"WHITE SUPREMACISTS ARE THE MOST PERSISTENT AND LETHAL THREAT WITHIN THE UNITED STATES"Of course they are a very major part of the duck's base so he will have to do something sever... more"WHITE SUPREMACISTS ARE THE MOST PERSISTENT AND LETHAL THREAT WITHIN THE UNITED STATES"Of course they are a very major part of the duck's base so he will have to do something severe to wolf.I know.Remember what Sara Palin did to wolves? If you sent her a wolf paw she'd pay you for it. Think the duck will call his pal the Saudi prince to behand Wolf for him?The wolf's days are numbered. TRUTH TELLING IS ALWAYS PUNISHABLE BY INSULT ATTACK VENDETTA BEING FIRED BEING LIED ABOUT. Stay tuned. The duck might even set fire to the wolf and invite the white racists to roast marshmallows and make s'mores! What could it hurt? less
He thought the way it works is that you keep the ones you like and destroy the ones you don't! He is currently involved in doing an end run about counting. So I guess he doesn't li... moreHe thought the way it works is that you keep the ones you like and destroy the ones you don't! He is currently involved in doing an end run about counting. So I guess he doesn't listen hear or give a sh** about what is appropriate.It's hard to believe that anyone is THAT DUMB ISN'T IT?
That the fervent wish that her granddaughter shared with us never happened. That Ruth Bader Ginsberg never said that..never had a dying wish fervent or elsewise.How did Sucker know... moreThat the fervent wish that her granddaughter shared with us never happened. That Ruth Bader Ginsberg never said that..never had a dying wish fervent or elsewise.How did Sucker know this? He pulled it out of his a**. And cruz who relates to a**es believed it.Thus does one a** support another a**.I did not make this up. The a**es really done done it.Y'all do know what the "fervent wish" was right?
Allegedly the white house and the demented duck are telling state and national republicans to "BYPASS ELECTION RESULTS AND APPOINT LOYAL ELECTORS IN BATTLEGROUND STATES WHERE... moreAllegedly the white house and the demented duck are telling state and national republicans to "BYPASS ELECTION RESULTS AND APPOINT LOYAL ELECTORS IN BATTLEGROUND STATES WHERE REPUBLICANS HOLD THE LEGISLATIVE MAJORITY."'BYPASS ELECTION RESULTS"?
There will be 9 supremes BEFORE THE ELECTION, 6 of whom he thinks will vote for him.He is counting on the supremes bigly. His ace in the whole hole because he knows he will never w... moreThere will be 9 supremes BEFORE THE ELECTION, 6 of whom he thinks will vote for him.He is counting on the supremes bigly. His ace in the whole hole because he knows he will never win fairly. Only with the stacked deck he insists upon and only if they do his bidding and not stand up for what they believe is right. Only if they roll over lie down beg play dead on his command. If they don't?He will implode explode and attack insult strike out. He may even blow up and disintegrate. Geez ever see a homo sap blow up in rage? Possibility? less
Because the demented duck refused to commit to an orderly transfer of power. Because the demented duck said the only orderly that he would commit to would be a continuation of him ... moreBecause the demented duck refused to commit to an orderly transfer of power. Because the demented duck said the only orderly that he would commit to would be a continuation of him as prez. Nothing else will do sez he. The only "fair" thing will be his win. Anything else will be rigged fake phony per him.You'd think all his toady sycophants would back up that slop but they DID NOT!Leaders from both parties have assured we the people that our wishes will be carried out. Period. End of story.A smackdown for the crackpot from his facilitating enablers? That must have shook him up. Will he fire all of them? What will the crackpot nutjob wackadoodlenoodle do now if his coverer uppers abandon him and refuse to allow him to destroy the American election process?Does he know they TURNED ON HIM?Whatta whacko. SMACKO in the QUACKO. So what's demented duck gonna tweet about today?A needy seedy greedy pathetic little old fat man. Hanging out far on the limb..dangling in the wind. Orange is not the new black. less
Who are some other celebrities where the last name of one is the first name of another?*I know, I know; different spelling. Work with me here, folks.
The demented duck is clearly insane.The adoring worshippers and toady sycophants are equally nuts for supporting him.So this is the additional cross America must bear. Which will m... moreThe demented duck is clearly insane.The adoring worshippers and toady sycophants are equally nuts for supporting him.So this is the additional cross America must bear. Which will most assuredly kill us off faster? Why do you think so?
Any former Republicans who didn't roll over for the Demented Duck was attacked insulted vilified excoriated crushed.The Demented Duck cannot live with being corrected criticized or... moreAny former Republicans who didn't roll over for the Demented Duck was attacked insulted vilified excoriated crushed.The Demented Duck cannot live with being corrected criticized or told what he said is a LIE so he boots everyone out who dares tell him that and what is left? His adoring worshippers and toady sycophants all of whom are TERRIFIED of him. It is hilarious and bizarre and peculiar and queer but the overriding terrification we face is that the demented duck will prevail forever after and always because the guard rails disappeared and what is left of his adoring mob is dreck.Doesn't look too good does it? less
Well that explains the complete lack of curiosity of mobs and throngs and groups. They never ever QUESTION the dear leader. They never ever ask 'WHY"? They are born to just obey ac... moreWell that explains the complete lack of curiosity of mobs and throngs and groups. They never ever QUESTION the dear leader. They never ever ask 'WHY"? They are born to just obey accept obey accept obey accept.How intelligent then are any of them if they never ever ask WHY? Incurious obedient devoted loyal.That is how despot dictators gain power. Also the never ask why homo saps are terribly afraid. Terrified. Horrified. Scared. Of what? Of "the other" whatever form "the other" is that the dear leader shoved up their butts and down their throats.They believe everything the dear leader says. No exceptions. He knows they dare not ever even think to question him thus assuring his power over them.And so it goes. The great unwashed incurious roll on and on and on.The rest of the world suffers because of it. And them.We are doomed if we do not figure out a way to fight. They propagate like maggots and instill in their progeny more of what they be. Don't question. Obey. Don't question. Obey. Don't question. Obey. Oy vey... less
Because they are NONSENSICAL and PARTISAN so sensible and fair is anathema to them. The cheat and lie and steal and sabotage and ignore what is just reasonable and right. Pishtosh.
Inspired by this question which was posted by another member: https://answermug.com/forums/topic/116353/do-you-have-a-favorite-toothpaste/view/post_id/835382~
And if so, why is it your favorite kind?I did, but it got discontinued in 2017 and is hard to get now. You can on Ebay for ridiculous prices. My favorite was Mentadent with the bas... moreAnd if so, why is it your favorite kind?I did, but it got discontinued in 2017 and is hard to get now. You can on Ebay for ridiculous prices. My favorite was Mentadent with the base pump. I liked how the pump worked and how it separated and put together the baking soda and the peroxide with two separate sides.Luckily I still have one refill left for my pump in my bathroom cabinet.
my fan was acting weird, it would make a really loud noise when i turned it on and it got to the point where it would take a half hour to get it to turn ... more my fan was acting weird, it would make a really loud noise when i turned it on and it got to the point where it would take a half hour to get it to turn on. i didnt know if it was the motor or not, i cant go without one cause i use it for white noise so i dont hear my neighbors when im sleeping, i tried to get another one at the dollar store near me and took my grocery cart and was going to wheel one back but they werent selling them. i dont have a car so i just went on amazon and ordered another one and ups dropped it off today. i trashed my other one, do you think it couldve started a fire acting like that, ive had it for yrs so i think the motor was wearing out, any ideas? less
Trying to SAVE LIVES is a political move?The demented duck SUCKS.Covid 19 is rising in many states. Some are red. What's the duck gonna do? Ignore that too? Yuck yuck yuck. The duck sucks.
A demented duck controls the flow...ebb and? Seriously. When did a demented duck ever become a "head" or call all the shots or force a rigid gestapo rule on a people? Hitler ... moreA demented duck controls the flow...ebb and? Seriously. When did a demented duck ever become a "head" or call all the shots or force a rigid gestapo rule on a people? Hitler was the last madman in charge. The demented duck took the mantle? The adolph passed off the title to a demented duck? What the ....uck?
No kidding. What you did bad in a prior life you pay for so you can LEARN A LESSON FROM IT>How will THEY do being the ones who are hated upon 24/7? I have no idea but what... moreNo kidding. What you did bad in a prior life you pay for so you can LEARN A LESSON FROM IT>How will THEY do being the ones who are hated upon 24/7? I have no idea but whatever happens they EARNED IT and DESERVE IT.Payback sucks for the payer backer targets. It's only fair. What you do in this lifetime you are punished or rewarded for in the next. Do I KNOW THAT FOR SURE? What are you nuts? NO. Of course not. GET A GRIP! But I can dream can't I?
So they can experience FIRST HAND what they lied about, denied, did nothing to mitigate it.How is that NOT fair?The Mssouri gubner and wife got it and are now quarantined. A red st... moreSo they can experience FIRST HAND what they lied about, denied, did nothing to mitigate it.How is that NOT fair?The Mssouri gubner and wife got it and are now quarantined. A red state stupid dumb "head" did nothing to issue mask guidance. See what happens when a blathering idiot is in charge?Now we hope and pray that the demented duck gets it..bigly badly and the worst kind. So shoot me!
He is used to a controlled crowd of adoring worshipperes or FAUX news softball "so called journalists". He never sets himself up to have to face real people. Only HIS people.As for... moreHe is used to a controlled crowd of adoring worshipperes or FAUX news softball "so called journalists". He never sets himself up to have to face real people. Only HIS people.As for paying his respects to RBG HE INSULTS HER AND MOCKS HER AND ATTACKS HER by not honoring her request. He can't even wait until after she is BURIED to dishonor her.Whom does he think he is kidding? We are not his adoring worshippers. We do not want him anywhere we are. He dishonors every place he goes.Thickheaded dumbbell that he is.VOTE HIM OUT VOTE HIM OUT VOTE HIM OUT VOTE HIM OUT VOTE HIM OUT less
I just received a call with the following recording:"This is a test call. The time to stay home is now. Stay home and stay safe . This was a test call."
"We don't know if it will work or is safe"What an expert is saying about all the vaccines being developed.WE DON'T KNOW IF IT WILL WORK OR IS SAFE"Does the demented duck UNDERSTAND that?
DonaldHueyDewey LouieDaffyMcScrooge Duck a L'orangePressed duckDuck/goose pateDucking dodge ballsDuck under glass like a pheasant only notDuck and coverDucking outDucking work