Per New York Governor Cuomo within a week from today some hospitals will be overwhelmed. Not all at once. They will be stacked and some will be overwhelmed sooner some later. A TSU... morePer New York Governor Cuomo within a week from today some hospitals will be overwhelmed. Not all at once. They will be stacked and some will be overwhelmed sooner some later. A TSUNAMI wave that always takes everything in its wake out.So much for the hoax. The HOAX holds strong and tough. "All is well. Everything is fine. We are handling everything. Relax. Kick Back. Stay calm. This too shall pass. I guarantee it."
President Cuomo isn't. He is the Governor of New York. The so-called "prez" is MIA as usual.Cuomo did an end run around the HOAX. Coming out with a specific PLAN hours before the H... morePresident Cuomo isn't. He is the Governor of New York. The so-called "prez" is MIA as usual.Cuomo did an end run around the HOAX. Coming out with a specific PLAN hours before the HOAX is supposed to meet with the gubnors. Kinda hard for HOAX to take credit for that which President Cuomo...err, Governor Cuomo has alreadly outlined but HOAX do it anyway. Watch this space. Pay attention. Coming soon.
So when bars are closed in New York you don't drive to New Jersey or Connecticut where they aren't.Makes sense of course which is why the HOAX has no plans to issue any guildelines... moreSo when bars are closed in New York you don't drive to New Jersey or Connecticut where they aren't.Makes sense of course which is why the HOAX has no plans to issue any guildeliness for any reason.Sense in HOAX is non-existent so why try to talk to the brick wall or mud fence when it is dense and only reacts to nonsense? Case closed.Of course HOAX will take ALL THE CREDIT for what these governors have already accomplished. MARK MY WORDS. HE WILL TAKE VICTORY LAPS. HE ALWAYS DOES when he drops the ball.
What we NEED is someone who doesn't insult our intelligence and speak with authority and confidence and levels with us and tells us it is going to be very tough for awhile but we w... moreWhat we NEED is someone who doesn't insult our intelligence and speak with authority and confidence and levels with us and tells us it is going to be very tough for awhile but we will get through this.Right?
The HOAX is so full of sh** he is covered in it. Anyone who believes anything he says is outside the realm of help.Let's see how the HOAX blames the media and the Dems for this. He... moreThe HOAX is so full of sh** he is covered in it. Anyone who believes anything he says is outside the realm of help.Let's see how the HOAX blames the media and the Dems for this. He will and so will his top a** sean of hannity and other top a** rush bimbo. Wait for it. Wait for it.OR the HOAX will go into hiding and when found will say I KNOW NOTHING ABOUT IT.
If not the top banana in the banana republic whose fault is it for the HOAX calling it a hoax and blaming the press and Democrats for making it all up just to dethrone him in Novem... moreIf not the top banana in the banana republic whose fault is it for the HOAX calling it a hoax and blaming the press and Democrats for making it all up just to dethrone him in November? Week after week after week he and his HOAXERS peddled that crap. Some still are crap peddlers including the HOAX. SIGH. When all of this over and done and all the statistics are out and VERIFIED it will be very interesting to see which countries immediately rose to action and took it seriously immediately and which countries lagged behind due to stupid dumb. Won't it? less
Only tune in to FAUX NEWS 24/7ONLY read the HOAX tweets. Pay no attentio to what he reads from teleprompters. They are all lies he does not believe but is told he must say those wo... moreOnly tune in to FAUX NEWS 24/7ONLY read the HOAX tweets. Pay no attentio to what he reads from teleprompters. They are all lies he does not believe but is told he must say those words. He does. Then he tweets you the truth. You will overcome. You will survive all of this phony baloney. Live your lives as you always do bellycrawling for the HOAX begging whining rolling over for the HOAX. You'll be just fine. Especially your old people. Make sure they don't stop going out and about among crowds. That will show the HOAX haters how much their hate matters. C'mon. Whatcha waiting for? Go out and celebrate and party hearty and pray to the HOAX for his deliverance of you from the evil of TRUTH. less
Not my words but some gubment someone.Meanwhile the HOAX keeps spouting sh** every day telling folks to stay calm relax everything is under control and this too shall pass.A true a... moreNot my words but some gubment someone.Meanwhile the HOAX keeps spouting sh** every day telling folks to stay calm relax everything is under control and this too shall pass.A true almighty idiot numbskull dimwit crackpot. But oh he has thin orange hair and orange skin. Surely he is some kind of deity. Human beings are not orange from hed to toe.
How would the thousand feel high buildings fare if hit by a bomb or missile....Can these ultra tall building still stand after just one hit....I can't imagine why anyone would want... moreHow would the thousand feel high buildings fare if hit by a bomb or missile....Can these ultra tall building still stand after just one hit....I can't imagine why anyone would want to live in such ugly Ant'isocial buildings...they are all just blots on the landscape...How do they demolish such structures when they are built so close to each other to. .
I know nothing about WikileaksI know nothing about white supremacyI know nothing about dismantling any pandemic programsI know nothing about paying off prostitutesI know nothing ab... moreI know nothing about WikileaksI know nothing about white supremacyI know nothing about dismantling any pandemic programsI know nothing about paying off prostitutesI know nothing about retweeting hatespeech based on liesI know nothing about nothing and I know everything about nothingNo one knows more about nothing than me.
The adoring worshippers who support defend embrace protect the HOAX speak a different language. They will never understand us and we will never understand them. That's all she wrot... moreThe adoring worshippers who support defend embrace protect the HOAX speak a different language. They will never understand us and we will never understand them. That's all she wrote folks! That's the name of that tune. Period. End of story. HOAXERS who support the HOAX only speak HOAXESE. They do not speak rational reasonable sensible logical truth. They have no idea about any of it. They believe the only language there is is the one they speak. HOAXESE. It is emphasized by the sean of hannity and the rush of bimbah and all the others of their ilk. It is propagated promulgated emphasized secondly minutely hourly daily weeklymontyhlyyearly 24/7 by all of them. A tighter knit groups of HOAXERS you will never find. Never mind. They are very happy in their world and we should just stop trying to get them to enter our world. Save your energy. You're going to need it for far more important things than proselytizing converting flipping HOAXERS Everyone says so. That I can tell you. less
Y'all who STILL INSIST COVID 19 is a hoax designed to take down the HOAX.STILL! STILL. THE STUPID will double down and tentuple down and emerge victorious in its stupidity and cele... moreY'all who STILL INSIST COVID 19 is a hoax designed to take down the HOAX.STILL! STILL. THE STUPID will double down and tentuple down and emerge victorious in its stupidity and celebrate it. How many of the STUPID will die? I don't know. Frankly Scarlett I don't give a dam*!SIGH.
HOAX is a bigger one than any pandemic. A bigger one what? JACKA** DUMBA** of course. What else?He tells us to calm down relax everything is under control. Those who believe him an... moreHOAX is a bigger one than any pandemic. A bigger one what? JACKA** DUMBA** of course. What else?He tells us to calm down relax everything is under control. Those who believe him and don't change their ways may not live to find out how big a one he was is and always will be. Sheesh. D.C. has the distinct distinction of housing the biggest jacka** dumba** ever birthed. The HOAX hands down. Congrats to his mummy dearest and papafred for coupling in bed or wherever and producing him. Good job.
The state will also reduce occupancy in restaurants by half to keep people farther apart from one another.How are they planning to ENFORCE that? Will any of this affect any of you ... moreThe state will also reduce occupancy in restaurants by half to keep people farther apart from one another.How are they planning to ENFORCE that? Will any of this affect any of you nightowls who gather together to imbibe and chat regularly?
Let the HOAX be the HOAX folks.HOAX claims COVID 19 is under control CONTRADICTING REALITY AND HIS OWN TOP EXPERT.No jokes pholkes the HOAX has NOT dialed back his LYING. He can't.... moreLet the HOAX be the HOAX folks.HOAX claims COVID 19 is under control CONTRADICTING REALITY AND HIS OWN TOP EXPERT.No jokes pholkes the HOAX has NOT dialed back his LYING. He can't. He'll disintegrate and evaporate and disappear. Ya want he should just shut the f...up? Ya want he should disappear?
D'ya believe the HOAX now folks even though he always lies all the time about everything?This THIS TIME is different? Why?Are you relaxed calm and worry not? Because HOAX sez so? Seriously?
The adoring worshippers of the HOAX always and forever respond to everything negative pertaining to HOAX by asking WHADDABOUT WHADDABOUT WHADDABOUT WHADDABOUT. WHADABBOUT IT?There ... moreThe adoring worshippers of the HOAX always and forever respond to everything negative pertaining to HOAX by asking WHADDABOUT WHADDABOUT WHADDABOUT WHADDABOUT. WHADABBOUT IT?There is ZERO relationship but the adoring worshippers INSIST there is. WHADDABOUT their WHADDABOUT? They are stuck there forever more because they cannot honestly accept or address anything critical of the HOAX. So they feel compelled to defend and the only thing they are taught to do are the "talking points" they are all given so they can rebut with the list of WHADDABOUTS. Sheesh. less
What are ten songs that every single medium of music plays and replays so much that you get sick of hearing them? I seldom listen to any music that was released since ... more What are ten songs that every single medium of music plays and replays so much that you get sick of hearing them? I seldom listen to any music that was released since 1999, my absolute favorite music was released between 1960 and 1989. I’m unfamiliar with music that was released in the past couple of decades. Whether it’s the radio, websites, podcasts, etc., most so-called “oldies” or “classic“ offerings drone out the same tunes day after day. There are thousands of songs that have been released over the years, I wish more true variety and more imagination was available. Grr. 10. 9. 8. 7. 6. 5. 4.3. “Imagine” by John Lennon2. “Hotel California” by the Eagles1. “Don’t Stop Believing” by Journey:| less
I spent 4 days in hospital a while ago and the food (provided by a caterer) was tasty but lacking nutrition and fiber. I got a friend to bring fruit and sammiches for nutrition and... moreI spent 4 days in hospital a while ago and the food (provided by a caterer) was tasty but lacking nutrition and fiber. I got a friend to bring fruit and sammiches for nutrition and fiber supplement. If I need hospital care because of COVID bug infection I will bring some healthy stuff with me because visitors probably will not be allowed.