Conservative judgesPro life...abortion is bad but letting people die from a virus is fine. Bring it on! Let 'er rip.Eliminate health care insurance and charge a huge price for pre-... moreConservative judgesPro life...abortion is bad but letting people die from a virus is fine. Bring it on! Let 'er rip.Eliminate health care insurance and charge a huge price for pre-existing condition coverageReduce/cut out medicare and social securityPrivatize the government as much as possibleThe duck rules all and has the right 24/7 to do/say whatever he wishes and it is LEGALAttack anyone who dares disagree with the duck and his quack "experts"Never investigate anything to do with the duck since he can never be charged tried convicted imprisonedWhat did I forget?Oh rightDemonize Democrats Liberals ProgressivesVilify all protest groupsTeargas rubber bullet baton beat and poison or put up in front of a firing squad "the other" less
It is wonderful to behold as he shows us what he is though. A lot to like there for everyone.For his supporters they see a wondrous shining Jesus whose complete goal is to take car... moreIt is wonderful to behold as he shows us what he is though. A lot to like there for everyone.For his supporters they see a wondrous shining Jesus whose complete goal is to take care of themFor his non supporters they see him grievously continuously purpsely harm himselfEveryone wins. How great is that?
A $200 prescription medication card to help defray the cost of meds.Now we know he already owns the votes of the 43,000 millionaires so the windfall for them was because they are h... moreA $200 prescription medication card to help defray the cost of meds.Now we know he already owns the votes of the 43,000 millionaires so the windfall for them was because they are his ilkHe plans to buy the votes of the old folks for $200! Let's see....$1.6 million to the already wealthy versus $200 to the old retiree who can't afford meds so cuts the pills in half.Sounds fair to me. You?
So the disgraceful embarrassing chaotic pathetic duck bulled his way over and under and around and through the entire attempt at having a normal debate.The rules are not for him.He... moreSo the disgraceful embarrassing chaotic pathetic duck bulled his way over and under and around and through the entire attempt at having a normal debate.The rules are not for him.He REFUSED to condemn the extreme right-wing white supremacists racists who form his PROUD BASE and as a result joy ringeth through the land among all the fascist white supremacists racists to go out and do what they want to do because the duck approves of them defends them counts on them to make him proud.The duck kept interrupting Biden, irgnoring the rules, attacked Biden for wearing mask and generally made an a** of himself. Why? Because he KNEW he would never win a proper debate.You really more of this crap from this guy? Well just go out and vote twice per his request. Go out and monitor the polls. Go out and threaten intimidate. You have his approval and his gratitude and his appreciation.Go out and sow your seeds. less
In living color worldwide the whole world got to watch/listen to another humiliating embarrassing spectacle!From what I have read. I didn't even try to watch/listen. Cowardly of me... moreIn living color worldwide the whole world got to watch/listen to another humiliating embarrassing spectacle!From what I have read. I didn't even try to watch/listen. Cowardly of me but there you are. Were you a coward too or did you brave it bcause you are a PATRIOT and would do anything for your country no matter how painful?
Have you seen how post-“debate”, each side’s camp or base or peanut gallery is ballyhooing the greatness in how their candidate supposedly prevailed?... more Have you seen how post-“debate”, each side’s camp or base or peanut gallery is ballyhooing the greatness in how their candidate supposedly prevailed?
It’s all his fault!He did it!I did not, he did!He started it!No, he did!He‘s stupid!He’s dumb!He’s fat!He’s ugly!I know you are, but what am I?... more
It’s all his fault!He did it!I did not, he did!He started it!No, he did!He‘s stupid!He’s dumb!He’s fat!He’s ugly!I know you are, but what am I?I know I am, but what are you?Infinity!Infinity!
Debates were few and far between until the Kennedy Nixon debates were televised on TV. That was the kick start and today televiside debates between presidential candidates is an in... moreDebates were few and far between until the Kennedy Nixon debates were televised on TV. That was the kick start and today televiside debates between presidential candidates is an institution.What if any is the value of having them?How does being a better debater mean you will be a better president?
The cowards refused to comment. One of them then decided to say something which was'WHO RATTED HIM OUT?'Not oh my gawd the man is a depraved degenerate despicable liar.But"WHO RATT... moreThe cowards refused to comment. One of them then decided to say something which was'WHO RATTED HIM OUT?'Not oh my gawd the man is a depraved degenerate despicable liar.But"WHO RATTED HIM OUT?"Well shows ta ga ya what they are worth don't it though? A pound of nothing. A gross of zip. A ton of void. They are worth nothing at all. Ciphers.
I read that Debbie Reynolds' IQ was 145. That Judy Garland's in the 160's.Can a talented inventive imaginative creative person have an average IQ of 100 or even lower?
A PROLIFIC INVENTOR!She was the person behind the advances in communication technology in the 1940's that led to WI FI, GPS and BLUETOOTH!Imagine that? A beautiful woman who was an... moreA PROLIFIC INVENTOR!She was the person behind the advances in communication technology in the 1940's that led to WI FI, GPS and BLUETOOTH!Imagine that? A beautiful woman who was an actress on one level and a creative imaginative inventive genius on another level.
Back in the day when when stories were written in "longhand" X marked the end of a sentence. XX marked the end of a paragraph. XXX marked the end of a story.Is the duck XXX? ... moreBack in the day when when stories were written in "longhand" X marked the end of a sentence. XX marked the end of a paragraph. XXX marked the end of a story.Is the duck XXX? If so of what?
We have been warned of the effects of CLIMATE CHANGE FOR DECADES. Many poohpoohed it. The COVID 19 pandemic came at us with only a few months warning. The duck lost precious time b... moreWe have been warned of the effects of CLIMATE CHANGE FOR DECADES. Many poohpoohed it. The COVID 19 pandemic came at us with only a few months warning. The duck lost precious time by ridiculing it ignoring it LYING ABOUT IT? Then you have the demented duck. EVIL BAD track record. Worse history. Nothing going for him at all and yet there he is in control. What is going on? Why all three to combat simultaneously? Where do our efforts go? Where does the money go? How in the HE** can the lowly homo sap survive all three?Is this just a test to see what choices we make? Or is this the end finis 30? Place yer bets. less
Has the demented duck been selling us out bit by bit for MONEY?Will he sell us out to the highest bidder to bail him out of his financial mess?What's to stop him? Nothing.In 4 year... moreHas the demented duck been selling us out bit by bit for MONEY?Will he sell us out to the highest bidder to bail him out of his financial mess?What's to stop him? Nothing.In 4 years he has hundreds of millions of dollars in loans that must be paid. Why do you think he wants 4 more years as head crackpot nutjob? To serve the country or to save his a** from ruination and bankruptcy?Wackadoodlenoodle that he is first and foremost he loves money. He is a lousy "businessman" and bleeds money whatever he touches. He needs a wellspring of money to keep him afloat. When his rich daddy dearest died he was drowning and so foreigners saw this and came to his rescue. FOR A PRICE.Stay tuned. It gets better. More to come. Re-elect the demented duck and watch your country go completely down the tubes. It's occurring daily and has been since he took the oath of office which so far he has not fulfilled. Never will. Doesn't have the "right stuff". He is a 3rd rate lounge act on the biggest stage in the world. An ABOMINATION... less