Here we go again. The obscenely wealthy fatcat greedy money hungry hoors will get first dibs I bet if the Congress decides to pass this monstrosity. Do you REALLY think "the little... moreHere we go again. The obscenely wealthy fatcat greedy money hungry hoors will get first dibs I bet if the Congress decides to pass this monstrosity. Do you REALLY think "the little people" will get anything? It's just another excuse to feed the porkers who are already oversized and bloated. Of course this what they do in a crisis. TAKE FOR THEMSELVES FIRST.
There is a guy (doctor type) out and about who is peddling pitching a diet that eliminates foods we always have been told is very healthy. What are these bad boys? Any vegetable co... moreThere is a guy (doctor type) out and about who is peddling pitching a diet that eliminates foods we always have been told is very healthy. What are these bad boys? Any vegetable containing lectins. ALSO he sez eliminate grains and beans and certain nuts and seeds. He's making a bundle on it and I wonder if any of you are hooked and are following it? A charlatan or a seer? A huckster greedy money-hungry hoor or a prophet?Vis a vis lectins they are found in things like tomatoes potatoes peppers. AVOID at all cost sez he. Do you? less
When the news broke we were told he had no symptoms and he didn't travel to any of the hot spots and he didn't come into contact with anyone who had traveled to any of them. So my ... moreWhen the news broke we were told he had no symptoms and he didn't travel to any of the hot spots and he didn't come into contact with anyone who had traveled to any of them. So my question why was he tested since we are being told that only folks with symptoms should be tested?
Probably not - - radio stations certainly disagree with me - - I never hear Flack 's version, only Hill's:)(and, yes, I know there is no way to know the answer to my question other... moreProbably not - - radio stations certainly disagree with me - - I never hear Flack 's version, only Hill's:)(and, yes, I know there is no way to know the answer to my question other than asking Hill herself, ha)
"Killing Me Softly (with his Song)"
(Do you already know what it is without looking it up?)P.S. There are built-in “nocturnal activity” requirements that go along with the job, actually, that makes up mor... more(Do you already know what it is without looking it up?)P.S. There are built-in “nocturnal activity” requirements that go along with the job, actually, that makes up more than 51% of it, so the shy or prudish need not apply. Fear of acquiring a criminal record disqualifies you, so you must have a willingness to circumvent laws. ~
He says no he is simply having to compete with Governors from all the other states for the available supply.He said ventilators cost $16K-$40K EACH and New York needs 30,000!I thin... moreHe says no he is simply having to compete with Governors from all the other states for the available supply.He said ventilators cost $16K-$40K EACH and New York needs 30,000!I think we're not in Kansas any more Toto.
The troops will gather together (all of a feather) to deflect blame for anything at any time for any reason away from the HOAX. He is to be protected and saved at all cost. He is G... moreThe troops will gather together (all of a feather) to deflect blame for anything at any time for any reason away from the HOAX. He is to be protected and saved at all cost. He is GOD and JESUS and MARY all rolled up into one holy supreme being. Anyone who does not understand that and comply with that cannot survive.
The minit he figgers it out Dr. Fauci is toast history a footnote gone.The HOAX is very slow to comprehend understrand grasp what is going on. Mostly no one gave a sh**. NOW it is ... moreThe minit he figgers it out Dr. Fauci is toast history a footnote gone.The HOAX is very slow to comprehend understrand grasp what is going on. Mostly no one gave a sh**. NOW it is essential to correct his lies on the spot because WORST CASE people could die.Let's see how long it take for the HOAX to realize he is being made to look the fool he is. No one ever gave hia gold star for KNOWING anything.
The HOAX stands there with experts who know what they are talking about and tries to take charge dispensing misinformation or lies daily.Who swoops in to clean up the mess the New ... moreThe HOAX stands there with experts who know what they are talking about and tries to take charge dispensing misinformation or lies daily.Who swoops in to clean up the mess the New York Governor makes daily? Oh...wait a minit. The Governor is NOT THE MESS MAKER OR LIAR. That space is reserved for the HOAX. Who has his kissa** toady sycophants surrounding him daily to compliment him and pet him and stroke him and make nice. Governor CUOMA doesn't need that. The HOAX cannot live without it and DEMANDS it of every toady sycophant in his employee and boy or boy do they ever deliver demeaning themselves in the process. Quite a site to see. SIGH.More to make the HOAX VERY ANGRY. When he pops/explode will all his crap soar high or go wide? less
For instance, Sharonna has been gone for a long time now. I miss her a whole lot, even though she and I have an on-again-off-again love-hate relationship. ~
For three years we hear FAKE NEWS FAKE NEWS FAKE NEWS FAKE NEWS. For three months we hear HOAX HOAX HOAX HOAX HOAX. Now we hear zilch zero nada zip nothing. Are they working ... moreFor three years we hear FAKE NEWS FAKE NEWS FAKE NEWS FAKE NEWS. For three months we hear HOAX HOAX HOAX HOAX HOAX. Now we hear zilch zero nada zip nothing. Are they working on another thing to shout out loud about? A new hitch to their glitch a new schtick to their ick? What could it possibly be this time?
Being bribed and extorting in return for more big bucks. No one is gonna stop you. Everything is way okay to do these days.Get it while the getting's good. Every minute of every da... moreBeing bribed and extorting in return for more big bucks. No one is gonna stop you. Everything is way okay to do these days.Get it while the getting's good. Every minute of every day fill your belly and your bank account and your fata** with everything you can beg borrow steal as fast as you can 24/7. It's what you DESERVE.Life in the fast lane is only for pols a crooks and thieves and presidents. Elsewise otherwise stay in your own dam* lane..stay outta the way of the movers and shakers and power brokers else you will get run over and squished and squahsed and no one will care a hair. SO THERE! less
The HOAX did the job y'all hired him to do. He is incomptent impotent inadequate inept and incapable of calming anything down so he will continue tearing things up as best he can s... moreThe HOAX did the job y'all hired him to do. He is incomptent impotent inadequate inept and incapable of calming anything down so he will continue tearing things up as best he can so he doesn't let y'all down. Happy as he** aren't y'all? Sure you are. He delivered what you ordered and he keeps delivering it.
Don't you want to know if you are infected before symptoms show up? Otherwise you will UNKNOWINGLY infect others. How is that logical sensible reasonable practical humane?It is in ... moreDon't you want to know if you are infected before symptoms show up? Otherwise you will UNKNOWINGLY infect others. How is that logical sensible reasonable practical humane?It is in a word RIDICULOUS! In another word ABSURD. Stupid dumb comes to mind as well. Oh he** who cares right? If the bullet has your name on it you're gonna die.
The SOB's who used the last welfare handouts they to buy back stock will do it again unless they are strictly MONITORED and TOLD how they may and may not use it.You know all obscen... moreThe SOB's who used the last welfare handouts they to buy back stock will do it again unless they are strictly MONITORED and TOLD how they may and may not use it.You know all obscenely wealthy SOB's WANT MORE. Mebbe there is an exceptional exception here and there but mostly they are are money hungry greedy hoors who will never be staed as they grow grostesly fatter.It's how gubment works folks. Those who need nothing take everything because they can. You would too right?
More lies. Those caring endearing loving humans would NEVER do such things. NEVER EVER.White Supremacists are all innocent and virtuous and kind and caring and honest and honorable... moreMore lies. Those caring endearing loving humans would NEVER do such things. NEVER EVER.White Supremacists are all innocent and virtuous and kind and caring and honest and honorable filled to the brim with integrity. Maligning their goodness won't work. Everyone knows what they are whom they why they are. They are sent by GOD as HIS emissaries to wreak goodness upon the earth to ALL GOD'S children no matter the color or gender or religion or politics. ANGELS they are. Anyone who sez otherwise is in league with the devil. Right pholkes? Fokes? Folks? less
So when are the Democrats and the press gonna stop playing the hoax on pholkes and fess up and knock it off and get back to reality?This is taking it a bridge too far. I think we h... moreSo when are the Democrats and the press gonna stop playing the hoax on pholkes and fess up and knock it off and get back to reality?This is taking it a bridge too far. I think we have rubbed the noses of the hoax supporters in it enough. They are now convinced and scared sh**less so we can back off, own up and let them know they were right all along. It's just a gawd darned HOAX folks. Get back to normal. Stiffen up and get off your a** and get going.