it's somethi... moreIt isn't that they're smarter than you are though they may well be. You've already proven you get grasp comprehend those whom you know are more intelligent than you.So it's something else at work here. I can't figure out what it is. Do you know?
Upholstery carpets drapes wreak of the stench. We have a very sweet heighbor who is a heavy smoker. She lives in that and her little dog lives in that. She obviously is unable to s... moreUpholstery carpets drapes wreak of the stench. We have a very sweet heighbor who is a heavy smoker. She lives in that and her little dog lives in that. She obviously is unable to smell the stench. Her smeller sniffer must be broken. I wonder if heavy smokers how awful being around them is ?
If you have to become just like them. Dirty rotten evil cruel souless heartless brainless treasonous mendacious monsters. Will you have gained the world but lost your soul?I dunno.... moreIf you have to become just like them. Dirty rotten evil cruel souless heartless brainless treasonous mendacious monsters. Will you have gained the world but lost your soul?I dunno. I'm not willing to become what I despise. Are you?