"I see dead people"The youngster in the movie said that.If you could see dead people and they communicated with you would that frighten you or would you be happy if you could help ... more"I see dead people"The youngster in the movie said that.If you could see dead people and they communicated with you would that frighten you or would you be happy if you could help them through to "the other side"?Maybe perhaps chump has the Bruce Willis role in today's ongoing drama of hope versus despair.Zombies are the walking dead. Do Zombies know they're dead?
How many different battles is chump engaged in right now? The more of his crap that flares up the more intent he is on creating crap elsewhere elsewise. He hopes he can change the ... moreHow many different battles is chump engaged in right now? The more of his crap that flares up the more intent he is on creating crap elsewhere elsewise. He hopes he can change the subject away from HIS CORRUPTION AND CRIMINAL acitivity to someone anyone someplace anyplace anything something no matter the size.Crowd size. Dems. The Press. Obama. Hillary. Biden. Maxine Waters. DESPERATE to grab at straws to save himself as he sinks lower and lower and lower in the quicksand of his own making. Can he be saved from himself or is it far too late for that? less
Why would you double down on your bet on a horse that will never finish the race at that pace? Can you s'plain yourself LUCY? Isn't that a FOOL'S bet? Doing that?
Where have you been since January 2017 when monster boy took over? Did you not see the caged and kenneled children locked up alone with tin foil blankets, no clothes to change into... moreWhere have you been since January 2017 when monster boy took over? Did you not see the caged and kenneled children locked up alone with tin foil blankets, no clothes to change into, no toiletries to keep them clean, no parents to hold them close?We of all people have lost that right to criticize others for doing what we have done are doing and will continue to do as long as that cancer called chump still has his chokehold on us. It is a ludicrous absurdity for him to assume he has the right to LECTURE those whose acts are no less evil than his. Do he? So why do he do what he do and say what he say when he be the worst example of what he decry? Why oh why oh why? less
My mom was pregnant with me when she saw the movie ROSEMARIE with Jeanette McDonald and Nelson Eddy.I have a grandmother named Rose and a grandmother named Mary so she let them thi... moreMy mom was pregnant with me when she saw the movie ROSEMARIE with Jeanette McDonald and Nelson Eddy.I have a grandmother named Rose and a grandmother named Mary so she let them think I was named after them (with a slight adjustment from Mary to Marie). They bought it and were happy. That's my story. What's yours?
It involves Ukraine.EXTORTIONCONSPIRACY TO COMMIT EXTORTIONVIOLATION OF FEDERAL ELECTION LAWSQUID PRO QUO don'tcha no know noeNow what?Well the desperate donnyjonny is terrified of... moreIt involves Ukraine.EXTORTIONCONSPIRACY TO COMMIT EXTORTIONVIOLATION OF FEDERAL ELECTION LAWSQUID PRO QUO don'tcha no know noeNow what?Well the desperate donnyjonny is terrified of Joe Biden as a prez competitor. What does he do? He do what every crookedly corrupt scairdy cat person would do.Contact UKRAINE and tell the leader of that country that in order to get the money the US normally sends to UKRAINE he MUST PROSECUTE Joe Biden or Joe Biden's son Hunter for crimes of whatever to discredit him.Isn't that PURRFICLY brilliant? A phone call done dood it. The absurdly mental midget rudy g ADMITS IT after he denies it then admits it then denies it then admits it and says he is very proud of it! The senile leading the seniler. You can't make this stuff up folks! Honestly. You can't! I'm not joking. The keystone kops, the 3 stooges, the two dumb and dumber guys were brilliant compared to the doofus donnyjonny and his doffusser hit man rudyg. What's next on their comedy agenda? It's gonna be a doozy to top this! less
They will believe the snake oil salesman all the time. The cureall never works and in fact often makes folks who buy it and swallow SICK but buy it they do over and over again. I c... moreThey will believe the snake oil salesman all the time. The cureall never works and in fact often makes folks who buy it and swallow SICK but buy it they do over and over again. I can understand being conned/duped/scammed ONCE. But repeatedly? Seriously? Is it obstinate determination that drives folks to put themselves up for sale to the sleazeballs and fakirs? What's the lure? What's the appeal? Where's the profit for them in that?
There's no way to get an EXACT number so all we have are ESTIMATES.40,000 marched in France2,600 marched in Ukraine5000 marched in South Africa10,000 marched in Turkey5,000marched ... moreThere's no way to get an EXACT number so all we have are ESTIMATES.40,000 marched in France2,600 marched in Ukraine5000 marched in South Africa10,000 marched in Turkey5,000marched in Japan100,000 marched in London330,000 marched in Australia250,000 marched in New York City1.4 MILLION marched in GermanyEven a small march in ANTARCTICAMarchers marched from Uganda to IndiaFrom Peru to GrenadaFrom Spain to AnchorageWHY NOW? Well ya see on Monday the CLIMATE CHANGE ACTION SUMMIT takes place. This was just a sample of how many people are paying attention and expecting ACTION!As for the climate change deniers they probably stayed in bed under the covers all day. So for them it never happened. Sheesh. Wimps. less
You believe/support whatever comes your way IN ACCORDANCE with your like/dislike. That's all she wrote! That's all there is. Nothing else matters but like which you support forever... moreYou believe/support whatever comes your way IN ACCORDANCE with your like/dislike. That's all she wrote! That's all there is. Nothing else matters but like which you support forevermore no matter what and dislike which you will never give up. Simple.
The donnyjonny tumbleweed is worshipped by millions of homo saps. Can you imagine anything MORE ABSURD than that? A mindless pointless heartless thing that goes whichever way other... moreThe donnyjonny tumbleweed is worshipped by millions of homo saps. Can you imagine anything MORE ABSURD than that? A mindless pointless heartless thing that goes whichever way others blow. Erratic irrational and can be very damaging to anything that gets in its way. That would be donnyjonny.Imagine a huge windstorm and you are driving down a road when suddenly a big old fat tumbleweed hits your car. How much damage can a tumbleweed do?
The CHIEF JUSTICE of course is GOD. The other SUPREMES are those HE relies on and has since forever began.We die. We appear before the TRIBUNAL and have no one to speak for us. The... moreThe CHIEF JUSTICE of course is GOD. The other SUPREMES are those HE relies on and has since forever began.We die. We appear before the TRIBUNAL and have no one to speak for us. There is no need. GOD already knows all. We need not speak. We just listen to our earned and justly deserved FATE playing out.How do you think YOU will do as GOD reads off your life to you? More pluses or minuses? More good deeds or bad?Would you like to just get what you DESERVE or is that thought frightening?What DO YOU DESERVE? Why? less
Those who believe in Jim Jones drank poison knowingly on his command and died. Are prodons doing the same thing only due to donnyjonny? Is he their MASSA man and they will do/say/b... moreThose who believe in Jim Jones drank poison knowingly on his command and died. Are prodons doing the same thing only due to donnyjonny? Is he their MASSA man and they will do/say/believe whatever he say they do OR ELSE?
Would you really want BEN CARSON operating on your brain?He is/was allegedly a brilliant brain surgeon. I can't see it. Unless he had a mental breakdown. How do you explain the Ben... moreWould you really want BEN CARSON operating on your brain?He is/was allegedly a brilliant brain surgeon. I can't see it. Unless he had a mental breakdown. How do you explain the Ben Carson of today whose only claim to fame is spending a bazillon dollars on office furniture as Secretary of whatever and getting outed and his hand slapped? If that is BRILLIANT give me mediocre.Can you actually be singularly BRILLIANT in just one thing and a dumbbell doofus elsewise otherwise? How?
I don't believe in killing animals to wear their fur but I lOVE LEATHER. Hypocrite! Knowing doesn't help to change that. Not buying leather goods doesn't matter if I still LOVE the... moreI don't believe in killing animals to wear their fur but I lOVE LEATHER. Hypocrite! Knowing doesn't help to change that. Not buying leather goods doesn't matter if I still LOVE them and admire them does it?So are you a hypocrite about anything? What causes HYPOCRISY and can it ever become extinct?
Millions of people agree with he whatever ridiculous egregious patently untrue thing he says. They just do. Now did their worship of him transform them into such beings or were the... moreMillions of people agree with he whatever ridiculous egregious patently untrue thing he says. They just do. Now did their worship of him transform them into such beings or were they already like that just waiting for a massive clown to take center stage so they could cheer him, believe him, adore him, mimic him? Chicken or egg? When the student is ready the teacher arrives. When the people were ready the anti-christ showed up. Now is he the fabled anti-Christ? If he isn't he is a damn good fake. You couldda fooled me! less
John Coleman. Chicagoans closely follow the word of Tom Skilling,...
George Fischbeck. With his bowtie, thick spectacles and bushy mustache,...... more6 famous weathermen of the 1970s
John Coleman. Chicagoans closely follow the word of Tom Skilling,...
George Fischbeck. With his bowtie, thick spectacles and bushy mustache,...
David Letterman. In his home state of Indiana, the talk show pioneer began as weather announcer —...
Bob Ryan. Ryan became The Today Show 's first on-air weatherman in the 1970s
Not strong enough to consume any chunks of matter at all- then launch into a low orbit around the earth. Do you think this would work or would there be risk of it consuming to... moreNot strong enough to consume any chunks of matter at all- then launch into a low orbit around the earth. Do you think this would work or would there be risk of it consuming too much heat/energy and causing a new ice age to happen?