Are enough of the electorate sick of Trump yet?Are the Republicans satisfied with the direction in which Trump is leading the nation?If a significant number were dissatisfied, what... moreAre enough of the electorate sick of Trump yet?Are the Republicans satisfied with the direction in which Trump is leading the nation?If a significant number were dissatisfied, what options would be open to them to put forward and alternative?Will the Democrats put forward really good candidates?Will the Dems put the right tactics and effort into their campaign?And will more Democrats not take the outcome for granted and come out to vote?
I once met a guy who worked in the White House during the Johnson Administration. I set up security for The President overseas. Maybe it wasn't him so much as it was th... moreI once met a guy who worked in the White House during the Johnson Administration. I set up security for The President overseas. Maybe it wasn't him so much as it was the things he had done.
Mine is "Lucky, Lucky, Lucky Me" by Evelyn Knight. I first heard it a few years ago as an audio track to a video clip about grape harvesting, and only much later did I hear the ori... moreMine is "Lucky, Lucky, Lucky Me" by Evelyn Knight. I first heard it a few years ago as an audio track to a video clip about grape harvesting, and only much later did I hear the original song used in a car commercial.
A He will countermand it and STOP ITorB He will tell hostile foreign nations all about itHe is a CLEAR AND PRESENT DANGER to the security of the United States of AmericaIn other wo... moreA He will countermand it and STOP ITorB He will tell hostile foreign nations all about itHe is a CLEAR AND PRESENT DANGER to the security of the United States of AmericaIn other words they cannot trust him to shut up and let them do their jobs.They cannot trust him shut up and NOT inform the ENEMYHe can't be trusted so he isn't in the loop. Isn't that queerly peculiarly interesting?
I kept getting trolled on Yahoo Answers so I just quit. I had an old account on there but I had to delete it because they're we're nothing but bullies on there I made a new account... moreI kept getting trolled on Yahoo Answers so I just quit. I had an old account on there but I had to delete it because they're we're nothing but bullies on there I made a new account they still bullied me. They kept calling me Sherlock for some reason they call every user that on there. Then they add a crying joke or something I don't know if I did something to offend them or what. I had to delete because they bullied me so much it drove me to delete my accounts. Anyone here who's ever been on Yahoo Answers do you think it's a bully and a trolling site ? less
Argentina's secretary of energy said the power failed at 7:07 a.m. Only the southernmost province of Tierra del Fuego was unaffected.
"The cause is still under investigation," the ... moreArgentina's secretary of energy said the power failed at 7:07 a.m. Only the southernmost province of Tierra del Fuego was unaffected.
"The cause is still under investigation," the energy secretary's office said.
WHO is GOING To VOTE FOR THIS JERK?Does anyone care what Hillary Clinton does? She isn't even running. IS HE FREAKING NUTS OR WHAT?And what about THAT base? Do th... moreWHO is GOING To VOTE FOR THIS JERK?Does anyone care what Hillary Clinton does? She isn't even running. IS HE FREAKING NUTS OR WHAT?And what about THAT base? Do they even know why they hated her in the first place? I doubt it.
Here’s a prediction: Newspapers around the country will endorse President Trump’s opponent in the 2020 presidential election by a gaping margin, perhaps even exceeding ... moreHere’s a prediction: Newspapers around the country will endorse President Trump’s opponent in the 2020 presidential election by a gaping margin, perhaps even exceeding the 57-to-2 blowout for Hillary Clinton in 2016 (among the country’s 100 largest papers).
One way to stick out from this lump of consensus? Get your endorsement out early. “Our Orlando Sentinel endorsement for president in 2020: Not Donald Trump,” reads the headline on the Sentinel’s Tuesday editorial, which is pegged to the president’s visit to Orlando later Tuesday to officially launch his presidential campaign. In 2016, The Post’s editorial board ruled out a Trump endorsement months before the election, calling him a “unique and present danger” to the Constitution.
Is this the first such editorial of the 2020 cycle? “I think so,” responded Julie Anderson, the Sentinel’s editor in chief, who oversees both the paper’s news coverage and its editorials. “All t... less
That is precisely what the extremely stable genius sb prez did in Orlando. Same refrains and strains and complains and insults and attacks as in 2016. The only change is that... moreThat is precisely what the extremely stable genius sb prez did in Orlando. Same refrains and strains and complains and insults and attacks as in 2016. The only change is that his ENEMIES list is bigger but then so is he. Times takes a chunk out of everyone s it adds enormous weight to few.. The rallygoers bought it though. Some even showed up in "LOCK HER UP" tops. Remembrance of things past! Yesterday. Show me the way to go home. A replay of yesterday starting yesterday in Orlando, Florida at the ALLEGED kickoff to the 2020 election. Alleged because the day of his January 2017 inauguration he began his pitch for re-election and never stopped pitching. It is evident the "president" is a broken record that's stuck in yesterday and there he will stay.'And all our YESTERDAYS have lighted foolsThe way to dusty death. Out, out, brief candle!Life's but a walking shadow, a poor player,That struts and frets his hour upon the stage,And then is heard no more. It is a taleTold by an idiot, full of sound and furySigni... less
If he had anything new at all to pitch the crowd he would. But he doesn't so he didn't and you know what's weird as well as queerly peculiar about all of it? Lotsa folks showed up ... moreIf he had anything new at all to pitch the crowd he would. But he doesn't so he didn't and you know what's weird as well as queerly peculiar about all of it? Lotsa folks showed up in "LOCK HER UP" T-shirts! They are so stuck in yesterday because there is no today or tomorrow. There is only what was and there is no what is or what will be. Historical first. No progress. No movement. No growth. No success. Just look back to yesterday and repeat repeat repeat repeat repeat.
The opinion piece started off by saying our candidate for president. NOT DONALD TRUMPIt went on from there to be a SCATHING attack on the extremely stable genius sb pre... moreThe opinion piece started off by saying our candidate for president. NOT DONALD TRUMPIt went on from there to be a SCATHING attack on the extremely stable genius sb prez listing a few items that were just the tip of the iceberg. The putdown take-down could not have been done by anyone any better than that.That is what greeted the doofus in Orlando. The Orlando Sentinel NORMALLY endorses Republicans. It said they will endorse anyone NOT DONALD TRUMP without even knowing whom it will be. Anyone will be bette and do better. The Sentinel doesn't know who will be running against him yet but it doesn't matter. They want Orlando folks to know their position NOW. The opponent will be the one to vote for whomever it is simply because it will be NOT DONALD TRUMP.Imagine if every paper in ever city where the doofus don holds a campaign rally were to get on board and do the same kind of opinion pieces?. We could have baby blimp flying overhead perhaps to underscore the contempt disdain disgust American cit... less
To show how swell he is he should FIRE everyone in every job in gubment and run everything himself! That will show his detractors what an extremely stable genius sb prez can do all... moreTo show how swell he is he should FIRE everyone in every job in gubment and run everything himself! That will show his detractors what an extremely stable genius sb prez can do all alone on his own without crap or meddling or feedback or incessions from others. Let Ivanka and Jared go back home to their lives of luxury. Write a blank letter of recommendation for everyone else. It needn't be long."This person survived working for me. What else needs to be said? Hire HIM/HER/THEM OR ELSE!"Very truly yoursKing of the World and its environs and beyond to infinity less
My wife was watching 16 And Pregnant I don't understand the whole concept of this show. I don't see what the point I think it was suppose to help decrease teen pregnancy but it see... moreMy wife was watching 16 And Pregnant I don't understand the whole concept of this show. I don't see what the point I think it was suppose to help decrease teen pregnancy but it seems to be increasing. For some reason I'm friends with my wife's friends on Facebook half I don't even know they all like this show too they also all had kids at a young age. My age is having our first baby in December we're not teens we're adults we got married first we did it the right way that doesn't happen much anymore. Some have kids then get married or some have kids by 2 or 3 different dads. My wife is 5 years older than me we been best friends since we were kids I know her older brother which is how I met her through him. We weren't even ready for kids but somehow it happened. For some reason she watches this show everyday I just don't get it at all. There was even a 13 year old girl at her school who got pregnant her daughter is now gonna be 10 this year. Why do so many teens get pregnant ? less
The newest withdrawee Patrick Shanahan has a disgustingly abusive past he tried to hide. Do the toady sycophants who serve at the pleasure of the extremely stable genius sb prez ev... moreThe newest withdrawee Patrick Shanahan has a disgustingly abusive past he tried to hide. Do the toady sycophants who serve at the pleasure of the extremely stable genius sb prez ever VETT anyone for anything at anytime to make sure they are in fact the most disgusting picks because that's what is happening consistently.Can it just be beginner's "luck" that they are all f*****up? So is it purposeful because that's what the extremely stable genius sb prez defines as the "BEST PEOPLE"?
Do you RESPECT folks based upon how easily they buy your lie or how they never believe you at all at any time for any reason in any season because they KNOW a lie when they hear it... moreDo you RESPECT folks based upon how easily they buy your lie or how they never believe you at all at any time for any reason in any season because they KNOW a lie when they hear it?People who believe liars are very weak or they wouldn't fall victim to it repeatedly. Do YOU respect those who show they are weak in that way? Easy to manipulate trick con scam fake out? Really? You don't feel the least bit condescending toward them or superior to them or far more astute intellectually? What do you feel when you see a lie that someone buys without questioning it or investigating it or vetting it or testing it?Anger? Pity? Fury? Empathy? less
I got an ipod touch 6 I've had it for 2 years it works fine but the battery goes dead quick. Last night it was fully charged when I unplugged it this morning it was going dead the ... moreI got an ipod touch 6 I've had it for 2 years it works fine but the battery goes dead quick. Last night it was fully charged when I unplugged it this morning it was going dead the battery showed 97 percent. How can I change the battery ? Where do you get the batteries for them ?
Cuz he know he owns them till the day they die or he dies whichever comes first and he doesn't have to lift a finger for them or do diddly for them they will stick by him like glue... moreCuz he know he owns them till the day they die or he dies whichever comes first and he doesn't have to lift a finger for them or do diddly for them they will stick by him like glue no matter what. He takes them completely for granted and doesn't think much of them. A perverse curse or worse?I'd be insulted if I were one of them but then if I were one of THEM I'd be a whole nother universe of homo sap. Poor saps. They don't know any better.
Obviously because he can't have her. Why else are men so obsessed with women in their past?She will never be his. He cannot tolerate that reality and so he will keep her alive by o... moreObviously because he can't have her. Why else are men so obsessed with women in their past?She will never be his. He cannot tolerate that reality and so he will keep her alive by obsessively speaking her name wherever he is at rallies and luncheons and state dinners and in bed and on the phone and when with others and when alone. She is part of him. He has no pride where she is concerned. He will speak her name forever because that is as close to her as he will ever get. He is enamored ensnared entangled.A stalker for sure. A threatener for sure. A disparager for sure. Anything to get her attention so she will notice him and pay attention to him and speak to him and meet with him and hopefully one day succumb to his protestations of abject love and devotion and surrender unto him. Nothing so sad as an old man carrying a torch for a woman he will never have. less
US President Donald Trump arrives to speak during a rally at the Amway Center in Orlando, Florida to officially launch his 2020 campaign on June 18, 2019.
President Donald Trump officially opened his 2020 campaign Tuesday with a speech exaggerating what he’s done for the economy and against illegal immigration.
Some claims from his rally in Orlando, Florida:
TRUMP: “Leading Democrats have even opposed measures to prevent the execution of children after birth.”
THE FACTS: Executing children is already a crime.
Trump is offering here a somewhat toned down version of a distorted story he’s been telling for months that falsely suggests Democrats are OK with murder.
His account arises from extremely rare instances when babies are born alive as a result of an attempted abortion. When these cases occur, “execution” is not an ... less
What's wrong with those who persist in seeing the USA as the KING/QUEEN ROYALTY on the chessboard rather than the pawn it is?How do they not see what goes on constantly vis a vis h... moreWhat's wrong with those who persist in seeing the USA as the KING/QUEEN ROYALTY on the chessboard rather than the pawn it is?How do they not see what goes on constantly vis a vis how poorly and badly the extremely stable genius sb prez performs on the world stage? Blinders still allow for seeing straight ahead. These folks are incapable of even doing that.
for me by now, but nothing. I gave away all my worldly goods, donated my life savings to charity and waited for their phone call. Why have they forgotten about me, why is life so c... morefor me by now, but nothing. I gave away all my worldly goods, donated my life savings to charity and waited for their phone call. Why have they forgotten about me, why is life so cruel? Don’t they realize what’s become of me, don’t they even care?~
You have the weapons used in your possession. You have video audio and corroboration. You have fingerprint voice prints faceprints. You have confessions cloaked as everyday lingo. ... moreYou have the weapons used in your possession. You have video audio and corroboration. You have fingerprint voice prints faceprints. You have confessions cloaked as everyday lingo. Still you wait for more to convict?Obviously it isn't lack of solid provable irrefutable FACTS and EVIDENCE and CORROBORATING WITNESSES you lack.What is really going on here? Is all based on fear of confronting the murderer? Delaying the confrontation will change what?Something stinks bigly in D.C. The stench is getting biglier and biglier each day. less
Can a simulated duplicated DEVIL ever perform at the same level with the same authentic credibility as the original?Don't duplicators simulators copycatting imitators always fall f... moreCan a simulated duplicated DEVIL ever perform at the same level with the same authentic credibility as the original?Don't duplicators simulators copycatting imitators always fall far short of what they try to emulate? Watered down evil? Inept impotent fake phony pretenders? Has an inept impotent imitator ever outdone the imitated?
Whose the mini-him? sillybillybarr? I dunno. I did not see the movie only outtakes or brief scenes therefrom to illustrate whatever over the years. I know the mini him was played b... moreWhose the mini-him? sillybillybarr? I dunno. I did not see the movie only outtakes or brief scenes therefrom to illustrate whatever over the years. I know the mini him was played by actor Vern Troyer(sp?) Was the mini him eviler than than the him? Are duplicates ever as evil as the originals?
By going to TRAFFIC SCHOOL of which there were many. Classroom traffic schools. The one I went to in Moreno Valley over a quarter of a century ago was "LETTUCE ENTERTAIN YOU"... moreBy going to TRAFFIC SCHOOL of which there were many. Classroom traffic schools. The one I went to in Moreno Valley over a quarter of a century ago was "LETTUCE ENTERTAIN YOU". It was fun. But do they even exist any more? Jim got a speeding ticket and I've searched for classroom schools and they all seem to be ONLINE.Any of you have experience with online traffic school? It seems bogus to me. Like an open book test. What's the point?Any southern Californians attend a classroom traffic school recently? What do folks do who don't have internet access?I've read some really bad reviews about online schools. Gotta get it taken care of with a traffic school or pay $367 AND have our auto insurance go up. AARRGGHH! :( less