Would that be a feather in your cap or a black day forever futurely and beyond? If he held hate rallies would you attend and cheer just like his adoring worshippers do here?
What does chump have of unique value that would make him a worthwhile inhabitant of any country? The world knows what he is. He vets himself daily by mouth and tweet and hate ralli... moreWhat does chump have of unique value that would make him a worthwhile inhabitant of any country? The world knows what he is. He vets himself daily by mouth and tweet and hate rallies. Who wants THAT in their country?Do you?
Does anyone really think Greenland would allow chump to legally emigrate there?Maybe he could visit there short term. Greenland sez it ain't for sale but it's open for business.I s... moreDoes anyone really think Greenland would allow chump to legally emigrate there?Maybe he could visit there short term. Greenland sez it ain't for sale but it's open for business.I see nothing about chump that would make him a useful inhabitant of any country. He is a curiosity that locals might want to check out BRIEFLY but that's it.
*Or Jehovah or Buddha or Zoroaster or whatever name your religion calls its Supreme Being.They ARE NOT supposed to advise you about politics or finances or what you wear or eat or ... more*Or Jehovah or Buddha or Zoroaster or whatever name your religion calls its Supreme Being.They ARE NOT supposed to advise you about politics or finances or what you wear or eat or what entertainment you like or your hobbies or your clothing or your feelings or absolve you from your sins over and over and over and over and over and over again. That's prtentious arrogant and way out of line.Their EXPERTISE should be focused on centered on devoted to GOD. They are students too. Or should be.So the pretend holy men who wax on and on about despot dictators and how GOD sent them to you are all full of sh**. Make no mistake about it. They are not in the correct lane and not in the correct place and certainly are stepping way out of bounds. Phonies who demand that you worship them as GOD's representative on earth. Do you? How much away from their job do you let them get away with? WHY? less
Any refresher courses MANDATORY? Any physicals that include mental tests emotional tests spiritual tests as well as how healthy the body is?If not shouldn't the church shape up buc... moreAny refresher courses MANDATORY? Any physicals that include mental tests emotional tests spiritual tests as well as how healthy the body is?If not shouldn't the church shape up buck up and do what's right? Not that any of that would be a guarantee of weeding out evil but at least folks would know they would be watched and tested regularly.
The chump has copycatted despot dictators perfectly in the first part. The second part will be evidenced if he gets his hands on another 4 years. He will know that he can do whatev... moreThe chump has copycatted despot dictators perfectly in the first part. The second part will be evidenced if he gets his hands on another 4 years. He will know that he can do whatever he wants with impunity. He sticks up for the despot dictators 24/7 and always has. That is a precursor to his becoming full-blown top speed unfettered unchallenged unstoppable one of them. I bet y'all are giddy as schoolgirls swooning at the latest bobbysoxer heartthrob crush. November 2020 can't come too soon for you! SIGH.
Why do I ask?Well ya see awhile back I forget the question I asked but one respondent said it was worth it because it drives Dems crazy. That was the goal. I think it had to do wit... moreWhy do I ask?Well ya see awhile back I forget the question I asked but one respondent said it was worth it because it drives Dems crazy. That was the goal. I think it had to do with supporting doofus don aka chump. It's not so much that they adore him as that Dems abhor him and so they get off on adoring him and worshipping him in 3 acts. So it isn't so much that prodons really believe in anything as much that their goal is to drive Dems crazy? Really? How swell.
So why not set your sights higher fer cryin' out loud? You're not scairdy cats are ya?. Right now you will settle for the right to own assault weapons used in wars.Puny. Why not go... moreSo why not set your sights higher fer cryin' out loud? You're not scairdy cats are ya?. Right now you will settle for the right to own assault weapons used in wars.Puny. Why not go for state-of-the-art?I'm thinking specifically of what Russia is working on right now. MISSILES POWERED BY NUCLEAR REACTORS! I don't know how large they are or what they would cost but surely the billionaires in the NRA want to own and operate them too. Wouldn't you?So why not stretch the right to arm bears and open it up to all weapons of mass destruction? Would you consider chemical warfare and germ warfare part of the right to arm bears? The sky's the limit! Buy now. It will cost more later. Protect yourselves.That I can tell you. Everyone says so. SIGH. We'll see what happens less
@MeganSquire0 FACT: Black on white crime is way more prevalent that white on black crime.
(Jan 17, 2018, 10:07 PM) Twitter is blocking me because of a ... moreJames Mabry @beancrisp
@MeganSquire0 FACT: Black on white crime is way more prevalent that white on black crime.
(Jan 17, 2018, 10:07 PM) Twitter is blocking me because of a false accusation of promoting hate. I have never promoted hate in my life.As you can see the tweet is over a year and a half old. Yesterday I was disagreeing with some Antifa supporters. I suspect that one of them went through my tweets to find something they can use to claim I am promoting hate. Twitter will unblock me if I delete my tweet. If I delete the tweet am I admitting I am guilty of promoting hate? Why doesn't Twitter block false accusers? less
So I get that everybody is afraid to get shot these days,so why don't they just stay home? I mean, can't you work from home,shop from home,etc. What gives? Why take chances?? Doubl... moreSo I get that everybody is afraid to get shot these days,so why don't they just stay home? I mean, can't you work from home,shop from home,etc. What gives? Why take chances?? Double bolt your doors,get ring,and live life!!
Cock Up Your Beaver(AKA - Johnny cock thy beaver)
When first my brave Johnie lad came to this townHe had a blue bonnet that wanted the crownBut now he has gotten a hat and a feathe... moreCock Up Your Beaver(AKA - Johnny cock thy beaver)
When first my brave Johnie lad came to this townHe had a blue bonnet that wanted the crownBut now he has gotten a hat and a featherHey, brave Johnie lad, cock up your beaver
Cock up your beaver, and cock it fu' sprushWe'll over the border, and gie them a brushThere's some folks there we'll teach better behaviourHey, brave Johnie lad, cock up your beaverHey, brave Johnie lad, cock up your beaverhttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cock_Up_Your_BeaverItIt sounds rather dirty. Wonder why I've never heard of it. less
The jacka** cop chokeheld Garner WHICH IS ILLEGAL until he died. Garner said "I can't breathe I can't breathe I can't breathe" numerous times. The murderer ignored him and kept cho... moreThe jacka** cop chokeheld Garner WHICH IS ILLEGAL until he died. Garner said "I can't breathe I can't breathe I can't breathe" numerous times. The murderer ignored him and kept chokeholding. I think it's taken FIVE YEARS to do the right thing. SHAME on all of those who put the Garner family through he**. Justice delayed is justice denied? I dunno. What do you think?
Does it please you or annoy you? You know what that means don't you? It means they have no sane logical intelligent way to combat you so the only thing they can do is to SILENCE yo... moreDoes it please you or annoy you? You know what that means don't you? It means they have no sane logical intelligent way to combat you so the only thing they can do is to SILENCE you. You win. They lose. Every time. They prove your point better than you ever could if they just let it pass on by.
It is the best way to prove to him that you listen to what he says and take it all very seriously.He will notice and pay attention to you but you must pay no attention to any weak ... moreIt is the best way to prove to him that you listen to what he says and take it all very seriously.He will notice and pay attention to you but you must pay no attention to any weak impotent shaky baky things he says. He will be FORCED to say those things. He doesn't mean any of them. You know in your heart He is proud of you. Proud of your hearing his underlying theme.Eliminate everyone who is not WHITE with all your might and your soul and all your fight. Why not? What could it hurt? That I can tell you. Everyone says so. Go with God. Make sure you have plenty of ammo. less
It sure as he** ain't true for me. But SINCE CHUMP never lies and is virtuously and holy clearly SOMEONE HAS STOLEN MY MONEY BECAUSE I'M NOT RICH AND I'M NOT LOADED UP WITH MONEY A... moreIt sure as he** ain't true for me. But SINCE CHUMP never lies and is virtuously and holy clearly SOMEONE HAS STOLEN MY MONEY BECAUSE I'M NOT RICH AND I'M NOT LOADED UP WITH MONEY AND CHUMP WOULD NEVER LIE. WHO IS THE THIEF WHO STOLE MY MONEY?Are you all rich and loaded up with money? Or has someone stolen your money too?
They are such IN YOUR FACE PRO DON SHYSTERS they make their employees pay with their own money for refusing to attend a chump rally.I say they have HUGE cajones for doing tha... moreThey are such IN YOUR FACE PRO DON SHYSTERS they make their employees pay with their own money for refusing to attend a chump rally.I say they have HUGE cajones for doing that.I also say every other extremely WHITE extremely RIGHT WING conservative nationalist company will do it too. He** if THEY(the shysters SHELL) can get away with so can Hobby Lobby and Papa John and Chick Fil A and all the other extremely WHITE right wingers.Be warned. You too will be stiffed for your pay if you DON'T do what they say.This is America folks. You do what you're told OR ELSE. less
Impersonating a cop is not the act of a lucid coherent sane person. Only the stupid dumb crackpots would do it.To be a big man? To get jollies fraudulently since they are so pathet... moreImpersonating a cop is not the act of a lucid coherent sane person. Only the stupid dumb crackpots would do it.To be a big man? To get jollies fraudulently since they are so pathetically lacking in everything necessary to earn attention properly?The only thing dumber is doing something illegal right in front of a police station which has happened more than once. Are they asking to be locked up?
If the domestic terrorist slaughterer massacrer is a person of color, a Muslim or an undocumented worker will he INSIST it is a mental health problem too or something darkers uglie... moreIf the domestic terrorist slaughterer massacrer is a person of color, a Muslim or an undocumented worker will he INSIST it is a mental health problem too or something darkers uglier more evil?For him WHITE IS ALWAYS RIGHT. IF A WHITE MURDERER MASSACRERS SLAUGHTERS it is a mental health defect. IF AND ONLY IF THE SLAUGHTERER is one of his peeps of course. If not it's a whole different ballgame.Look at his track record. The past is always prologue for tomorrow. You can predict the future by looking at the past. The chump track record is there. Check it out. less
Well most all domestic terrorist massacres are committed by White Nationalist RACIST Domestic Terrorists.The latest and worst of which being El Paso where 22 died and the White Nat... moreWell most all domestic terrorist massacres are committed by White Nationalist RACIST Domestic Terrorists.The latest and worst of which being El Paso where 22 died and the White Nationalist Racist Domestic Terrorist was quoted as using language used by chump at his white nationalist racist hate rallies. Coindink? Ya think? Rinkydinkystinkythinky if you do..So chump is willing to label a group that hasn't massacred anyone as TERRORIST but not label an entire species of evildoers who are committing the atrocities all the time? That is his crackpot wackadoodle solution. less
Per the CDC 94 cases of a severe pulmonary disease are linked to vaping.If you vape are you like cigarette smokers who think lung cancer won't happen to them? Good luck with that if you are.