Some said you cannot anticipate DUMB. Vis a vis the chump. His dumb knows no deep too steep to descend below and belower he goes with every stoopid dumb word.
Will all Jews be converted to Christianity which will hasten the day Jesus returns and everyone will rise up to heaven and live happily ever after? Is that what Evangelicals bellie... moreWill all Jews be converted to Christianity which will hasten the day Jesus returns and everyone will rise up to heaven and live happily ever after? Is that what Evangelicals bellieve? Sounds crackpot wackadoodle to me.Does Mike Pompeo and others believe that? I dunno folks. The more we go ahead the further we are behind.
A political science university professor named Rachel correctly predicted the Dem humongous win in the House in 2018. She predicts that the Dem minimum no matter whom they se... moreA political science university professor named Rachel correctly predicted the Dem humongous win in the House in 2018. She predicts that the Dem minimum no matter whom they select for a candidate will be 278 in the electoral college. To that we will add whatever swing states swing to the Dems.Will Rachel be correct again? Tune in on November whatever 2021 and find out!
Apparently the prodons are doing it and have been doing it constantly. There is something called the EPOCH TIMES promoting chump and wackadoodle crackpot sick conspiracy theories w... moreApparently the prodons are doing it and have been doing it constantly. There is something called the EPOCH TIMES promoting chump and wackadoodle crackpot sick conspiracy theories whose culprits are guess whose? Dems of course. And they suck up to brown nose and kiss the a**es of folks they interview for typical propaganda purposes. A juggernaut that is all about chump and about the wondrousness of chump and simultaneously promulgate the usual standard crackpot conspiracy theories that all gullibles love to embrace believe retweet. Online boosters. How do the Dems combat such a behemoth sloth of superstition sleazy scandalmongering and outrageous made up crap that all the saps buy and swallow and spread around?Poor y'all who are caught up in the scum and dirt and filth and vermin and liars who stalk and populate to infiltrate and infect invade conquer. Hope you got your shots. If not you are already one of them. less
The chump in his long-ago days.August 8, 2016"Laziness is a trait in blacks. I believe that no black person will be president again anytime soon."The chump is the same as jacka** h... moreThe chump in his long-ago days.August 8, 2016"Laziness is a trait in blacks. I believe that no black person will be president again anytime soon."The chump is the same as jacka** he ever wuz or will be or could be. Isn't it swell to know some things NEVER change NEVER grow NEVER improve. They just keep on keeping on endlessly sticking to all they will ever be.That's your guy you guys!
Well a dipsydoodle chump adoring worshipper sez chump is like the King of Israel and loved by Jews like the second coming of God. That's pretty bigly love so I'm wondering are ther... moreWell a dipsydoodle chump adoring worshipper sez chump is like the King of Israel and loved by Jews like the second coming of God. That's pretty bigly love so I'm wondering are there anti-semite rats hiding among them? You can't be a prodon and an anti-semite right?Also the chump said "any jewish people". Is that correct?Isn't ANY singular and PEOPLE plural?So any people or any person? Maybe it's grammatically correct but it sounds awkward to me.Would you say any Jewish people who vote democratic are either disloyal or ignorant as chump saidorAny Jewish person who votes democratic is either disloyal or ignorantor All Jewish people who vote democratic are either disloyal or ignorant?Which sounds betterer to you? Why? less
Trump is the greatest president fo Jews and Israel in the history of the world. Jews love him like he is the King of Israel. They love him like he is the second coming of God.Well ... moreTrump is the greatest president fo Jews and Israel in the history of the world. Jews love him like he is the King of Israel. They love him like he is the second coming of God.Well my Jewish pals out there? Is that true for you? Does Wayne Allyn Root speak for you? Does chump's verbatim thank you to Root resonate with you because they are true?I though Jesus was King of Israel. I guess I thought wrong.Nice to know that chump is so beloved by the Wayne Allyn Roots of the world isn't it and not just the crackpot wackadoodle gibberish-loving birther conspiracy crazies. Oh wait. Root is one of those. Well take your pick.Adore whom you want. Support whom you want. Prodons take pride in supporting the King of Israel. less
Obama's crowd size at his inauguration and how beloved he was and is and always will be by the people.The chump cannot ever get over "winning" by rigging and even then he was still... moreObama's crowd size at his inauguration and how beloved he was and is and always will be by the people.The chump cannot ever get over "winning" by rigging and even then he was still the popular vote loser. The chump cannot abide being outshone on every level by Obama. So he keeps picking at the sores so they will bleed and never heal believing he is justified in doing this. It is what MASOCHISTS do to the themselves. He is a racist fascist bully treasonous masochist. No wonder he is so miserable 24/7. No percentage of him is valuable worthwhile admirable. He is despised by more people than any other American president and he done did it all to himself by himself and he keeps digging the hole he is in deeper and deeper and wonders why everything is becoming so dark and filthy and swampy crawling with an invasion infestation of mobs of creepy critters? less
I wonder how many among that 94-95% of American people are chump sheeple? They are being VERY DISLOYAL to him.He flipflops repeatedly on everything. All the time. No exceptions. If... moreI wonder how many among that 94-95% of American people are chump sheeple? They are being VERY DISLOYAL to him.He flipflops repeatedly on everything. All the time. No exceptions. If you trust that he will keep you afloat be assured you will drown."The president is committed to all Americans". I have no idea who is floating that lie but it's a guy who doesn't believe anything he sees or hears. Just the kinda guy chump adores.
They didn't like the reports coming out of the Department of Agriculture so what did they do? TRANSFER that department to KANSAS. Either move and keep your job or quit. Well 2/3 qu... moreThey didn't like the reports coming out of the Department of Agriculture so what did they do? TRANSFER that department to KANSAS. Either move and keep your job or quit. Well 2/3 quit.What was the rationale behind it? That it would put the Department of Agriculture closer to the heartland and the farmers.Of coure y'all buy that crap don't you? You're so used to swallowing chump crap that you would barf swallowing anything else.You don't want to know what chump doesn't want you to know. Ya know? There is no curiosity or desire to find out because well if chump thought you could handle the truth he'd deliver it to you himself. He has contempt for you which is obvious. Why y'all don't mind I cannot say. Only you know why being lied to and condescended to and patronized floats your boat and rings your chimes. Different strokes for diffrunt phokes. Got your lifejackt on just in case? Waterwings? Flippers? less
The Aga Khan was gifted by his people with his matching weight in diamonds gold platinum. Allegedly. I don't know if it was an annual thing or only done to honor his 60th year or 7... moreThe Aga Khan was gifted by his people with his matching weight in diamonds gold platinum. Allegedly. I don't know if it was an annual thing or only done to honor his 60th year or 70th year in charge. I don't know how obese he became just for that because of course if he were OBESE he'd get more "grease" to match his weight.Why chump hasn't already jumped on that puzzles me.He is already obese so his weight in diamonds and gold and platinum could be worth a pretty penny. Whether once he orders it done he will insist on it being done annually I do not know.Betcha he will have tanks and cannons and the Blue Angels doing flyovers and marching bands to celebrate that great date.You think I'm joking? Do you really think if chump could pull something like off he wouldn't? less
What's to stop him from NATIONALIZING all businesses that are profitable and making private ownership by individual illegal?So the gubment aka chump will automatically be a partner... moreWhat's to stop him from NATIONALIZING all businesses that are profitable and making private ownership by individual illegal?So the gubment aka chump will automatically be a partner of every viable business there is from the multi-billion dollar corporations to the little tiny mop and pop shops.50%? 75% 90%? He can name amy percent of ownership he wants for himself and guess what? The fake AG liddle billybarr will say that the extent of executive power is limitless. The Supremes will back him up. Congress will be impotent to do anything if Moscow mitch that son of an itch remains in charge of the Senate. There is no recourse. No exit. No way out. He** on earth for you ritzy bitzy capitalists for sure. Your hero will be your major partner. He will be calling all the shots futurely forevermorely. Is that the way you like it? Uh-huh? Uh-huh? less
What makes you think he can stand up to Putin or Kim or the Saudi Crown Prince? They're way tougher and smarter than the falling-apart corrupt criminal treasonous NRA. You're just ... moreWhat makes you think he can stand up to Putin or Kim or the Saudi Crown Prince? They're way tougher and smarter than the falling-apart corrupt criminal treasonous NRA. You're just deluding yourself if you think such a weak sister will ever lift a finger to protect you from anyone or anything. You think he is watching your back? Seriously? Good luck with that.
I cannot figure out why chump is on a tear to eliminate all protections of life of all kinds.It seems counterproductive to me. If you can drink safe water and breathe clean air and... moreI cannot figure out why chump is on a tear to eliminate all protections of life of all kinds.It seems counterproductive to me. If you can drink safe water and breathe clean air and eat food grown in soil that is contaminant free and someone takes away all those assurance which is what chump has done do you support it or abhor it? Why would you want your kids to breathe air that could harm them drink water that could pollute their bodies and eat food containing chemicals that were dumped by manufacturing plants that would possibly kill them?Makes no sense to me. Does it to thee?And of course revitalizing a nuclear arms race means we are going backwards to a time when there wre no agreement between countries with leaders who hated one another but were intelligent enough to understand that survival of the human race was a major consideration. All gone now because the chump doesn't like them. less
What happens when you pull out of nuclear arms agreements with hostile foreign countries and test missiles that were previously BANNED? Aren't you inviting resumption of a nuclear ... moreWhat happens when you pull out of nuclear arms agreements with hostile foreign countries and test missiles that were previously BANNED? Aren't you inviting resumption of a nuclear arms race with the inevitable result of war? Why else eliminate the brakes unless you want the bomb-loaded car going down the hill to accelerate and keep going until?