Dying and causing others to die or become permanently damaged is a small price to pay for being able to do things your way wouldn't you say?My way or the highwayI did it my way
If so why would you? Isn't difference of opinion tolerable to you? Ought it not exist at all ever because what you believe is the only thing to believe and those who don't believe ... moreIf so why would you? Isn't difference of opinion tolerable to you? Ought it not exist at all ever because what you believe is the only thing to believe and those who don't believe what you believe are your BITTER enemies and must be revenged and put down?.Doesn't that seem a bit over the top over the edge over the normal limit of reason...wherever "normal" is these days? Complete concurrence with everything all the time no exceptions?Bloody boring. Dull. Gray. Mush..
Bowie State University in Maryland is an historically black college. Should any cop drag any student down steps especially a female version? Seems inappropriate to me. Does it happen often?
The ORANGE demented duck WANTS HER. What better thing to have happen than that she become a witch on the witching day and give the orange and black man.
Have contests amongst yourselves. See which anti virus protection function triggers the MOST NEW CASES OF COVID!WINNER GETS A PRIZE! So far the Sturgis biker biker biker rally prob... moreHave contests amongst yourselves. See which anti virus protection function triggers the MOST NEW CASES OF COVID!WINNER GETS A PRIZE! So far the Sturgis biker biker biker rally probably had an edge. BUTThe demented duck is holding daily rallies unmasked unsocialdistanced wherever he goes so if you add up all of those who get the virus pass it along and get sick or die the demented duck might win the prize for causing the most infections illnesses long-term permanent DAMAGES or death!A nice trophy for the duck. QUACK QUACK QUACK. less
Bright and shiny. He is an African American Republican who can go very far in politics. Of course the white racists in the party will hate him for his color but the racists support... moreBright and shiny. He is an African American Republican who can go very far in politics. Of course the white racists in the party will hate him for his color but the racists supporters defenders protectors will welcome him aboard because he is a JUDAS. They adore them. Can't get enough of them. Why? Good questionThe demented duck should replace mike pounce with the cameron so he can boast that his african americans simply adore and support him. Why not? What could it hurt? Everyone says so..
I have been thinking that if Trump refuses to leave office Russia might figure that Trump will be too busy whinning to launch a counter strike so they will strike well they c... moreI have been thinking that if Trump refuses to leave office Russia might figure that Trump will be too busy whinning to launch a counter strike so they will strike well they can. I think there is only a 18 minute window to decide if a counter strike should be launched and if Trump locks himself in a room at the WH they might not be able to get the launch codes to him or because Trump figures Putin is his freind he might figure it is just a trick to get him out of office. Cheers and happy weekend! less
They are SICK AND TIRED OF GETTING DRECK. GW BUSH was not so bad but not so good. The demented duck is horrendously dangerous. A dastardly BAS**RD on every level. WE DIDN'T WANT HI... moreThey are SICK AND TIRED OF GETTING DRECK. GW BUSH was not so bad but not so good. The demented duck is horrendously dangerous. A dastardly BAS**RD on every level. WE DIDN'T WANT HIM THE FIRST TIME. WE DON'T WANT HIM NOW. Why doesn't he just go away?
Geez what better gift can he give us? Spreading the virus bigly and often and many of his supporters will suffer and get it and some will die leaving him fewer voters. But I digres... moreGeez what better gift can he give us? Spreading the virus bigly and often and many of his supporters will suffer and get it and some will die leaving him fewer voters. But I digress. He can't hold enough maskless unsocial distanced rallies to suit me. Thee? BRING IT ON duck. What do you have to lose but your devoted voters? Keep it up. We who despise thee commend you.
Demented duck has his way with them looks down on them has contempt for them insults them and they take all of it. He gives them that one and only thing and he owns them body and .... moreDemented duck has his way with them looks down on them has contempt for them insults them and they take all of it. He gives them that one and only thing and he owns them body and ...well they have no soul for sure.One thing.All eggs in one basketAll bets on one raceAll for oneAllGood luck with that since y'all are heading for bigly trip and fall and what happens to those one basket eggs?Omelets with shells? Crunchy.
He has been diagnosed with BRAIN CANCER. Which accounts for his crackpot views and I wonderis that the same disease the demented duck might have causing him to regurgitate his crac... moreHe has been diagnosed with BRAIN CANCER. Which accounts for his crackpot views and I wonderis that the same disease the demented duck might have causing him to regurgitate his crackpot views?Has the demented duck been brain tested for disease? Shouldn't he be?
The Pentagon closes shuts down. The MILITARY REFUSES TO OBEY THE INSANE ORDERS OF THE DIPSH**.The dipsh** demented duck has already thought of that and hired mercenaries to restore... moreThe Pentagon closes shuts down. The MILITARY REFUSES TO OBEY THE INSANE ORDERS OF THE DIPSH**.The dipsh** demented duck has already thought of that and hired mercenaries to restore order and protect him from having his a** thrown out.Shoot to kill he tells them. Special bounties on dead bodies.Brave New World.
HOw to turn a Democratic Republic into a FASCIST extreme right wing stronghold with a chokehold on the people.The demented duck compares himself to Jesus to Lincoln to FDR and othe... moreHOw to turn a Democratic Republic into a FASCIST extreme right wing stronghold with a chokehold on the people.The demented duck compares himself to Jesus to Lincoln to FDR and others. He lies.He is interchangeable with all despot dictator threateners. You can't tell them apart. Either in the daylight or in the darki. A patehtic orange old man who is terrified and insecure and INSANE. doing what they do.
His gullibles and toady sycophants already believe every lie he tells. He knows that but he can't stop himself from incessantly repeating repeating repeating. Is he AUTISTIC percha... moreHis gullibles and toady sycophants already believe every lie he tells. He knows that but he can't stop himself from incessantly repeating repeating repeating. Is he AUTISTIC perchance? SENILE? Or just a corrup evil LIAR?
No one was charged for the murder. She was not even mentioned in the explanation by the corrupt Louieville AG.Of the 3 shooters only one had his wrist slapped for shooting erratica... moreNo one was charged for the murder. She was not even mentioned in the explanation by the corrupt Louieville AG.Of the 3 shooters only one had his wrist slapped for shooting erratically into a neighbor's apartment.Shots were fired in Breonna Taylors apartment that caused her murder but strangely queerly peculiarly oddly bizarrely that was NEVER MENTIONED.The murder victim was sloughed off as "incidental" and not looked at as a crime and even worse NOT EVEN MENTIONED.Tell me how any of this makes sense? So what is the $12 Million for? The he** of it? The city pays and the city's justice system erases any doubt. The cops were innocent. Breonna is the guilty one for being an incidental side issue that is completely irrelevant?I cahn't stend it! less