Well ya see treatment of WASTEWATER is part of our INFRASTRUCTURE which now includes many DANGEROUS bridges and roads. The chump PROMISED to take care of it. In the meantime things... moreWell ya see treatment of WASTEWATER is part of our INFRASTRUCTURE which now includes many DANGEROUS bridges and roads. The chump PROMISED to take care of it. In the meantime things are getting worser and worser as he dibble dallies with desires to buy Greenland disenfranchise citizens of their citizenship and gives medals to the troops he sent to the US/ Mexican border for building fences. He knows what matters and how to prioritize in-between tweeting and rallies and adlib press conferences and golfing and watching TV and insulting and attacking and lying. Don't he? less
The US market share of meat and dairy products has PLUMMETED due to the chump China trade deals. Japan which used to be docile and subservient to the US no longer is since chump pu... moreThe US market share of meat and dairy products has PLUMMETED due to the chump China trade deals. Japan which used to be docile and subservient to the US no longer is since chump pulled out of some deals(the TPP primarily) that affected Japan. Now? Not docile not subservient. Not bullied. Not outsmarted. Another chump victory!
Rescinding the citizenship of all NATURALIZED CITIZENS?Then uncitizenizing of all people of color retroactively? The uncitizenizing of the dead who came here and became citizens? W... moreRescinding the citizenship of all NATURALIZED CITIZENS?Then uncitizenizing of all people of color retroactively? The uncitizenizing of the dead who came here and became citizens? Where will his fruitcake obsession to whiten America end? A worthy goal for pasty whites who support whatever he duz or sez or abhorrent wackadoodle evil Satanic?Then he will have his white nationalist racist terrorist fascist country of his dream. How long will it take to get all that accompished?
Shouldn't the chump GIVE MEDELS TO ALL THE TROOPS WHO DIED ON THE BATTLEFIELDS FIGHTING FOR THEIR COUNTRY FIRST?We know he is a FIRST-CLASS JACKA** and as stoopid dumb as they cum.... moreShouldn't the chump GIVE MEDELS TO ALL THE TROOPS WHO DIED ON THE BATTLEFIELDS FIGHTING FOR THEIR COUNTRY FIRST?We know he is a FIRST-CLASS JACKA** and as stoopid dumb as they cum. But this is an INSULT to all military.What did the troops he DEPLOYED to the US/Mexican border do? They built chainlink fences. Why does that deserve a medal?This 5-time fake bonespur draft dodger has some nerve playing with his toy soldiers is such a cold cavalier way. He is a crackpot wackadoodle crazy. When is what he does going to be TOO MUCH FOR YOU? less
Aliens battle terrorist in a sorority house filled with mutants, monsters and secret agents. Who will survive this action-packed inter-dimensional adventure?
Carl ... moreAliens battle terrorist in a sorority house filled with mutants, monsters and secret agents. Who will survive this action-packed inter-dimensional adventure?
Carl J. Sukenick
Carl J. Sukenick
Joe Franklin, Debbie Rochon, Abe Sukenick |
During the war of 1812 Commodore Oliver Hazard Perry said "We have met the enemy and they are ours"John Paul Jones said "I have not yet begun to fight"Julius Caesar said "I came I ... moreDuring the war of 1812 Commodore Oliver Hazard Perry said "We have met the enemy and they are ours"John Paul Jones said "I have not yet begun to fight"Julius Caesar said "I came I saw I conquered"
A 1970 poster said"We have met the enemy and they is us"Walt Kelly of POGO fame picked up on it and incorporated it into a cartoon.From the beginning of time homo saps are their own worst enemies it seemsMost emphatically shown now during the reign of terror of a man called chump.The more things change the more they stay same. SIGH.Someone somewhere said "Don't shoot until you see the whites of their eyes".Which is your favorite among those I've listed and are there any others you wish to submit for our consideration in the Twilight Zone? less
Which Republican toady sycophant stood up to chump and smacked the crap out of him verbally for saying that?NONEZIPZERONADAHow exquisite they are in their do-nothing say-nothing be... moreWhich Republican toady sycophant stood up to chump and smacked the crap out of him verbally for saying that?NONEZIPZERONADAHow exquisite they are in their do-nothing say-nothing be nothing NOTHINGNESS. I expect all prodons are proud as he** that the toady sycophants are scared sh**less and will always let whatever bilge detritus dung poop chump says go by without comment.SIGH.
Just like the prophecies that the world will end on a specific day. We're still here. What a bunch of crap.So the aides who are concerned about chump's erratic behavior say that to... moreJust like the prophecies that the world will end on a specific day. We're still here. What a bunch of crap.So the aides who are concerned about chump's erratic behavior say that to make themselves feel better about his madness that they enable and facilitate daily? Seriously? All they care about is that paycheck and so they wil NOT DO what they need to which is DUMP TRUMP. They just talk about how erratic crazy wackadoodle insane he is and think that will suffice.
He has turned bad luck into a disaster.He is trying to ORDER American Businessmen to NOT deal with CHINA?Oh sure, what else can we do to tank the faltering economy? WHAT ELSE... moreHe has turned bad luck into a disaster.He is trying to ORDER American Businessmen to NOT deal with CHINA?Oh sure, what else can we do to tank the faltering economy? WHAT ELSE can we BLAME OBAMA FOR?
Sounds like THE FAMILY Is a spawn of the devil. Lemme guess. It consists of VERY WEALTHY money hungry greedy hoors who worship wealth and tell folks it's what God wants.Ya think?If... moreSounds like THE FAMILY Is a spawn of the devil. Lemme guess. It consists of VERY WEALTHY money hungry greedy hoors who worship wealth and tell folks it's what God wants.Ya think?If so why do we hear REPEATEDLY that "it is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven?" Is the FAMILY that stoopid dumb and filled with ignoramuses that they think anyone will buy that crap other than other spawns of the devil like them? Sheesh.
Andrew says at no time did he ever witness anything Epstein is charged with having done though he does fully admit he did stayed at "some" of Epstein's residences All the residence... moreAndrew says at no time did he ever witness anything Epstein is charged with having done though he does fully admit he did stayed at "some" of Epstein's residences All the residences were loaded with little girls there to "give massages" and have sex. So you never saw anything untoward? Oh c'mon! Seriously you expect us to believe that crap Andrew?Andrew says at most he saw Epstein once or twice a year. Well Andrew your word isn't worth much and Epstein is dead so he can't refute would you said.Andrew says he feels nothing but sympathy for victims. Andrew says Epstein turned out not to be the person he thought he was. OH C'MON Andrew! The person you knew he was was a CONVICTED pedophile charged with having sex with minors and engaging in sex trafficking. You gonna tell us that you did not know why he was charged tried and convicted? How stupid do you think we are?So the question is why does Andrew think this is going to convince us that he is such a swell guy who misjudged a vile creep and mistakenly hung out wit... less
Not only those that affect you but for every member of your family including kids and grandkids? Your friends too? In fact give him absolute power over every decision anyone has to... moreNot only those that affect you but for every member of your family including kids and grandkids? Your friends too? In fact give him absolute power over every decision anyone has to make. I expect if you agree it will happen. I expect if he can figger a way to do it then it will happen whether you agree or not. He has the fake AG liddle billybarr to make laws he wants and to ignore laws he doesn't like. So. Whatcha say? Abandon decisionmaking forever and live happily ever after? Let daddy dearest decide and do not worry your pretty little head. Daddy will handle it. Daddy will take care of it. less
Yep he truly did said that.There is no in-between. A background check ends with giving up all your guns. He said so. That means it is true. Be Warned. Fight like he**. The chump sa... moreYep he truly did said that.There is no in-between. A background check ends with giving up all your guns. He said so. That means it is true. Be Warned. Fight like he**. The chump said so. He wouldn't lie to you or exaggerate or make stuff up or engage in EXTREMELY ABSURD threats of what will happen if you do anything at all to make owning guns a tiny bit safter. You can trust him to be true blue loyal and always have your best interests at heart. You know that about him right? The NRA can go suck an egg. Right? less
There is nothing for us to do but to OBEY.Who knew we could be parented as we got older and given specific instructions about every facet of our lives? I mean aren't you now comfy ... moreThere is nothing for us to do but to OBEY.Who knew we could be parented as we got older and given specific instructions about every facet of our lives? I mean aren't you now comfy cozy secure safe happy content about your life? Just follow his orders and he will be pleased with you and not abandon you. He will always be there to order command demand insist ultimatum. What other leader loves his people so much that he is willing to parent them 24/7 forever or until they die...whichever comes first?
The notorious RBG is a very tough lady and has come through a lot of illness. She is feisty and determined but well cancer has a way of canceling all the best intentions/determinat... moreThe notorious RBG is a very tough lady and has come through a lot of illness. She is feisty and determined but well cancer has a way of canceling all the best intentions/determination. It is a sadness that will eventually overcome her ability to fight.We need a miracle. Do you believe in them?