Or do some obscenely wealthy Democrats believe in that bullsh** lie too? Anyone know?Any of you low folks ever benefit from the residue of trickle down? By the time "it" trickled d... moreOr do some obscenely wealthy Democrats believe in that bullsh** lie too? Anyone know?Any of you low folks ever benefit from the residue of trickle down? By the time "it" trickled down to you how did you benefit from it? Or are you still waiting to be the recipient of anything that trickles down? Inquiring minds wanna know these things.RIP trickle down. Roast in he** on a spit forever.
Yet allegedly due to the ONE TRILLION DOLLAR PROPOSED STIMULUS PACKAGE folks will be flooding the market to buy buy buy because they think the DJI has bottomed? HOW stupid dumb is ... moreYet allegedly due to the ONE TRILLION DOLLAR PROPOSED STIMULUS PACKAGE folks will be flooding the market to buy buy buy because they think the DJI has bottomed? HOW stupid dumb is that? Shouldn't we know how bad it is before we assume it's baddest now? I don't get it. The market rose a thousand points or so on Monday. WHY? Will it rise again today? WHY? Buy tons now at depressed prices and watch it PLUNGE downer and downer? This is your gamble that it won't? SERIOUSLY? Sheesh. Y'all are nuts.
Remember the INFAMOUS $1.5 TRILLION TAX CUT FOR THE OBSCENELY WEALTHY that the HOAX done done a coupla years ago? The obscenely wealthy needed that like another yacht or fur coat o... moreRemember the INFAMOUS $1.5 TRILLION TAX CUT FOR THE OBSCENELY WEALTHY that the HOAX done done a coupla years ago? The obscenely wealthy needed that like another yacht or fur coat or luxury car or vacation home but get it they got. Wouldn't it be loverly if THAT money were available NOW for people who are in DESPeRATE need?Is the dumbdon HOAX still contemplating another tax cut for his obscenely wealthy parasites?
Methinks the HOAX will abort bragging about employment stats possibly FOREVER. Thousands and thousands and thousands all over the country are trying to file for unemployment overwh... moreMethinks the HOAX will abort bragging about employment stats possibly FOREVER. Thousands and thousands and thousands all over the country are trying to file for unemployment overwhelming the staff at unemployment offices. No kidding? No kidding. Perhaps you know one. Perhaps you ARE one.
Having one like that since January 2017 may very well have resulted in DEATHS to some who otherwise MIGHT HAVE STAYED ALIVE had he acted immediately as any good leader would. But n... moreHaving one like that since January 2017 may very well have resulted in DEATHS to some who otherwise MIGHT HAVE STAYED ALIVE had he acted immediately as any good leader would. But no. He was so deep into attacking insulting ridiculing he would have no time at all for MANY WEEKS to get a grip on the seriousness of it. That's what you get folks when you elect a MEDIOCRE brain inside a swelled head whose only focus is on himself 24/7. Well deserved to y'all. Take some more victory laps why don'tcha? Out among lots of others who are taking victory laps too just like you. Shake hands. Cough and sneeze while you're at it.Nothing to fear here hear hear hear hear. Remember it's all a huge hoax designed to take down the HOAX. Don't take it seriously. All the "news" you are reading is fake. Not one person has died. There are no bare store shelves. All restaurants theaters clubs are open for business. All sporting events everywhere are taking place as usual. Don't believe a word the media tell you. Everyone is at work. No o... less
Will Ivanka have to divorce Jared so papaHOAX doesn't get pi**ed off at her too?Will she reconvert from Jewish back to whatever the he** HOAX says he is?Stay tuned. The drama gets ... moreWill Ivanka have to divorce Jared so papaHOAX doesn't get pi**ed off at her too?Will she reconvert from Jewish back to whatever the he** HOAX says he is?Stay tuned. The drama gets more dreamy daily for the don of HOAX. Dawn of don?.
An actor who needed the work desperately. He took over a coupla days ago when "the president" stopped ridiculing COVID 19 as a hoax perpetrated by Democrats and the press to "get h... moreAn actor who needed the work desperately. He took over a coupla days ago when "the president" stopped ridiculing COVID 19 as a hoax perpetrated by Democrats and the press to "get him" and pretended to be real serious like and sober and somber and well ya know "presidential". Don't feel stupid dumb. You're not alone. Bazillions of people think this is the same guy ...a worm who turned...but he's not.Of course the sean of hannity and rush of bimbo know. The sean and the rush know everything there is to know about everything worth knowing. Don't tell a soul. This will be our secret. less
We are still lacking that. Without the ability to KNOW what we are facing we cannot possibly know how long it will take to get things under control.The HOAX engages in serious "hap... moreWe are still lacking that. Without the ability to KNOW what we are facing we cannot possibly know how long it will take to get things under control.The HOAX engages in serious "happytalk". Always making sure to congratulate himself for his brilliant wisdom in closing off travelers from CHINA while SIMULTANEOUSLY ridiculing COVID 19 as a hoax perpetrated by Democrats and the press and the "deep throat deep state" all of whom conspired to take him down. Week after week after week. And y'all joined him in that ridicule. y'all are anxious to follow him off the cliff for whatever reason. So long! Have fun in your flight wherever the HOAX ends up or ends down. Y'all are gonna have so much fun you won't know what hit ya but the most important thing is y'all will ALWAYS stick together as feathers should. BYE BYE! less
*World Health OrganizationWell South Korea accepted them and used them immediately and South Korea is now the ROLE MODEL of what a country SHOULD HAVE DONE.Too bad the dumb and dum... more*World Health OrganizationWell South Korea accepted them and used them immediately and South Korea is now the ROLE MODEL of what a country SHOULD HAVE DONE.Too bad the dumb and dumber are in control of the country. More of us will die because of their obdurate hostile defiant stance that no one is smarter then the US of A and NO ONE TELLS US WHAT TO DO BECAUSE WE KNOW EVERYTHING THERE IS TO KNOW!That's about all there is to say about this folks. The HOAX is not just worthless. He is killing us with his stupid dumb arrogant ignorance and will continue to do say in every way he can despite his "performance" the other day when he pretended he gave a sh** about any of us or any of it. OPTICS are his food and drink. Condolenceds to anyone who believes a word HOAX says. WE ARE DOOMED. less
Did that include all the weeks HOAX referred to COVID 19 as a hoax perpetrated by Democrats and the press to take him down? He ALWAYS KNEW IT WAS A PANDEMIC so while he called it a... moreDid that include all the weeks HOAX referred to COVID 19 as a hoax perpetrated by Democrats and the press to take him down? He ALWAYS KNEW IT WAS A PANDEMIC so while he called it a hoax he was LYING?HE ADMITS TO LYING ABOUT IT? A first.The SOB takes credit for what he does not do or know and refuses to take responsibility every time he drops the ball and causes more harm that leads to TRAGEDY. Whadda guy.Pretty nervy SOB ain't he? Full of chutzpah at the kind end and sh** at the other end.FINALLY the bullsh** liar admits a bit of truth and then insists HE ALWAYS knew. Sheesh. His sheeple believe whatever he tells them. Double Sheesh. less
Inspired by this question which was posted by another member:https://answermug.com/forums/topic/102672/how-many-of-your-grandparents-did-you-know-i-only-knew-my-mother~
~~~that we all breath in each day...most all wet wipes contain about 85 % of plastic in each one... All the synthetic clothing you wear puts micro plastics down our drains and end ... more~~~that we all breath in each day...most all wet wipes contain about 85 % of plastic in each one... All the synthetic clothing you wear puts micro plastics down our drains and end up in out sewers and finally into our seas....Would you still buy them knowing what damage they are doing to our oceans and the air we breath and also what we eat...Who is to blame for this , the manafactures or the people that choose to keep on buying them....?
Many shelves were BARE. Paper goods especially. Bread especially too. Up and down the aisles I went and bought about half of what was on my list. That wasn't what really bothered m... moreMany shelves were BARE. Paper goods especially. Bread especially too. Up and down the aisles I went and bought about half of what was on my list. That wasn't what really bothered me. There were a zilllion people there shopping early too. That wasn't what bothered me. What bothered me is I didn't see any employees in the aisles restocking the shelves. A little bit of that was going on ONLY in the Produce Department but otherwise? NADA. If the supply chain is unbroken why didn't I see employees restocking shelves? Anyone? less
Two million people could die unless we straighten up fly right and have EVERYONE INCLUDING THE HOAX TAKE IT VERY SERIOUSLY. No pocket a**holes ignoring it because they will be ones... moreTwo million people could die unless we straighten up fly right and have EVERYONE INCLUDING THE HOAX TAKE IT VERY SERIOUSLY. No pocket a**holes ignoring it because they will be ones who infect infect infect infect infect. No more pocket a**holes if we are going to get a handle on this. Magically allegedly apparently the HOAX either read it or was informed of it and sobered up from his dense stupid dumb state of being into what appeared briefly to be an actual president presidenting. We shall see if this is just a phase a schtick a tic of an eccentric short-lived reaction or a real honest live boy instead of the wicked wooden puppetboy. Taking bets.... less
HOAX is above the law and thus breaks none of them doing whatever he dam* well pleases. Why not carte blanche pardon everyone of the people in jail because of servicing him and let... moreHOAX is above the law and thus breaks none of them doing whatever he dam* well pleases. Why not carte blanche pardon everyone of the people in jail because of servicing him and let it go at that? Who is gonna stop him from his appointed rounds? YOU?
Until we know where we are how can we possibly predict when COVID 19 will be under control? WE CAN'T.At least on Monday the HOAX stopped with his happy talk "everything is under co... moreUntil we know where we are how can we possibly predict when COVID 19 will be under control? WE CAN'T.At least on Monday the HOAX stopped with his happy talk "everything is under control relax stay calm we got this" bullsh**! For how long? Who knows?
Maybe you are an infector or infectee. If you ever find out it will be too late. You will have potentially infected everyone with whom you came in contact. Sneaky virus ain't it?
Both iterations of DA MAN can't be truthful. Which guy LIED to you?The one who insulted attacked ridiculed COVID 19 or the one who sez it is bad and will take until July or August ... moreBoth iterations of DA MAN can't be truthful. Which guy LIED to you?The one who insulted attacked ridiculed COVID 19 or the one who sez it is bad and will take until July or August and that we are probably heading for a RECESSION?ONE GUY LIED HIS A** off. Which one do y'all believe? Which of your dual iterations of the HOAX is the liar and which is the truth teller? Do you know or are you able to believe each version though 180 degrees of contradiction exist between them because your guy be the guy what says so? Up to you to believe or disbelieve. Your funeral. less
Dam* straight he will he does he can't help himself.The serious fake you heard from on Monday will disappear and your good old faithful HOAX who hates insults attacks will be back ... moreDam* straight he will he does he can't help himself.The serious fake you heard from on Monday will disappear and your good old faithful HOAX who hates insults attacks will be back tenfold tweeting his stubby fingers.
Slow witted dimwitted hostile ignorant impotent...but then a tiny bit of truth broke free.Can empathy be far behind or is that asking too much from a mudhead deadhead robot? We will see.
The slow start of the USA "racers" will keep us FOREVER far far behind. We will NEVER CATCH UP. Thank you to Mr HOAX for that. How can we ever repay him?
Now that the slow dull-witted HOAX TELLS YOU IT'S BAD do you believe him? Or is he lying now but was telling the truth before? Personally I don't give a rat's a** what you believe.... moreNow that the slow dull-witted HOAX TELLS YOU IT'S BAD do you believe him? Or is he lying now but was telling the truth before? Personally I don't give a rat's a** what you believe. No skin off my nose. But it's weirdly and queerly peculiarly fascinating how Y'ALL only hear your massa's voice and nothing else can penetrate the brick wall y'all live inside. Your funeral. Different strokes. May you all survive in spite of yourselves. And may YOU NOT CAUSE others to die because you are remaining willfully ignorant and stupid dumb but you probably will. Good luck with that too. Y'all are gonna all the good you can buy or steal. less
MOVE 1From Highland Park, Michigan to Los Angeles, California. NO VERNOR'S GINGERALE till many decades later!MOVE 2From Los Angeles to Boston. ZERO MEXICAN RESTAURANTS OR MEX... moreMOVE 1From Highland Park, Michigan to Los Angeles, California. NO VERNOR'S GINGERALE till many decades later!MOVE 2From Los Angeles to Boston. ZERO MEXICAN RESTAURANTS OR MEXICAN FOODS IN THE MARKETS. ZERO!When we moved back to L.A. from Boston 5 years later every day for lunch I ate a bean/cheese burrito. No joke. No kidding. I expect by now there are lots of Mexican restaurants and foods in Boston but in 1965? Nope.Also couldn't find BEST FOODS MAYO until I discovered it was called HELLMAN'S on the east coast. Why I do not know.So what similar experiences have you had? less