I saw a segment about Whales on a program titled "NATURE". Now at one point it seemed that a whale had pushed a human away from an approaching shark and then swam off.I found that ... moreI saw a segment about Whales on a program titled "NATURE". Now at one point it seemed that a whale had pushed a human away from an approaching shark and then swam off.I found that to be a wondrous thing. That one species can "look out for" another that is not homo sapiens but elsewise.Have any of you ever experienced something like that? Of course we train GUIDE Dogs to care for their owners. And I believe dogs are trained in the military. To do what I do not know. Chimpanzees might watch out for human babies? Is that just the stuff of wishful thinking or is there really a connection/bond among all living animal species? What think you? less
Of course the clothing industry would have major hissy fits.But say dumb don took a fancy to showing off "his stuff" and also wanted to see everyone else's "stuff" what could the f... moreOf course the clothing industry would have major hissy fits.But say dumb don took a fancy to showing off "his stuff" and also wanted to see everyone else's "stuff" what could the fashion industry do but design clothing for Nudists. Peekaboos at strategic places. Imagine how crowded the fashion shows worldwide would be?Also dumb don could give the fashion industry in America billions of dollars in subsidies to offset his crimping of their income stream. A dream?
I got mine. Get your own.Go suck an egg pound mudEmpty suits empty heads overflowing with all that counts. MONEY MONEY MONEY MONEY MONEY MONEYThe more they take for themselves the ... moreI got mine. Get your own.Go suck an egg pound mudEmpty suits empty heads overflowing with all that counts. MONEY MONEY MONEY MONEY MONEY MONEYThe more they take for themselves the less is available for others. They want all the pie and don't understand the concept of SHARING CARING.
The rich folk subsidies/ tax breaks/ loopholes and lah de dahs "creative accounting" and flat out CHEATING they believe is their just due do doo doo. They don't realize they are th... moreThe rich folk subsidies/ tax breaks/ loopholes and lah de dahs "creative accounting" and flat out CHEATING they believe is their just due do doo doo. They don't realize they are the biggest welfare frauds and creeps and greedy money-hungry hoors that exist. They want all the handouts. ALL OF THEM. They want all they can get their grubby hands on AND they don't want any of those IN NEED to muscle in on their racket. Typical ain't it? The more they have the more they want the more they double down on others with their inferior " superior" arrogant supercilious condescension the more they sate their greed. less
They don't mind lies and spies and treasoning and traitoring and corrupting and cheating and scamming and conning and being screwed other ways otherwise. Just keep that economy hea... moreThey don't mind lies and spies and treasoning and traitoring and corrupting and cheating and scamming and conning and being screwed other ways otherwise. Just keep that economy healthy and well the dumb don can get away with anything anytime.
How do you move a world-class tennis tournament out of danger? Millions of animals destroyed. Homes burned to the ground. People abandoning their homes. The fires still rage and no... moreHow do you move a world-class tennis tournament out of danger? Millions of animals destroyed. Homes burned to the ground. People abandoning their homes. The fires still rage and now it will be jeopardizing the health of tennis players. Do they stay and play or leave to protect their health?One of the 4 GRAND TENNIS TOURNAMENTS is now on shaky ground. What other facilities are there elsewhere in Australia that can accommodate the crowds? What facilities are there anywhere else.Every day more things are happening "down under" none of which are good. Condolences. Prayers. What can we do to help? less
A naked dumb don in bed with a naked putin "getting it on". How many times would that be retweeted?Great for a poster? Remember a picture is worth a thousand words. Just flash that... moreA naked dumb don in bed with a naked putin "getting it on". How many times would that be retweeted?Great for a poster? Remember a picture is worth a thousand words. Just flash that worldwide and see what a difference it could make.Fake is fake. One good fake deserves another. One good tern deserves another. Sauce for goosey gander and gandery goose.How about a naked dumb don surrounded by his naked cabinet FULL FRONTAL all smiling and holding hands and singing KUMBAYAH? Suitable for a Christmas Card or T-SHIRT. less
To be taken for granted like that? To be so disrespected and looked down upon and intellectually denigrated?Weirdly queer and peculiarly odd to say the least.
"Doesn't really matter if Soleimani posed imminent threat".Oh really? There were a variety of iterations of the "imminent threat" stated by the toady sycophant lemming spineless wh... more"Doesn't really matter if Soleimani posed imminent threat".Oh really? There were a variety of iterations of the "imminent threat" stated by the toady sycophant lemming spineless whinya** lemming spokesheads. The dumb don hisself said it could be 4 embassies that were targeted.Then he reverses all the lying denying justifying rationalizing bullsh**ting crap by saying "doesn't really matter".Of course it doesn't. Nothing he says or does really matters. none of it. It's all bullsh** crap designed to hook the gullibles and of course it is working. The rest of us? Well we are expendable. We don't count. Logical is important as is truth. The dumb don cabal et al SPIT ON LOGIC HONESTY AND TRUTH. We know. Goody gumdrops. less
Every living thing ends at the same destination. Life ends in death but what about a thereafter?Do you expect to ever find out the purpose of this journey we are taking? A hope a w... moreEvery living thing ends at the same destination. Life ends in death but what about a thereafter?Do you expect to ever find out the purpose of this journey we are taking? A hope a wish a need?
This morning I write down "Brie" on the marketing list. As I am writing it down Jim asks "how long has it been since we had any Brie cheese"? Simultaneously this occurs.Now we have... moreThis morning I write down "Brie" on the marketing list. As I am writing it down Jim asks "how long has it been since we had any Brie cheese"? Simultaneously this occurs.Now we have not discussed it at all. Not once in many weeks. Why is it that at the very same moment I am writing down the word "Brie" that Jim says out loud? WEIRD?What are the "odds of" that happening?I know sometimes you are thinking about someone and the phone rings and it is that very same someone.Has that happened to you too?Quantum Entanglement occurs millions of miles away. On a smaller scale can it occur too only not action/reaction but simultaneously? less
The bajillions of bucks dumb don done had other spend on HIM? Seriously dumb don? Ya really think the people are stupid dumb as you are? Get a grip. You are best at being stupid du... moreThe bajillions of bucks dumb don done had other spend on HIM? Seriously dumb don? Ya really think the people are stupid dumb as you are? Get a grip. You are best at being stupid dumb. You win hands down.
The antis of today whose ancestors fled to the USA due to war and persecution should be shipped back to wherever it was. The circle of life closes in on them centuries/decades late... moreThe antis of today whose ancestors fled to the USA due to war and persecution should be shipped back to wherever it was. The circle of life closes in on them centuries/decades later. Get rid of them. All bums. Make the country PURE again with the natives that were here BEFORE the great exodus.Poetic Justice. Only fair.As they go back to their ancestral homes they can feel rejected unloved second class seconds chipped and discolored that no one wants. They are refuse garbage trash that the originals here going back hundreds of thousands of year DO NOT WANT POLLUTING THEIR LANDS.Kick 'em back to where they belong. It sure as he** ain't here. Of course me too. I just don't know which country I would be kicked back to. Dad was born in Turkey and Mom was born in Armenia so where do I go? Oh I know. Cut me in half and place half of me in one country and the other half in the other country.SAME FOR ALL OF YOU READING THIS unless your ancestors were in multiples. Then you be cut up in all those pieces and the appropriat... less
She said she plans to vote for a person of color. The color being orange. She assures me that "orange is a color". Now I ask you is that not a very high-class sense of humor? So it... moreShe said she plans to vote for a person of color. The color being orange. She assures me that "orange is a color". Now I ask you is that not a very high-class sense of humor? So it is possible to keep humor alive and well even in the trenches of politics!
Take a dumb don. Is it his fault for what has happened to all the toady sycophant lemming whinya** butt kissers or were they always that shoddy and just needed a "push" or "shove" ... moreTake a dumb don. Is it his fault for what has happened to all the toady sycophant lemming whinya** butt kissers or were they always that shoddy and just needed a "push" or "shove" in the right direction?Isn't what we do and say ALWAYS our fault/responsibility? Can't blame dumb don for his terrible failure as a prez. That is whom he is, always was, always will be to eternity. The job did not change him. Nothing changed him. He was always that piece of babbling gibberish crackpot wackadoodle idiocy. So too are all his obedient liddlepeople who serve and service him and do his bidding in dumb city D.C..Good to know right?NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DEBTS BUT MY OWN less
Laughter is the best medicine. Maybe temporarily but so what? Isn't temporary "better" better than never?So many folks are always dour and sour and furious and become unhinged beca... moreLaughter is the best medicine. Maybe temporarily but so what? Isn't temporary "better" better than never?So many folks are always dour and sour and furious and become unhinged because of whatever steel rod is up their a** at the moment.Why not make laughter a goal and those who are funny our role models? What could it hurt? For a change?
These bigshot hotshots negotiate swell deals upfront. Stock options, golden parachutes, and all that jazz.Why aren't the companies smart enough to include CONTINGENCIES in the empl... moreThese bigshot hotshots negotiate swell deals upfront. Stock options, golden parachutes, and all that jazz.Why aren't the companies smart enough to include CONTINGENCIES in the employment agreement?If the company prouctivity increases by a certain percent then the executive qualifies for a certain additional benefit? Isn't that fair?As it is they scam their way through months of wrecking a company and are booted and don't care because they leave with bazillions of bucks.Dumb of a company don'tcha think? The companies are guaranteeing payment for certain things they believe will be delivered and when they're stiffed they're stuck with whatever the agreement was negotiated to give the loser who is laughing all the way to the bank. less
If you cook FROM SCRATCH and stop buying all those prepared foods it can cost less but you have to care and pay attention and spend the time necessary to control what you feed your... moreIf you cook FROM SCRATCH and stop buying all those prepared foods it can cost less but you have to care and pay attention and spend the time necessary to control what you feed your family. How often do you prepare dried beans or whole grains? Did you know that knowledgeable food combining will insure you are doing right by your children and yourselves? Combine beans with a pasta or whole grains with plenty of fresh vegetables and you have a well-balanced meal. Cut out the sugary crap. Now once in a awhile a treat isn't gonna kill ya. Once in awhile does not mean every day. Grab and go. Oh well. The folks who care are already doing what they can to feed their kids healthy foods. The ones who don't will just attack. So it goes. Obesity is here to stay hey hey hey. Poor kids. Condolences. less
What about YOUR parenting? Are you a bullheaded know-it-all with children who are obese and often ill because no one is gonna tell you how to raise them? Are you obese as well and ... moreWhat about YOUR parenting? Are you a bullheaded know-it-all with children who are obese and often ill because no one is gonna tell you how to raise them? Are you obese as well and suffering from a multiplicity of ills?Something like 50% of Americans are obese and childhood obesity in America is an epidemic or dam* near. How is that such parents are so sure they are doing the right thing by their children when it is obvious to everyone they aren't?
????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????... more???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????... less
A short time ago, I suggested that Trump will be removed from office. I said so because I believe, with the exception of his base, he is HATED by Republicans in the Senate ju... moreA short time ago, I suggested that Trump will be removed from office. I said so because I believe, with the exception of his base, he is HATED by Republicans in the Senate just as much as he's hated in the country as a whole..
The problem is that NONE of them are willing to come out against Trump by themselves.. Of course, if they did, they'd be tweeted into oblivion.. But, all we need is 20 Senators.. They won't even have to identify themselves.. All they'll have to do is let Moscow Mitch know how they'll vote, and he'll be FROGMARCHED outta town..
Now, I could be wrong.. After all, I was wrong once.. less