There is a system that would DO AWAY with current black box technology.. We don't have to LIVE with damaged and/or unreadable black boxes any more.. It's crazy.
... moreHello:
There is a system that would DO AWAY with current black box technology.. We don't have to LIVE with damaged and/or unreadable black boxes any more.. It's crazy.
Look.. It's NOT rocket science.. It's simply taking off the shelf technology and re-purposing it. The flight data from the air frame itself along with the voices of the pilots can be UPLOADED to a series of satellites in REAL TIME, anywhere in the world. It works like "On Star".. Wherever you are in the world, if you have trouble, push the On Star button and someone WILL be there to help.. If On Star can do it, why can't the FAA?Should I go on Shark Tank?excon less
Because they are the wrong color the wrong religion belong to the wrong political parties love people that are not approved of. How is that CHRISTIAN? So are those CHRISTIANS reall... moreBecause they are the wrong color the wrong religion belong to the wrong political parties love people that are not approved of. How is that CHRISTIAN? So are those CHRISTIANS really not at all? Why do they present themselves as being Christian when they are not remotely following the teachings of CHRIST? Liars? Pretenders?
That is what ASYLUM SEEKERS are doing y'all. SAVING THEIR CHILDREN'S LIVES!.How can you turn your backs on them like that? How can you support the powerful monsters who do such evi... moreThat is what ASYLUM SEEKERS are doing y'all. SAVING THEIR CHILDREN'S LIVES!.How can you turn your backs on them like that? How can you support the powerful monsters who do such evil? Doesn't that make YOU a monster too?
Allegedly he is a WHITE NATIONALIST. He only wanted white people in New Zealand. THAT IS WHAT WHITE NATIONALIST means folks! Other colors are unwelcome. Most White Nationalists don... moreAllegedly he is a WHITE NATIONALIST. He only wanted white people in New Zealand. THAT IS WHAT WHITE NATIONALIST means folks! Other colors are unwelcome. Most White Nationalists don't massacre people. Because they're not into murder or because they are COWARDS? You choose. I abhor both kinds.
Usually I just go into the kitchen, decide what I'm hungry for and start preparing it. I rarely use recipes. Only for baking which I rarely do. Proportion is essential when y... moreUsually I just go into the kitchen, decide what I'm hungry for and start preparing it. I rarely use recipes. Only for baking which I rarely do. Proportion is essential when you bake. But soups or casseroles or stir-frys? You just start and keep going until you've got something that tastes good and then you stop. Is that a METHOD or a TECHNIQUE?
They can sue for WRONGFUL MARKETING.Well a crack in that shield protecting manufacturers against being sued for how their products are used. A step. A start. How far will it go? I ... moreThey can sue for WRONGFUL MARKETING.Well a crack in that shield protecting manufacturers against being sued for how their products are used. A step. A start. How far will it go? I dunno. But at least it is a something rather than a nothing. For once. May all the children/others slaughtered in all the massacres worldwide RIP. Including the 49 in the two mosques in New Zealand today. THIS one was a hate crime. TERRORIST driven by an anti-Muslim. The newest massacre. SIGH.
I do not know. All of this occurred during a recent BREITBART NEWS interview.The Don don was warning Democrats of implied VIOLENCE if they crossed him. He said very specifically th... moreI do not know. All of this occurred during a recent BREITBART NEWS interview.The Don don was warning Democrats of implied VIOLENCE if they crossed him. He said very specifically that he has backing him up the police the military and bikers who all can play "tough". That things could get "very bad". Now this is directed at Dems. We know he hates us and we despise him so we're even. He does have some trumpican traitors in his ranks however who voted to REBUKE him on his ego wall money. There were 12 of them who sided with the Democrats. What will he do to THEM? Are they targets also?I present your present president. In all his gory glory. Enjoy him. That is an order. OR ELSE. less
Sadly and surprisingly it was an AUSSIE..right-wing HATER of Muslims and Immigrants. Well isn't that swell? See what is coming to YOUR country and every country on the wings of Ant... moreSadly and surprisingly it was an AUSSIE..right-wing HATER of Muslims and Immigrants. Well isn't that swell? See what is coming to YOUR country and every country on the wings of Anti-Muslim hatred? Is anyone safe in any country anywhere...safe from the insane haters who seems to be breeding at accelerated rates? I dunno. Stay tuned. SIGH. :(
Y'all dam* well better not disappoint Don don. Y'all better not let him down or humiliate him. Y'all better get all your guns greased and oiled and cleaned and loaded and be ready ... moreY'all dam* well better not disappoint Don don. Y'all better not let him down or humiliate him. Y'all better get all your guns greased and oiled and cleaned and loaded and be ready for his call to arms. HE IS WATCHING YOU. D'ya have enough weapons? How about enough rounds of ammunition? Better stock up. Better get yours while the getting is good. We are preparing for war to protect what is most precious to Don don...himself. SIGH. Didja know he was such a crazy wackadoodle it would come to this? Well he is and it has and your most shining moment is just ahead. less
Ever have a prez who THREATENED opponents that he would unleash his supporters to "get tough"? Well yer very own liddle donny dingbat done did so. Are ya gonna him a liar? Or are y... moreEver have a prez who THREATENED opponents that he would unleash his supporters to "get tough"? Well yer very own liddle donny dingbat done did so. Are ya gonna him a liar? Or are ya gonna get all ready to go out and right for his honor! He says you will. Dare you be disloyal? That means you will take no prisoners. You will fight to the death to protect him and keep him in power. He sez he as all the muscle he needs and you'd better watch out. Either fight FOR him or die because of him. Ever seen anything like this? Do y'all STILL think he is cogent and sane? Really? Are you? less
USS Zumwalt is visiting Victoria Canada at present and the Captain says it's bullets are too expensive to do much firepractice.-about $1,000,000 per round.
What's ta stop ya? Whose gonna prevent ya? The world is yer erster..your cuppa tea...your bowl of pitted cherries...your banquet! No talent no brains no personality no experience n... moreWhat's ta stop ya? Whose gonna prevent ya? The world is yer erster..your cuppa tea...your bowl of pitted cherries...your banquet! No talent no brains no personality no experience no education gives you a shot at the top job. Ain't Amurrica great? Those who fail everywhere can also fail at being a prez. Grand slam. Slam dunk. No brainer!
That everyone be as mediocre as he so no one can outshine him? Of course there will be levels of mediocre..his being the highest level. I guess it would be fine eventually. Excelle... moreThat everyone be as mediocre as he so no one can outshine him? Of course there will be levels of mediocre..his being the highest level. I guess it would be fine eventually. Excellence would be destroyed in all records as if it never existed. Oldsters who spoke of it would be labeled "nuts". The memory of excellence would die out. Sad ending to grand and glorious somethings.
Well 50 of them were indicted for going too far. They wanted more than they could get legally so they went in through a side door to get more. Guess what? That was a bridge too far... moreWell 50 of them were indicted for going too far. They wanted more than they could get legally so they went in through a side door to get more. Guess what? That was a bridge too far. Now? I guess we shall see what it does to their "careers"! They committed FELONIES involving wire fraud and mail fraud for starters. The list of illegal things they did is kinda long. They all did bigly wrong. To get an edge when they already have a very wide one. Insatiable. Sex addicts drug addicts alcoholics. Obese already they keep stuffing their faces and get more and more gross. INSATIABLE. Never sated. Never satisfied. GOTTA HAVE MORE. less
Perhaps that is her greatest pleasure. Faking liking while actually despising liddle donny d? It could be! I mean her name ain't CONway fer nuttin'! :)
He already warned us about his military police and biker supporters "getting tough" on those who don't support him. What's the next logical step? Well the wall and all it ope... moreHe already warned us about his military police and biker supporters "getting tough" on those who don't support him. What's the next logical step? Well the wall and all it opens up to him.
Being as how he already threatened us with his military police and biker supporters if we don't kiss his a** what kind of Saturday nigh massacre could he order? One with AK47's? Ma... moreBeing as how he already threatened us with his military police and biker supporters if we don't kiss his a** what kind of Saturday nigh massacre could he order? One with AK47's? Make us stand up against a wall and have his police biker boys simultaneous take aim and fire? Which wall? His ego wall? Maybe that's why he wants one. To use as a target for his firing squad against which all antidons and condons and undons will be standing side by side. OK. I get it. That's what all this hubbub is about. He needs his wall desperately soonly. less
Do they lie more, cheat more, betray more? Is it in their DNA to believe they are PRIVILEGED and rules do not apply to them?Reminds me of that wacky wealthy New York dame of decade... moreDo they lie more, cheat more, betray more? Is it in their DNA to believe they are PRIVILEGED and rules do not apply to them?Reminds me of that wacky wealthy New York dame of decades ago, Leona Helmsley, who referred to we the people as "the little people". Unrich. Unlike her. Queen of Mean I think she was called. Nose in the air. Supercilious arrogant condescending. All the qualities that made her so dam* lovable! SIGH. Did she go to jail for doing what the extremely wealthy do? Cheat? LIE? STEAL? BETRAY? MURDER? less
Black and WhiteTechnicolorUnless you are colorblind and cannot differentiate colors a technicolor world is where we live and what we SHOULD be able to perceive. Why do some never s... moreBlack and WhiteTechnicolorUnless you are colorblind and cannot differentiate colors a technicolor world is where we live and what we SHOULD be able to perceive. Why do some never see that? All they see is black and white. Negative and positive.If black and white is all you can see how will you ever know what the world is really like?
The bitter divide between the prodons and antidons will not soon die. It is here to stay.Just as the pro slave/anti slave will never leave us.Just as the racist is here to stay and... moreThe bitter divide between the prodons and antidons will not soon die. It is here to stay.Just as the pro slave/anti slave will never leave us.Just as the racist is here to stay and the antis are here to stay tooThis divide will never go away. We chose sides. We will be forever chained to it.They say one person can't change the world. Bullsh**.
Well now it seems that liddle donny d WARNED opponents it would be very bad if his military police and biker supporters got tough! My Answermug friend PROVIDED A LINK. If that isn'... moreWell now it seems that liddle donny d WARNED opponents it would be very bad if his military police and biker supporters got tough! My Answermug friend PROVIDED A LINK. If that isn't mob mafia thug mentality I don't know what is.So y'all who live and breathe love for your don...he is a DON. In the worst sense. Good job. Y'all sure do know how to pick 'emYa gotchure GODFATHER to protect you because you are with him not against him. You will be OK. You can watch the carnage unfold as DA GAWDFODDER "eliminates" those he dislikes. We have been warned. Let the games begin. SIGH. less
In The Declaration of Independence we the people outlined our grievances with the King of England (Britain whatever). There were many. We wanted to free ourselves from his rule. We... moreIn The Declaration of Independence we the people outlined our grievances with the King of England (Britain whatever). There were many. We wanted to free ourselves from his rule. We did.The Civil War was about slavery. The south wanted to keep SLAVES They grooved on it. The north wanted to free slaves. They engaged in spiriting them away from bondage via THE UNDERGROUND RAILWAY. The south is still fighting the Civil War. They can never let it go or give it up. It reflects what they are and what they value. Racists want to go back to those golden days when people of color "knew their place". They hated having an African American president. They will always hate it. They don't know any other way of life. Take away their hate and what is left of them? Nothing.The war against liddle donny d? Well that is a different animal entirely. Those who are pro him think he is awesome good. Those who are anti think he is the absolute opposite. The war is ongoing daily. We have been in the throes of the don war since he be... less
He has chipped away at the AHCA since he was installed as prezHis newest budget CUTS $2.7 TRILLION from the domestic programs INCLUDING social security, medicaid and medicare. This... moreHe has chipped away at the AHCA since he was installed as prezHis newest budget CUTS $2.7 TRILLION from the domestic programs INCLUDING social security, medicaid and medicare. This means that millions of people who formerly had access to medical care won't. Guess what that means folks? Some people will DIE because of that.So you tell me how this "pro-life" windbag is pro life when he can so heartlessly rip away medical care for those who will die without it? He doesn't give a sh** about any of it. He doesn't even pretend to.Pro-life? What a crock! Pro-death is more like it. less
Just keep printing money for liddle donny d alone.You say that's outrageous and illegal? What's your point? So what? Everything about him is illegal.Wait for it. You saw it here fi... moreJust keep printing money for liddle donny d alone.You say that's outrageous and illegal? What's your point? So what? Everything about him is illegal.Wait for it. You saw it here first. Coming to your local theater. Headlines worldwide.LIDDLE DONNY D WORLD'S FIRST TRILLIONAIREHeck why stop there? How about SEPTILLIONAIRE? He's in his 70's after allSo say it happens. Will his adoring worshippers back him uo and cheer him on and not mind? Whatcha think?